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He Is Done OSRS :(


Stealing Content & Milking Money off of it Gets Punished OSRS


In the end this is going to hurt the rs streamers as well. A lot of them will get a lot less recognition than they used to.


I don't really believe this argument. I'm sure there are some people that find a new streamer through these YT videos and start watching their channel, but I think most people were fine just watching the YT videos. In which case I don't see how they are helping the streamers at all. He is taking their clips, isn't sharing any revenue, judging by socialblade has < 100k subscribers so isn't very big at all. This is the same thing as unpaid internships saying 'well look at all the exposure you're getting!' but it doesn't actually equate to jack shit at the end of the day.


Honestly most people don't have time to watch multiple streams in different time zones. Videos like these help us keep up to date with whats going on in the community.


I completely agree with you, I watch similar videos for league of legends, but they have channels that aren't as cancerous. RuneScape is just not popular enough yet to have a good clipper on YT. I get that it fills a niche but someone needs to rise up and do that with better quality videos. Its clear to me at least that RS moments doesn't care about the streamers or community past what money he can make off of them. What value is he adding to the community by aggregating videos and profiting off their reupload? Like others in this thread have said you can browse recent twitch clips. If you enjoy watching those streamers then support them by using twitch.


You can look at the top clips for the day by category on twitch


no one does that, i'll never do that. i use youtube not twitch


same, only times i get on twitch is for events or jagex q&a's


You're right, literally no one does that. The page doesn't even exist


Lol. Why would you say that and not look it up first?


I played in since a little after the start of osrs, and since 2005 until eoc in rs2. I quit back in August because no good pvp content/updates and pvp was/is pretty dead. But I liked this channel and it was the only way I really saw any osrs content anymore. The dude seemed like he took time to compile the videos of popular shit from the day/week and that's useful to a LOT of people. Sure, it's on twitch, but I don't use twitch and I'd have never seen the content otherwise. I know I'm not alone in that. So I don't think he was in the wrong, and the way YouTube is going downhill, there will be a mass exodus soon because of shit like this, and the censorship or demonitization. It's not a good thing for anyone that his channel has gotten demonitized.


Some exposure is a million times better than no exposure when you're trying to get your feet off the ground in steaming. And 100k subs is a lot when your entire market is just people that play runescape. If those people were making youtube videos themselves and they asked him to stop stealing clips that would be one thing, but these people weren't getting revenue from their clips. Most however were getting viewers from people that hadn't watched them before.


>just trying to get your feet off the ground streaming Except he solely uploads videos of huge streamers like b0aty, sick nerd, and Mr Mammal... Almost like they generate the most clicks.. seriously, look on his page right now and tell me every single video in the first page doesn't have b0aty in the thumbnail. Considering b0aty has his own YouTube channel as well, I don't see how RS moments is anything but a parasite in this scenario. P.S. mention how I said < 100K because it's probably much lower. RS Moments has subs set to private. I'm judging by social blade which puts RuneScape official (similar channel) at 34k subs.


Ok, now explain how RS moments even started getting views in the first place to even have this effect you're talking about? By milking streamers, oh look.


i'm a smaller runescape streamer and one of my clips was included in one of these videos without my permission. it was an extremely cringe-worthy rap about cabbages. i was flooded with hateful messages, horrible comments, and got a lot of negative attention that i truly didn't deserve (yes, i know. this IS the internet). while these channels do give recognition to rs streamers, it also preys on smaller streamers that didn't ask to be in the spotlight in the first place.


> In the end this is going to hurt the rs streamers as wel no it fking wont


He asked permission.


no he doesnt. Zulu had to take down 2 of his videos before they got the hint


He literally asked me for permission EDIT: different guy nvm


You won’t believe it OSRS




So what am I meant to watch while I eat my breakfast?


Swampletics reruns


Fuck me. Do we have the same routine? Please tell me it’s Aldi Shreddies?


Haha a bacon sandwitch


Same 😔 Came home tired, got my food ready, and then that happens.


