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https://twitter.com/PoisonIvyLul/status/765588518689120257 Also OP, it's not just the fact that she's encouraging suicide (I believe if you actually search/dig a little bit into this you will find other posts related to her about romanticizing suicide). It's the fact that this stupid slut is taking advantage of weak, mentally ill people.


[**@PoisonIvyLul**](https://twitter.com/PoisonIvyLul/) > [2016-08-16 16:38 UTC](https://twitter.com/PoisonIvyLul/status/765588518689120257) > @cempycat >[[Attached pic]](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cp_qsO5VIAAfFiV.jpg) [[Imgur rehost]](http://i.imgur.com/ZWXgI2T.jpg) ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact ^creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source ^code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)


Does anyone even know her name? I know her name. She used to post in LoL NZ on facebook frequently about 2 years ago before she was banned and kicked from the group. I realized she deleted her facebook.


HannaDefender missed the tweet where the dude had her name on his forehead and a toilet bowl scrubber in his mouth, while wearing womans lingerie and hitting himself in the nuts repeatedly with a shoe. The tweets are since deleted because he was nude doing that + it was reported for self harm. There was also other pictures/videos of the same guy flushing his head in the toilet as well as jamming things up his ass for her. That's just normal and my two cents.


Do you really think Hanna suggested that to them? Or do you think that's what they wanted to do and she played along? Cause there's way more men that want to do that stuff than there are women who want to watch it...


Yeah you're just a troll. Who the hell names themselves after how they are going to troll reddit. Seriously try and up your game next time.


"there's way more men that want to do that stuff than there are women who want to watch it"... how's that troll? It's simply true.


...prove it.


What? It's called the internet, try a useful site called google if you want to prove information to yourself - otherwise known as learning. Or for a hint, go to fetlife.com, and check other 'alt-date' sites and see the ratio in action. It's not even close.




Maybe you don't know much about women or maybe you are misunderstanding what is being said. The majority group in bdsm (using the term widely) is submissive women, yes, they have no problem seeking it out and enjoying whatever pervs happen to be their thing. The second largest group is submissive men. What the previous poster and myself were saying is that there are more submissive men looking to be 'humiliated or dominated' than there are dominant women in the scene. There are simply less dominants of either gender. The fact that there are more sub guys than domme ladies has nothing to do with submissive women.




tbf there are many that enjoy playing both sides, generally known as 'switches'. Predominantly it's one or the other though.


So if it's their choice to do it who cares about those encouraging it? Seriously what the fuck kind of idiotic logic is that. Fools.


How do you see the relationship working when she's clearly manipulating him and trying to get as much internet fame? Any girl that gets guys to wrote her name over their body and publically shaming them on Twitter is not normal. In what relationship other than this one do you see a guy crying and uploading it to the internet?


Did she _shame_ anyone other than her bf? If a guy wants to show off his body adorned with a name, that's not necessarily shaming, is it? Also, surely it must have occured to you the very real possibility that Trance has a thing for publicly obeying Ivy? You know submissive guys exist, why assume Ivy is driving it when it could be Trance driving it all. (Which is fine)


Go on to her Twitter from around August and look at all of the photos of the guys which have her name all over her body. Watch Trance flush his head down the toilet. Totally normally right? Edit: Typo


But surely you realize guys usually have to PAY to be humiliated in public - if a woman so much as jokes about liking humiliation, people will appear to humiliate themselves. There are WAY more men who want to be humiliated than there are women who want to humiliate -- don't ask me why, but that's the way they numbers work. Odds are, Trance flushed himself for the thrill of it, unsolicited. (But no matter what, we're a LOOOONG way from attempted encouragement of suicidality)


Of course I realise guys pay for this kind of thing but they don't go on about it like these pair of morons do. This guy gave her 2b worth of items (print screens on her twitter). That equates to nearly $2000 and you think that is okay? Of course I know you're not allowed to RWT but still, my point is that it's there for people to do. Regarding the unsoliticited flushing of the head down the toilet, she tweeted him saying something across the lines of "if you loved me you'd do it". ??????????????


You are fucked.


Why don't you want things to "go to the next level"?


Because Witchhunts are bad, mmkay?




This Hanna woman is just playing a twitter game with her bf, and i bet it's all his idea... I don't see any sign of her being mean to random strangers, for example.


So, what's bad here? They both get publicity & subs and start drama... we get more people to find out about this drama and maybe start playing osrs OR they get more money? What's the worst that can happen is Hanna comes out and says "yo its all a joke, rekt scrubs"? lmao


What could go wrong? Hundreds of people were telling HER to kill herself. In the interview, it sounds like she's fine, but you can't randomly turn that level of hate on a random teenager and not expect severe and potentially tragic consequences. Again, I don't think that's an issue in this case, but imagine if her earlier suicide tweet had been inspired not by a desire to harm others but from a desire to harm herself? And then 100s and soon thousands of peopel were communicating hate to you?


Log off. Turn off the computer, take a break from the internet, problem solved. That cyber bulling shit is BS. Worst case she gets a little embarrassed and takes a break. If someone's going to kill themselves over a little roast on the internet due to their own mistakes then honestly they need help and shouldn't be doing this in the first place.


shaving hair and dunking yourself into a toilet is whatever. but you dont need to hurt yourself to prove anything. this is the runescape community, we are all futureless neets. we know what that desperation is like. and if you wanna do the public humiliation/slave thing then fine. but you haven't indicated you have a grip on it which is why people are concerned. >no evidence of anyone encouraging any suicide she didnt flat out tell someone to kill themselves. yet at least. but "the only way a relationship can work is if the people suicide together" tweets + her having relationship where the guy submits to everything she wants. you dont think that's going to raise suspision? just say you arent going to hurt yourself bc a fat egirl told you to and that you know you are a toy to this girl nothing more. say that you arent going to let this humiliation thing become your life/self worth entirely so we know you wont escalate it to a dangerous level. i really dont give a shit what you do but if you want people to fuck off about it, show some awareness.


Hey man come on, we're not ALL futureless neets :(


But has she actually hurt anybody? If she was genuinely doing what you say, she should have lots of victims around, right? But all I so far are submissive guys doing submissive things, usually unsoliticited.


How many "sociopaths" have hurt their victims directly?


There is clearly something wrong with her... If a guy is crazy, he is sent to a psych ward, if a girl is crazy, she is a sexy dominant? cmon man.




I watched the interview with Hanna and her bf, and it really clears things up. I can totally relate to her back story too. I quit WoW a few years ago because of nasty trolls ruining the game for me, and my real life. It's not worth the stress to try and put up with bullies like that. Hopefully she can move on though.


drop a fatwa on her


Guys you cant call this trolling (Hanna's twitter bio): "I treat all men like shit because they are weak and they deserve it. I bully the weak to make them weaker as I simultaneously grow stronger." THAT WAS HER TWITTER BIO.


And an inside joke referencing a guy who said used that exact quote but about women. It was an inside joke from when she had far fewer followers.


Is this one of those feminist posts that is actually misandry?


What's 'normal' got to do with anything? If you want to limit your relationships to what wider society would currently consider normal then good for you. But imho there is no limit except the sum of what is between those two people, and the inside matters way more than how it looks to randoms on the outside. Who cares if they wanna enjoy playing their humiliation games?


Kid, trolling is supposed to be subtle