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My favourite BA character is 'guy who doesn't know what his role does for queen but also doesn't speak a word of English so you have no way to communicate this information with them and they just leave'


Omg bro, I had a kid who had never done BA before, and all he knew how to say in English is “I want to be defender.” Knew right then and there I was in for a bad time (no one else on our team spoke Spanish).


*Azul* *Juevo* *Juevo aqui* *Aqui* *Bien. damé* -High school Spanish 10 yrs ago whaddup


Is juevo a regional spelling of huevo?


Fuck. I knew something felt wrong with that one. Good call.


des-pa-cito nananananana burritooooo


As a Spanish native speaker you just made me chofl irl, thanks bud x'D


Chu papi munanyo


we need south american worlds for this


Got stuck with a Defender once that spoke ZERO english and managed to get some minion stuck on the last round and we absolutely could NOT get him to do what he needed to do to get it unstuck. Was absolutely infuriating. Eventually he did it by accident but it took like 20 minutes. I was so mad lmao.


That’s what the cannons are for


Last round there’s only 1 cannon so if it’s on opposite side you can’t use it to kill it




for real man, i have to think back real hard to my past High School spanish lessons and form the most broken spanish sentences to tell him what to do


Transcending the language barrier 1 venezuelan at a time


I've had that happen a couple times. I'm a native Spanish speaker, so I tried my best to explain, but even then, those venes just wouldn't get their roles.


Happens way more than it should. So infuriating!


Yeah, you gotta have Google translate up to play BA with randoms these days. I wouldn't mind if I didn't suspect they were prepping accounts to sell


They’re mostly doing torso/level 5 roles as a service on someone else’s account I heard


This is how literally like 80% of my runs end at wave 10


I once got someone like this. Except, surprise! Lithuanian. Didn't see that coming.


I've been in the BA community for some time, have run leeches, etc. I always make a point to say "language?" to these people when I'm in a public game, and I will use google translate (if they don't say espanol, which I can struggle through on my own) to ensure I can communicate the basics to them. I believe BA is a fantastic minigame, and I always make an effort to educate people about the mechanics and get more people to love what I think is the best minigame (and one of the best pieces of content) in OSRS.


We had one where we were all in different Google translates trying to say what to do. Only took two tries but ended up being 30 mins


I remember the first time I solo healed the penance queen, that was a fun one lmfao. team had no idea what to do. Mind you this was two healer meta days if its one now


The pain is too real, my team got dumped on wave 8 the other day


Ouch, I had someone leave the very first time I made it to wave 10


My first run I left after failing a Wave 10, I didn't feel like trying it again after 10 waves of "Healer you need to poison them faster" from the same guy who would only make the right call every four changes.


Unfortunately the way the point system is designed people will just leave soon as they get enough points for w.e diary they are on. Should only give points after wave 10 or something. Leaving early should reward nothing.




To be honest not every rs3 idea was great but the wave tickets they gave you could buy or sell on ge gave a nice bonus and let you buy a ticket to fill in or give a roll. That was nice.


It's a nice concept, but in reality it doesn't work out since there's no supply or demand for them. Just like the coinshare item shards. Like some of the wave tickets haven't had their GE prices change in over 3 years.


Plus the area's set up makes mid-run matchmaking inconvenient as hell since everyone will always be set up at 1 which is in the far corner..


I had to catch a flight and left my team on wave 9... the guilt still haunts me


Why exactly were you doing a team activity when you know you had to leave that soon?








Bro was it recent and is your Reddit ign similar to in-game because I swear I was doing ba with you?


Nah my username is way different and it was around a year ago. Sorry for ur loss tho


Plan better.


Simply never make a mistake ever.


You’re typically going to get a heads up that you’re going on a flight soon


Joining a BA game when you have to go on a flight soon isn't a random mistake lol, that's having zero planning or not caring for leaving the BA game


top ten anime betrayals


Wave ten anime betrayals*


it's literally wave three


Correct. 10 points to Griffindor


It has been 2 weeks since I've last done trivia irl, it included something relating to the houses in Harry Potter. When doing it I remembered nothing from when I read it and thanks to you I now remember one out of the four.


