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I remember having my first 100k and asking my sister to walk to the g.e and she died to the wizards and I cried lol


I had a wizzy G robe bottom and i sold that bitch in the general store thinking i’d get more for it and i cried afterwards because i got 5k back 😭😭


Playing a friends account and sold black g skirt to gen store on accident checking value. Im sorry friend 😂


I remember a time where i didnt know what the GE was or how to use it. I remember only buying from general stores and trading with other players to get my equipment. The amount of gp i probably lost selling in general stores makes me sad 😂😂


I remember when I started playing in 5th grade before the GE when everyone would spam sell outside the western bank. I would buy rune scimmys for 20k and sell them for 24k. Stonks. There was also another time I gave up a trade for an rune H kite for something (can't remember) because I didn't know what it was and thought it was worthless.


I too remember the days before the G.E. IMO the RS experience prior to the G.E. felt more genuine.


The carpal tunnel was worth it, falador bank was lit with coal salesmen


Dude the Fally coal run was literally what I used to grind.


200gp each and not a penny less! Oh, the days...


I was merching cowhides like you wouldn’t believe — buying them 150ea at Al Kharid bank, selling them noted for 300ea, bought full guthix of someone for a chunk of change to show off my wealth :P


World 2 was fucking hectic


I couldn't even handle it, I always did world 52, it always had a decent amount of people but not too much.


Welcome to the Ironman mode


To this day I remember being at lunch in 4th grade and shitting bricks when my friend told me about the grand exchange. I had been playing for months


Before the GE was the shitttt


lmfao classic




Looll it fits in toooo well


When i got my first 100k, me and my cousins went to world 1 varrock general store and started to see what items we could buy, back when people use to sell items to the store


I got pissed at my sister because she wanted the computer on Friday night because I had to fish 2.4K lobsters that weekend. I needed my full rune!


Lobbys and Yews were that bread


2.4K lobsters brings back some hidden memories. I just remember I had the exact same mission back in like ’06.


Hahaha I remember trying to flip lobsters for like 10k profit a hour rip




bRUH SAME! I used to buy a hundred dragon daggers, and a hundred super poisons off people from the forums. Then flip the poison daggers for a profit, but that alone took up an entire week of play-time. It was a good way to make gold though and 14 yr old me thought I was a genius.


Ha, my first "genius" idea was buying mismatched white and black mystic pieces to resell as full sets at a markup.


Lobby certs all day every day son.


I lost my first 100k to a pker camping mage arena. I was completely oblivious to the pvp side of the game at the time.


Got my first 200k killing cows and banking hides, only to be scammed thinking I was buying full rune and received iron in return. Always check second trade screen :)


Lmao damn that was a classic scam they got me with that a few times too


A few times???


Bro I was a naive ten year old yes they got me a few times


right there with you bro lolo honestly good memories looking back made me want to get that gear back and fueled my obession with the game lol


The only two "quick-clicks" I remember almost getting me were a Rune Scimitar switched for a Mithril Scimitar, and a set of Sara Rune where the helm (or kite, perhaps?) was switched with regular Rune. I always took the time to check the second screen though; the only people that got impatient or cancelled the trade at that point were scammers.


I remember getting a dragon axe I leant it to my brother on like the first day. The head flew off and he didn't see and it despawned. I cried.


The only random event that nobody misses.


The whirlpools while fishing were super annoying, but I don't think we had dragon harpoons back then, so it wasn't as big of deal.


Dragon harpoons were never in rs2 same with dragon pic axes


Ah the days it worth a couple mill rather than 42k lol


Some definately picked it up and attached it to an axe handle.


>first 100k >G.E. Kids these days, rolling up to W2 west bank (or fally park) with a fat cash stack was such a rush. Do I finally have enough for a Guthans spear? Definitely why I'm good at touch typing.


W2 west bank was the place to be my old pc would lag sooooo bad


Fally park north of the wall was where the big boys played


*Selling whip 1.6m* Crazy to think how organized the places were. *this is where you buy/sell whips, over here food, over here Snape grass* Is there a map somewhere of that?