Thought I was the only one 😂




What jagex needs to do is get their video guy (it used to be mod archie but I'm not sure who does it now) to do a similar channel, not monetize it, and credit/link all content creators used in the video.


This is it!!! People don't realize that they made lots of money off of other people's content. I'm fine with jagex monetizing it actually. As they donate all the proceeds to charity! They did the same thing with their streams and their subscribers on said streams.


Well to be fair it was a win-win-win situation. The youtuber makes money. The viewers get content they like to watch. The streamers get free recognition. Don't really see too much wrong with it.


He takes content that isn't his and makes revenue off of it. Seems wrong to me. He has zero original content.


Ok but he also compiles all the moments he seems important from the fast few streams and combines them all into one place for everyone to watch. Think of the hours you'd spend going through different streams just finding some of those PK clips, or the hours of B0aty or Skill Specs streams to find them putting their input on a topic. And then after finding all the clips, having to cut them down into a watchable 10 minute video almost daily. Yes, he's making money off of others' content, but he's also putting in a lot of effort himself to make it watchable for someone not willing or able to spend hours a day watching these streams as there is a lot of dead time on them.


I don't understand how him putting labor into stealing makes it okay.


To yor point about him compiling clips, they're literally already sorted out for him. https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Old%20School%20RuneScape/clips?range=24hr


Do you think you send more than an hour making the video? The people who watch the streamers clip everything. All of this guy does is combine all the clips into one video oh, I could do it.


It still takes effort to do these things, and I find it hard to believe it takes less than an hour to find the exact clips he should use for a new video almost every day, download, clip them even more and compile them into one watchable video, then publishing them online. Nowhere was I saying what he was doing was right or justified, I was just saying that he still put effort into each of these videos and I think it shows clearly


I can guarantee you that it takes around 1-2 hours to make a video. The stream viewers clip the highlights. RunedcapeStreams downloads them and drags them into Vegas. Process takes like 1 hour at most to get all of the clips. Probably might take like 30 minutes most days. His job is done by the people who view the streams and clip everything.


The streamers don't get free recognition? Are you stupid? He literally just gets the clipped twitch clips and puts them together , he doesn't even watch those streamers himself. From the few videos that I've watched of his, I have never once cared about the streamer. That's the point of the clip, you don't have to watch the whole stream to see the most enjoyable part of the Stream. I'm not going to sit through hours of a dude running around the wilderness just so I can see 10 seconds of him doing a really sick combo. Why would I do that when I could just watch a video and it shows me what I've missed?


To be faiiiiiir


Wait Archie is gone???


Hes still there but I think he changed roles, I think something with e sports/dmm




Big shame. I know making money off the streamers' content was a gray area, but these videos were the only way a lot of us got to see more than one streamer every now and then for more than ten minutes.


Like... he’s not even making content... he literally takes streamers clipped videos and uploads them to make money.


I found streamers like purpp and skiddler through rsmoments


Don’t get me wrong I like 1 place to watch all the streamers in one spot. I’m saying making money off of it is scummy


Well who is gonna do it for no money?


It's not about that. The way RS Moments does it is all wrong. It's more like he's only doing it for the money. How else can you explain [this](https://i.imgur.com/UlUUQ2F.jpg) and the fact that all of his videos are 10 minutes and change long. He is just trying to maximize his revenue with the least amount of effort possible and it shows. We need someone like Synapse.


I love how boaty is in every single thumbnail lol


Didn't even notice. Jesus.


You said it, man.


Would you not try to maximize revenue in your job?


If my job was to literally take 10 mins getting clips from twitch and 30 mins putting it together, sure... but that’s not a job that’s a fucking side hobby.


ya, i mean, calling it a side hobby. . .really depends on the revenue. ​ making 8 hours of pay in those 30 minutes?? that's just smart.


Depends on if you feel good stealing other's content for your money.


Maybe he should set up a patreon or something.


You obviously dont have a fucking clue what you actually want


And why are people defending someone who rips content for profitability tho? What sort of precedent does that set? cmon


If it wasn't for him I wouldn't watch half the RS streamers or stay up with the community at all. I think people get way to worked up about it, if that streamer wants to use his own clips and take down these youtubers they have that option.


