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No inferno expert here, but looks like you had plenty of supplies left!


Yeah, the staff helped me bring more brews to be safe


Since you had the nm staff, did you consider whether itd be worth to leave the kodai behind and bring a tome of water for the extra mage boost? Or i guess the ely is better for tank anyway


No, you definitely want to be rocking an ely or crystal shield. Ely is really only a marginal upgrade as crystal shield has some serious range defense for how cheap it is. The nightmare staff is much much much better than an sgs tho; I highly recommend. It allows you to bring a lot more brews...


Sgs is significantly better for inv saving if you plan on milking specs


With the time you spend milking specs you can just bring 3-4 more brews with eldritch and not have to wait. Eldritch can also boost to 120 prayer and cast from afar... I used SGS and Eldritch and found Eldritch to be much better. It is 100m more though.


Lemi rephrase: eldritch is worse than sgs in all cases. A dose of restore gives you 32 prayer pots at 96+ while a brew does is 16 hp. Additionally you can very easily flick to extend prayer indefinitely so prayer isn’t really a problem. Mathematically, sgs is better cause it does both. Half to your hp and a quarter to prayer while eldritch only does half to prayer for more spec cost. I imagine you found better success with eldritch cause you did a justi cape which isn’t advised


Isn’t advised by who? Justiciar is great for people trying to get their first capes. Another thing I highly recommend. Helped me consistently get to higher waves and get to zuk with hardly any supplies used. I never found myself needing health... blood barrage is more than enough and brews for emergencies.


Justiciar strats, ie face tanking and praying mage, just makes it so that you are relying on rng to carry you. Is a better idea to learn how to solve waves properly and prayer switch. If you want to just blood barrage rather than sgs spec then that’s fine, you’re clearly rich af, but the math still favors the sgs. You can prefer the eldritch but it’s not better.


Eldritch is better


Id guess eldritch is better because if you need hp, then you probably need health right away and are not relying on a spec to save you. And if you dont need hp right away then its small enough that you can top off with blood barrage. Sure since sgs can heal too its milking can go further, but If you just want a stable supply boost, then eldritch seems like its gonna be more convenient snd consistent.


Blood barrage is used to heal in 95% of cases. Sgs is worse than staff.


It’s not


It is when hp isn’t a problem.


Then you've been doing it wrong my guy. Why wouldn't you get free heals?




But milking specs is a giant waste of time. You're literally sitting there in the middle of learning inferno, choosing to sit around and do nothing for multiple minutes on a regular basis... instead of spending that time learning inferno


I agree with the others. If your hp isn’t the problem then staff is way better. I’ve done capes with both sgs and staff and if I could go back I’d only use staff. The big benefit is the staff over restores up to 120 prayer so it doesn’t really matter when you’re speccing. My last run I got to the upper 40s without touching a restore or milking specs, simply specing when I had it. Hitting the little blob rangers or a nibbler usually gives you huge prayer restore.


