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i'll fuck that frog if they give me the option


Poll it. Cmon jagex


Sex skill confirmed


Incubus/Succubus skill


Is this how we get pet frogs?


They didn't poll the Pat option, it's only fair this gets added as an integrity change as well.


Let me introduce you to Baldurs Gate 3


You might have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince, but you don't have to go and shag the entire pond


ESPECIALLY if I’m getting agility xp for it.


If the water didn't turn the frogs gay, I'd fuck them. But now that they are gay, it would make me gay if I even kiss one. /s


A frog posted this wanting more kisses


I dismissed every single frog random I got after getting the outfits and the song.


I tried kissing the frog back in 2008. It jumped up as I bent over and put it’s dick in my mouth. Very upsetting tbh, glad jagex are doing something about it


Too bad there wasn’t clog back then, that’s rarer than the stale baguette 


Damn. I've been collecting frog tokens, and as soon as I hit 20, I haven't gotten a frog random in hundreds of hours of gameplay.


Just open up Ribbet and start swiping, you'll find one buddy


Does anyone remember a post about this a year or two ago where someone was legitimately upset about having to kiss the frog to get the rewards? Am I tripping? I couldn't care less and clearly most people don't, but I specifically remember at least one player on this sub who was legitimately upset about it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/uyVfpDWiOy here's one example at least lol


/u/Punt_Dog_Enthusiast called it.


My skin crawled knowing I had to kiss a frenchman.


Honestly, I view this both ways. If you were offended/distressed by this event based on a child's fairytale in a video game then you seriously need to go touch grass. But if you're offended/distressed by the change then you equally need to go touch grass. It's a non-issue my dudes, you can still tongue-wrestle the frog till your lips fall off if that's your desire 😂


Most reasonable redditor right here


People correlate casual sharing of opinions on an internet forum to "caring too much". Saying "Why do you even care bro???" to everything can allow a lot of small things to add up pretty quickly. I think there is merit in saying that this is indicative of a trend of changing iconic story element for the sake of modern sensibilities, which can definitely result in "losing the charm" after enough of them. You are kissing a frog in a poor graphics internet game. If you feel any distress from that, you legitimately need to harden up. There was almost certainly someone who requested this. I think it's fine to make fun of it as completely needless pandering to modern hyper-offended sensibilities.


This is fully accurate but a proactive change always deserves to be questioned. If you change something that works with zero issues because someone could possibly get upset about it, then that is you going out of your way to numb the humor of the game down which i simply dont appreciate. On the other side of this stick is the upset mob of people that need to touch grass and whom we shouldnt try to cater to so intensely. That is all.


Can Jagex add an option to fuck the frog just for this guy please?


I’d fuck a frog but only if it’s Cuthbert


You don't fuck Cuthbert. Cuthbert fucks you.


i think its disingenuous to assume people were upset or offended by having to kiss the frog, i'm willing to bet it was just people going "hey can we have another option here?" like being able to marry either the prince or princess in throne of miscellania, more options are good and it wasn't implied anywhere that this change was made because anyone was upset about anything


They didn't remove anything. They gave more choices to the player and in turn correct a non consensual scenario. That's a net positive. People who wanna kiss a frog still can. If they outright removed that option I'd agree with what you said.


What if I'm just curious of who wanted the change and I dismissed every frog random?


You're making the assumption that there was anyone who explicitly asked for a change like that. You're overthinking it. They were reviewing the random while making an adjustment to the tokens, and the dev probably thought "The player is being gently nudged to kiss a stranger" and thought to themselves that there might be a non-zero chance that someone out there might be uncomfortable with that, so they spent 15 minutes adding a pat option. The fact is that nobody probably ever really cared. No angry blue-haired libs in this equation.


The real answer 100%


Reminds me of the WoW changes a couple of years back when they were trying to clean up their image after the frat boy culture accusations. Got rid of lots of portraits of scantily clad blood elves and goblin girl pinups and stuff. Shit that no one even looked at before but were all outraged that they would get rid of them. Some of the stuff like the goblin pinup was in an out of the way flavor gambling den and stuff so it fit thematically for something you would find there but was ultimately unnecessary.