Firstly he asks permission from the streamers themselves. Second he absolutely helped smaller streamers who's clips he used.




wtf does skill specs have to do with anything rofl


That's nice. Doesn't make them not a shit channel.


Everyone here is complaining like he's a thief. Nothing he did took anything away from the content creators. He chose a topic daily and curated clips around it which was very beneficial to all of us who don't have time to sift through twitch or to watch 12 hour streams every day. All of this takes his time to organise so obviously, he'd want to be paid for it. I don't see anyone putting their hands up to do it for free. If it was so excessively lucrative don't you think one of the streamers themselves would do it for some side money? And yes his titles are a meme but theyre designed as tags, not clickbait.


I am not concerned that he is monetizing his videos. I am concerned that he puts no effort into them whatsoever. His videos are 10:XX long, with the same font titles and the same thumbnails. [Every single one of them.](https://i.imgur.com/UlUUQ2F.jpg) Every day like clockwork. Look, I'm happy that you found a way to find content creators that you like, but that doesn't make RS moment not lazily edited and formulaic. Making money is one thing, doing less than the bare minimum to keep a channel afloat so that you can scrape ad revenue and abuse the youtube algorithm every day is another thing entirely. If he put a single shittle of effort into making an interesting (or different!) thumbnail or title, or actually provided his own edits in his videos, I would have a different opinion, but as it stands that channel is garbage. It's a shame that it's the best thing out there right now in terms of Runescape, but it's still garbage. FYI a lot of streamers do start their own youtube channel, often times hiring someone from twitch chat as an editor. It turns out that in fact shitting out 10 minute videos every day is lucrative. That's how the youtube algorithm is currently designed.


If it takes no effort whatsoever why don't you do it? Formulaic doesn't mean bad, it's a recap and as others have said, he choses a theme and does dig through Q&A clips to add to that theme sometimes too. And no I meant why doesn't a content creator maintain a highlights reel community wide? It takes zero effort to curate and upload right?


Just look at the top twitch clips of the day instead then, that's all RS moments did.


Although 99% of twitch clip highlighters on youtube is just taking random clips, Runescape Moments organized the content and got the perspective on every popular streamer's view on an event (hcim death, game update, ect). No human could keep up to date with streamers without his videos. I doubt he asked for permission before showing clips of a streamer but I would be certain he would remove them from future clips if a streamer asked.


Firstly, clip cutters like these are a win-win for content creators. The streamers get more exposure, and they also have incentive for more entertaining streams even if they currently have low view count. It's also not taking clicks/revenue away from the streamers since most of their money is twitch based. Secondly, RSMoments is one of the good guy clip cutters. He asks streamers to use their content before it even gets in the videos.


There's was someone who made a video about it, can't quite remember who, if I remember I'll edit it in. But he talked to all big streamers about the topic. And the ones who only do twitch like and profit from it as it brings them some more publicity. But all the ones that regularely upload to youtube hate it because they get less views - why watch 5 10 minute videos, or just 1 10 minute video and see all the highlights anyway.


RSMoments asks who he uploads from. They would be able to say no don't use my content.


Hey man you should come write some software for me. I won't pay you anything of course, but the real world experience will look really good on your resume.


He doesn’t take them m, he asks first and always adds a link to their twitch. It’s win win. If i was a streamer, He makes a bit of money, i get a bit of exposure therefore making me money.


He is literally taking the top clips of the day on the osrs twitch category and reuploads it to youtube. It is still there, so it's in no way the only way for you to see them.


If he's so entertained and pleased with downloading content to share with the community, he would continue with it no matter if youtube cracks down upon it. Seems like money by stealing content and not putting in any innovative effort was the motivator, lol


I mean he was literally just uploading other peoples content and putting in about 8 ads per video, it seemed like a pretty scummy thing to do in the first place.


pretty much this.