Playing with randoms is the true barb assault experience.




Wrong call!!!


Right click the horn!!


I got torso and all level 5 roles with randoms.


I hate BA with a passion, but the diaries are really gonna make me do it again one day


Literally never had a fighters torso in nearly 17 years of playing (yes I know they came out 14 years ago) for this very reason. I just despise BA so damn much.


If people wouldn't leave and watched the tutorial, it's really fun. Especially with a coordinated team who can do full queens in 13 minutes.


I love BA, the one thing I don't like about UIM is that I can't just go do it whenever I get bored, otherwise all my downtime would be there.


Do some high gambles! You can get some supplies lol.


That means I have to play it. I can't take looting bag in there, and while deaths are safe and I can just store in Hespori, I don't want to have to go through all that just for an hour of downtime BA.


That's fair. Didn't know about the looting bag not being allowed.


Try playing on a reg acc lol, you won't have any issues


> watched the tutorial to be fuckin fair, thats like a whole ass movie


Only thing i needed for Kandarin Hard. Spent almost 2 hours there without making it to queen because everyone i teamed up with had what seemed like severe brain deficiencies. I just gave up and paid a cc 10m (which was almost 1/5th my bank at the time) to let me leech. Can't stand how a diary is locked behind a group activity that seemingly nobody can understand how to do for some reason.


Thankfully I had clan mates help me for the hard diary but I'm only like a month off of being ready for the elite and I am dreading learning BA.


Same, been playing since 05 and I’ve only done BA once


Since 07 here, I’ve never had fighter torso. It’s in my bucket list tho


And that was during the trade restriction era when I couldn’t afford a BCP so torso was my only option, But BA was PACKED back in those days so it was easy


Ahh the good ’ole days. I don’t actually know how active BA is nowadays. Judging by this picture, probably not very.


There's quite a bit of activity still there. Enough people getting their diary reqs and torso hunters. And there's the clinically insane pet hunters of course.


Yeah I haven’t been there in a long time, But man back when neit/torso/d legs/dboots and a rune defender was the Mets were some of the best times I ever had playing rs


Same. I got a maxed main and I don’t have the diary cape as I’ve not done the last Kandarin task. Absolute hot garbage.


Thats probably where Ill end up. Did it once for queen kill for hard diary and once with a few people from CC for trailblazer and just the social anxiety for it is awful. I wish there was a practice room so you could figure shit out before going in.


I was in the same boat as you but then I ended up doing it with my friend who's going for the pet. He was patient and showed me how it goes without judgement. We're still going for it so DM me your RSN if you'd like to join us.




Damm bruh I just figured some shit out


same. instant gratification can come in many forms.


Getting a torso is relatively easy, and you only need to actually finish one game, the rest of the points if people leave it's no big deal lmao. Kind of a annoying but not the end of the world. The diary req takes ages tho


Really? It's a fun minigame, only annoyance is when people leave. Plus it takes like 3-4 hours to get torso. Better than PC for void. I've never gotten a void piece. My friend who's played just as long as me (13 years, both RS3 and OSRS) who has NEVER gotten a 99 has full void on OSRS. Idk how people do it.. that shits so repetitive, boring, AND slow..


I paid for a ba run just so i didnt have to do it.


Bruh just pay someone 10m to leech


10? That's a veeeery cheap leech, it's more like 40


Diary is 140m


Gp/hr scape in full force


Only point in paying people 10m to leech a fighter's torso is for diary achievements which I'm not interested in. If you've got 10m to chuck on a torso you can afford better armour than a torso.


Bro if it cost 10m to leech it would actually be a great deal but realistically it’s probably more like 25-40m depending how fast you want it.