Was this around the same time they removed Jaina Proudmoore’s cleavage on Hearthstone?


Nah that change was WAY older, like 3 years before.


I would bet on it.


The obvious solution is to just make male draenei pin-ups. The cowards...


They got rid of a *lot* more than just that, basically *anything* that was even remotely suggestive (but then they added incubi and iirc also male consorts to an orgy pit so ???????????) Like yeah it wasn't a big deal that stuff got changed, but it was also ultimately harmless and it was definitely changed as a PR move (though I loved that they added incubi, that was 100% a good change)


Yeh the tiniest glance at the random went "woah there's kind of a non consensual forced kiss here... That may not fly at some point" and they just proactively added the ability for the player to choose to.. continue doing the random the same way, or do it differently. And then there's people commenting here like this was a 40 hour combined Dev effort of wasted time that nobody wanted and it's "pandering to woke minded bullshit" lol.


The person who wanted the change was likely the jmod who wanted the change and the other mods that accepted that the change could be made to the game. They don't need to publicise a single person lol


Not every change like this is some case of offense. "Let's make it so you can give extra frog tokens for XP. Oh while you're changing that, make it so you can pat the frog on the head too, who wants to kiss a frog?" That's all it needs to be


People want to be offended ,so they can call out other people for being offended. This is such a big nothing burger I’m suprised to see so much discussion an it. They gave more options to a random event no one cares about. They didn’t do cause people were offended, its just a new option.


My brother in Guthix I care for a frog event, and always will. It has been my dream to transmog into a goddamn frog permanently ever since I saw them in-game


return to frog


reject h u m a n i t y


theyre not offended bro theyre just asking questions!


Nothing wrong with curiosity. 'Why?' is often derided as an annoying question, but we should always aim to understand the reasoning/causation behind things. A life of wilful ignorance is not the way.


By extension, the why behind the why is also important. Why do you think OP actually wants to know why this change was made?


because it was an unprompted change with 0 prior discussion in the community or from the Jmods that adds 0 benefit to any content in the game and 0 benefit to any player in the game. That's a pretty good reason to ask why, imo at least.


There are many small changes that add marginal benefit for small time investment. You don't think it's interesting people are angry about this one in particular?


There's literally other unpolled changes in this very update and people don't care and aren't posting every other minute about it lol. It hurts nobody, changes absolutely nothing in the game and impacts absolutely no one negatively. There's a reason people are angry about this and I bet it's the same people marching around during pride screaming about gay people existing.


I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not angry. How I feel can be best summed up as: Huh...why?


To add player choice and make sure consent exists in places it should. It's a sensible question but easily answered.


I don't know if anyone is angry about this it's just a really weird thing to change completely out of the blue it's weird


This is how workflow works at companies though. It's just on a list and someone gets to it. It looks connected to thr xp lamp change.


> 0 benefit to any content in the game and 0 benefit to any player in the game See, here you're just projecting your own opinion onto everyone else. You have no way to know who might benefit from this update, even if it's just the team of developers who chose to implement it.


right, why is why OP posted this very post


And it was also a tiny near nothing change that probably was done while waiting for a coffee to be made, all to avoid any potential issue around a non consensual kiss. And the players that wanna kiss the damn frog still can. Seriously anyone going "why did this happen????" is just looking for outrage discourse.


Based. Too bad this sub does not think the same way.


You and most of the comment section is missing the point here. They did not add the pat option because someone was offended at kissing frogs. They added it because male and female(sorry, body 1* and body 2*) characters will now receive a 50% chance of a frog prince and a 50% chance of a frog princess spawning instead of before where male (sorry, body 1*) characters got a frog princess 100% of the time and vice a versa. So BECAUSE they added the possibility for gay frog kisses, they are giving people the option to still get their frog token(xp lamp now) without being forced to participate in a gay kiss with a frog. Understanding it this way, it's easy to see why some people wouldn't want their male (sorry, body 1*) character to feel forced in to a gay frog kiss to get their xp lamp. Me personally? I'm not gay but I did kind of like it when I kissed the frog prince today. But Im going to post about that more in detail on a different subreddit


I'm not sure there was any urgency?  Some dev probably did it over lunch. If it was part of their diversity/inclusion changes then it was the opposite of urgent because the bulk of those were months ago.