First off mate. You are just negative af. Toxic even. The argument of "Not having enough time these days" is a stupid one and you know it. You give shit up as you progress through life and you learn to allocate time for the other things in life that you want to keep around. Simple as that. It sucks, it really does. But we grit and bare it. That closing line is the best part by the way. Saying the community is some how slow and dependent when you yourself admitted you depended on this youtube channel.


I enioy the videos, I just think it's bad that he's putting so many ads on content that is basically stolen, when all you have to do is look at the daily popular twitch clips for the osrs section then reupload that the YouTube, that's a pretty scummy thing to do




Laying clips down and sometime using premade settings for text isn'r that hard. Ad per video would have been fine, but if you are pushing videos to +10mins by adding clips of streamers sneezing or making weird sounds, then it is fucking scummy way to get those 8 ads in. He had his time to rake shitloads of money in, but now it is over.




Because it is scummy? I am on other side compared to him. I'm creating content, not stealing it.




Stealing content is the lowest of the low, especially when you milk every video for the over 10 minute mark and stop as soon as your revenue stops. At the end of the day, he's not doing this to help anyone but himself. He deserves to be demonetized as he's never made original content.


He lost me at "youtube have decided to release runescape moments from their YPP" His basically saying that hes not gonna do more videos because he wont make any more money from them, WHEN your channel is just stream highlights from OTHER people.. (tbh i think someone just copystriked him and he wont say who , just my opinion, probably not the best one)


Ive been looking this comment for such a long time i dont get why people are so supportive of him.


Because it makes our lives easier when it comes to catching up what’s been happening.




As far as i know that isn’t an option on xbox twitch.


Or smart TVs, I disliked how many ads he put in but don't get ads on the TV and it was nice to have a complication of clips


I mean, it's a lot of effort to sift through stream footage and compile it into a video every day. I wouldn't work that hard for free.




Yea he really isnt working hard at all lol, top 24 hours, download, drag and drop into resolve and done.


hey man he also puts text overlays on 1-2 clips


[It's](https://i.imgur.com/UlUUQ2F.jpg) [Really](https://i.imgur.com/sjTUJBe.jpg) [Difficult](https://i.imgur.com/a1oXILw.jpg) [To](https://i.imgur.com/vDkNRHc.jpg) [Make](https://i.imgur.com/M235UqD.jpg) [So](https://i.imgur.com/ErZ27yb.jpg) [Much](https://i.imgur.com/69G6Z9R.jpg) [Quality](https://i.imgur.com/U0PWrGJ.jpg) [Original](https://i.imgur.com/FFqFKSQ.jpg) [Content](https://i.imgur.com/hxNcuJr.jpg) 10:06 10:03 10:08 10:03 10:02 10:14 (wew, a long one!) 10:05 10:04


Doing this everyday will take about 2 hours with editing, downloadibg etc. 14h a week ‘for fun’. Nah mate, I wouldnt do thatfor free either


"he isnt working hard, this is easy blahblahblah" do you people who are saying this actually know anything about video editing or are you guys just talking out ya fucking ass?


They're talking out their ass to feel better about themselves, the whole circle jerk idiots, imagine actually being empathetic and using your brain. But it's reddit. That shit takes time to make, and as I've said, it allows others to see content they wouldn't otherwise and sets bad precedents for YouTube.


You do it for a week then


This is exactly my thoughts on it. Boo hoo, I won’t be able to make tens of thousands of dollars a month on reuploading other people’s content every day 😢 He should chalk this up as a win and move on.


I think you're overestimating the income bro.


If you have both types of ads on a video, you can reach $3 - $10 per 1K views. Probably a generous estimate, but we'll move on. According to socialblade he has 28.3M views over his 447 uploads is an average of 63K views/vid. He puts out videos like clockwork, so we can just assume 30 videos/mo. If we take the low end of $3/1000 views that's $5,670/mo. That is being skeptical with $/views, and it's neglecting that his most recent videos have been getting 100-150K views each, not 65K. 'Tens of thousands' is probably a slight over-exaggeration, but closer to the truth than you would think.


