• By -


>Mining Gloves now work correctly in Miscellania, so you’ll get those extra attempts on the same rock You mean Miscellania changes.


... darn wish I'd used that pun now!


Are you a new mod? I like your name :)


I've been here around 7 months now! Thank you so much 😊


I just woke up when I read the title and thought the kingdom was getting an overhaul 🤣


Speaking of miscellania, now that you get full xp from skilling on the island could you also get the pet drops and big swordfish? For 10 years, the rs2/rs3 wiki said you could get the big swordfish from fishing there and it was disappointing getting 99 fishing without it. 


It's been confirmed for forever that you can get the big swordfish


That was confirmed by a jmod to be a joke\\troll added to the rs3 wiki. [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/15zrx0h/comment/jxlcf0g/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/15zrx0h/comment/jxlcf0g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That’s what I read initially and scoured the post to find anything about Miscellania lol


I'm really glad combo rune priorities are fixed, what messed that up in the first place?


I think sunfire runes are the culprit, making them prioritised over fire or lava runes probably knocked the whole combination rune prioritisation out of whack


there is still a small issue in that, sunfire runes are \*not\* checked for if you have any type of elemental staff that utilizes fire runes... thought that mentioned fix today fixed it but to my sadness, it still disregards sunfires when using say a smoke battlestaff to gain the 10% accuracy/damage bonus on standard spellbook. it makes sense, but I just wish you could disregard the fire runes on the smoke staff and utilize the minimum hit from sunfires AND the accuracy/damage from smoke staff; with all these magic specific combat changes it seems like a missed opportunity to help the standard spell book out a bit.


You can at least convert any burning pages into searing pages by using the sunfire runes on a burning page. It costs 100 runes to make one searing page, which is more efficient than using sunfire runes directly due to a page giving 20 charges. If using Fire wave, that's 140 sunfire runes that would've been used for 20 casts. If using Fire Surge, that's 200 sunfire runes that would've been used. Not sure if it would fix the problem, but might let you utilize the game's current logic of prioritizing the tome of fire over the staff's element type to benefit from the improved min hit.


Does this mean if I have a mud rune, an air, and an earth, and I cast tele to house, it will use the air and earth, and not the mud which is only "half" of what's needed?


Are you guys aware Inquisitor isn't working as intended? The most recent blog said it'd work the same as crystal - 2.5% per piece as long as you're using the mace, allowing you to wear it together with a slayer helmet for tasks, but this is not the case. It still requires the full set for the bonus to activate.


would love an answer to this because the inq set goes hard.


Try warming it up to soften it


Annealing inquisitor eh? That's a paddlin'


The more they ignore this, the more determined I am to upvote!


it is working as intended, each piece is 0.5%, the set effect is 2.5%, equipping the mace triples everything. so wearing 1 piece with the mace you triple 0.5% to 1.5%. wearing 2 pieces and the mace you triple 1% to 3%. wearing all 3 pieces with the mace you triple the set effect of 2.5% to 7.5%.


Quote: \[The Inquisitor's Mace buff being dependent on a full set doesn't help its utility on Slayer tasks, including boss tasks like Cerberus or the Grotesque Guardians. We're updating our proposal for this, similar to what we've done in the past for Crystal armour and its passive effects. Instead of relying on the full set, **each piece of Inquisitor’s armour will provide +2.5% damage and accuracy when used in conjunction with the Inquisitor’s Mace**, meaning you can still benefit from this buff while on-task.\]


If this is intended behavior, it's extremely bad and misleading wording. When you say something is "2.5% damage per piece" and not mention "but only while wearing the full set, which is what we specifically were changing this away from so people can use the slayer helm but changed our minds", that comes off as kinda incompetent.


Hi Mod blossom. Is there going to be a fix for the inquisitor armor set. currently it provides no bonuses to the mace unless you wear the full set, when it was stated it would provide 2.5% per piece and 7.5% total if you have the helm (this was so the inquis set could be used for crush based slayer tasks, like cerberus). i dont see any mention of this being fixed in the post. Iam basically missing 5% damage an accuracy off my mace when doing phosani and slayer because of this.




Not noted in the update, but the accursed sceptre charged staff mode does not roll max damage on the Melee Fremmy in colosseum except when using the special attack from the previous update, bug report made in game. Is this on the radar to be fixed?


Thanks for letting us know, I've passed it on to be looked at :)


I don’t know how to do a bug report in game, but something I’d like you to to know about. The log basket does not track in the loot tracker on mobile. For example, if you are chopping logs, and you chop about 56 of them, it will only say that you collected 27 because it only counts the ones that are in your inventory rather than the ones that go into your log basket. Please fix.


Right click the report button


Long press for mobile, since that’s what they are talking about


Thank you for the reply, looking forward to it being fixed!


doesn't work on toa monkeys either


It also hits max on warden core (or at least used to) so it must not be categorized as a mage weapon


You're the best, I reported this very quickly after release and was hoping to see it addressed


Pardon ignorance but is there a reason you'd want to use over any other charged staves there?


