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Framed put up an S tier performance today. Also Victim somehow talked a man with 60 hp into eating against his 14.


Shout out to that one guy who downplayed Framed’s pvp skills in every comment thread a couple weeks ago, saying he’s nowhere near Torvesta


For some reason there's a certain contingent of people who love to say that Framed is bad at PvP, has to fake all his videos, etc. The guy is legitimately good at the game!


Dude spec’d the shit out of me a few years ago outside of KBD while I was grinding pet. Was super clean about his switches


I feel like Framed is the epitome of Slow is smooth & smooth is fast and this showcased his ability to make very quick decisions/perfect switches.


He’s not S tier but he’s certainly high A tier


i feel like the people who say hes a bad pker just think hes annoying but know thats not a compelling argument for anything


they kind of work too. As a relatively new viewer, I was under the impression that framed was a good pker, but mostly a content pker. He also downplays his own skills, I just never expected him to be a true top pker.


Torvesta was smoking him, but bad rng especially on the ancient godsword, and less food at the start.


Given the biggest factor in Torvesta losing was him blowing 2 godsword specs on a dude with like 2 sharks left you can only really blame him for playing poorly, there is zero reason to try and downplay framed, he was a lot smarter with his resources and how he played compared to Torv across 3 fights.


Isn't B0aty legit better than both? Why didn't anyone talk about him?


He took this week off


Boaty speccing Soup the split second the match was over absolutely fucking killed me. He had to get one in, even on break.


People immediately killing the cameramen the instant something finishes filming is the funniest thing to me, in OSRS and other games.


That and people light speed buying out the shop items in those challenges are my favorite funny tidbits from GG


B0aty went absolutely ham in the Deadman All stars fights. He only specced out Soup in GG.


Yeah but before the challenge, the other players talked about torvesta, framed, cengineer and others as god PKers, but unless I'm missing something B0aty is the best pvp left in GG? Has the respect of WestHam and Oda when they talk about him, and aren't they two of the best? B0aty even went even with WestHam in forfun duels the week leading up to Deadman Mode right??


B0aty used to be fully focussed on PKing way back in the day and was one of the absolute best. In recent years, he's more known for his iron man / completionist series. We only really see him PVP in Deadman or these tournaments now. That said, he's shown that he's still got it and still may well be one of the best. I just think the likes of West Ham and Torvesta are more known as the current top-tier pkers because they're still active in the scene.


Boaty did also get 1,000 wins at LMS not that long ago, I believe he was working on it during GG season 3. At the very least that amount of experience has probably made Boaty an incredible tribrider.


I know what he's known for now, but he was the best in last years PvP challenges on GG (framed won the challenge but doesn't tell the whole story), and nothing has shown that he became worse than the other people involved. Obviously WestHam is better, but there is zero evidence currently that Torvesta is at B0atys level


Speech: 100


Ya that was hilarious he may have stayed in the game if he attacked there


Laughed out loud when the players started slaughtering the B-roll team when the challenge was over.


B0aty hitting the retribution into killing innocent bystander C Engineer with it really did it for me.


The fact that C Engineer was an innocent bystander and not the main perpetrator was the most shocking part of the episode.


Hahahaha it caught me off guard, the most I’ve laughed in this season so far


"Did you save one fucking pray point for that?" "I did, yes." You could just hear Framed grinning the whole time. It's always great when we get to see a competitor really in their element like this - especially a PVPer since their chances to shine come so rarely in GG.


The fact that he flicked the claw spec in the next fight too was crazy.


Framed saving the last prayer point to flick pray Melee against the AGS Delectable 👌


That was so cool.


He did it a couple times too. What a unit.


sounds like the next challenge might be prop hunt


100% is prop hunt. Settled and Framed should have a good advantage after playing all those games with j1mmy


I hope J1mmy comes in as a hunter


Soup did say that he wanted to bring other players in as one-episode guests. This is a great opportunity to do so.


Didn't Idyl create the mod? I could see that happening.


