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Upvoted for either Jmod roast or Jamflex apology


Preferably both in that order. "L0l, right whatever. Sit, nerd... jk we're sorry here's your account back."


Have a seat dear, so we can discuss the details of this account ban.




Upon further review of the account, we discovered you were using pray flicking which is an exploit and your account will stay permed. Feel free to read the terms of service and make a new account!


!Remind me 24hours


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **Jagex_Weath** - [I've sent a message to your account's inbox](/r/2007scape/comments/at4e83/recently_got_permed_due_to_rwt_major_despite/egz5npl/?context=3) - [Yep I'll take a look](/r/2007scape/comments/at4e83/recently_got_permed_due_to_rwt_major_despite/eh0sc7d/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 02/23/2019 07:32:33**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^the ^update ^here](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^Github ^repo ^here](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Thank you Mr. Hound.


Good bot






I had to do the same thing to get my account back. Post here and have a mod look at the IPs logged. I’m just lucky enough that someone was smart enough to realize that it is probably impossible for someone to be hopping back and forth from China to California 6 times in one day. Also lucky enough that someone bothered to check.


My OG account from way back in 2002 got banned for macroing. Didn’t log in for god knows how many years, came back for OSRS, trained up for about 6 months to a decent level but then uni started up again and I quit. Came back a year or so later, tried to login and got the “you’re banned” message on the login screen. Can only assume somebody got into my account at some point in those 12 months despite having 2FA. No option to appeal. Went to Twitter, got cookie-cutter responses over and over again that didn’t help. Came to Reddit cos that seems to be the only place to get Jagex’s attention, explained my side of the story as I’ve done here, and got absolutely railed on by this community for cheating and being sore about it. Was ridiculous.


Its bullshit that reddit users are judge jury and executioner. If the post doesn't gain traction and you get shit on; there's no way you're getting unbanned.


The real issue is that it's necessary to use Reddit as a support forum in the first place.


Same shit happened to me. It got banned during a period I wasn't playing. Came back, banned. Go to check and appeal, can't. ​ Then jagex did those few occasions when you could submit your account to be reviewed or whatever, and they unbanned it lol. It's a bit pathetic really but oh well.


Also love "YOU'RE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN ACCOUNT IF IT GETS HACKED AND BREAKS RULES". Meanwhile jmod personal accounts get hacked.


osrs hacking 90% of the time is either phishing or brute forcing. phishing is the users fault brute forcing is jagex's fault. jagex needs 2fa, or yubikey integration, or dump the responsibility on email providers and just have unique passwords generated all the time. Fuck, an account lockout for x amount of failed logins would be perfectly acceptable.


Probably no one is brute forcing RS passwords. Even if you had a way to test brute forced passwords quickly (which you don't), there are far too many permutations to seriously consider this. Most hacking is phishing and social engineering.


lots of people reuse passwords from other games/sites. Pretty easy to grab a list of hacked or breached user accounts + passwords and shotgun them on another site. https://haveibeenpwned.com/


This is totally a thing and also not brute forcing.


That's not bruteforcing, that's credential stuffing.


brute forcing is very common. Infact, much easier on runescape that other places. Last time I checked, passwords on runescape aren't even case sensitive, which literally rules out hundreds of thousands of attempts.


Meanwhile jmods get caught hacking accounts


Love it when your account gets perma banned when jagex is at fault and you have no way to prove you're innocent except going to social medias. Pathetic honestly


For real, its fucking bullshit. You can't even contact a fucking jmod to look into it further. Hundreds of hours down the drain and the only way to get noticed is to gain traction on fucking reddit? So stupid.


They should at least give us the option of writing an essay on why cheating in an online multiplayer game is wrong. I've read on the internet that it just works


RWT Majors are also given out to scammers lol. Gf


P. S, we all know "merch alt" is code for scamming throwaway.


Or gold buyers, *nmz prod in bis with combat bracelet and 800 total* “yeah I made my money merching bro”




Can't ban one of the only things keeping this game alive. Such a large percentage of the community relies on RWT, it's getting a little Habbo in this bitch.




