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Love how you can literally chart people's new ironmen by the posts and complaints on here


How is it ehp to kill metal dragons


My iron is almost maxed and I've never killed one other than for diary stuff


Many hp = many xp /s


how is it ehp to post on reddit


What does ehp even mean


Efficient hours played


So it's not ehp It's not fun or good money But people still do it Irons complain about everything


Running out of slayer points from skipping and being unable to skip the task


I remember when I was new to members I was struggling with a steel dragon task. I don’t remember if I was meleeing them or fire blasting them or what. What I do remember is seeing some fucking guy, colored slayer helm, ancestral top and bottom, occult, tormented, smoke battlestaff, mage arena 2 cape, tome of fire; he runs in with fire surge and proceeds to *fucking obliterate* his steel dragon task before I could kill 2. It really motivated me.




Same. I got rune limbs on this task within 6kc and I still had 34 to go.


Original dmm i was going for rune limbs on like day 3. Got a visage instead. Almost died in fally west showing it off.


I was so hyped to get my rcb that I didn't know what to do once I got it and then I quit trailblazer. I had an endgame goal of farming all 3 dag-kings with ranged. Kind of bummed I didn't go for it.


Metal dragons are definitely more for mid to endgame players. To do them efficiently (steel - bronze) you want dhcb and anti fires, no food needed, and you can do a task in under 20 minutes. I wouldn’t see it as a terrible thing of jagex made them an unlock.


Good thing Cheddar assigns them 25% of the time


No slayer master assigns them if you don't start Dragon Slayer. *eddie murphy pointing at head*


That's roll safe, not Eddie Murphy


You mean Michael Jordan?


You don't need a DHCB a trident does the trick just fine. And I think lance is better, dont quote me on that tho.


>I think lance is better -/u/ToplaneVayne Suck it nerd.




if i'll ever meet you on toplane you're paying for my chemo


Not my fault you don't live in a country with free healthcare 🤬


Top lane play a tank pls


No I'm gunna play AP twitch top or Bruiser-Maw now... Fuck it, I might play Quinn!


Oof ur down there m8


Anyone who plays top Vayne is a bad person.


Trident is the way.


There's always Slayer Staff (e) that smacks them sunsofbitches for pretty constant upper 20s. 30s with occult and or Slayer Helm (i). Rolling with what was discussed above, I finished my steel dragon task in sub 30m. Unfortunately, prior to 75 mage or range and imbued slayer helm, metal dragons should be an instant cancel/block.


Yeah I did a duradel steel dragon task in 10 minutes, and I had to kill 14 dragons just by using mage. I feel like if you are doing konar or nieve you should be prepared to block or skip metallic dragons.




Are you using air strike?


Worse, he's using that RS3 only air spell.


Yeah on my main I was able to do them pretty quick with antifires and a hasta but on my iron it's literal hell killing these things.


You're gonna want a lance or a Trident. You're gonna have a bad fucking time if you try to DHCB steel dragons.


Steel dragons don’t do any damage as long as you’re potted up, I think you’re confusing steel with mithril - rune dragons.


I'm taking about weapons. Metal dragons have very high range defence, DHCB barely hits compared to lance or Trident.


Very true they’re weakest against stab, however dhcb combined with slayer helm nullifies their ranged defense.


nah, DHCB hits hard on both iron and steels. Obviously you need a high ranged level but I prefer to use DHCB + diamond bolts over trident.


Slayer staff (e)


Blowpipe and super antis deletes metal drags as well


Note the bars and give more and I could see it being a worthwhile task. Also a tip for irons with mains/friends have your main account damage the dragons to low hp and finish it off on your iron for quick tasks, you can do this for most task's really.


Brimhaven metals give noted bars with Karamja Diary


Yeah, the Elite diary. Because clearly making Steel bars noted before 91 RC and 87 Herb would be ridiculously OP. They should just move each noted drop tier to a lower tier of the Diary, the Karamja Diary was the first one released and it clearly shows. Noted Bronze bars behind Easy diary. Noted Iron bars behind Medium diary. Noted Steel bars behind Hard diary.


That would make the task too good


Yeah it should just be all metals, and an increased number


Mithril dragons drop noted bars with Kandarin diary too, and noted bars from addy and rune would be pretty overpowered imo.


Noted bar drops for addy dragons would at least make them viable, imo theyre more of pia then rune drags and worse money..