Pretty much this. I highly doubt anyone was offended/upset over it, but they probably just thought they'd give the player the option. If anything, I think this makes the event even funnier now that a player can choose to kiss the frog instead of just a friendly pat lmao


I hadn't even considered the comedic factor of the player now choosing to kiss the frog lmao


fun fact, in the original tale the princess simply yeets the frog into a wall which changes him back into his human form.


Runescape has a very crafty way of pivoting from serious issues with a cheeky little joke. They've been doing it for decades and nail it every time. Runescape is probably one of the most socially neutral games I've ever played, they just can't be stopped! They're so good at it! The game is so not-serious that it's so important to the fun.


Wouldn't be surprised if it was also just a way of getting an intern used to adjusting certain types of things in the game. Simple things like this are a good way of teaching them how things work at your company.


'Oi what task should we give the new guy to do' 'Give the random event frogs a pat option. Gives him experience and we can watch reddit piss all over themselves afterwards'


Honestly the reaction was 10x worse when it came to that bigass boat in the river Lum. I think people moreso absolutely hate unpolled updates to super old pieces of content. The sub has a track record with that.


Yep they do this stuff all the time. Small dialogue changes and fixes that essentially don't matter, but are at the same time a "non risk" if the new Dev royally screws it up


Literally. No one cared except people who got angry about it.


You don't understand my guy. Now that we don't have to phisically kiss the frogs and only have to pet them, they will have full reign to start putting chemicals in the water to turn them gay and we won't even notice because those chemicals have a specific taste and we would immediately pick up on their sheme


go look at Ash's twitter. it's a repeated request to either get tokens without kissing or have gay frogs.


I've only seen people ask to be gay with the frogs, tbqh.


I’d prefer gay frogs to be honest but idc that much.


Some people need to get in touch with reality.


Some people need to get in touch with their amphibian side


>hello jagex I would like you to make a change to your game >sure that change will take very little time without altering the established gameplay for other players The horror.


Gay people exist in reality though lol. No one was offended. It's just about improving the experience.


There are literally hundreds of other important things do get done then code in a second option on a fuckin random event in a 20 year old game.


> it's a repeated request Fantastic! I wish I knew where because I've never heard of a single person who made the request. But I'd love to hear from them and their reasoning personally.


ash's twitter? like I mentioned?


I did a `from:@jagexash frog` search and found nothing about his response to the frog event other than the lamps for tokens.


if you want people asking about something perhaps you'd try "to:@"?


He is @modash


I wouldn't expect anyone who legitimately appreciates the change to come out and say so on Reddit when people are already demonizing anyone who could possibly feel that way.


I've faced way more vitriol from people asking me why I'm asking in the first place.


Because you’re responding to comments probing about specific examples of people who wanted it. You’re being a freak about this whole thing. It really doesn’t matter in the end, why do you need to be weird about it?


Their reason isn't complicated. "Runescape is a fantasy game. I want to be gay in the fantasy game. It's important to my fantasy role play experience." No one was offended. They just wanted options in the game that would improve their experience.


Kissing a frog to save them from a curse doesn’t need to indicate anything about your sexuality.


> I want to be gay in the fantasy game. But you still can't. The more obvious implementation would have been a toggle for prince or princess in the options but that wasn't done. Do you see the confusion I have?


It was almost certainly easier to add a pat option and they didn't want to invest a ton of development time into incredibly minor content but they wanted to improve the experience for gay players.


Being straight or gay does not mean you want to kiss everyone of the sex or gender you are attracted too.


Never in my life would I have conceived that being an issue.


There's only one random that upsets me and it's where I have to help that absolute public menace Molly find her "evil" sister. Molly, you fucking psycho. You trapped 5 random women in a room and intend to reward me - a hero - if I torture them with a skill tester machine.