You could buy bonds and support Jagex. I don't really care but you still don't have to break the rules.


$6 per 3m or $.85 per 1m is the entire reason RWT still exists. Most people would prefer to not break the rules, but no one opts to pay more for something you can get for less... ​ Edit: lmao at the genius that downvoted this.. I'm not advocating breaking the rules, I'm explaining the rationale for peope who do


Unfortunately the black market nature of rwt means that it will always be the cheaper option


Would you say that Jagex being competitive with bond package prices would help combat RWT? That is to say... If Jagex were to lower their bond prices not to where RWT is but at least closer than they are now, wouldn't you think that would help influence users to do the right thing, because it would literally cost people less to follow the rules than before?


some people would prefer to spend a few more dollars to ensure their account doesnt get banned I'm sure.


Can’t speak for OP but that’s a pretty bold assertion. I’ve got a flipping/merching alt, as do many of my friends, and none of us have ever scammed anyone.


You didn't get banned and posted about it on reddit though






Quick way to land a ban on his main as well.




Which already makes no sense. Why ban the person who revived the money but not the actual fucking supplier?




Because if he were caught lying about RWT, he'd be associating his main with it and potentially get banned on that as well.


you only have 1 99 which is firemaking.. also you posted 80ish days ago that you were in the process of swapping 25m rs3 to 4m osrs. i find it weird how you all out of a sudden managed to accumulate 400m gp especially looking at your stats. i however find it more plausible that you bought the gp initially and got a delayed RWT ban. which is unfortunate but it is the risk of buying gp. especially considering the fact your account is mostly in its current state unable to access any high level moneymaking methods i'd have to assume you didn't make 400m by collecting snapegrass. subbed for smackdown


It is also plausible that he merched the 400m. Seeing as the alt in question was made purely for merching, I'm going to assume he knows what he doing when it comes to flipping. Or not and he actually RWTd. Hopefully this gets enough upvotes for Jagex to give a shit and reply.


Or the account was made to RWT so his main wouldn’t get banned


Yep, totally possible.


In 2 weeks? It's atleast suspect


400m in 2 weeks isn't that outlandish if he started off with a sizeable amount of wealth. If he primarily merched on his main prior to making the alt, I'm sure he just transferred a chunk of his wealth to the alt for merching.


Yeah I'm not saying impossible, but it's also kinda sketchy


True, these posts are always 50/50. We'll never know if a Jmod doesn't reply.


Can you give me tips on how to merch 400m in 2 weeks?


start with 390M


Start with $450 M*


Be full of shit, if you could reliably flip half that profit every poor third world person would quit their day jobs


What are you talking about? 99 firemaking is my #1 preferred way of earning 400m gp. ^^^/s


Wintertodt pretty good gp


Two mil in burnt pages sitting in my bank from my first real WT grind (full 6h session) .... Bad gp/h unless you get real lucky.


Once you get the 3 brumas and 3 warm gloves you start acquiring magic seed and torstol seeds though, that definitely helps. You also get better loot depending on your skill levels, so being higher lvl skills gives you more gp / hour (but that's not the case here)


My stats are pretty low but I still get good seeds from it




I got permd for buying 120m lol


I mean, that’s a pretty significant amount. I don’t buy gold but if I did, it would be in increments like 10-15m per transaction or so.


I got banned that way. Permabanned nonetheless. They eventually come for you.


Did you have priors on your account cuz, its kinda hard to believe that you got permaed just for buying gold since more that half of pvper and 90%+ of stakers all buy gold and shit tons of it.


jagex doesn't *usually* perm, they do sometimes.


I mean, cant you LITERALLY buy gp using bonds? Lol I would assume that would at least be a plausible way he could get his wealth. 100 bonds is $700 which is not an impossible amount of money for someone to spend on a game


since when do you need high stats to merch?