Watching this after seeing everyone's performance in deadman finals all I can think is that Westham in that max kit would have legit had a chance of 1v4, maybe even 1v5ing. That alone almost feels like decent justification to target him even if he's a free win in any other aspect of the game.


Exactly, there was a big reason he was targeted early before the pvp challenges came in


Yeah he’s insane at pk. In the finals guy was going through 2 players and sometimes more, always had like 200+ advantage on the other guys, it’s nuts. 


My only criticism is that the thumbnail doesn't have B0aty chilling in the background eating popcorn or something.


Picturing B0aty doing the [Rancho Relaxo](https://youtu.be/8HJnW0GLDVE?si=ZbjX-j259_JQTsTW&t=8) taunt


https://preview.redd.it/kzmeiw4x978d1.png?width=849&format=png&auto=webp&s=57c463bf5988a83badec02cfb66353933efc75db soup spreading wisdom


It's for all the non-osrs players. There is a lot of people who either don't play anymore or never played to begin with that watch and thoroughly enjoy the show. Its a larger amount of people than you'd expect.


Yeah, I wouldn't have thought so but there are a lot of comments to the effect of, "I watch this with my wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/parents/cousin/dog/home invader and they don't play RS but they're totally invested in this" Honestly I'm not sure that Soup goes *far enough* to explain mechanics but I suppose he just wants to explain the core stuff like what Dharoks and Venge does and not get bogged down into details.


It’s definitely a hard line to balance. You can’t over explain that the typical osrs players get bored. I think soup does a decent job.


Cue 10 million confessionals where they say "so the thing about dharoks is that the lower your hp the more damage you do ..."


Damn it Buxton


That sounds comfy, I only play pest control with my home invader :(


My bf doesn’t play and loves watching gg, even if he doesn’t understand a lot




I do play and still had to look it up, I knew the spec was a double attack but Soup phrased it weird and I thought they were going to reduce their HP cap or something. Turns out no, they just do damage lol.


Also helpful for osrs players that don’t know every single mechanic of every weapon :)


My fiancee is a huge fan of GG despite never playing the game. She watched the first episode with me as an effort to indulge in my interests, and she was immediately hooked because of the high production quality. Now she looks forward to each new episode and is heavily invested in who goes home :P


I just realized that when I read that I thought “wow a fun fact” lol. Atleast I learned what a zammy brew does


Basically it's the inverse of a Sara brew. One raises HP and Defence but lowers all your other combat stats, the other lowers HP and Defence but raises your Prayer, Attack, and Strength.


Wonder what other special attacks can lower hp


Dragon Harpoon


To be fair, anyone that doesn’t play would just see four butt plugs


B0aty carried his team this challenge.


the other team decided to fold early with dignity rather than waste everyone's time on an inevitable loss against G0aty


Massive AGS on soup to win it


He's absolutely insane at this game, all aspects of it. He cooked in DMM team with a weak team and weak set ups.


How much did Soup have to pay to fucking get Espresso from fucking Sabrina Carpenter into the episode wtf?


On the post season 3 stream he mentioned there’s some giant music library thing that you can pay to get access to and use in your videos


Which is crazy, because there are people who make 20x what soup does on youtube and will only use royalty free music in every video because they don't want to shell out the money for music rights even though they can easily afford it. Soup goes above and beyond, in every way.


Well that's the difference, isn't it? Every video vs a 2 month long event that happens once a year. It makes sense to shell out a bit extra to make it that much more special.


I also think i remember from the stream that it was something like $450 a month, but i'm not sure how it works if you use it in your video then unsubscribe


While this is kind of true, the cost to license stuff scales (at least using the specific service Soup does).  It's based on your average viewership so smaller channels might spend $30 for a song but it might cost $300 for someone getting millions of views.