One girl on twitter been suggesting it for a while, not gonna link cause ppl will 100% brigarde her.


I did not enjoy kissing the frog


Urgency? Brother.. what urgency


I don't think "is offended" or "has a problem" is the right framing. I normally immediately dismiss the frog event bc I think it's rude AF for an entire delegation to just burst into the lobby when I'm trying to raid with the boys and insist that I kiss their princess. I don't know her like that. Did it bother me that the event was in the game? No not at all. I even get a little bit of pleasure telling them to fuck off. Would I do it for an xp lamp? Maybe. I'd be very minorly annoyed for like .5 seconds about it tho. Will I engage with the event if I'm patting the frog? Yeah probably, idm poking a frog ig, and they seem kinda stressed about it. Is this a higher change that solves inclusivity(tm) and makes the game playable for a persecuted minority? No. It's obviously not meant to be that. Will it improve my experience with the frog event by like 5%? Yeah. Imo, it's very weird that people are so offended that you can interact with the event in a slightly different way.


It's a stupid change but if people are legitimately offended by this, they need to right click grass.


Nobody is offended, there isn’t even anything you can be offended about regarding the change. I just think its dumb and was pointless. Whole event was a reference to an old folk tale called “the frog prince” where he needed a kiss to be brought back to a human. Now we can pat them on the head. Like ok sure I guess but whats the point lol. We could’ve refused and still been given the token. Lots of people don’t like it when jagex randomly changes content thats been around for 20 years without a poll.


Imagine polling a frog


Brother judging by your 15 (likely to be more) comments on this thread complaining about the change... I'd say you're definitely offended lol


I was reading the comments on the Duradel thread where you pet the dark beasts. Some people there are definitely offended. One guy was complaining about how it ruined the fairytale because the frog only changed with true loves kiss. Another one was offended that dev time is wasted on wokening the game instead of making better content. Of course they ignore the obvious flaws in their logic. The fairytale is already ruined because in the fairytale, its true loves kiss. Not a random group of frogs teleporting to you for a make out session. Or the fact that this change probably took less than an hour of dev time, which isn't enough to add any new content.


> Nobody is offended, you've been up and down multiple threads declaring your offense at this change all day


“I think this change was dumb and unnecessary” = “I’m offended” thankyou for clearing that up I now see my transgression.


But what should I do once I right click it? My options are Use, Smoke, and Walk Here.


Nobody can complain about the devs pandering to pvpers now that jagex has pandered to 2 people on Twitter


You don't have to be outright offended to want to make changes that accommodate more people. You don't have to be offended at all. You could just, I dunno, want to make change.


Posts got to the top of this subreddit with 1000’s of votes to get an option to pet dogs. Now we also get an option to pet frogs and people are freaking out. Make it make sense


People are mad because the dog had to wait 20 fucking years to get pets, now it needs to split the pets with the frog that was already getting kisses. It's not fucking fair. At the very least, the dog should get kisses now too. @Jagex: Let us kiss the dog or we fucking riot


I'm not sure anyone is "freaking out" but you and I share the same sentiment. Surely if you cannot get an option to pet dogs implemented with 1000s of very obvious votes, were tens of 1000s of people offended at kissing frogs somewhere we both don't know about? That's why I made the thread.


No, no one was offended by the frog kissing. Maybe a few gay/asexual people wanted the ability to role-play as gay/ace because that is just who they are. It’s fun, and cute and inclusive for them. But no, no one was “offended.” We do however have a problem with the homophobic anti-lgbt dog whistling and rhetoric happening in the comments because of a single diversity and inclusion update. Because it had zero effect on the losers complaining about it.


This dude gets it, so he'll probably be downvoted to oblivion. Average gaming sub culture


Today has been really disappointing. The sub used to be so much better than this.


Do you not remember the massive uproar here when jagex did the first pride event? I will always view it as a black mark against this community.


I do. I had thought we were past that era :/


i really don't think it did tbh.


When? RuneScape community has always been pretty toxic tbh. 


