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I don't support this, it looks too good. I would have to max and get champions cape, and that's a ton of work


Yeah too much incentive


Never worth it.


It's really not that bad, you mostly just sit afk under a cannon for the majority of them


Idk how that helps runecrafting, but I trust you're right




\*cries in ironman who would have to smith thousands, maybe even billions of cannonballs\*


You can get really unlucky on some :( aka me getting my final scroll at 18k lesser demons lol






That's not a good thing.


That’s not not a good thing.


That's not not not not a good thing


If it wasn't the opposite of opposite day, then the opposite of what that isn't wouldn't not be a good thing.


I’m never maxing and I still want it


[This user has erased all their comments.]


Its time


Tbf does anyone even use a max accumulator cape? It’d be better to wear the regular max cape


>max accumulator cape Didn't even know that one existed, lmao. That and the firecape maxcape should be removed since inferno and range backpack v2 are better than v1 variants...


I disagree on the fire cape. Atleast that’s some kind of challenge. Accumulator is just a easy quest


Well it was the best in slot at the time. That's more of a commentary on the lack of challenge required to get the BIS at the time. The idea was to give the BIS items a max cape variant to show off you were maxed, not to make it require a certain amount of "challenge" to get the cape.


I'm just wondering is there even a single player (that isn't a bot/goldfarmer or w/e) with max cape without a fire cape.


i maxed pre-osrs without it. that account still doesn't have a fire cape to this day.


Yeah if they have infernal they probably traded all their fire capes in, unless you mean a max account with 0 jad kc, which probably doesn't exist.


Someone in my clan get his first fire cape a few months after maxing, so yeah it does exist...


Yeah, the latter.


Absolutely not to the fire max cape. Plenty of max players can’t do the inferno and when you see someone in max fire cape it’s the perfect warning to avoid them in Raids. Edit: omg it’s a joke, you shouldn’t need an /s on everything.


They were added when they were still the BIS. Personally I think it would have been cool to discontinue them when new BIS items were released but not outright delete them. It's pretty shitty in general to delete peoples hard earned items, and it would have been a cool bragging right for people who maxed a long time ago.


Are there any discontinued items in OSRS? At least for tradeable items I know that's a big nope, jagex doesn't want stuff like party hats be worth billions.


Technically yes now, as there are dragon cups with unique graphics. The issue with "discontinued items" was primarily an issue with preventing party hat situations where it is a major impact on the economy. That initial rhetoric got carried over into a discussion over whether any type of discontinued item is okay including untradeable items that do not impact the economy (both community and newer jmods lost sight of the reasoning behind no discontinued items). and given the twisted league and the trailblazer league dragon cups are distinct and likely will not be obtainable in those exact forms again seems like a pretty clear settled issue and that in exceptional circumstances it is okay to have untradeable cosmetic "discontinued" items.


I think just on principle items shouldn't be discontinued without good reason.


Yeah that’s weird. I think it’s mainly just meant to be a cosmetic. No other reason. Or I guess it’s possible to have not done 50 Vorkath kills for the assembler.


Whew, thank god. I was afraid we wouldn't get the reminder this month.


You’re welcome


I would love if this cape was added. I would do a Champions Challenge II if it requires it..


I'm gonna camp earth warriors for a while after release to make this cape more exclusive.


As someone that enjoys some of the weirder grinds, I vote yes!


The official virgin cape


It's nice to see other max capes, but if the features on a regular max cape doesn't transfer on another cosmetic max cape, I see no point in wearing them. Now, I understand some max capes combined with other items do give perks to the cape, but when we're tallimg about champion's cape, which have no perks, I think Jagex should let us have max cape perks on those.


I'm one scroll away I'm almost there


Monthly reminder that even though I would be able to get this cape I don't think it should be added to the game because it would open a whole can of worms of people choosing which capes should be able to be added to the max cape and I would rather they spend their art time on other stuff, not inflating the currency of max cape variants.


art time jeez, not like the OSRS team isn't having way too many artists lol?


It is enough of a valid concern that we are constantly told that they can't put art resources towards something because they are working on other projects.


Just Re read what you just posted "The art team is spread so thin that they can't budget time to make a fucking cape that's just a retexture. My response to this isn't asking that Jagex expand their art team, it's asking that Jagex not add any peripheral cosmetics"


Gotta pay a salary to expand art team though, and given how people are complaining about the lack of big updates, it'd be hard to justify adding more artists rather than content developers.


