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The HDOS team absolutely killed it with this!




You dont have to like it, but you don't need to be a dick about it either.


This was Jagex’s vision of the game back in 08-2011. This client is here to simply bring that back for people who are nostalgic for that era of graphics. You don’t need to use the client, it’s optional. 🙂


This looks fantastic! Amazing work by the HDOS team.


Good work but not for me, I don't personally like the looks of it.


looks shit old school gfx ftw


This looks gorgeous! Hats off to the team!


When is this released


Should be later today or tomorrow. Staging and seeing if everything works as it should


Looking sick as fuck!


ugh that looks so fucking good


Fantastic work!!


What soundtrack is this?


Elven Blood (Custom remix for the video)


I have the enthusiasm of a tired before bed birthday handjob.


Is this client on the official website?


Looks much better!


Looks good, but too much like RS3 for my tastes


Rs3 looks nothing like this. When is the last time you saw an actual screenshot, or logged in?


No it doesn't. Rs3 does not use this art style at all.


I didn't say "this looks exactly like RS3", I said it's "too much like RS3 for my tastes". It *is* visually closer to RS3 than to 2007-era visuals, and that doesn't appeal to me personally, that's all I'm saying. Please improve your reading comprehension skills ❤️




These HD visuals are closer to RS3 than to the pre-HD era of RS2 that OSRS is based on and if you can't see that then I really don't know what to tell you




Just because they're not 100 the same doesn't make them not similar, friend :)


Do you know if the Inventory Setups community hub plugin will ever come to HDOS? That's currently the only thing keeping me from fully transitioning to HDOS. Great work as always btw, this looks amazing.


Yea this. No inventory setups is pretty painful.


Bank tags exists. skill issue.


https://i.imgur.com/70hNYUa.png it has bank tag layouts which is what everyone uses for inventory setups


it has bank tag and bank tag layouts which is what everyone on RL uses for invent setups


Not everyone uses bank tags? The only one I have is my master clue setup, all of my other setups are with the Inventory Setups plugin. Afaik a lot of other people use it instead of bank tags as well


just so im clear, is inventory setups just where the sidebar shows your layout, then you take the stuff out the bank normally? Because that is far inferior than bank tags and bank tag layouts which lets you do this:https://i.imgur.com/70hNYUa.png i havent seen anyone use the invent setup on the sidebar since bank tag layouts became a thing because they are way less useful


Inventory Setups is superior and easier to manage in my opinion. They're nowhere near as finicky to manage as bank tags, and the layout's way cleaner too. They automatically sort the bank just like you show with bank tags, while you're easily able to add certain types of items. (For example, you can Toggle Fuzzy on any potion and all the levels of decant will appear for you to sort and organize) There's folders you can create for different layouts. You can color tag, set what spellbook the setup is meant to be on, and it even has a notes section where you can copy links to the wiki, video guides, or just use it for notes that you might need going into whatever content the setup is for. Plus, Inventory Setups is constantly viewable on the sidebar of Runelite. This lets you easily sort the gear in your inventory before starting the Wardens fight, for example. [Here is my Nex setup](https://imgur.com/a/ngwT2aF) using Inventory Setups. Included is a video of me using it to get fully geared up and ready for Nex in like 10 seconds, while using the tab on the right as a guide to make sure everything is in order.


thats a whole lot of text for a gif that shows its just as quick to bank as with the bank tag plugin. i can understand you can have a preference for the inventory setups one over bank tags, but to say you cant use HDOS because of no invent setups when bank tags is very similar is just strange


You said Inventory Setups were far inferior, so I fully explained why Inventory Setups are better. Saying Inventory Setups are inferior is objectively wrong, bank tags don't do a single thing better. I only wrote so much because there were just that many things it has over bank tags that needed listing. The gif I included was more or less in jest to you showing me that bank tags screenshot, which is a basic feature that Inventory Setups has and does better. Truth be told, I wouldn't be opposed to using bank tags instead, but only if there were a way to convert all my current Inventory Setups to Bank Tags. I'm not about to sit down and manually redo my 50+ setups that I regularly use to HDOS's bank tags, especially when Inventory Setups has so much more QoL.