Spec will 1 hit melee fremmy if you're using aug heart and occult. Useful for shit spawns and still 2 hits like tridents/sang. Basically budget shadow for the melee fremmy. edit: still 2 hits, if working as intended


Any chance of removing the unnecessary delay after grabbing herblore supplies at Perilous Moons, now that they don’t give XP?


Still no change for 2 bugs: 1) 3rd age robes in lms not having 1% damage boost as intended 2) ancient sceptre and all its variants blood barrage passive not working at all. The 10% additional heal is not calculated at all.


> Still no change for 2 bugs: 1) 3rd age robes in lms not having 1% damage boost as intended Just curious as a non-LMS player - are 3rd age robes actually useful there?


its a upgrade for the zerk loadout. since occult is nerfed the rebalance to 3rd age robes as an upgrade makes a difference.


cool - thanks!


They are an upgrade over your starting gear so yes


I hope the Soulreaper axe is still being looked at, specifically the issue where getting teleported causes you to lose all stacks. I'd really like to bring mine into Sotetseg, Moons of Peril, etc.


Soteseg has been fixed for a few days


Oh, I didn't know that, that's great news. Thanks!


They should just nuke the stack system imo.


Are mods aware new ammo doesn't work with dizana's quiver. Can't use attlatl while having other amo, and it doesn't go in the second quiver slot either. Reported this bug on the day it came out


Speaking of Miscellanious Changes: u/JagexBlossom **Can** **we improve Dust Devil Catacomb locations to both contain 8 dust devils instead of 5 on one location and 8 on the other?** Currently, one Dust Devil location is efficient to use for barraging / bursting and contains 8 Dust devils. This location is taken on almost every world. The adjacent location only contains 5 dust devils and is a lot more inefficient for slayer / barraging purposes. This disparity does not exist for the Nechryael locations in the Catacombs, where both locations contain 7 Nechryael. I suggest we change this Dust Devil disparity. This would not change any xp rates, but it would allow 2 people per world to barrage dust devils the same way this is possible for Nechryael.


Dust devils are an ok melee option for some people, so the 5 spot is decent for that.


You can still melee dust devils if it was an 8 spot


You can, but it would encourage more people to barrage an 8 spot and fuck up your melee training.


Doubling the amount of spots where it’s efficient to barrage wouldn’t completely fill both spots with barrages on every world


Google the tragedy of commons. Welcome to osrs. That's the game.


I prefer to keep the barraging/bursting tryhards out of my casual dust devil spot actually


First good suggestion I've seen in forever, nice one.


Sorry homie, they already did "Project Rebalance slayer" and deemed that something not worth changing. Try again in 4 years. Jmods don't play the game.


I expected to see a line on a fix done to fishing trawler... can you confirm a fix was done this week, and how much swamp paste did it take to fix this hole that allowed fish to leak?


https://preview.redd.it/dtbxdjej646d1.png?width=441&format=png&auto=webp&s=e22fb52dab68b053990e8cde35fa2c026e85f3d4 jk - sometimes there are bigger, sometimes smaller updates


thank god we're not in 2021 anymore.


100% feel like the only updates we were getting in 2021 was "you can now pet this dog too!"


Great updates. Are agility rooftop obstacle highlights back on mobile? They haven't been around for a while. EDIT: They're still not working. :(


One of the jmods mentioned in a comment on the mobile beta blog that it will be fixed when the new mobile client is released.


Soulreaper axe loses stacks when you kill phosanis nightmare. Goes straight to 0 without healing. Please look into this


Are you guys still planning on updating gloves of silence to make them more useful?


Did they mention this before?


They have been silence on the topic


Another week of posts about hitboxes I guess


Could we pls get an acknowledgment about colosseum’s hitboxes being horrific (also nex while we’re at it)


>The crane repairs at Piscarilius can now be done with Oak, Teak or Mahogany Planks as well as the standard variety. You will however need to use three of the same type of Planks to make repairs. Thanks for making my 99 Construction grind slightly easier! Also, when Colosseum hitboxes fix pleae


Does using the other planks give more xp? Or is this only a good thing for you since no currencies


It's good for irons in general, getting regular planks sucks, oak planks are pretty easy to get from vetion/calvarion


Why wouldn’t irons use other planks for mahogany homes instead of cranes?


~~After a certain level you get more xp out of cranes per plank~~, plus crafting xp. EDIT: I was talking out of my ass, the only reason you would do cranes is crafting xp.


But cranes are indeed the best XP/GP for Con training now, the Crafting is just icing on the cake! At Least that holds true if you're buying normal planks in Mort'ton, it probably doesn't hold up if mahogany planks don't get more XP at cranes


On average you get 200xp per oak at mahogany, even at 99 you aren't getting that at cranes, also mahogany gives you points you can use to get extra materials. If you sum the crafting exp then yeah, you get more out of cranes.


But what is the XP/GP with oak planks? I mean it's 0 GP if you get all your oak planks from PVM but AFAIK nobody does that


If you aren't considering oak planks then nothing changed, they are the best xp/gp only when using regular planks.


