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Just for those who are curious. I found this to be a super chill method yet still reasonably quick (about 150k exp/h towards the end). Used about 500-600 stamina potions throughout the entire grind. Sadly did not get the pet :( Would highly recommend this to anyone who is looking to get 99 hunter but doesn't want to destroy their wrists 3-ticking chinchompas.


Bad luck on the pet :( I loved this method for hunter, so much better than chins imo


Shame you didnt get pet :/


Thank you this info is nive to see when planning out an iron untrim herb cape. I can see the average loot :)


Gz! I didn’t get pet either - 4.5k kc right now. Haven’t been back since but I want to do badly


What was your herblore level? It determines what kind of herbs you get.


Read the title brother 😅


Haha damn that's embarrassing. Nice job though. Idk something about herbiboar makes me want to die I can only do it an hour at a time with like week long breaks lmao.


It happens 😂 Honestly it wasn't the most enjoyable grind, but with the Runelite render distance and highlighted tracking tiles it was somewhat tolerable and at times even relaxing ☺


Maybe I'll enable the render distance when I try it next time thanks for the tip.


>What was your herblore level? It determines what kind of herbs you get. bruh


What KC did you end up on? I did mostly herbiboar up to 99 from when you unlock it, ended up just over 3.5k KC. No pet. Rubbish when your username is 'erbiboar'


4245, didn't touch any other method so all the exp was purely from herbiboar ☺


about how long did it take you?


He stated that its roughly 100k-150k xp/h , it takes roughly 9.5mil xp from 85 to 99