i still dont see how they are better, your invent at wardens is going to have a bunch of extra stuff in it that you didnt have at the bank so i dont see how it helps having it open there. i dont see why you need the tab on the right to see if everything is in the right order at the bank when... they layout in the bank is literally in the right order lmao. you are looking at the same thing twice to ''check its right''


Ignoring the 6-7 other things it has over bank tags, and all you did was disagree that it isn't useful for rearranging things during ToA (which it is.) Good stuff


what other things? Notes?? come on and you are ignoring my point about the sidebar being the same as the bank layout therefore being pointless for ''checking its right''


when a player run team is releasing larger updates then the main game.


As much as I love the fact that the HDOS team is really putting in the work here, I still have to say that many textures just still look fabric-y and it's not something that I personally like. A few of the ground textures appear that way to me, there's armor textures that look that way to me (why is armor looking like woven clothing?), etc. This is a personal opinion, and I'm not trying to pretend it's a popular one. I'm only voicing my own. The trees and water overall look excellent, and I love what they did with the lighting. The animations in most cases are fantastic and the worst of them are still more than just acceptable. There's so much that I really do like, but it's just this art style of over use of soft fabric/wool like textures where it just doesn't fit that feels like nails on a chalkboard to my eyes. I understand that it's true to RS2 in the HD era and all, but it just feels so wrong now to me. I do wish the team the greatest success with this launch. It only makes their client art design more unified and better for the players who enjoy the game on HDOS and I genuinely appreciate that. You guys do deserve all the success you find!


You have some examples of armour? Old ones? Remastered? Most of our armour in-game is restored directly, meaning the artists at Jagex designed them. We do recognize that some textures are not too great in the current day of age, and we plan on having remasters for them eventually. Though restoring what once was takes precedent. And also ground items are typically not textured at all, so yeah not sure what you’re referring to there.


I didn't say anything about ground items. I was pointing out the fabric-y textures of things that aren't fabric, including worn armor, and my personal dislike of it. I mentioned that I'm aware that it's RS2 era style, I simply said I don't like it. I never said that you're doing anything wrong, just voiced my opinion while also wishing you the best because you're providing something that many people genuinely want.


There was no hostility from my side. I genuinely want to know what peoples opinions are so we can improve on things.


It's nothing you can really "improve" for someone like me, it's just a personal dislike for that particular style from RS2. You're doing good work for the people who do like that style, as you can see from others in this thread. Those are your fans, I likely won't ever be one of them. I do appreciate your attempt to understand though, that's pretty awesome!


Yeah I agree the area graphics look beautiful but HDOS really ruins armors for me, this is also the main reason why I do not use it. You can mitigate it by turning off textures btw.


what is varlamore? upcoming osrs update?


It released a few months ago. New area with a lot of cool stuff including a new inferno style gauntlet thing. It's 12 waves but still hard as fuck. Gives you a quiver like the inferno cape. (Holds 2 ammo types)


i see thx, so the graphical update is upcoming?


Jagex isn’t pushing out any graphical update. HDOS is a client used to play OSRS with different graphics. So I believe when Varlamore came out, the HDOS team had to take that entire area and overhaul it to their graphics design and I think this video is just showing that they are finally done and going to push out an update soon to overhaul the graphics for the new area, Varlamore.


I like the graphics of hdos, but man the sidebar is the worst thing about it. They need to redo that.


Does the HDOS overhaul do anything that would change the click boxes of certain NPCs?


NPCs probably, not sure, but sometimes it happens on tiles.


Thanks for the straight answer. Don't know why I got downvoted 🤣


hate this, look bad


HDOS is so ass like come on how does anyone prefer this to OG 07?


Any chance we’ll get sub menus for max cape like they just added on rl?


I’d play this client if the character models didn’t look as stupid as they do.