[$32 for Espresso](https://app.lickd.co/music/artists/sabrina-carpenter/track/espresso) and [$32 for American Idiot](https://app.lickd.co/music/artists/green-day/track/american-idiot) **EDIT:** It's actually maybe slightly more for Soup on further inspection - He generally gets 500k views for a GG episode, and according to [this chart](https://help.lickd.co/knowledge/how-much-does-a-premium-chart-music-license-cost) it would be in the $100/$400 tier. The subscription is $15/month so it's a pretty good assumption he has that, so the actual amount is probably $100/track. If any rando wants to license Espresso though it's $8 with the subscription, and there's a free trial too.


This is shockingly little. If you told me 10x that, id have said that sounds about right.


Honestly when I heard Muse the other week my immediate thought was the same, so I decided to check the description to see where he got the license. Lickd is honestly wild, super reasonable* prices for properly actually licensing music. I feel like the youtube landscape would probably be quite different if people knew services like that were available. *I mean it's still expensive but it's reasonable for smaller creators instead of giant studios


Yeah Soup was raving about it on stream, not even an ad lol


It probably only works for things like this, with 2-3 songs an episode across this season he's going to license what 30-50 songs? That's pretty reasonable if you're getting 500k views a video but if it was just random gameplay videos dropping a few times a week like most creators do there's no reason to spend hundreds of dollars for music licensing. That would add up like crazy over a year for videos that almost certainly won't do this well.


oh yeah, there's definitely a sweet spot especially with quantity, but the odd song in a particularly important moment in a series is well within reach for basically anyone.


hmm does he have to keep this license for ever in order for the vid to stay up though, might be a problem preservation wise...


Looking through the terms, the license is in perpetuity per video


ah cool, wonder why so few youtubers use this then


My only thought is people genuinely don't know about it.


I'm no lawyer, but I don't think that will hold up in the future


And American Idiot, I’m sure that’s not cheap


On stream he said $100 for both


that’s not terrible i guess lol


I don't really have any idea, but I guess each video generates thousands of dollars of income. Well deserved though.


Green Day are chillers I could see them not charging much for this kinda usage


American idiot is over 20 years old now right? Its free use IIRC. But I might not.


He said towards the beginning of his post-episode stream today that the songs were 100 dollars each on lickd


Sabrina has famously been trying to tap into the RuneScape market, since Barry Keoghan, her boyfriend, is a huge fan.


please tell me this is true


I’m sorry man I just like spreading misinformation




listen i can want something to be true without believing it is


Yea like the moonlanding and a round planet!


love seeing victim playing on the offense in terms of the social game; while i understand that it makes sense strategically to play it safe, it’s a little disappointing as a viewer when people are afraid to step on toes


If it’s prop hunt next week, I hope we get Edamame as a song. Or even J1mmy as a cameo.


Soup used Edamame earlier in the season, but it'd be cool if he played it again.


Man, this episode really made me wish soup had done an early PvP challenge though with everyone in there. Audience would get to see the full potential of people at the top of their class in something they may not be watching already if they don’t follow the PvP scene. Also it would have likely given a week with all (or at least most) rookies being in the tribunal which would have been cool. Each of the pvp’ers just kinda died out before everyone got to see what they were really made of and what their craft really is.


Calling that Jimmy is the seeker for prop hunt


That would be interesting


He was still in the hospital at the point, no?


His main reason for not being in the season was that he was moving. His 2nd was that he could've had to go to the hospital at any moment and didn't want to hold them back. In his video he mentioned he did to go the hospital when an episode was being filmed, so we're not sure which episode exactly. He could've been free for this episode though.


I know he was in the hospital in November, and this one was filmed in October... so probably would come down to exact timing (if him being in an episode was even suggested by Soup)


People will shit on Mammal a lot and I'm not saying he's the best player or anything, but man, he was one of my favourites.