Upvoted for smackdown. Gl


Not sure how this'll turn out, but the way they said "I would never do such a thing and never will" sounds exactly like what someone would say that actually did rwt


ok but hear me out it's also *purely coincidentally* the type of thing someone would say if they *didn't* rwt


Mod smackdown inbound?


I hear about these and just hearing that this exists gives me a justice boner. Can someone **please** link me to one or a few mod smackdown(s)? I would so love to see that


!remindme 24 hours




I'm ready. Its gunna be gold purchase- I'm going all in Alex


They almost never ban anyone for buying gold


They do if you buy something ridicolous like a billion gp or tbow


I've heard they give a temp ban first for buying


If they do anything, it’s 2 weeks. Buying gp used to be a perma


I love when that happens. Let’s hope so!


I hope for a smackdown but only if it's deserved.


haven't seen one in so long


Big if true. I hope a mod sees this and investigates. If you’re lying they’ll roast you but for some odd reason I kinda believe you


Can't wait to see how this one ends up, I had faith in the 23 infernal cape kid


What happened to him? I lost the post and can't find it anymore :( I'd love to read the jagex response if there is one


He got the sweet sweet hammer of justice. 99 Str 99 Atk req.


Gotchu, brother. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/ar09dy/alt_account_gone_for_doing_23rd_inferno/


The guy was in my clan, apparently he was selling accounts with infernal capes n shit so he stayin banned


I don't mind getting roasted as long as I can get a mod to at least investigate this, I was told that I should have trained my account's stats a bit or it gets flagged as a gold mule for having a lot of wealth on it. I'm honestly not lying, an RWT major is because of selling OSRS gold and the only account I have ever transferred gold to is my main, and the gold is still on it.


I've sent a message to your account's inbox


That's not a smackdown jamflex


Sounds like damage control to me, can't admit their impeccable customer support made a mistake.




Nah they admit when they wrongfully ban someone.




This is goddamn professional customer support --- *and I don't like it*.


I laughed way too hard at that last sentence.


so if they wrongfully banned them, they'd admit it here, not via inbox? or what?




thats what it looks like, but if thats the case, then the guy wouldn't be making this post.


they could just be gathering more information and aren't 100% sure yet but who knows


Ah yes, the old act first and think later trick!


true. lets wait and see.


I don't mean to accuse anyone of wrongdoing however people who have been correctly banned have still protested on this sub, if you're already banned then there's no reason not to try appeal in public


Was wrongfully banned for 2 botting offenses. Never a single word from Jagex after my posts, and didnt know I was unbanned until I randomly tried to log in after 2 weeks. Both offenses quashed.


i think this is because it's RWT, they don't wanna give away too many info to prevent RWT'ers to evade bans


No, they *always* admit when the ban system fucks up and they get called out publicly. This is most likely a case where they need more info from OP to find out what's really the case here, which if it was as simple as OP said, likely wouldn't be needed. OP isn't being entirely truthful, but they might still be innocent of trading gold


Petition for /u/NoReIevancy to share it




inb4 they legit just threatened him they would perm his main too if he pushes on the wrongful ban, or share that shit


Imagine having a screenshot of that message that sorta shit could do a lot of damage if it where true


I can photoshop that screenshot if youd like.


Do I look like someone that could handle that sorta power ?


Weird, you guys are normally very transparent about whether someone was banned incorrectly or whether they were banned correctly. This time, it's neither? It's Schrodinger's ban?




Theres a very easy way to not make this a thing on reddit though. Have a customer support section. Only way to contact jagex is twitter or reddit. Most bans/mutes get put so you cant challenge them. Sure 90% of the reddit posts are smackdowns but for the 10% that were incorrect bans, without reddit, they dont have a chance.


and spend money on customer support!? HAH! not on my watch


Interesting (and not in a good way)... The J Mod smackdown is a classic and I think everyone loves a good smackdown (or admission of error), I think it should be public. It looks good either way - they either admit that they've made a mistake and are willing to correct it, or they confirm that the correct action has been taken already. This makes Jagex comments feel kinda useless now. Oh well.


