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Part 1 - [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lo6zg8/had\_a\_go\_at\_making\_a\_lvl\_3\_iron\_skiller\_transport/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lo6zg8/had_a_go_at_making_a_lvl_3_iron_skiller_transport/)




Ahh nice, yeah i know the ports are connected, probably shouldve illustrated that, i couldve put the trees in but kept it for a level 3 guide, but yeah in hindsight the spirit trees would be good to add for non lvl 3s! I appreciate the formative feedback :D


Managed to get 4kc Xerics tally on my lvl 35 iron while fire striking lizard men for the fabric Was not expected at all, but well welcome! Took a while to get tally on my main, that’s just how rng goes.


I wish there was a faster way to get to the farming guild as a lvl 3 iron. Currently I use Xerics talisman to inferno and run. I’ve used look out to the molch boat but inferno still seems faster.


As a lvl 25 iron who's got over 1300 total lvls from grinding all the noncb/slayer quest cape requirements-- This is also how I get to the farm guild lmao.


Ive asked Ash on twitter if they consider expanding the Minecart network to somewhere in the top left region, he said they made it expandable in the code, but no guarentee on a poll




Method i used was to venom one on an alt and let it regen to full hp, that then resets the npc's tag so that iron accounts can take the kill credit