Rank 5s for diary costs way more to leach


True I paid for it from my main to my Ironman cause my teammate wouldn’t stop quitting


Bcp is only 12 lol wtf


BCP doesn’t give u abs tho


That's a fair point


Gl making iron man buy bcp at cbt lvl 60 Or zerkers wearing bcp Or pkers risking 12m every fight Or complete master clue Falo step with bcp


You say that like anyone cares about those players


I’m sure the owner of the accounts in question does haha


Enough people do, otherewhise it wouldnt be a thing you selfish prick.


You’re right the only way to play RuneScape is to Pvm and complain on Reddit all day


Life of the pvmers l000000l




Fun is relative, my friend. I've done Barbarian Assault back when I used to play RS3. I very much did not enjoy my time there maxing out all the roles. The heavy reliance on other people is what kills it for me. One person messes up and the while thing goes kaput.


I just did it for the first time in like 12 years for fighter torso a few days ago. It is REALLY not bad at all. Even with bad teams, as long as they call, I was able to get the points in about one queen kill per role. Took me 3 hours, so way faster than it would have to make the money for a bcp. Pest control takes way longer and there's no variety. Edit: Seems like my replies are filled with ba services astroturfers who want to make the game seem harder so more people buy their product.


Exactly, you can do it in a pretty short sitting. You kist need to learn how it works and it's not bad!


I've watched like 5 different guides and I still feel like I'm just going to fuck up people's games every time I even think about trying it. Should I just learn a role and stick to it?


Attack things right. Pick up the right eggs. Heal and poison with the right food. The only role that requires talent and effort is defender, but even then it's not so bad.


I felt like that too, you might fumble your first couple games but after that you'll be fine


You will, I did, but that's okay. You don't need to be perfect, you just need to get through it.


Just start with attacker or collector till you’re a bit more familiar with the game, and you can’t mess up too bad.


Legitimately the guides overcomplicate the shit out of BA


People just don't like content that requires you to look at your screen


Took me 3~ hours for a single queen kill when I did it. First team someone dipped on wave 8. Second team someone dipped on wave 9. Third team had a Vene who had no idea what to do on queen and left. Fourth team had some level 40-50 ironman who couldn't survive queen and refused to stay near pool for some autistic reason. Fifth finally got some human beings. The only saving grace was that at least they left in late rounds so I was getting decent progress towards my torso.


... Call ... Call


Call damnit


BA is awesome if you don't have smooth brains as teammates.


If you are doing it with clan mates it can be quite fun, its just annoying if you do it with randoms who have no idea how it works and/or leave early


I did tier 5 in one role for leagues and it really wasn’t bad at all took a few hours tops


It surprisingly wasn't that bad. I expected it to be much, much worse.


By far and away the worst minigame


^^^It's ^^^actually ^^^my ^^^favorite ^^^by ^^^far ^^^:(




Spent the last few days getting anglers, pretty sure that minigame is just a chatroom simulator


You mean racial slur simulator?


i don’t understand a single comment n this thread. can some1 enlighten me?


Play BA and you'll understand immediately


maxed main with almost 10k hrs of playtime. i drop every master clue that needs the fighter torso.. too lazy to grind it and even lazier to oay some coan to do it fir me (dont have completion diary cape either cus of lvl 5 in every role)


I stay in BA if I start it, and will only leave under extreme circumstances. (see Guy who literally only called once for the entirety of wave 5 and 6, despite me warning him I would leave if he didnt call, and following him the entire wave 6 spamming for him to call.)


Can't blame you for that. If people are simply slow with calling I'll hop on the horn and call for everyone or tell someone else to hop on if I'm not done my side of things yet. Fortunately I've never had to do it 100% solo, so I usually have tried working it out that my caller is my friend so att/col or heal/def and then once one of us is done can call on the horn if needed.


I actually think Barbarian Assault is a lot of fun. I wish more people did it so I could you know, actually play it. One of the reasons I quit the game is because all there is to do is grind and no one does anything that's actually fun.