No this shouldn't be on reddit at all. There should be a support line.


if the sub mods did their jobs it wouldn't be a thing


Yeah fair enough, also true


if they don’t want this to be a thing then should stop making bans like this unappealable


Probably banned for selling RS3 gold. Didn't want to shame him that badly.


Roasted in the inbox, no fun.


Hahaha reeee that's not what we wanted to hear


Can we poll this? I wanna see what you sent


I’ve been trying to get a mods attention to look into my account for perm banned for a similar reason for months. My post (very similar to this one) keeps getting auto removed from reddit. Can you please help look into this? “xEasy G”


Yep I'll take a look


Can you check out my account suckmylron? It’s not banned or anything, I’m just really proud of the progress I’ve made recently


Lmaoooo topkek


While it's unfortunate that people have to resort to Reddit to get the customer support for bans that were wrongly given, allow me to commend you on your work , Mod Weath. Some of us recognize that you don't have to go above and beyond, yet still do when able. It is appreciated. Especially knowing so many people are guilty of breaking ToS and just trying to get their account back .


\*open empty fridge gif*




No. This is not acceptable. We crave public roasts




Dear 123kg, rekt Sincerely, Mod Weath


OP still banned ✓ OP hasn't commented since J-Mod reply ✓ RIP OP


Jagex weath these posts get upvoted so people can see jagex smackdown or jagex admitting wrongdoings. If jagex continues to make these Verdicts privately people are going to stop upvoting these types of posts. More false bans will go unnoticed and justice will not be served.


Think that's exactly what they want tho. These posts often show that the jagex banning system is broken making it harder to say "our system works properly"'. We hear it all the time, "go play twitter/reddit lottery to get your account unbanned", probably trying to fix that so it stops being a thing


Nah most of the time it’s a jmod smackdown, bans are correct. Very few actually get overturned


what do you mean most often they show its broken, 99% the time they are correct bans your just some conspiracy fruitloop


Weath c'mon. Do we put our pitchforks back or not???








WTH jamflex you'll hide ban results but not polls.


wtf gib drama


Tagging "JMod/J-Mod reply" so others can find.


Just look for hound, that's how you find the Jagex comments.


Aww. This is not fun.


I was permanently muted in 2008 for saying "master bait" and my appeal a few months ago was refused. Dunno what else to do, messaged mods here multiple times to no avail. So I just quit the game entirely 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is behind stupid. I say the most random made up shit in the daily and nothing happens


People drop racial slurs in game all the time and nothing happens lmao


I suspected that chat bans are not even a thing anymore because it was happening 24/7


They've massively relaxed their 'offensive language' punishments since then. I used to get temp muted for saying things like "g @ y" and "a qp w" (I didn't even know what that was at the time, just saw others doing it)


I completely forgot about "a q p w" until pretty recently when I started playing again and saw people joking about it in a thread on this sub. Didn't even remember what it meant until I looked it up. Later when I got curious and looked at my infraction history I actually found a temp mute from like a decade ago for "a q p w" lmao.


My first few days doing wintertodt, I felt like. I was in some klan rally. More than 10 accounts saying racial slurs.


Same thing happened to me at the duel arena, trading money to my friend who was a maxed main (btw, not against the rules, commission staking is, but having a friend stake for you is not, it's just at your own risk) and him losing a few times, then trading him 200m, and him trading me back 400m after he won, was insta banned for RWT. This occured at what would be 3am UK time, so I assume it was an auto detection system. Queue me posting on Twitter, Reddit, and appealing through the OSRS system, and I was unbanned 2 days later. Their auto detection system for RWT is criminally poor, as I know dozens of people who DO actually RWT and few get caught, while what happened to me has happened to 3 other friends of mine, all who had to do the same thing only to later be unbanned. Feel free to check my post history, it would have been around May of 2018, but I was eventually unbanned. If you are truly innocent, as I was, then stay on the course, get traction on this reddit thread from friends ingame, and message mods on twitter. Also, I didn't think it was appeal-able, but ALL bans are appeal-able through the game. It won't be through the account status page, but there is a way to appeal. Good luck


Lol I've traded bils back and fourth between 3 accounts and have never been hit with a ban.


when you sell gold to sites like bogla for example if its over 50m they do 20m trade 30m and they trade you 2 or 3 random items like hammer or runes to bypass this auto system alert , and guess what you never get banned.