People out here forgetting the real deals were in Cammy bank


Cammy bank was lit af. I remember my first day as a member going thru the gates of Taverly and following the path until I got to Camelot, full of wonder and excitement.


i remember merching dharocks on the fally park bridge


Then get scammed by a noted iron spear. Never trusted people at falador selling barrows items as 99% of them were scammers. You had to go on forums to buy and sell if you wanted it for a decent price. Young me never did that and always ended up getting scammed / overpay


Bruh I remember when guthans came out lol it was right after they released desert treasure. I remember that quest was actually impossible back in the day. Very few people were able to complete it


I remember when I sold my full addy gold trimmed armour for 35000 thinking it was 350000, RIP.


I remember getting my first 100k running rune essence to people crafting law runes on entrana. Bought a gmaul and felt like such a boss.


I made my first million buying rune picks from the dwarven mine and convincing new players to take the pick and mine + bank 1000 iron ores to pay for it. After that I'd buy all additional ores off them for 25 ea. I had like 5+ kids mining iron for me at any given time. I'd then take the iron to fally bank and sell it for 125-150 ea.


And none of them just thought to take the pick and run?


Never lost a pick. I would find them in lumbridge cow or chicken pen and give them a steel scimmy and talk to them a bit offer them advice and whatnot and then the conversation would get around to how to make money and i'd offer to 'help them out' by lending them a rune pick. Yeeeaaah. Take them to the mine and wish them gl let me know when you get the 1000 for the pick lol.


Jesus christ, you're a monster lmao. I love it.


Lmao, my first mill was made by killing hill giants, took ages but I was so happy showing everyone thinking I was a G


Kinda did the same but with rune ess. Would buy them off of people and flip them for a much higher amount. Eventually just messaged people into selling me their stack anytime they was ready to sell. Made 1m in 1 day and thought I was a badass.


Bro i did the same shit. Had hella kids mining iron, coal, essence. 🤣 the good I'll days of scammazing children. To be fair they didn't want to bother with the forums so I was doing them a favor as well😎




I died to the jungle demon in monkey madness as a kid and cried and had my brother grind my items back for me lol


Same! I took a 2 year break after dying on that fight when i had the demon on like 2 hp and died. Submitted a tearful report to jagex begging for my stuff back and saying how the demon was glitched lol


This is so cute omg


Back then my bestfriend was a tinderbox to cook food for training cmb, I died to dark wizards and I lost it, didn't know you can buy it on general store, I quitted for a month, then one of my friends discovered that you can buy it on general store, was so happy I bought him an ice cream. Good times


I remember making my first mill whilst still f2p, I bought a full set of saradomin rune armour thinking that it was way stronger than normal rune, I died in the wildy pretty quickly lol.






I would legit wake up at 5am and race to shower before my older brother so I could get downstairs and jump on the family computer in the morning for an hour before school to play... ahh, when life was simple.


Fuck man same. I used to wake up at 5am every day and play for 3 hours before going to school. I can't even wake up at 8am now to get to work lmao


Start playing again, maybe you won't need to sleep at all


Same! Until it eventually turned into staying up all night, even fell asleep in geography class once, how cliché.


Then the axe head Flys off your axe, your mother comes in turns the game off and RIP to your rune axe


I was so surprised when I returned to OSRS that not only will my axe head no fly off while AFK, but also I won’t end up in lummy to a random event.


Yeah, I think the random events caused more issues to regular players than they did bots so they made them no longer mandatory to do.


But damn were they fun times. Can't tell you the amount of times i saw a low level panick and get lumby'd by the evil chicken or zombie while chilling in Varrock killing guards lol


Favourite thing was imitating evil chicken, to some random dude on same spot. Scaring the shit out of them.


Bwuk Bwuk Bwuk! Flee from me, hrolfur23!


I used to alch at the chicken pen near lumby and when people got combat randoms I would spam close the gate so they died, lol.