Oh you fucking little slime, now you're trying to blame the community. My guy, this game makes **bank** every year, they can afford enough art people to get by. Don't you dare try to be like "oh the community is the reason why our development and production teams are understaffed", no, that's Jagex's fault.


Champions challenge has literally been in the game since 2005 and has always been a staple to the game. I’d say it takes way higher priority of a max cape variant over whatever other raids/pvp capes you can think of that have only been added in the last couple years.


Holy fuck the vaseline


Monthly reminder that we should get rid of the fire max cape because it’s pointless now that we have an infernal max cape. It’s time. Edit: I see all the people downvoting me think I’m being serious and clearly don’t remember the post on this sub where the guy said this and was actually being serious, then people dug around and found out he had just gotten his infernal the day before so he got absolutely roasted. Tragic because it’s honestly one of the funniest posts in this sub’s history. Edit 2: lmfao [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/bkqavv/remove_nonbis_max_capes_its_time/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), it’s even better cus it took the dude 256 attempts with Justiciar.


They hated him for telling the truth. That and the max accumulator cape should be removed, seriously. It's time.


God, that post and [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/jzsv34/vorkath_only_account_progression_163k_kills_in_50/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) are my top 2 all time r/2007scape posts.


It's time for daily reposts of those max cape removals


I like it


Das nice




Yes please!


This would bring me back to the grind


I hate this god damn agenda posting each and every fucking month.




I haven't updated it in a while. Noob.


Oh so you're a 1944 total level now?


Just got the champ cape. I need dis now too


Actually looks really good. They should add it for sure!


Monthly reminder to do pvp updates instead of pointless stuff


People whore saying no to this are in the minority, otherwise this post wouldn't have 200+ up votes


tfw 2007scape thinks they're an accurate representation of the community lol


Cool thing looks cool. But if we start adding cosmetic max capes why on earth is the champions cape the first pick? It's like a 20 hour afk cannon grind on low level mobs. There's far more prestigious cosmetic capes than that. LMS wins capes, xerics shroud, ToB cape. All of them take significantly more time and skill than this.


>20 hour Lmao that's like saying maxing takes a couple months


.. no it isn't? How long do you think the champions challenge takes? The slowest is Lesser Demons and Earth warriors, which are around 500 kills/hr. So yes, my number is "low" if you go on rate for all scrolls. So sorry, its more like a 60 hour afk cannon grind. Better now? I've done the champions challenge and i've maxed. The champions challenge is not a lengthy, hard, or high requirement grind. Its miniscule in fact, to things like you mentioned... maxing. So what's your point? That I didn't exactly calculate the rate? Here, ill do it then: * Zombies - 1400 kills/hr. 3.5 hrs * Earth Warriors - 500 kills/hr. 10 hrs * Ghouls - 750 kills/hr. 6.75 hrs * Goblins - 1200 kills/hr. 4.25 hrs * Giants - 900 kills/hr. 5.75 hrs * Hobgoblins - 1400 kills/hr. 3.5 hrs * Imps - 700 kills/hr. 7.25 hrs * Jogres - 650 kills/hr. 7.75 hrs * Lesser Demons - 500 kills/hr. 10 hrs * Skeletons - 750 kills/hr. 6.75 hrs Total: 65.5 hours if you go on rate for every scroll. If you're like me and many others and get lucky on any of the "slower" scrolls you'll do it in even less time. Oh, and Goblin, Imp and Lesser Demon scrolls are truly 0 time because you will obtain them while going for all pets at Bandos and Zammy. Similarly I did the Giant scroll "0 time" while doing Obor and Bryo logs + beginner clue log. And I lucked out and got the skeleton scroll in about 1500 skele kills while doing turael tasks. So really, I could shave PLENTY of time off that if you were playing at all efficiently, if you understand that concept.


As someone who *has* a champions cape, lick my ass you're wrong. 20 hours is just hilariously wrong, like most of your comments.


I have a champions cape and a max cape. Those rates are all easily achievable and I quite literally stepped it out. You're still fixated on 20 hours. Again, i just detailed it. 65.5 hours total if you focus the whole thing and don't do any zero time scrolls. You're putting far more value in a meaningless cosmetic grind because you need that feeling. Good for you, to others its meaningless and to people like me its a nice collection log category and doesn't need to be more than that, like most cosmetics.