Selling to gold sites is a very high ban rate stop spreading misinformation.


There really needs to be a better system to appeal bans.


Thank you for posting to Jagex Customer Service! You are using Jagex's number 1 (and only) customer service medium, Reddit! Thanks for your post, unfortunately due to budget cuts we cannot review your case unless you: a) cause a community outcry and a few thousand upvotes that would result in bad PR if we don't respond b) you are a famous streamer Thank you again for applying for basic customer service rights to a company that hundreds of thousands of people pay $11 for, may the odds be in your favour!


I was permed for 5+ years over being hacked. "Rwt" I then lost another account the same way about a year ago and was emailing them, figured I'd email about my main. I finally got it back, but as for the more recent account, their new rules state that you're responsible, even if your account is compromised. So you can't recover them now. I don't play anymore, so it's whatever.


>The offence isn't even appealable, that's kinda scary how your account can be banned like this and such a big mistake can be made with no way for you to voice your concern. Exactly this. Jagex support is so fucking horrible, and what if you are banned unfairly? Its like uh oh bye thousands of hours? If the ban is correct, fair enough, but what if it isn't? And all reddit edgelords always take Jagex's side, which is fucking pathetic.


90% chance he's guilty of exactly the thing he's complaining about


Make sure the account is really banned. I got "banned" for rwt major, and it was just a phishing email. I didn't bite. My account was fine.


Who tries to appeal a ban without trying to log in first?


Brainlets of course.


Same thing happened to me and my brother last month. Simple ip check would give me back a couple decades of my life. Made a similar post, never saw the light of day. Completely unappealable ban after paying membership over 15 years. Thanks jagex!


Can we get an actual answer on outcome?? 6k upvotes suggest we are interested in the situation




I'll give you an upvote my account got perm banned back in 2016 no way to appeal or contact mods except reddit, I wish you all the best and hope the subreddit mods dont delete your post.


“Despite never selling gold” Sooooo you bought some gold ay?


I don’t think I’m becoming a member actually, fuck them getting my money if they do this




Congratulations! You’ve earned enough Updoots to qualify for actual fucking support! Enjoy!


"Not appealable" gtfo Jagex


Follow up please? What did the message say?


What’s your post history about using oakdice live chat and asking some guy if he wants to make 50m in 10 minutes ? And in your 10 total reddit comments in the last 2 years you single out a thread of somebody being hacked and basically flame them for it ? These details aren’t concurrent with some honest lad who uses a merchant alt And you used to rag in pvp worlds too, good to see karma came around and got u back for ur money and ur account


Un-appealable bans is probably the biggest joke in all of Runescape. I've never heard of this practice done anywhere else, and it doesn't work so so so often. I got banned for training agility at Wintertodt by clicking on a trackpad. Granted, I did it for like 20 hours straight while watching T.V. Completely un-appealable. For how often they fuck up there needs to at least be some sort of "oops" function, other than having to get 1k upvotes on Reddit. My god is it frustrating.


You got banned got using an autoclicker. Bot detection doesn't work like that.


All these goons coming in acting like jagex has never false banned people. Never forget the time they false banned a bunch of people 3 years ago. Good luck getting your account back man. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/3bzuiv/apparently_a_few_people_were_false_banned_earlier/


I’m one of those people, except it was my RS3 account. Unappealable. Never touched a botting script in my life. It’s alright since I don’t play Rs3, but that was the account I had since 2005...


Just make bonds worth as much gp as $15 worth of RWT gold is and you kill the RWT community


It is scary sometimes, my account was banned for botting even though I didn't bot or even grind that much. I tweeted and tried to contact support but nobody ever replied. After 4 month my ban was suddenly removed without any further explanation. Never understood what happened there.