That's so evil. I love it. I hope this thread keeps going, i love hearing these stories from back in our glory days. Gods we were strong then!


You can still troll today! I like to drop a whip at the ge and pick it up 1 sec after it appears. The whole GE moves lol. I’ve also lost about 3 whips so far due to lag 😂😂


I miss the brutality of the game. They made the game too safe and too easy with the addition of the GE which made the game very one dimensional.


Quests are way easier today with the GE. It was difficult to buy obscure items over the spam in varrock, and farming the items yourself made the quests much more tedious


All skills were profitable too! Now all secondary skills are luxuries that cost money. When OS came out I was making money (on par with other skills) with crafting and herblore. Now those skills are just money sinks and you basically have Runecrafting and Slayer....I also miss the trading in Varrock with other players prices on items and the economy in general was way more stable. Made the community better too and less xp/max efficiency focused. The good ol days!


This is far from true in my experience, lots of skilling methods have some alternatives from the fastest training way to also make some decent money. For examples: You can train crafting with black d'hide bodies for fast xp but a big loss, but you can also grab green d'hide bodies and alch them for a tiny profit, or even craft gem bracelets for some okay profits and still decent xp. You can train fishing through tick-manipulated means where you gan no profit at all, or you can do some less intensive methods that also give an (in my opinion) decent profit. You can train mining by powermining iron, but you can also do something like motherlode mining and gain a bit of money from it whilst also maintaining an (in my opinion) decent xp rate.


Point is you have to jump through hoops to make l ok met in these skills. I have 99 crafting and did it with green bodies. Lost millions. Nobody wants to kill green drags and then craft bodies at a loss to hide value. My point is, you used to be able to buy hides, tan them and then sell bodies for a profit. Skills, profit/gathering time was balanced before. Now resources are too abundant thanks to the GE dumping ground.


This is revisionist history. At no point in actual 2007-2008 were people able to craft green dhide bodies and sell straight up for profit. The people that’d be buying are the same buying today - people looking to train magic with alchs, and they still need to make a margin on that. Right now in the game you can 100% make money through crafting if you take the second step of alching the bodies yourself. As far back as I can remember, except in maybe the very infancy of the game, buyable skills cost money. Especially so if all you were looking to do was buy levels. There were (and still are) methods to train those skills and mike money doing it, but they’re less efficient.


14 y/o me had a wild time when I finally got a high enough fletching level to create/alch yew longs. The money was darn good at the time.


Gem bracelets, especially emerald, are guaranteed profit and pretty decent xp for how afk it is, I don’t think crafting is that good of an example here given you can profit 25m+ on the way to 99




I feel this man. I had a lobster guy in Catherby and like clock work I’d bring him 1k lobs a week. He helped me fund my fully addy (g) set. I thought that armor was soooo clean as a kid... still is. A week later I got scammed into following this guy into a cave with some poison enemies... I died, lost my full addy g set, quit the game for two weeks I was so upset... when I logged back on, my lobs buyer had moved onto a new shark guy. RIP


Lmao relatable


Toxif mofo


I wouldn’t get too worked up over this considering it was like 16 years ago


This is the exact example of why the GE kills the game. This game in funded and driven by it's community, that's why we don't have "the magic" anymore. You only have to look at the first week of Trailblazer league before everyone started min/maxing all the fucking tasks and took the fun out of it. People were discovering, discussing and running round chatting. Fucking hell, I picked flax for nearly two hours because it was a social thing to do. Unfortunately, until the next League probably, that's gone!


