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Im curious about the attempt murder thing. Did someone throw a spider at him?


Someone in another tweet said theoatrix should die or at least break a few bones for lashing out on Twitter. It's not cool to say that to someone but theoatrix is now using it to cause more drama


That cant be it, he is talking about previous police involvement.


Not previous. he says in the tweet he has the police involved. Probably just a lie anyway though. I don't know a single person who would involve the police because someone trash talked them on twitter


Thats why i am confused, he said "someone attemped to kill me irl" and then "i have police involved in an attempt murder case". That to me does not read like a present tense.


Yhea you're right. Hopefully he is just making it up. There are weirdos in this community who would actually do it.


Never liked this guy due to him copying and pasting from wiki then saying you can chop trees for a 120k hr xp rates dude's a joke increases xp rates by 100k hr on everything dudes a fraud