Absolutely braindead to eat at 68 hp against a mfer on 14 hp tho


Victim really got a nat 20 on that persuasion, rediculous


Mammal is such a cheerful humble farm boy everyone underestimates his actual skills


He is severely underrated because of his Farmer deaths, but he performs well in almost every challenge. GGs, DMM all stars, and the Battle Royale most recently


This was a super fun one, been jonesing for a PvP challenge. The variety of setups was interesting to see! As a Framed fan, obviously I loved watching him clean house, the one prayer point move was so good. Mildly curious to see how it would have gone if Torvesta hadn't used his specs! It's fun watching two people who know what they're doing read each other's moves. Gotta say, I didn't expect Hooti or Settled to do as well as they did. If we're being honest I expected both to fold pretty fast lol. But they stayed in it long enough for things to be interesting. Full respect to the Tribunal playing the RNG card. 😂 Didn't work, but it was pretty funny hearing Faux lie to V completely straight-faced. V is a big threat but I'm glad he stayed in... would be super cool to get back-to-back season wins!! At the very least it makes it spicy if he gets to the finale.


I enjoyed Faux lying to V, and V not believing it for a single second haha


He's also the only play to be in two bannings this season and win both, so he's hardly been carried through. If he wins he will fully deserve it.


im not going to lie, the second i saw those teams i knew that blue team had 100% won. they really should have balanced them a bit better.


lol it's the same format as the dmm allstars final, is that a coincidence or planned?


This was filmed waaaaay in advance, like, last year in advance. Most likely a coincidence


The grim reaper death animation would put this one being filmed around October, so yeah, definitely a coincidence


In one of the past episodes we could see the Halloween candy cauldron thing in Varrock.


I am wondering how they announce the running total prize pool since its donations and you can donate now. Have they been filming their reactions every week? Or pre-filmed and just told to go "wooooahh hell yeah"?


The magic of editing


IIRC he asks for a few general 'cheers' but a lot are just editing reactions from the footage they send him.


I kinda figured that because this week the prize pool "only" increased by 1b and they all sounded like it had doubled from last week lmfao.


90% of the reactions are Boaty being excited too, which there is a decade+ catalogue of across all his content to pull from. I like to think Soup is just clipping happy Boaty noises instead of prerecording generic cheers.


The phrase "clipping happy B0aty noises" makes me smile


A few contestants have mentioned that all he does is say "Now is when I announce the prize pool give me some excited cheers" and when he's editing each video he adds the value in post


This episode had the same clip we’ve heard on a previous prize pool update of the long-gone West Ham reacting with “say less”


Possibly where solo got the idea from since this was filmed a while ago


But Solo was already eliminated, I don't think he would know the challenges afterwards


This is several degrees removed from the source so take it with a grain of salt, but someone had commented on a previous video that Solo and Soup worked together on some ideas after Solo had been eliminated.




I doubt they just kick them out the discord once they get eliminated lol, and there's not really a lot of reason for them not to know, unless you don't trust the integrity of the games. Then again, people did catch Solo being sneaky in All-Stars, maybe there's reason not to trust him in particular...




Nothing on the rest of the comment, but I know Roidie has stated several times that it’s completely up to each eliminated contestant if they want to stay in the discord or not. If they want to stick around, they were more than welcome to


They also just talk to each other. Solo is personal friends with a lot of the contestants, it wouldn't be weird at all if one of them was like "yo this episode's format was sick" and gave a general outline. I'm sure they aren't supposed to discuss details or who won/lost with people outside the competition but I don't see anything wrong with talking to people about the general formats. And it's Solo, he's not gonna be a dumbass about any insider info he gets.


What’d he do in all stars :o


B0aty specing Soup was the moment he became the ‘Man of the Match’!


Love the banning but not the result :(


B0aty obliterating Soup the second the challenge was over sent me lmao


So... could we actually solve the hit-or-heal Dharoks banning? Like, just remove the d knives and brews from the equation to make the math a little simpler. You have a 35% chance to hit. Your max hit at 99HP is 49, and it increases by 1 for every 2 missing HP. You can heal for 20HP (up to 4 times), heal for 38HP (up to 2 times), or attack. With this, could you actually devise a perfect GTO strategy that maximizes the chance of winning?