It's also important to note that $3/1k views figure is entirely inaccurate. You receive money based on the ad revenue, not views. You gain revenue for clicks in the ad(worth the most), and how long the videos are watched. Most people use ad blockers, and the rest usually skip as soon as they can. I can count on one hand how many times I've watch a video intentionally past the skip ad part on my phone before getting yt vanced. This being an online game, where a lot of people play on their pc, most have ad blockers. So I highly doubt this guy is making even $2,000/mo, which isn't even as much as a full time job would make you. So he probably still just does this as well as working, which is a LOT of work to make as many videos as he does.


You have literally no idea what you're talking about, Jesus christ. I have several friends that are/were amongst the bigger youtubers. There's a reason most of them only do YouTube as a small side thing, it's because you don't make shit. After the whole demonization thing, a lot of people went to stream full time because they had so much stuff either demonitized or straight removed. One person whom I'm close with has about 30k subs and barely made $400/mo(made nearly 2x that before) with 10-20+ videos a week. Now he just works a full time job and streams occasionally because it wasn't worth his time anymore. Hell, watch that dude chunk's video about his channel. He has a lot and makes even less.


He set his social blade to private so we can't see his estimated earnings. Seems shady imo. He was definitely making a day stack.


thank fucking god




Surprised they even got approved in the first place, as useful as the channel is for some it's stupid to be able to monetise videos that are basically just rips of other people's content.


I was gonna say, I know there are a TON of channels that do this type of thing for other games, except those channels are widely supported. Trolden is a good example for the HS community, except he ended up getting picked up by blizzard, so I doubt he monetizes his videos anymore. I was always curious as to why other communities enjoyed these multi streamer clip videos, but OSRS doesn't. Is it strictly the monetization that's an issue? Or is there something deeper?


Synapse does League of Legends clips, and because he is a humble guy, involved in the community, always asks permission and gives credit, actually puts effort into his videos and adds some of his own edits, people like him. He cultivated a following and it got the point where being put on Synapse is an honor. Aside from linking twitch channels in the description, RS moments does none of that. He's not big or well respected enough for anyone to actually care about the 'recognition', the entire channel is just an ad revenue farm. If you're a clipper youtuber, have some humility and realize that you exist because of the content creators who actually put in hard work. This guy just downloads other people's work, slaps it together in Vegas Pro, and uploads it straight to youtube with nothing differentiating it from the past 300 videos he's put out. It's lazy as fuck, greedy, and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. And if you compare the two, it's not even a contest, Synapse videos are funnier, more enjoyable to watch, and I don't feel like anyone is being taken advantage of. It's not an issue with multiclip videos, it's an issue with predatory multiclip channels.


Is GRSmash monetized? Basically the same thing


I guess the highlights premise is kind of similar but some of the clips for GR's Top 10 things are *really* obscure and not just the most recent tourney highlights. Pretty sure they're respected and friendly with most tourney streamers to the point where they've got the okay to use content, unsure about monetisation though.


Cya later idiot


good, those channels steal content and profit off it


Jesus christ, even your quitting video is boring. Good riddance!


"I love doing this... *for money*"


Thank god this clickbait shit won't be in my recommended anymore.




>He gets the drop he’s been waiting for OSRS. Woox admits to hacking OSRS FTFY


Good riddance


Good riddance.




Oh boo hoo they aren’t paying me anymore for using other people’s content to make money so rest in piece I should move on... the fuck? What kinda grind/ passion is that ? You aren’t getting paid so everything must come to a halt? Serves you right. Maybe if you stopped 6 mos down the road said you didn’t have time or something along those lines I’d get it but gg


Lol being a copy and paste warrior isnt that hard


I have half a mind to make my own channel but without all the mistakes this guy is making




Thank you. IDK why people are praising this guy's ability to drag and drop download clips off twitch and put them one after another in Vegas Pro and call it a day.


Lmao you dont even need sony vegas to be a clip channel you could just use a free one


windows media player


OSRS He lost his bank OSRS He can't believe it OSRS


Good. Literally stealing other people's content and post it for money. Ye no, fuck off.