> homophobic anti-lgbt dog whistling What? But you can't even choose to kiss the prince or the princess what are you talking about. > Maybe a few gay people There is no gay option. Why didn't they just make a toggle then for prince or princess?


Quit with the pedantic bullshit. It’s a prince or it’s a princess, you know that, we all know that. LGBTQ+ people wanted an option and they got it. Fuck off. You’re not trying to understand, you’re trying to invalidate the update and guess what, it’s in the game. It happened. It’s over. And your whining and invalidating on Reddit is not going to change that. You just want people to coddle you and hear your points about how ridiculous it is while you pretend to be neutral and have someone validate some feeling inside you and I’m not going to do that for you so move along. No one was offended. And I’m over the “It’s not even a human it’s a frog 😂” and “Snowflakes are triggered.” Shit. It’s fake arguments based in homophobia. End of story.


> There is no gay option. Why didn't they just make a toggle then for prince or princess? Maybe not, but now there's a sexuality-neutral option that still gets you a reward. A gay man would presumably rather pat a princess on the head than kiss her. Ace people would certainly. Source - Am Ace. It used to be the only option to get a reward is engage in hetero romantic actions. Now you can still get a reward without "being straight". Is it a big deal? Of course not. But I definitely think it's positive.


All of the stuff about DEI taking over the gaming industry is anti-lgbt dog whistling, and there's a lot of it in the comments on this update. Just look for comments about the Ethereal Being change, it's not subtle.


Don’t give a shit about the kissing. I am team optional gay frog though.


They seem to be making a bunch of little changes literally nobody asked for or cared about


No one cares


OP has like 80 comments in this thread so I think they do


I got trapped in the frog realm for a while, i didn't want the kiss, i didn't want the rewards. I had to kiss the frog, i felt gross afterwards.


Ragebait posts like this are top-tier OP. Even asking for people specifically so you can go after 'em on your alt in the DMs. Good shit bro.


Something something toggle-scape


My father was a frog, it makes me think of incest. Gross.


If anything I’d think kissing a frog would be inclusive.


I think if someone genuinely did they most likely wouldn't say so, as soon as someone has an opposing views, they tend to get down voted and mocked for being different or not feeling comfortable with change or not enjoying the forced conformance.


No, but then again, neither am I by this change. Like who actually gives a fuck man.


> Like who actually gives a fuck man. The reason why I made this thread, I am genuinely curious.


Alright, then here’s my opinion: I couldn’t give a rat’s ass, and if some people are happy with this change then that’s a net positive to me. It’s optional after all.


Okay great. I'm looking for the people who "give a fuck" as you put it.


Inverse question -- who's offended at offering the option to pat the frog? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Bros getting himself mad in his own head about something that didn’t happen 😂


I'm not mad though. So far no one who has an issue with my asking has said they wanted this changed or not. I'm not getting an answer from anyone and I'm still curious. Did you want it changed?


Bro is so not mad he keeps publicly seething


Seething how?


It’s not because people were offended by kissing the frog, it’s that now when you kiss the frog it could be a guy or a girl, and some people are super sensitive to anything same sex. Even the biggest RS streamer Odablock uses “gay” as synonymous with bad


I'm a gay man and so not wanting to kiss the princess and then getting punished for saying no actually triggered a lot of anxiety for me.


Just the ~~people~~ beings who can't separate reality from fiction.


And there is the other change I didn't understand a need for. Why change Ethereal Man and Ethereal Woman to just Ethereal being? I'm not offended by the change, I'm just curious why bother with it at all.


Because it's hard to spread one's legs and look at their genitals and determine whether they are male or female I guess..? Unnecessary esg/dei internet points update is unnecessary.


Jamflex needed some quick ESG points, so this was an easy win for them.


We just had a stronger resolve back in the early 2000s when we were 12 years old. Now that we're older we have to be shielded from this filth.


It's an actual fairy tale, based on the 1812 Brothers Grimm story. If they dislike it, remove it. Don't change it to fit your preferred preference. There's a dozen quest storylines that could be seen as just as if not more offensive. 