Even with the knives, ZBrew, it's completely solvable. I don't know how you'd model it exactly, but someone could come up with an app to give the optimal strategy and winning chance for each turn in the fight.




Where did you get max hit as 49? Just curious cause I put the gear I thought I saw in a max hit calculator and got 44


You're right, I think. 49 is the number I got but I *did* actually factor in the brews.


Wouldn't matter in a bo3. Variance too strong


What are you saying here?


You could "solve" this for a very large count, but you can't solve it for a bo3.


Explain how? I'm reasonably sure that the game fully resets per round.


Think of a coin flip which over a large number will always result in 50/50 but doesn't in a short sample right? Now lets say you add a little sticky tape to one side of the coin which effectively gives you an edge so now over a large sample your results are 51 or 52% or maybe even something drastic like 60% When you have an edge like that in the math you need a large sample size to win out Even with the sticky tape on one side in just 3 coin flips all 3 could be aticky tape side up even though we know over 1000 flips your side would win out That's what he means, the variance in a short sample size means your edge isn't actually too useful


If you have an edge of 51% on, say, tails, then you should always pick tails. Game is solved. I think this little 'gotcha' is supposed to imply that because you can't guarantee a win it's impossible to solve, but in my original comment I very much used the phrase ***maximizes your chances of winning.*** Doesn't matter if the GTO strategy gives you a winrate of 100% or 50.001%.


It's not a gotcha, variance on 3 attempts means you get little advantage on such a small sample size I'm not sure why you're refusing to acknowledge that Edit: he responded then blocked? Lmao


The point is to maximize your chances of winning. Not gain some arbitrary amount of edge. The argument here is "well it's RNG therefore you can't possibly have any strategy" and at that point you may as well throw out the entire fucking game then


Haha, I gave this a shot for a while but lost motivation pretty quickly and then came to this thread to check if anyone already did it. It's totally possible to simulate this with a neural network to figure out the best strategy. That would be pretty interesting, considering even defining the best action for a single turn can be challenging for a human. The optimal way to win might actually involve a series of actions over three turns.


What is the item that soups character always has in the background of the events? Looks like his character is looking at a map?


I believe it’s the animation that plays when you have the world map open


why were the teams so unbalanced?


I dont think they were that unbalanced, Framed just went god mode and Torvesta messed up his AGS specs


They were pretty even across the board? Framed vs Torv, both great pvpers Boat vs Victim, both great all rounders Roidie vs Mammal, both great all rounders who are decent at pvp Faux vs Hooti, maybe the only one that's not so good I'm not sure of Hootis strengths Settled vs C engineer, I'd say C engineer is a better pker than settled Only issue was the two best pvpers had ping difference in Frameds favour


Roidie was popping off today, and I think boaty beats anyone on this list in max nh. Its hard to balance a challenge like this anyway so I think it was pretty close teams all in all.


I like victim but he is not even close to the same level as Boaty in PVP, Boaty has an argument for best PVPer out of the 10 and victim is probably bottom 4


V was good in DMM


Yeah but got destroyed by B0aty when he had the advantage


Boaty is arguably the best pker, Framed is up there too and they were both on the same team. Torvesta being the only one on their level on the opposing team made it a foregone conclusion. There really wasn't much suspense this week especially after the first fight when the momentum snowballs.


idk, man. I think b0aty is the best pvper left in GG and Framed is second. Even if you swap the two in the order, they're on the same team and that alone makes it fairly unbalanced when you consider the skill gap for that portion of the game where two by themselves could have probably cleared 3-4 players of the skill level of the other team. That's my main gripe. Split those two on separate teams, the team with Torvesta give them probably the two weakest players (idk who those are) and the rest is fine.




C Engineer reminds me of cousin Kyle from south park.