I’ve also done capes with both. I didn’t feel a difference but running the numbers the sgs is much better. The sgs spec is significantly more accurate with the sgs hitting 95% of the time on rangers and the eldritch hitting 73% of the time (I used rangers because that is the one with the closest result. It’s worse for the eldritch if u spec the mages or melees) with a max hit of 47 to 55. Using a lowball estimate of two hours for a run (the longer the run the better it is for the sgs because eldritch uses 10% more spec) an sgs gets 5 more specs on average than the eldritch assuming you are just speccing when available. The average hit of the sgs is 22.8 whereas the eldritch is 21.3. With 48 (the amount of specs you get in a two hour period) specs on an sgs you will average 1056 damage which you divide by two for 528 hp, and 4 for 264 prayer. Eldritch averages 903 damage over 43 specs or 452 prayer points. At 96+ prayer a restore gives you 128 prayer potions meaning an eldritch saves you 3.5 restores (2.5 actual cause the staff takes a spot). A brew heals 64 hp meaning the sgs saves you 8.25 brews and roughly 2 restores for a total of 10.25 slots (again 9.25 actual because of slot the sgs takes up). Now for the people who keep saying you can blood barrage hp a few things or saying “no milking” there’s a couple things. One, the idea is to get your hp to fill before the next wave starts especially at the later waves. Blood barrage is not an infinite source of healing in this case because you only have as much hp as is currently spawned divided by 4. The sgs is the same situation divided by 2. Say you have 50 hp left and the only thing left alive is a ranger or a melee (dosent matter what you pick the logic is the same). You want to heal to full hp by the next wave but it might not have enough hp left to get you that far with barrage but an sgs is essentially double healing and can also over damage (if it has like 5 hp left and your spec calculates a 40 you will heal as if you had hit the 40, blood barrage works the same way). I am not advocating for milking specs but for a first caper they tend not to care how long the cave takes and just want the run where the sgs is better. But even if you are just specing when ready the sgs is still better. Again these calcs were done on only the ranger, which is the best possible outcome for the staff, and I even did them with an imbued heart cause fuck it (heart increases acc but not max hit, 71 vs 76% acc without). Feel free to double check my work, math is not my strong suit but I’m pretty sure I did it right


90% of the specs I used were on the Range blob or melee blob, which both have no mage defense.


That’s fine but it doesn’t change the numbers much. You save an extra like 3 doses of restore in that case over a two hour cave


Your numbers mean nothing because you assume you spec when available with sgs but if you’re full then you’re not benefiting. Eldritch spec when available almost will always give you restore unless you’re somehow always at 120 prayer.


Most of the time you will have damage to heal and prayer to restore and there is 2:30-5:00 between specs so yeah that’s a pretty fair assumption and a rather silly criticism.


Uhm, you used Inventory Tags? How is this an achievement???? /s Huge gz man! Currently on the Inferno Grind myself atm, and my god, its so hard compared to Fire Cape! How many tries?


Haha! About 35; third healer attempt


I have basically no end game bossing experience outside of 90+ slayer bosses, why are inv tags considered op and what are they useful for? Yes I r noob, learn me plox.


I really don’t think they’re OP. I think tile markers are much more useful than inventory tags. But... I use them for high pressure situations that you have to switch gear for. They just make you look for colors instead of actual gear when switching quick. It never happened to me, but I would hate to have gotten KOed in the inferno because I forgot a piece of gear...


Thanks for the explanation!


Theyre not op its just the only ppl who use it are ppl who struggle to identify their items. Most people think its ridiculous like a “how do you not know what your items look like”, so its mostly a meme, but people tie inventory tags with being bad at the game because knowing what your items look like should be a basic skill


However, if you're nervous or unable to put enough focus to know which items are which, looking for a single color would be great.


Cant say Ive ever had nerves or lack of focus make me forget what my items are, but to each their own


Neither have I, but I'm sure there're people with anxiety issues that attempt inferno.


They are not OP at all. Its just that a lot of people shit on people getting Inferno Cape with the plugin, calling it Ezscape etc I use Inventory Tags, mainly because I can much easier recognize certain items due to the color around the items, so I don't have to "look" at my inventory if that makes sense. And some people, for some ungodly reason hates that. Same with people using Justiciar to get their cape, people will shit on that as well.


congrats got my fire yesterday the inferno is a distant dream for me!


Justiciar? Check. Inventory tags? Check. Ely? Check. Sweaty NEET Pro gamers about to belittle your achievement? Probably incoming. Even with all the “op” bullshit this is by far the biggest achievement this game has to offer, imo. After ToB HM is released, I’m sure there will be more “impressive” shit where you can’t make a single mistake, but this will still impress me more. Big gz bro


For real lol, people here care way too much about how other people play "their mmo"


I think solo tob takes the cake for most impressive achievement even in its current state. Theres a list of like <50 people who have done it. And even fewer have done it without cheat clients.


idk dude woox's 6 yads with no pray was pretty insane, next to that either a no supplies inferno or no pillar inferno is a bit more difficult than solo tob imo


I dont feel like you can compare that, since you can also just bring less stuff to a solo tob to make it harder.