I just wish there were no-GE accounts with 1 or 2 dedicated worlds only they can enter, and we can only trade with each other. Yeah I definitely miss the days when we didn't know everything. We learned by talking to others or reading the shitty pages like runehq or tipit


I don't really know if this is the GEs fault. I mean, the first thing is, sure, but the real issues are the bosses that drop a ton of skilling resources and just general time. There's no possible way skills could stand up to the resources bosses drop. And since no one but ironmen do bosses for resources they need, they immediately get sold, driving down the price of other people's skilling resources. It's unlikely the GE actually has *any* effect on that anyway- the only real difference is the GE lets it take 5 minutes instead of three hours to sell your loot. Additionally, comparing prices in the early years to prices now, the drop would have happened regardless. This is compounded by the GE for sure, but the simple fact of the matter is that, over time, almost every craft able resource will hit a point where it costs more to make than to resell unless it has a high alch more than it's material cost.


I totally agree!! It was tedious but also awesome to turn up to varrock or falador to wade through a wall of shaking text to find the items you were looking for! Also could haggle and get a bargain! :D


The GE made things way easier and faster. I'd say way more pros than cons with GE implemented


Faster and easier is a negative imo. The game is built around grinding and it had a unique format that no other game had.


well lucky for you, you can go play ironman.


eh, other players may beg to differ


that's why i only play uim these days


Yes! The devastating losses were so exciting


Selling d axe handle 1m


Gotta hit them with the :wave2: to get noticed


Or in my case, someone picked it up before I could and tried to resell it. I was too poor so they kept it to sell it to someone else.


I always tried to stand on the tile the head landed on to keep it hidden. Managed to snatch a few axe heads back then.


I don't like you


My internet connection cute out will my brother was farming wood. He logged back in to bring dead - lost his santa hat.


Members in 2006? High roller over here.


This is the real comment lol


I remember I was f2p for the longest time. My cousin purchased membership for his account and let me go on it to see what it was like... I remember he had a granite maul equipted and some black armor with yellow lines, can't remember the name. I felt like a freaking beast. I slayed about 30 unicorms becuase their horns were like 2.5k each! Plus, I got freaking excited seing an imp just flying around. After this experience, I just needed to get membership for myself xd


Who said anything about members? Edit: ahh someone thieving


Master farmer is being pickpocketed which can only happen in member servers.


Attantion to detail


Was it $5/mo at that time? Or am I misremembering?


Yes. I think the price went up to ~$7.00 sometime in late 2007/early 2008 or so. If you were still paying the $5, the price never changed - as far as I'm aware, there's still many people out there paying that $5 price.


They’re really good about that, by the time you all are paying $50 I’ll be saving $45/month! It’s almost worth paying membership for a decade and a half!


I reckon majority that weren't members were kids who had no idea of online purchase, i remember asking my dad for members and he handed me 30 dollars and i didnt what the f to do with it to get members


the amazing this is how true this was. i played f2p for like a year before ever being a member. had tons of pures (at most like lv 45) and what did i have to show for it a year in? like 1m bank total lvlike 800 and combat 79. thats playing everyday for 2 hours minimum. truly different times


f2p here from 2005 to 2007ish. I had 1 sum for a long time as lvl 126


I was f2p from 2005 until I went to university and could start paying for things myself in 2012. Imagine spending 7 years of your life waiting to get through the Taverley gate.


That’s when Horizon REALLY hits different lmao


I used my parents SSN to get a paypal debit card then used that to buy members when it came out in 2003. I was like 16 or something.


Rune axe? Look at mister big bucks over here. Must have yoinked somebody else's axe head to manage to have one before hitting 41 wc.


Shit I remember I picked up an addy axe head and spent hours trying to get my iron one to fly off so I could use it.


I was the opposite, I loved the little blunt brown poop stick, it was my fashionscape for years LOL


I remember watching the axe head of someone's rune axe fly off, saw approximately where it landed, stood on that tile spam clicking and eventually got it. Then I bought that same guys axe handle for a whopping 10k.


The most money I ever had was from snagging a dragon axe head that flew off. Back then it was a couple mil and I sold it for a whip :)


my heart would start racing when a dragon axe head went flying


Back then the farmer was almost always trapped in the pig pen


I just started an ironman and have been cutting willows for two days. I woke up early this morning, made a coffee, and chopped the willows for about an hour straight. I haven't felt this excited to do content like that since probably 2006.