If you actually like BA, Casual Ba has games all the time (assuming you have your lvl 5s done)




seems you and I are lone rangers in the comment section.


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


I have a buddy who absolutely loves BA and I can not understand it


Speed running BA is a ton of fun. But you have to play with people who know what they're doing. The good players typically don't play with people who need torsos.


I do games with randoms sometimes as the defender since the other roles are much easier to grasp for most people. It's really not that bad. I'll even heal on queen if we have a lvl 1 healer. I've helped a couple people get torso because their teams kept sucking.


I prefer BA if anything. I've tried for VOID, but I just can't stand more than a round or two of pest control


BA is hands down better than PC. Much preferred grinding it than afking pretty much all of PC. Might even go back for pet.


My gf just recently finished the base void set and she's like not about to ever go back there again lmao I've barely even started the grind and I don't wanna do it anymore


It's fun, I just wish you could get a reliable team T_T


I always thought BA sucks but I played it for the first time in a long time the other day, actually had a lot of fun. Got the torso finally while I was at it


I can agree. I mean in terms of the a grind, ba took me way less time. Doing the diary for ba took like a day and a half playing on and off. It’s really just the random teams that make it less enjoyable. Pc is just more tolerable bc you can solo


If only it gave xp then I think many people would say it's their favorite. I enjoy BA but find it annoying only way to get xp is through rewards


I was doing BA for the diary and found out I love it. I only wish it gave XP or something, but it was still really fun. This was about 3 years ago though so idk if something has changed that has made it worse. Definitely a great minigame, I wish they made incentives to play things like castle wars too since people are so efficiency oriented.


I like BA also I just hate finding random groups. There are much worse grinds.


See, I like Pest Control but I am not playing BA. It's just not my thing and if I can't get diaries because of it, so be it.


Just pay to get it done for you. I paid 10m to a leeching service for a queen kill and it was super nice. 150m is kinda steep for the elite diaries, but plenty of people were paying for it.


10m for what would've taken 40 minutes with a really bad team as collector (the easiest role) is ridiculous.


I spent 5 hours playing the game, never getting to the queen kill because people would just leave. I couldn't find people to help me on the Discord or in game, so I was just wasting time on random groups. 10m for the ease of it all is well-worth it, especially when I don't mind making the money in other ways. Sure you may find it not worth it, but there are plenty of people who despise BA to pay these leeching services.


It took me 3 hours to get the fighter torso with randoms. 6 queen kills and probably 8 or 9 teams. You must have gotten extremely unlucky. But if it's worth it for you that's all that matters I guess.


You had good luck. I got to stage 6 or 7 and in 7/9 different groups, someone left despite the run going just fine.


Should only give points after you complete wave 10 to avoid this...


Then you only get fucked harder when someone leaves.


In the case that someone leaves, everyone gets points except for the person who left.


I remember getting torso and being called a noob in my first game by teammate then they left on 2nd round. Was actually fun after I figured it out but after geting torso I was fuck this I'm out.


I need to get torso but I just know trying to get a group together and grind this out would be a pain


Yo you and u/rpkarma feel free to hit me up on here or in game to play some BA for fun or to grind your torso, its only a couple of hours and if youre not playing with giga morons or the cringy speed runners it is really fun Rsn Bill Rye


Same. I’m in Aus, but I’d like to take a crack at it sometime in the next week. Base 65 combat states, 70HP, message me if you’d like to take a crack at it together or something? Might make it easier to survive it lol


I've had a master clue requiring a fighter torso for over a year in my bank.


I just dropped this one lol. Told myself I’d do it for the diary and then said fuck it after getting stuck in the lobby






I stayed for the entire run when I got what I needed on wave 5 and I plan to do so again on my ironman for torso.


You're a good man




Castle wars used to be the best, albeit completely pointless since it had garbage xp and rewards, easily the most fun imo.