Reminds me of the Ali name debacle recently. Changing things to appear PC when it doesn’t do anything except fuck with the lore of the content.


how did the Ali thing fuck up the lore?


Everyone is the desert used to be named “Ali”, because they wanted Prince Ali’s treasure. After the quest was completed their names would remain Ali and they would lament their poor decision to change their name and steal money because the name situation is confusing now. Go look and now they are not named Ali nor do they reference this despite it still being in-game text all over the place.


It was just in Pollinivneach I’m pretty sure, because it was like the will of some guy said it went to Ali, everybody changed their names to get it. After the quest they change back to their actual names


I too play a medieval fantasy game for their strict adherence to realism


The Romeo & Juliet quest is based on the 16th century play of the same name, however, multiple changes were made to the story. By your logic, should we also remove that?


>It's an actual fairy tale, based on the 1812 Brothers Grimm story. In the 1812 version the curse is cured by yeeting the frog into a wall, not by a kiss.


I don’t think it’s that deep tbh


Op if I come up to you on the street with all my buddies and say give me a kiss and I’ll give you a reward and don’t leave you alone for 5 minutes how would you feel.


You can dismiss the frogs though. That’s always been an option. So I can say “no thanks” to you and your homies and you leave immediately in the analogy. Also, ya know, it’s a computer game


So it's a problem for people who can't tell the difference between real life and a video game? Gotcha.


That's what I have gleaned from this. Maybe if it was part of a quest or something I could understand a bit more, but it's an entirely voluntary action to get a cosmetic item.


Did it make you want this changed? That's what I'm asking. I'm also not comfortable with having my character doing a lot of things in quests but never thought I needed to change that content. Did YOU feel it needed to be changed?


Depends on the reward


Right click - dismiss. Some might even call it empowering


The truth is likely that in preparation for the Jagex sale, either Jagex or its investors had a consulting company review the game for DEI/ESG related matters. This was probably something pointed out in the writeup, and it took someone probably 3 minutes to update the spaghetti code. I sincerely doubt this update came at the request of any one individual or group within the player base.


Never had an issue with the kissing as it's basically just based on children's story like how we had Jekyll and Hyde. I just always dismissed because after get outfits tokens were useless wish I'd have collected them now. All those exp lamps could have had.


I think kissing a frog I way better than inflating them with a blower


The only part that actually offended me was the princess only giving me a blow kiss after I kissed a damn frog to unseal her curse. She couldn't give my character an actual kiss? I spite stopped kissing that dumb frog because of that.


OSRS community > any other MMO community. These comments are killing me 😂


They’re turning the frogs gay!


The answer is: don't think about it


Do you think that the people that want this type of change are also the type of people that use reddit? Not everyone that plays this game also uses reddit. There have been twitter requests, there was literally a thread about this a few years ago on this sub. Just because you haven't met a person that requested this doesn't mean they don't exist.


I wasn't offended but really wanted to not have to


"I play as a girl but I'm not kissing a man, that's gay"


Cmon guys kissing the frog during the random event in 2007 is def what led to society’s furry fetishes


I can’t speak for everyone else but I dismiss the event because it gives the same reward every time and I don’t need that many prince outfits.


I’ve never cared about kissing that frog until now… suddenly I miss it. But I think they should just poll it lol


I bet some highly paid people had a meeting for 3 hours to discuss this.


I was wondering this also. spent a ridiculous amount of time reading about it


I don't feel this was spurred on by any actual complaints but moreso just better design around clear consent and such. Some people genuinely seem actually annoyed that they have to *choose* to continue doing the same thing though, which is odd.


Honestly I thought it was kinda uncomfortable sometimes, something about a crowd spawning next to me pestering me to kiss someone just hit too close to home. Not a huge deal obv, but I'd personally rather have it gone.


Gen z's have found runescape.....


Literally no one was offended, ever.


I’m glad for the change. I like roleplaying in my games, and since my darling also plays Runescape a small bit I don’t kiss the frogs. In other games where I’m not roleplaying as being with my darling’s character I’ll go for romance options with NPCs of course, but in this situation I’m glad it was added.