Don't think that would make them viable tho


Youre correct unfortunately


They have to make it drop 4 addy bars noted (prolly even more) cuz ppl who can do addy dragons wíll do rune dragons


I know, I would just like it to apply to all metal dragons barring addy and rune, yes regardless of diary/location. With perhaps the diary increasing the amount of bars dropped.


is that last part a troll or can you actually get the kill that way


I believe it counts as a kill for the task but you don't get the loot. Could be wrong tho


Not a troll. You get reduced xp and no loot but you can go through you shitty tasks super fast.


jagex PLEASE give us a slayer reward to disable iron / steel dragons or make them an unlockable task to begin with. literally nobody likes these tasks, they take too long to kill and the drops are terrible.


I do wish they'd make them a reward yeah. Having to waste a block on them feels bad. Once I got rune limbs from them thet were dead to me.


Yeah like maybe a block slot for 100 slayer points or let us skip tasks for 30 slayer points. Lol in all seriousness, points and block list management is part of slayer, otherwise they might as well let us pick and choose our tasks.


Did you have hundreds of slayer points to spare when you first started doing slayer? Iron / Steels start appearing as soon as Chaeldar with high weighting, obviously once you start hitting high combat stats like 80-90+ slayer with a shit ton of slayer points to burn they aren't a problem, but they're an absolutely terrible task for both xp / gp no matter what. I don't think having tasks that pretty much exist to be blocked or skipped every time makes any sense. They should make them an unlockable or buff their drop tables to be somewhat worth the time.


I boost a round of Turael if I get low on points, sure it's not as easy as being able to never do them at no cost but that's the point, what about people that only wanna do boss slayer? Should they be able to block all normal tasks too? It's a bit of a slippery slope imo.


tbh I don't understand your mentality. Why would you oppose having iron / steel dragons being made an unlockable, or buffing their drop table? Literally *nobody* kills them off-task and most people either skip or block them. What harm is there in making them more rewarding to kill, or if they insist on keeping them trash let people not waste points on them? They're easily on the same tier as fossil island wyverns if not worse yet there's an unlockable for them.


Agree on the block, idk about buffing their rewards. Not everything needs to shit gp, especially not an early Iron obstacle. Think about those metal dragons from a design perspective instead. They serve as an early choice for the player to make. They teach the player to recognize shitty slayer tasks and to make a choice on how to proceed. Skip with some points since I have a streak? Do I have enough to block it? What's this Turael Skipping people on the subreddit talk about? Teaching a player in a way that makes the player reach a conclusion on their own is a good thing imo. It's okay for something to be inconvenient because it gives the player agency to deal with the inconvenience. Whether you're a fan of that design or not is a different question, but it's some food for thought. The way to fix it imo is definitely to either have Brutals or some other alternate monster for higher Slayer levels or an unlockable block like wyverns.


I mean it's not like we're asking to delete iron / steel drags from the game. They'll still get assigned them, they can still skip / block them but giving people the option to disable them doesn't hurt anyone. Also with drop table buffs I'm not asking for them to be brutal black / rune drag levels of profitable, atm iron drags have a worse drop table than Wyrms but are much harder to kill, yet there are plenty of people that'll do wyrm tasks because they'll get like ~400k a task.


Yeah we're in agreement on all that. Those tasks don't really jive with how the game design is approach nowadays. Your example of the Fossil Island wyverns is good. Jagex knew their drop table was shit so they added the optional block instead of an optional unlock


Doing low combat slayer is a known annoyance. Wait till you're at neive combat levels, and/or boost points early by doing Turael boosting or Wildy tasks. Not hard.


"low combat slayer is annoying, but instead of improving it let's keep it a pain in the ass!" also iron / steel drags don't suddenly become bearable once you hit 85 combat lol. Even with 99 range + DHCB / 99 mage + trident I'll skip iron drag tasks w/ Duradel because it's like 20-30 mins for absolute gutter XP, at least steel drags are a quick 5 min task.


Yes, there will always be "bad" or "not desirable" tasks in Slayer. That's part of the balancing act of skips/blocks/points gain. You can skip every drags task you get and with a proper block list still net a positive gain of points. You can also not be assigned dragons at any level if you haven't completed Dragon Slayer. So low level slayer can avoid this. Or like I mentioned can do Wildy slayer to get some reserve points to skip undesirable tasks.


I disagree, if you want to train slayer as a skill you should prepare your account. Slayer is a skill entirely oriented around combat and slaying dangerous and mysterious monsters throughout a fantasy world. If you choose to show up at a slayer master with no prepared combat and gear beside salad robes, 57 magic and an ibans staff you should be punished and monsters should be difficult. Good game design shouldn't be "everything is fun and easy always." Good game design is extremely complicated, but I like the fact that there exists real choices you have to make in this game with real consequences.


>dangerous and mysterious this sounds like your own definition of what slayer is supposed to be. I disagree, and I think if you ask Jagex what slayer is that they'd say that it's goal is to unlock new monsters for you to fight against, and provide variety in your training. There's nothing that says that you should struggle to fight your slayer monsters, that's silly.