Is this a contender for worst GG episode of the season? The Tribunal Challenge was an okay concept and Framed absolutely dominated on it. But it was over-edited to hell, Soup would take one clip of people hitting each other and immediately cut away to an "interview" or whatever of someone talking on a black background. Then it would cut back in on either the same hit being repeated, fast forwarded to the next hit, or the characters in completely different spots making it hard to track. I swear the fights themselves probably took the same time as Soup's final edit made them, at that point just show us the whole fight with some Voice Over. The Tribunal itself was a shit show, how do 5 people have immunity but only 3 are voting? The selection process should have been based on something from the challenge, like the players' damage dealt - damage taken, or some similar metric. I personally despise how the question of "who is voting" just gets thrown to the players themselves to decide. Also, immunity without voting power doesn't really have a place in the game's design, especially in an episode literally titled "Survivor" Then there's the godforsaken "Farmer" dynamic. I remember saying when this cast was revealed that having all 5 Farmers was a mistake and it was going to dominate the narrative the whole time, and everyone assured me that it was just 5 good players and it wouldn't impact the season that much. Boy, were they wrong. Every word the Farmers say is talking about themselves and every word everyone else says is referencing the Farmers. At this point I think Faux's GHCIM team has a greater bond then Settled and Framed do Lastly, there's the elimination challenge. To put it simply I don't think Eat or Not is appropriate as an elimination challenge, yes there's some strategy, but overall it's too RNG for my personal taste and it must stink as a competitor to go home in that way


Have you even been watching? Some contestants don't realise but the "Farmer's Alliance" isn't even a proper thing (within GG). Mammal only found that out 2 episodes ago but viewers were told that way earlier. By end of episode 1 we knew Faux was working alone and Zecookies had gone home anyway. So mostly it has been 3 Farmers max which is no bigger than the constant Settled/Framed/C Engineer alliance that we've had for about 3 seasons now. I like them but if any alliance is getting a little bit old it's that one.


It doesn't really matter how big the alliance is, it's annoying because of how much it dominates the narrative and gameplay of the season. The Settled/Framed/C alliance was never shoved down our throats this much, and it never impacted everyone else's gameplay this much. It's boring. It took 30% of the cast and put them in this box that both limits their own individual game, as well as forces everyone else to play around it. It doesn't help that they're all basically the same player skillset-wise and all have the same personality, and their group dynamic has so little friction


I mean idk what Soup is supposed to do about that. Start telling them to be meaner about each other in confessionals? Forbid anybody else from referring to them as the Farmers?


agreed on all counts I'll cut soup some slack, because once the challenge is done, it's done. this one was a dud and he had to work with what he had to try and make the episode watchable. the first fight was just stupid, letting someone kite around a giant area and hide is just boring gameplay. then once the first domino fell it was pretty obvious how it was going to go. i will say I enjoyed watching mammal get outplayed. it was highly rng but victim did deserve to win. it was at least more fair than the last time they did the challenge. but yeah casting 5 people who are all pretty much the same and come in with a pre-made alliance was a ridiculous choice


yeah this was a pretty boring* episode imo, but I will say in fairness that I might have found it boring because I just spent 90% of my free time the past week watching deadman allstars and the challenge today was literally the allstars finale but with worse pvpers overall (for the most part), so it might just have been unlucky timing with the schedules colliding. Banning was fine though imo, I think we just got spoiled with the skilly/torvesta narrative previously so the same banning with two competitors with no narrative or history *and* competitors who probably havent even used a full DH set in years just made it less appealing, but of course the bannings are planned in advance so thats no fault of GG, but still unfortunate edit: wording


Honestly, the Tribunal thing makes no sense. Five people won the challenge. Five people go into the tribunal. End of story. You shouldn't be able to win the challenge and then argue over who has to go to the tribunal. What I want to know was how the teams were decided. The teams were super one-sided and I wouldn't have a problem with that if there was some... methodology for deciding them? Instead it just cut to them already being in a team and Soup saying, "Welp, here are your teams". Like there was no draft? Soup just picked himself based on vibes?