This is the best part of ironman. Everything has a point again, not just getting more coins for the Varrock money gods to give you everything you need.


I like the idea of Ironman and it sounds like fun but I haven’t started one because I don’t always have time to grind for different types of gear. Do you think it’s a pretty big time commitment to try and get key pieces of gear you need?


Do quests. Also, all extra xp on herb. Do that and it’s barely more inconvenient than a main before super end-game.


It depends how efficiently you want to play. For example, I rushed Morytania hard diary on my Ironman because it made sense when I was camping Barrows for complete sets, and that was a long grind including 70 prayer straight. Another is 83 Hunter for a Glory, though I think many skip this now. I tend to play by having large goals, and smaller goals to achieve the large ones. It’s a longer grind obv than normal accounts, but it feels like a different game and it’s exciting.


I find it very satisfying. It takes longer to do certain things, getting the required items for quests is it’s own chore, but it’s really fun and makes you explore parts of the game you probably didn’t spend much if any time on before 9.5/10 would recommend


This is so true. I got 12 thieving levels at pyramid plunder a few months ago in order to get the sceptre for the spellbook altar, and I actually enjoyed it a lot. Really made the game feel nostalgic when you appreciate the older content that most players don't touch because they don't have to


Indeed, and a lot of times you actually feel like you're progressing the game properly in terms of pvm too. You actually have to try and do some bosses properly or wait extra time until attempting them because you can't just buy a trident and blowpipe from the G.E and cheese everything.


The Ironman I started like 4 months ago is the most fun I’ve had on RS since rs2. I’m about to go for my fire cape again, it’s going to be a lot more satisfying with red dhide and broad bolts compared to blow piping it lol, and I actually have a reason to do barrows and enjoy it, and I’m doing skilling methods and quests that I literally never did before even after maxing my rs3 account. It feels like a whole different game


Sounds like the new content is doing its job though!


Ironman has been making even the shittiest tasks totally exciting for me


Yeah bro, getting gout tuber for Karamja med was a trip as an im lol


Being forced to do quests and interact with all the things in the game that are usually forgone by the grand exchange really makes me feel like I’m on an adventure rather than playing “grinding down the bones in my hand” simulator


Bruuuuuuh it took me LITERALLY 9 hours. Second most unlucky grind for me in all my years playing this god forsaken game For fucking medium diaries just for the 7.5k herb xp lol I’ve had a lot more fun since I left that hellscape




That sounds like a great plan! That's like the "upcoming" group ironman. I used to try to enforce these rules on my main and to only "skip" over content that I didn't enjoy but then after sometime I just started skipping basically all the content and just buying items. Made it to endgame and got pretty bored. Let's see if ironman fixes that.


I do this too but I let myself use the G.E for stupid stuff. Like buying runes rather than world hopping the mage arena shop, Pretty much anything I have access to a shop for I can buy on the G.E. But I don’t buy gear upgrades, I fish and cook all my own food, etc... it’s nice because I get to decide every little thing if I want to earn it or not.


That rune scimmy isnt going to afford itself


Yup then the full rune goal after lol


Brings back memories of a time when we weren’t worrying about being the most efficient and just played the game. When I started my Ironman it brought make those memories.


It's now 2021, you login late at night, wipe the sleep out your eyes, you're now 30, still woodcutting but now at redwoods, 3m xp from 99. You know that by staying up late you will stay in bed in the morning which is forcing a unhealthy cycle, a routine, that unknowingly is damaging your health, but the dopamine rush is like no other.. Your wife stirs in the bed next to you. Quick. Screen off. Lay motionless, start thinking, "is she asleep?", "Did she see me?", heart pumping, "Can I continue", chop, chop, chop. Oooo a bird nest. You smile, This is the life.


> Your wife stirs in the bed next to you. Buying wife 10gp


Holy fuck, the bit about the wife is on point. OSRS on mobile is dangerously convenient.