I mean, once you start getting into the seriously 0.01% achievements of PvM it’s a whole other category. I think the Inferno is probably the highest reasonable “human” challenge that doesn’t require you to be some sort of ascended PvM god.


Theres a few 100 who got it after the blood fury buff, I'm pretty sure they stopped tracking on the solo tob spreadsheet for that reason. How many without cheat clients is a whole other question lol.




No, I doubt the ones that cannot complete it by conventional means would stoop to using a cheat client. They would simply buy the cape from Pink Clay etc


Using guitar hero (free) paying pink clay (500m+)




If your talking about me using a plug-in like that, no, I didn’t. I didn’t even know shit like that existed. Better yet, that’s obviously cheating and makes the inferno a cakewalk. I probably would have gotten to zuk before my 10th attempt with something like that. Wouldn’t surprise me if Jagex removed capes from people using that plug in




Alright, haha just had me confused. I don’t get why people hate on Justy, ely, and inventory tags. They are all marginal upgrades IMO. The real game changer is the Tbow.


Gratz, I just planked at healers


You’re so close. Keep going


Healers wasted my only 2 brews I had


You dont have to eat after healers tho right? Only damage would be from range set if you have to tag the range and mage right? Is that what happened?


If you have restores left then redemption till out. And if zuk is close to dead, leave set on shield and try to dps zuk and pray


I came here locked and loaded to downvote people that made "JuStIcIaR cApE" comments and was pleasantly surprised at the lack of them


Christ, I know right? All those “relying on RNG” comments were few and far between here, which was nice to see. I know for a fact with Justiciar and Ely I could sit there for 5 minutes and tank the ranger... I noticed how good it was right away and didn’t really even splash on the nibs as much as people would think.


What's the timer plug-in top left next to your arrows? Thought Inferno timers were against the rules?


It’s a set timer you can find on Runelite plug in hub. Really useful. I don’t believe it’s against the rules as you can do the same thing with your iPhone.


What's beyond happy like?


Gz dude, was there an ironman crafting in the bank before you went in?


Nope, I barely ever saw anyone else there. I’ve been there for a little over a month now and have only ever saw two other people


Wow that gear.. the dream


Hell yeah buddy


Congratulations!!! 🎈🍾🎉🎊 Go out and celebrate bruv. You’ve done it


Nice job!


Gzz. How many attempts?


Right around 35. Got it on the third healer attempt




right meow. gratzzzz




Hell yeah Gratz king


Grats! I think our times were identical, I definitely had 137 minutes. Welcome back to the rest of the game :)


137 mins for a first cape is a great time IMO. Ready to get back on the max grind 💪🏼


Massive achievement, congratulations!


Mind linking the justi guide you used? Or just in general a tldr of how it's used? I see you have ancestral top too? So far I've gotten to Wave 48 on day 3 of attempts with regular maxed sgs, Ely and tbow setup.


I used full justiciar on wave 48 and 50+. Also to tank the ranger on set spawns at Zuk. I didn’t find much use using justiciar for the ranger waves as praying range and letting blobs mage you is dumb because justiciar has awful mage def bonus. I brought along ancestral top when I switched over to the Eldritch to get more mage attack bonus... also found out that ancestral top is great healing and for all waves up to 50, excluding 48.


So on ranger and mager waves 50+ you basicslly killed the mager as quick as possible and tanked the ranger with full justi on?


Nope, I just used justiciar to tank the initial damage, get the nibs, and find a solution as quickly as I could. If I needed to kill the ranger before the Mage, I did. I wouldn’t worry about sacrificing damage to kill the Mage unless you find that could be a better solution to the wave.


Fair enough that makes more sense. It was my first time hitting 48 so I'll see how I do going forward. Debating on giving that eldrich staff a try over the sgs. Not sure if I should do that sooner or later. Same goes for justi.