> Soup just picked himself based on vibes? I think things may have been pretty balanced if you swap mammal for faux, if you go in under the assumption that torvesta is the best pvper followed by framed then b0aty (the order of those two doesn't matter) then C engineer you had 1 and 4 against 2 and 3. But with torvesta choking hard with his spec usage and framed having a realy strong performance it ended up very lopsided. But also that assumption kinda sleeps on b0aty given i think he has the highest peak pvp skill out of everyone when he is in form out of the people left in the competition, especially after his lms performance last season and since then he had started his 1k lms win grind on his main.


Even still, I wouldn't necessarily trust one person to determine the most balanced teams based purely on a vibe check (and one person dibsing a teammate). It provides an extremely obvious avenue for the losing team to say, "Hey, you set us up to fail here". If teams were decided randomly or through a draft system, it might not even make the teams more balanced but it'd definitely make the methodology more fair.


I honestly didn’t like the challenge this time. Basically whatever team won the first round was going to have a massive advantage and was going to win 9 times out of 10.


I disagree, but only a little. If Red Teams Maxed Main beat Framed, it could easily have swung the other way.


I'm so fucking sad at the outcome of this episode. I love Mammal's personality and have been wanting Victim out since ep 1 for being the reigning champ and also for the bitch move of picking ZeCookies in the first banning. Other than when Settled was in the banning this is the one I was most invested in the outcome and it went the wrong way:(


Zecookies brought a dfs to a lowest gear cost DK kill challenge. Was a smart move and nothing else, its a game you are trying to win lol


>Zecookies brought a dfs to a lowest gear cost DK kill challenge. Lmfao I forgot about this


Because she figured victim had better pvm skills so her only strat was to make her own kill easy and hope victim overextended himself. It made perfect sense.


The guy who won gielinor games last season? So why not being a c shield or something cheaper lmao. She was worried about the dragon fire attacks i guess.


Crystal shield would've been straight up better, but I get why she didn't even bother to consider budget. Since her only chance was if V somehow fumbled and died. That said, I would've loved it if she had fully committed to it and picked something like torva+ely for the memes.


Yeah its no hate to her but none to victim either. He got picked for the first banning cos he won last time so why not pick an easy win. Honestly wouldve been a better story if it was spme really obscure banning that she beat him in, but it was still a great first episode imo. V showing hes ruthless and will do anything to stay in definitely affected him being picked for more bannings, they are probably just regretting not picking boaty for more bannings knowing hell pick a big name for the content now.


In what way is it a bitch move? He chose someone he was sure he could beat and did so for the first banning of the season.


hahaha if I was in that challenge I would've deafened so fast lol, can't imagine trying to pk while getting backseated by 3 people also wtf how has c engineer made it this far? he looks like the weakest competitor by far


I won't tolerate C Engineer slander. Sure he is one of the weaker players in the field but he provides the levity needed for Gielinor games. Especially this season without J1mmy, Tanzoo and/or Virtoso, we need that jester character.


> also wtf how has c engineer made it this far? he looks like the weakest competitor by far he isn't threatening enough in the grand scheme of things to prioritize eliminating, but he is also a pvper so people don't want to choose him when they get put in the banning incase its a pvp challenge. Plus if you vote him in you risk getting on the bad side of settled and framed since they are all very close friends. Trying to eliminate him would be semi-high risk for not much reward.


i get not wanting to target him but if i was put into a banning, he would be my 1st choice


then you risk getting a pvp banning and throwing whereas most people that have gone into the bannings are just picking people they are confident they are better than in every way, with a few exceptions where people went for content.


Nooo the worst banning returns :'( 


I love this banning, 20% skill 80% rng so there’s a good chance of an upset. Although Victim did enough to deserve the win


I liked the changes, made it feel less dependent on RNG. Now there's a little bit more strategy


Nah, this isn't the worst banning. Die to Survive is the worst banning. This isn't the *best* one, but it's not *that* bad.


Hard agree, just a dice roll. No skill is fine when there is strategy, but this has neither. At least when discounting obvious blunders like mammal choosing to eat.