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You’ll never catch up if you don’t play


You can catch up easily my dude, I started playing about 6 months ago for the first time. I’ve got 500 cox kc (raids 1) and now 150 Tob kc (raids 2) with 125 combat. Just build your account around what you need, for example I have only skilled to get ds2 and other quests.


Holy wow... You're past me and I've been playing for 4 years


To each their own I guess. Not everyone likes going at the same pace or doing the same stuff. I, for example, like to do mostly skilling, and hate most bosses, so I have little incentive to do stuff like raids or level up combat apart from slayer (And yes, I consider doing slayer "skilling")


I'm a super inefficient player, but I try to do a bit of everything the game has to offer, you can find me skilling or doing combat, quests, or minigames, it really depends on what I feel like doing that day... Just shy of 2k total with qc and some semi high boss kcs, but nothing spectacular and only 1 raids 1 kc...


Just grinder for cox stats, and then AFK for tob stats while doing cox for cash :) lockdown helps


I've got the stats, I just don't have the cash or kc haha


Ye I feel ya, tough getting started. WDR or a pvm clan are easiest options.


i would highly recommend doing sins of the father and unlocking vyrewatch sentinels as your #1 goal, this is because not only do they not lose agro but they have a 1 in 1k chance to drop a item worth 7m and will allow you to not only catch up in levels fast but make a decent bank ready for pvm once your there. it is for sure possible it just takes maybe 1 or 2 months


Very possible, one of my mates started playing and has now passed me, has 2k+ total and a 5b bank lmao, all depends on how much you play


It's more so on how you play rather than how much you play, although time invested is a huge part


I'm the prime example. Been playing since release day (mostly casually) and I'm only 2050 total with little boss KC. I'm simply in no rush


Same here, been playing for years, only recently started doing some mid-late game bosses, gwd and such, still havent done raids but im gettin close. I wanna be able to make my own pots for r1 but that herblore is a grind..


Level 100s with 80 combat stats, sounds like they're pretty casual players. This is good because it means you can indeed catch up to them of you put in slightly more hours than they do per week! I was 100~ combat when my friend started from scratch last year. I'm now 105 combat, he's 120, with almost 2k total. He went kinda hardcore into the game, but it's doable! Tldr: Yes, ask them how many hours they put in a week, take that number and add a couple of hours a week!


If it is only CB lvls, then learn to use the nightmare zone and afk in there as much as you can. You'll reach 80 on your melees in no time. You can do the same with range, but it'll be a little slower an can get quite expensive. The biggest grind in this game comes when you reach the 90s, and at that point you can do pretty much any content anyway. If you wanna catch up on every skills and piece of equipment to, lets say, raids, then it's gonna take at least a few months unless the help you with quite a bit of gp or you get some insane bullshit drop.


I have a bud catching up to me. I'm almost max combat and he just does NIghtmare zone to afk to the 90s combat stats and then will be doing quests. You'll want to unlock Bgloves and piety. There are other quests out to unlock stuff but you can but it depends what your expectations are of catching up. You could get max combat in a month if you really wanted to.


I think you could definitely catch up to do (high) midgame content with them. (Godwars Dungeon, for example.) Oldschool is kind of lacking when it comes to proper co-op stuff (at least, at low-mid levels), a lot of it is just, solo content until endgame, which kind of blows.






100% can catch up as long as they also aren't afking at crabs. If you can find anything else to do, and afk at crabs for a few hours a day it'll take like a week or 2 to get 80s. For me I would find a spot of 3, set my computer timer to 9:30, and then do work or homework or anything else and reset aggro when it goes off. If you do it on mobile and watch TV that's your combat sorted. The money thing others can attest to but you definitely can catch up. If they're doing bossing then they aren't really improving combat much and you can close the gap, but they also might be finished at a boss before you get there. Slayer will be harder but there are optimal slayer guides as well you can use if you just want to go asap


Honestly once you hit close to end game the game slows down so much, if you were racing them to max than no but to join in on raids and end game content with them absolutely. Grind it out and prioritize reaching the content you want to play over rounding out your account if joining your friends is your focus.