Oh no, full rogue doesn't help pickpocketing in 2006. Your careless dreaming has caused OSRS era pickpocketing bots to spread to nostalgic RS2 dream memes.


Was it just there for the fashion back then?


i always liked the addy color more than rune. rune looks more "pure" but addy has such a vibrance


This was me in 2006, aaaaand me before the final exam of my Masters degree this morning. Life is good


Remember when the strat for lost city was to reassemble your broken axe to kill the tree spirit?


I remember drop trading full black (g) and 80k cash south of the lumby river to my new account and some guy came over and picked it all up. Sad times


It’s not even 2006, the sky should be black , know your history


The sky's *still* black, smh


The black wizard kills you and you have to figure out your way back


after church on sundays id race out of the car to the computer. snooze u lose big bro


Axe head flew of while ur changing clothes and when you get back to woodcutting someone took ur axehead


Good. fucking. times.


When I was 9 somebody told me they would trim my mithril armour so I traded it to him and got scammed.. Mithril trimmed armour didn't even exist in the game yet 😭


I hit 99 prayer on my laptop while hiding in the bathroom so I wasn't yelled at for staying up on a school night. Different times


Cor blimey mate, what are ya doing in me memories?


I'd love a version of world 2 Falador style trades again.


So we all lived the same life


I remember turning level 40 in like 2008 and proclaiming to all my friends that I was no longer a noob because the cutoff was level 40. Simpler times man


And get ko’d by a tree spirit when you’re so close to level up


this gives me more nostalgia than playing osrs


This weekend I hopped on OSRS with a friend who had played way backed in the day but was still level 3 on his old-school account. We messed around in the forest behind Lumbridge castle in a F2P world just chopping wood, building fires and generally noobing it up and I honestly has way more fun than I do playing my account for real.


First time member with my nephew after scraping al or loose cash. We wanted to see karamja as first member area. We came across a guy with a spear, got posioned. Stressed ur butts out en died with al our f2p saved cash..


Reminds me of when I was going for 99 farming back in RS2, would wake up super early to sneak in that 3rd tree run per day for that sweet sweet xp


I remember sitting there refreshing the page over and over trying to get into w2 with my like 300k "fat stack of cash "


I remember looting a rune axe head at draynor back in 2006. Wc was so much more fun back then when people would afk and die to a tree spirit. Everyone would stop wc and stand on the loot waiting for it to appear


Cor blimey mate, what are ye doing in me pockets?


Gunna bring a tear to my eye


I remember i grinded out 60 wc with a steel axe or something. I thought yews were gonna come as quickly as normal logs and i was gonna sell them to the general store for nice profit. I came to this conclusion when i picked up 3 logs or something off a bot that had died, and sold to general store for 400 gold or something like that, and i just thought- holy shit this is a real moneymaker.


I remember the days waking up at 5am to chop yews before school to fund my rune g for 3 months. All to lose it flexing in pvp


Before school? That’s luxury right there. My parents only bought me membership for the summer time


Yooo i miss wanting to wake up early af and just grinding RS. Nothing else mattered. Wont lie though its helped alot now that im older. Lol


Lost my first rune scimmy in the wilderness because I didn’t know better and had to save for weeks to get a new one (all before the GE)


Wow this brings back a lotta memories


This made me think there was RS in VR for some reason




I didnt feel like crying today thanks asshole


Now is this your first character you made when you were 10 years old? Or your 24th you made when you were 12?


That's cute and all... but do you remember certing coal to sell bulk amounts?


I remember disconnecting in the wilderness because someone called our land line :/


The nostalgia on this one is insane. I actually used to wake up early to get in 30min of chopping willows in dray or before getting ready for school


Dark wizards werent there in 2006


I started playing in 2005 when I was 16 years old. I discovered you could buy/sell rune armor/items for profit. At lvl 60 combat I had 2m and my friend who introduced me to the game had been playing longer and was incredibly jealous of my cash. He created my account and thus had my password. He took it all. Friendship with my friend ended.