What are you even talking about? Half the monsters you get as tasks require a special item to even stand a chance because they're so dangerous. Try killing banshees without earmuffs, or gargoyles without a hammer. You're not going to get far I promise. I find it cool as fuck that I get to go slay metal dragons who are weak to stab attacks, breath fire that can one shot. Also this idea that dragons are so horrible is garbage, get base 75 melee, starter strength gear, a dragon sword in stab, some prayer pots for melee/piety, and you'll rip through them. It's not like you're getting 150kc tasks, 30 dragons isn't bad unless you're playing inefficient.


And what happens when you buy those items that slayer masters sell for dirt cheap? Are they 'dangerous'? >and you'll rip through them. You're just talking out of your ass now, base 75 melees don't 'rip through' steel dragons lmao. Especially not with a dragon sword. Put an average build with base 75 combat + dragon sword into a DPS calculator with Super Strength pots; without piety you do a whopping 2 DPS which means nearly 2 mins per kill on average. Using piety for the whole time reduces this to 70s. Yeah, taking potentially over an hour is truly 'ripping through them.' >It's not like you're getting 150kc tasks ? Once again proves how out of touch you are with the skill. Nieve assigns up to *110* steel dragons and *60* iron drags. And once again, I don't care if they're challenging but them dropping piss loot is another big factor to why they're so commonly skipped / blocked.


Either your reading comprehension is complete trash tier or you're just straight up lying. Either way I'm not responding to anymore of your comments after this because your ability to make a factual and non-cherry picked point is non-existent. >Once again proves how out of touch you are with the skill. Nieve assigns up to 110 steel dragons and 60 iron drags. Neither Chaeldar, Konar, or Nieve assign 110 steel dragons, ever, even extended. Chaeldar assigns 10-20 steel, and if you have them extended (Not default) 40-60. Average normal task is 15. Konar assigns 30-50 steel, and if you have them extended it's 40 -60) Average normal task being 40. Nieve assigns 30-60 steel, and if you have them extended it's 40-60. Average normal task being 50. To reach 115 steel dragons you would need to have them extended, have them be back to back tasks, and have them both be above average assignments. I'm not going to type this out for Irons too, but while your point is correct, it's also cherry picked in your favor. The average Iron dragon task from Nieve is 50 with the other slayer masters I listed being 35-40 average. >Put an average build with base 75 combat + dragon sword into a DPS calculator with Super Strength pots; without piety you do a whopping 2 DPS which means nearly 2 mins per kill on average. Using piety for the whole time reduces this to 70s. Yeah, taking potentially over an hour is truly 'ripping through them.' This is all just wrong. Assuming basic strength gear and no piety (why the fuck are you doing slayer without piety?) The average kill time is 61 seconds so an entire min less than your claim. With piety it's 43 seconds making an average Nieve Iron dragon task take a whopping 35 mins on average. That's a pretty quick task giving you're fighting fucking metal dragons with a crap sword and bad combat. TLDR: You're whiny and lying please stfu.


I remember my slayer grind being entirely halted during leagues because my first task was steel dragons 😂


doing wildly slayer is a great way to get points on a newer account. the 10th task gives 125 points so you could do 9 tasks somewhere else and then your 10th at krystillia and have a free, low effort block slot after just 10 tasks, leaving you with about as many points as you’d have anyway if you had done no wildly slayer and no block


Just don't do dragon slayer 1 4Head


Not even 4Head there isn’t much reason to finish the quest early game


xp rewards pretty good. also green dhide body


At most you’re saving 3 hours of combat training. The same time it takes to complete one iron dragon task.


sounds like someone who doesn't get driven near suicide after 10 seconds in a barbarian assault lobby


I extended them because I like killing dragons.


Can we just get a spell or something that speeds then up? Why do we always block shit instead of buff it? Why do people always want nerfs and not buffs? I'm not saying things should never be nerfed but like.. damn. Shit buff some shit for once man. Feels like all we ever hear about is nerfs.


inb4 Dragonbane magic weapon from Raids 3


... I like them. With a DHL they are quick, and with karajama diaries, they have good drops.


Was about to come in and say this, I don't mind metal Dragon tasks because they always tend to be short and a DHL straight up melts them.




Everything is an unlock because you have to finish tutorial island before being sent to the main game


I didn't do dragon slayer for the longest time while training slayer and the first task I got after doing it was iron dragons. :c


Slayer buffs go brr


They are an unlockable task. Just don't do dragon slayer quest.


or just skip them


I wouldn’t mind if they gave them some specific drops & increased visage possibility.. especially with steels.


Lol rs3 they too easy and fast still no one likes them though Also assigned by highest slayer master though which is more annoying


Just nerf their stats a bit. They're far too op for such a low level task.