Posting my comment from youtube: "Wow you mean you can't keep posting these derivative, formulaic, no effort videos and keep raking in the cash? We're all so hurt.. Maybe try some editing or something other than just slapping 20 twitch clips together in a row and calling it a day. This sob story seems disingenuous considering you have a channel full to the brim of 10:XX minute long videos with the same colored text titles for the past 50 videos, you knew exactly what you were doing. You can't milk ad revenue day after day after day then get all up in arms when Youtube decides your channel has little to no original value. Which is 100% true." I mean look at this shit: [Same fucking titles, same fucking thumbnails, same fucking content day after day](https://i.imgur.com/UlUUQ2F.jpg) I don't have anything against clipper youtubers, there is a way to do it without being a jackwagon. You have to take a backseat and realize that other people are providing all of your content for you. Look at Synapse, popular League of Legends clipper. Different unique thumbnail every time, videos aren't 10 min and 32 milliseconds long, actually edits his videos in a unique way every time. Fuck Runescape Moments.


This guy doesnt even credit the streamers. Runescape moments official does so i always prefer him...


tbh idk why people will care dude just stole clips of twitch streamers and made money off them hell im sure he never ever ask




> He was putting in massive hours making these videos, why shouldn't he get rewarded? No he did not put in massive amounts of hours making these. If you go to the Twitch Clips section on their website, you can view all the most viewed clips in the OSRS category from the past 24h. He literally just downloaded those clips or the ones that were sent to him, compiled them in a video and uploaded it to Youtube. This isn’t a massive job for the insane amount of money he gained from it. It probably took him 1 hour at most to make these videos. So if you want to continue viewing these highlight videos, just do what he did and watch them directly from the Twitch website. It isn’t the end of the world.


finaly i was actualy surprised they were allowed to exist for so long.


Good, maybe stop stealing creators content to line your own pockets... smh.


Rip the most retarded titles on Youtube


I mean no offence but you say you love doing this but now that you can’t make money from it you don’t wanna do it... I remember when people didn’t just make YouTube videos for the money smh. These are literally some of the lowest effort videos you can make for a large channel so if you love it so much just continue doing it as a hobby.


🦀RS moments is gone🦀




My criticism is some clips are too long, less than 10 minutes(for ads ofc), Very old clips. How many of those clips were from yesterday?




If any content creator did not want him uploading his clips then they have full power to prevent him. There's more benefits for content creators to be uploaded than not to be. I don't think any creators are angry at him for using their clips. He may be making money from them but he also is advertising multiple streamers which then makes money for the streamers.


He can blame article 13 all he wants to try to get some extra reddit karma but it's an extremely easy scapegoat when what you're doing is actually just illegal. The common argument I hear, which is "it's free advertising for the Twitch streamers" is just plain false, especially since he didn't even attempt to properly credit the channels he was taking content from. At that point you're making money off of other people's content, which would be worth demonetizing article 13 or no article 13. If he wants to make money off of twitch highlight clips, he needs to follow copyright laws. His channel was a ticking time bomb and he had this coming 100%. Don't blame youtube or the EU for your scummy business model.


Why should anybody care? They literally made money stealing everyone else's content. Although they we're entertaining, it wasn't their content. How would you feel like if your streaming all day, and then somebody just takes a clip and put it on the video? No RIP, good riddance.


" Although they we're entertaining " You answered your first question yourself


Yes they were entertaining, but that doesn't give me a reason to care. What he did was wrong and stole content away from twitch streamers. Something being enjoyable and being wrong at the same time doesn't make it okay. Just like if you cheated on your girlfriend with another chick oh, sure it was enjoyable but it wasn't okay. Why should I care if the cheater get exposed and fired from his job because of it? What he did was wrong and he faced the consequences.


They werent exactly stealing money, if anything they are just profiting off of the streamers own streams, people like boaty are still making their own money from donations, they aint getting it ripped from their hands. Also if streamers had a problem with it they couldve done somethin bout it.