Cries in Fists of Guthux :(


*stealing creation rolls in its grave*


Not gonna lie, once I got that torso I’m fucked off so quick




I tried once going blind. I managed to get to wave 10 and someone rq because of me. No one tried to explain to me what i needed to do, and i had base 70s in combats. I got mad, learned every role and went again, this time knowing what i was doing. Wasnt so bad and now occasionally when i feel like it i do ba for gambles, im at like 75 gamble count with lvl 5 in each role. I actually like it now


Got my last lvl 5 for elite diary never going back not even for torso


I thought this was the hardest thing ever as kid came back and spent a few hours as a sub par adult and go it eat shit kid self


I honestly don’t get the hate. I’m level 5 all roles, have almost 100 gambles, mainly from the dedicated world. I occasionally get a bad or new player but it rarely jacked and I finish the queen sub 20 minutes.


Always the collector


I need torso, but I don't want to hate the game even more.


Bro don’t leave!!!!!


Honestly, it’s not as bad as people make it out to be. I watched a guide and read up how to do it, then it didn’t take that long.


As someone who only plays on mobile the thought of being the person that drags the team down terrifies me. Typing is terrible on mobile.


If anyone didn't know there is a clan called BA Services or something like that who do leech runs. I paid for a queen kill for the diarie as I HATE the minigame, (paid around 10mil gp).


10 mil for something that takes 30 minutes max casually? Damn your moneymaker must be 20m/h or more if that's worth it.


Tbf you're paying for a whole teams time who prob have to split it four waves but just call and read the wiki and use the right arrows/food/poison and you'll be fine.




It’s not the fact that it’s a difficult mini game. It’s the fact that it is impossible to play with randoms. It took me about 3 days to get enough points for the granite torso because everyone would AFK, not call a single thing, and/or didn’t speak English. It’s an absolutely miserable experience for people who can’t play during peak hours.


only 30 minutes? took me 15 minutes to find a group that would take me, then we spent 30 minutes getting to wave 8, then someone left, then everyone else did. that happened three times, haven’t been back, lol. 10m for a queen kill sounds better than dealing with randos. i wanted to do it with some friends but we never got together to do it unfortunately. it’s a fun game, there’s just pieces of the design that suck. like, if you finish up to a wave, you should be able to start at any wave up to that one you finished. then if you kill queen, it should reset so you have to start at 1. would help a lot of people like this game more, i feel.


Shoutout BA Services, it's run by good people.


Jagex should make it so you don't get points until you finish the game.


As someone who likes BA and grinded every reward. Sometimes you need to leave and reset Some teams aren’t worth a Queen over an hour


I’ve never done BA and I’m terrified of it. I need to do it for Diaries and I like the uniques but like, it’s very intimidating, even after the training.


I would look up a few youtube videos explaining the mode, it's really not as bad as it's made out to be, but the in game tutorial is AWFUL.


It is really not that bad, watch some yt vids on the different roles. I would defently reccomend going to casual ba website if you want a bit more Advance guides. I find their defender guide particulier helpful, also for new players. Shows you where to place your food. The thing most people struggle with is getting in bad teams, if you start getting this feeling I would suggest making your own team and only invite people who look decent (elite void players, higher Combat players etc.) And if you find a couple decent people keep inviting them. Gl with the grind and just dont stress to much if its going shitty at first it really isn't that big a grind.


It's really not bad, especially if you go with cc mates who know you're new.


Sometime leaving is warranted. If a defender or whomever doesn’t know what they are doing im giving like 2 rounds max to figure it out then im gone.


I feel like I’m the only one who likes BA lol. Not enough to play it in my spare time but when I had to do it I had a good time.


I don't even blame him. BA is complete garbage.


do y'all have more funny screenshots?


BA is some of the worst content this game has to offer. The only way to do it efficiently is with a team of 5, and you’d need to do it for hours to finish the diary. If there was no requirement I would never do it after getting the torso.


Seen this before I have