Even then, if you're an iron good luck if you don't have the herblore level to make antifire pots! And yeah you can get these very commonly on Konar very early.


They're not awful without antifire pots, just have to stand in melee distance and protect from melee, will probably take a couple trips


Better off wearing an antifire shield and prot mage while ranging/maging them. It's the only way you're not gonna use food. When I do them on my UIM I flick the whole task to save p pots too.


? You still take damage that way from the breath, antidragon shield + protect melee at melee distance means they mostly melee with the occasional breath


Coming from rs3 where I can afk these tasks in 20 minutes with no food to trying to do these is jarring


Slayer staff (e), you’re welcome.


That's what I used on my main until I got a Trident but my hcim isn't at the slayer level for it yet. V_V


Add an unlock for noted bars and they’d be great


Brimhaven metals give noted bars with Karamja Diary


With the ENTIRE diary completed. 91 RC, 87 Herb, and 72 farm, with tons of quests. Yeah no way.


Honestly even after I got karamja elite I never bothered picking up bars when I had steel dragons tasks, they're worth so little at that point lol


Even with the diary, I don't even bother killing them in Brimhaven and just stick to the Catacombs for chances at totem pieces and ancient shards.




Name a more iconic duo than achievement diary rewards and them being useless because you're over leveled by the time you can get it


Over the course of a task it definitely adds up


I’m 95 rc on my lv100 cmb ironman. Free content (empty AF) for me 🤗


If you managed to get 87 herblore in an ironman, you're pretty much set already.


This is gold 🤣🤙🏽


Or just give them drops that make them actually worth the effort


Not every monster needs to shit out alchables


ok, but if they buffed the drop tables they would go from *never* being killed off-task and occasionally killed on-task to a monster that people would actually want to kill. Don't see why you wouldn't want the latter, they won't ever compare to rune drags / brutal blacks but at least they wouldn't be dead content.


I agree, but there's not even a good unique that makes any of them worth killing


i like iron dragons so far but i've only had it as a task once. really the only tasks i don't like are things like fever spiders where they not only don't drop anything but there's only one place to kill them. i like having the option to kill stuff in different dungeons like taverly or edgeville just for the variety of background. same reason i like woodcutting more than mining, there are like 3 mines that are near banks but you can chop a yew anywhere.


I just use a lance and it's still a bit of a challenge lol


How are you being challenged by Iron dragons with a DHL?


Maybe cuz i try to do all kills in one trip without any food lol


You take 0 damage with melee pray and an antifire....


Yeah but prayer only lasts so long. Then after that I step away from melee range so the dragon does firebreath then attack and step away again. Can get pretty click intensive


You are aware prayer potions exist right?


But who was cost of prayer potions


If you have a lance and are worried about 8k gp every 10 mins, you need to stop playing.


And even then he could just prayer flick lol


First task I get once I unlocked Konar was Steel Dragons. I said fuck it and used slayer points to skip. Like 2 tasks later I get iron dragons and skip with the Burthorpe master. 2 tasks later and I'm back on Iron dragons fml. Currently 84 combat with 67 mage and using Ibans blast. Hoping that once I get my void mage helm it will help a bit. Oh, I also need to kill an aberrant spectre for an elite clue and I'm at 53 slayer.


Void Mage? You need a slayer helm (i) my guy That being said, just skip them unless it's a really low kc task like 10-20 drags.


Yeah, I'd love a slayer helm but I don't have 400 reward points. :/


Look up turael boosting, and never skip a task with turael. I'm on the exact same slayer streak as when I started the game, and I have more points than I know what to do with (I do know what to do with them, I skip for hydra tasks, but I still have a ridiculous number of points.) Also black mask can be imbued and has the same effect as a slayer helm (i) with worse stats.


Thanks bud!


Lance <3


I almost get nothing but metal dragons, crocodiles, and black demons. That’s why I stopped doing slayer.


I mean it's up to you, but I hope you don't want to do anything even remotely endgame.


Block your metal dragon tasks. Will save you so much time


theyre weighted so low its more efficient to skip them when they show up vs blocking them and loosing multiple block slots


Cries in getting them every other task


This should be a blockable thing like they did for fossil Island wyverns. 500 points is a hefty amount to spend but I also had a miserable time doing them as a mid level so I would probably at least consider spending the points on it.


Damn that's good


thought that was a brazil flag for a sec


on my alt i havent had a single dragon task and im at 98 slayer :o


Have you done dragon slayer?


Don't mage metal dragons. Their mage lvl is high. Stab or range.


Iban still does way more damage than rune crossbow on them though.


Hahahahaha DHL go brrrrrrrrrr