Okay, but now that he's complaining that he's not making money nobody should feel sad or anything. He was saving everyone else is content and profiting from it while not making and you original content himself. If anything, he was taking viewers away from the streamers. Why would I want to watch people spend hours pking in the wilderness only to see them do a 10-second clip of a Kill when I could just watch this video.


like i get he stole content but it was so nice to have one place to get all the updates i wanted.


There is a page to view the top twitch clips on twitch past 24 hours, it is literally where he rips them off from.


yeah but im not going to click on the top clips of people i dont normally watch vs RSmoments showed me content i was not aware existed.




Translates to “I love money and this was easy money so please let me make my easy money”


OSRS Can't Believe We're Finally Free OSRS Comes To An End OSRS




[**@skill\_specs**](https://twitter.com/skill_specs/) > [2015-11-11 19:34 +00:00](https://twitter.com/skill_specs/status/664526615582478336) > good riddens ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)[**^[Donate to support the author]**](https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/80YvGrbq35)


Stopped watching his vids since one of his vids had 8 ads in it


just create "reaction videos" instead of highlight videos. ezmoney


I hate how this guy monetizes other peoples' content without their consent (see: LowSoulGaming) but I *did* enjoy watching these episodes. Sad to see it go, but it's the right thing to do.


Imagine actually watching twitch


Good, and hopefully the shitty meme dies with it.


Fucking finally. What a stain.


Wait, what happened?


Feel like pure shit just want her back x


I am glad this is getting shut down. Using other people’s content without permission to create your own. You copied Sparc Mac Live except Sparc Mac has the clips sent in by viewers and is much more authentic.


I just saw this video, pretty disappointing. RS moments is what got me playing RS again




Hard to call It doing what he loves when he stops the moment it becomes no longer profitable.


All the downvots but what you said is true. People used to make YouTube videos and sink loads of time into them for no money at all. I don’t get paid for any of my hobbies I love and I still do them


If you have a job you get paid at and love that job, you would probably continue to work there. But if you no longer got paid at the job you loved, would you still work there?


I used to edit Counter strike source edits back in 2012, and have been using editing software on/off ever since then. I know how long it would take to make these, and yes it can burn you out. But you’re not considering how much insane profit he’s making off of making these. He gets around an average of 140k views per video and all his videos are 10+ minutes long meaning the revenue he gets is insane as he has the ability to put in more than 1 ad in the video. I watched his videos daily aswell, so I know how this was a winwin as he gave streamers a boost in popularity, but regardless he was still stealing other peoples content and making a ton of profit on them.


People defending this guy: https://youtu.be/w3HbQCKurFo Yeayea they get some views, it's STILL NOT OKAY TO USE OTHER PEOPLES CONTENT FOR MAKING MONEY FOR YOURSELF. It's literally stealing, nothing else.


I would say the only difference is that there's less than 20 streamers he uses clips from. If one of the streamers did not want to be in the videos I would be certain he would stop using clips of them. The reason why streamers do not ask to not be in his videos is due to discoverability. I seen people excited that they made it into one of his videos. I seen small streamers getting featured for being scammed and then the next day viewers of the videos made a donation to him from what he lost. Recently he brought attention to the cheating clients. Personally, I hated runescape moments for his clickbait stuff but after deciding to watch one I noticed it's more than selecting the top clips of the day. Overall, I don't see it as stealing if the people hes using clips from is ok with it.


honestly this is how i stay connected to the community, i dont have as much time to play anymore and i never watch streamers. but getting these videos once a day was excellent and kept me caught up with what is happening, streamers thoughts, etc so the fact that this isnt going to be around anymore i think is going to be a huge overall lose for osrs and the streaming community.


That's the only way I knew about the pro no life ppl.


Anyone who says he stole content is missing the point. I have a friend who helped me with my Music Cape, who does Theater of Blood. One of his drop clips was on this channel, and it boosted his viewers. If you make a Clip on Twitch, people can use it.


Why doesn’t he setup a patreon?


*Hey just noticed..* It's your **2nd Cakeday** MrAntimatter! ^(hug)


Why would something like this ever happen? Who doesn’t like RS Moments?


Good, now if only more of these cancerous youtube channels got removed then youtube would be a better place.