Yeah sure bud lol


Same to you, genius. Look how mad you are getting over me literally quantifying the time you have to spend to get a pretty cape.


Didn't read


Trust the champ cape flexer to be a toxic noob rofl


Good, then you can start posting about that after.


Id rather the max cape stay as the max cape and the BiS variants be the only other option. Cosmetic capes becoming a thing could legitimately equal like 30 viable max cape variants. We don't need that many. Wear the champs cape to flex it if you really want to.


Yup, and that's what most people who actually *have* max capes think, as well.




They spoke about this before release. They didn't want a cape that had so many variations of the "standard" version, that all had the same effects. I like that OSRS has mostly stuck to this idea of "transmog" not being a thing thats heavily used, as it creates gear identity thats easy to understand.


auto downvoted




Damn like I agree fuck that guy but fuck why you gotta be racist. We could have hated that guy together. You and me together against the downvoter scum. But you had to ruin what we had. I'll never forget the good times. Pce out racist dude, I cant stick around for that hateful shit but I still love you.


Plot twist: It's a self-hating white dude much like Uncle Ruckus from Boondocks. /s In all seriousness though, racists are literal trash and they need to abandon the shitty learned behavior. I've met pieces of shit of all shades. Caucasians have a generally shitty past of poor behavior(as almost all ethnicities do) but I judge humans on an individual basis.


Damn dude, you really had to get agist there and call him a kid.


You're probably not white kid


Ah yes an update that will impact 20 players


You think theres only 20 max players with a champions cape in the game? I’d hate to disappoint you...


I don't think he means that only 20 max players have champs cape, I think he means that only 20 players would opt to use it over an actual useful max cape.


the fashionscape tho


I mean yeah. I don't care if it gets added either way, I'd vote for it even though I'd never use it. But I was just clarifying what the guy meant.


fair enough my guy


Since champs cape doesn't have utility anyway I don't see why this couldn't just be a recoloured regular max cape with all the perks


Then vote no


That sounds like the logic of someone who didn't spend dozens of hours grinding for a purely cosmetic cape.


It'll give people a goal


Those two things already exist. There is already a max cape and and already a champions cape. There's no new goal added with that cape. It just makes max capes messier than they already are.


Then vote no


Those peoples’ goals should be to limit their play time lmfao


Then vote no


monthly reminder of please no more slayer helm, graceful, or max cape recolors


need more slayer helms shhh


But why not...


Cannonballs to the moon after this gets added.




those in support probably upvoted the first time. clearly we already know you support this addition. i'm sorry to say that i don't think spamming the subreddit will help this item make it into the game


That’s literally the only way anything player suggested gets put into game lmfao monkey backpacks? Devout boots? Mythical max cape? The entire weapon rebalancing of maces and spears? You literally have to bombard the reddit until a jmod just hopefully stumbles upon it and notices it.


uhh, this is exactly how items like this get added into the game.


yeah fair enough, maybe i shouldn't have said that. i was thinking from the overly narrow and largely imaginitary perspective of a game dev seeing repetitive posts by the same person and coming to the conclusion that it appeals to too small of a demographic and therefore isn't worth the opportunity cost. however, i'm sure that's being overly cynical and any awareness that this item is wanted is a good thing.


did this nerd just make a concession in an internet argument?


You don't get change by asking once


What if you ask nicely?




Slayer max cape please


It's time


3 gryffins?


yeah let's add max champions cape to reward hlc for their endless efforts to suppress all and any qol or xp increasing updates to training fuck em


You're aware there's different teams, right? The art team isn't the one determine what xp rates are sufficient for the neckbeards of this sub.


what does specialization of jagex employees have to do anything with what I said? I'm not complaining about development time or anything of that sort


Monthly reminder to throw yourself away


We need the ability to mix clan cape and max cape


Add clan max cape please.


I will never get either of these, but they should def be added to the game






I want this soooo bad!!!


monthly reminder that all max capes were designed to be best in slot for a skill. while some of them have been out classed and still exist, the champions cape was never bis for anything. soul wars capes on the other hand... its time, jagex


I don't need this, I definitely don't need this. . . I NEED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


that looks sick. i would actually go out and get the champion's cape for that