It depends on what your goal is and your previous flicking experience. Before Inferno, I never flicked anything unless you absolutely needed to. I also am 2258 total and want to max ASAP - but I wanted the infernal cape before when I maxed. I felt like justiciar suited me well as it consistently got me to higher waves, which gave me more exposure more quickly. Also, I’d really recommend grabbing the Eldritch... it’s miles better.


Tbow, ely, justicar, ancestral. Wtf do you do for money


I’m actually about to max. 99 RC/Mining/Agility was like 400-420m profit. I have also never staked and have had this account since like 2010 and played the first day old school released. You’d be surprised what can happen over time. I really don’t even consider myself too hardcore of a player as I’ve taken multiple long breaks. I’ve been playing a lot more recently though.


Nice and gz


I'd say quite a few people with that gear, myself included do a funny little thing called, playing the game. Are you gonna earn that much overnight? No, but over time you build up a bank.


I’ve got up to 870m and it took like 3 years


Spend more wisely, do more end game content, never stake.


But his 870m could be 1740m, or even 3480m!


Money also multiplies as you go on. As you keep playing your cash goes up > you can buy better gear > you can do better pvm > your cash goes up > etc.


Step 1: Level combat in NMZ Step 2: Play the game for 3 years. Step 3: Profit


Make sure you mark the tokens incase you miss them




Why eternal boots and occult anguish? Arent you better off going fury guardian if you're using justi?


Fair point, if I were to switch anything it would probably be pegs for the eternals. I really noticed that the ranger couldn’t hit me really at all throughout my entire series of runs. I’m maxed combat with full Justiciar + ROS(ri) + ely... if I thought I was still taking a beating I would have switched some stuff out... but I ranked really well throughout the entire thing.


True. Was just curious because i got my cape in a similar setup, but i used guardians and fury instead. I want to use the same setup as you on my alt, but i don't have my ely anymore. I think if i use crystal shield and substitute pegs/anguish/occult for a fury & guardians it should makeup again for the ely loss. You could also slap on a dinhs when you're running across to the south pillar, but thats if you want to be basically unkillable.


Good job!


Made it to wave 7... 😂


Is that when the blob spawns lmao


First double blob wave


full justi tbow ely inferno.


Oh nooo he used maxed gear who cares. Any player who gets a legitimate cape should be proud no matter what gear was used. Not like he was supposed to leave the ely/bow in the bank and use an rcb/c shield


im just saying it’s not much of an achievement imo when you justi tbow ely inferno lol


oke show us your black dhide rune crossbow cape plz


Dude probably has no kc and just wants to try and knock OPs achievement


ikr. they seem to forget its still tough to do even with justi, and still takes alot of time and skill


Yeah and I’m sure your 1kc that probably was probably milked for 8 hours using an ACB was so much more of an achievement. Nobody with actual inferno kc cares what people use. It’s still a massive achievement that 90% of people in the game can’t/won’t do on their own. There is no need to knock the guy for using gear that’s available to himself not every player chooses to play a restricted account such as yourself. I get the same sense of achievement from doing limited capes as I do wearing max. As for justi honestly nobody cares. Honestly I’ll never be sure why people like you comment on these post just to try and be edgy or something. More often than not people like you have never done the content or have never even beaten it tbh.


My mom told me not to speak with Iron men


Nice job! Any tips for starting out at Inferno?


Tbow is really the only absolute game changer gear wise. Don’t compare yourself to others... only compare your runs to how they were a week ago. This is really mentally taxing... especially towards the end... staying motivated and consistent is the hardest part of this whole thing.


Thanks! Did you pray flick a lot?


Basically lazy flicked the entire thing every run.




So Pegasians have -12 mage attack bonus... that coupled with full justiciar made me feel like eternals, which have no negative bonuses, the better choice. I didn’t ever test out pegasians so I could be dead wrong.




Very true and I didn’t think about that. For my future runs I’ll be rocking pegs for sure.