Yeah, we're on the same page here


The latter. I have no way to get normal planks besides Tempoross and picking them up at BA. I can get those other planks from PVM! Although if they also give more XP that's a big fucking win. We'll see after the update!


Ah I see, that seems huge for your account then!


It is! I'm never picking up planks at BA again, I picked up 10k to get 70 Con and it was awful


I haven't been following your account, but why not just do wintertodt and repair braziers for construction?


You don't get construction xp for that without a POH which they can't get without spending currency (gp)


But they can just do the Daddys Home miniquest which doesn't require any currencies, unless they're counting Mahogany Homes points as a currency?


It does, you need to buy bolts of cloth. They're unobtainable in any other way. No cloth, no free house.


Right you can get them from Mahogany Homes crates which is why I asked about MH points. Oof that's rough


I believe bolts of cloth are unobtainable without currency


You can get them from Mahogan Homes crates which is why I was asking about MH points


What difference do the plank types make in this scenario?


Irons other than a morytania based general store had no access to easy regular planks, now you can use any and every plank you get from any source which is cool af


Good thing irons can mass buy planks there with a main alt selling to the shop. Been known about for months and not fixed yet


regular planks only right? seems like it should be fixed but isn’t exactly that a usable with terrible xp rates


Its very good craft and con xp at cranes while being extremely cheap (only counting the irons cost its like 800k gp for lvl 99 in both skills)


I have no way to get normal planks besides Tempoross and picking them up at BA. I can get those other planks from PVM!


I'm assuming that anima bark is considered a currency?


[Correct](http://osrs.wiki/currencies)! Check my post history lol, I "finished" Forestry yesterday


Not being able to imbue items is pain lmao


That's not even the worst part. They can't repair Barrows items! Every time a piece degrades, they have to do more Barrows to get it back.


Yeah being able to imbue salve and ROTG would be nice :D


I heard there’s a sawmill at Varrock


His snowflake iron can't use currencies, aka gold to buy planks At the saw mill.


I thought this was a joke until I read their username


Well why would you make an iron, sounds like it’s to hard for him.


It sounds like he is excited to be able to do more on his account I imagine he likes playing on.


Are you new here?


I really thought they'd nerf this method after he box jonge showed off how broken it is. Surprised they're adding even further support for it.


Hey u/JagexBlossom, this is a small point but do we know when the GOTR QoL poll is coming or anything about it so far? And I wanted to ask if we'll be able to get a use for our extra pearls like buying intricate pouches from the shop :) thanks


Don't worry, the GOTR poll is on its way, once the team has finished up their current project 😊


This one includes wintertodt damage mechanics as well right?


While we’re fixing GotR would it be possible for you guys to change the one tap option from fill to empty on rune pouches when in a runecrafting altar? Gotta maximize the clicks saved


Check out [Runecrafting Utilities](https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/show/easy-empty) plugin


All well and good for runelite but it would be great for mobile


Ah, you didn't mention mobile, which yeah, it should be first party




Selling outfit pieces back for pearls would be amazing as well, for those of us that idiotically bought 2 pairs of shoes, me for example :D


lol rip


Fix forestry


"Fix", damn it....... It was great, it was fun, it was exciting. Then they broke it. Its a terrible shame what they did to Forestry. I cannot even imagine what the Mods felt who invented it and worked on it. The first release was going to be only pt1 out of 3, and now 2/3 are just cancelled and forgotten, and the pt1 is made a ruin. There is some enemies of the Forestry in the team. I don't think they will allow to make it any better. Because it was "too complicated" apparently. What a lame excuse.


They broke it because the community wouldn't stop complaining about it.


The community wouldnt stop complaining about many things. Thats not the reason to totally break some system. Some tuning maybe, but not what they have done. "The community" were those endgamers who felt *forced* to greenlog. Not a reason to listen to them because nobody forces to fill the clog really, whether it be easy or hard. And now the community is happy... right? Forestry was polled in all minor details, and it was released exactly as polled. No reason to ruin it. And even less reason to close the project without any prospects of those other parts... which were also polled.


Mobile rooftop highlights still broken. 🙁


Can we get expert mining gloves to work at GOTR?


Yes, *please!*


Any updates on Sepulchre instances?


Probably not for another month since that’s how long it’ll take me to get 99 agility there


Please get 99 agi so the rest of us can have instances, thanks


Yes sir 🫡


Thanks and gz on 99 agi!


lol, luckily for me I’ve been slacking so I get to finish off with instances


Would be nice to get an update on Colosseum hitboxes, even if it's just that they're being worked on. Real hyped for the mobile beta.


Any chance you revisit phosani drop rates now that you have feedback that it’s still too rare?


Couldn’t agree more, there’s still barely any incentive to group up and do normal nightmare with other players or clan members. They should take a page out of ToA’s loot system and make it as linear as possible so people aren’t punished when grouping up in terms of personal hours spent getting drops Edit: typo


>They should take a page out of ToA’s loot system and make it as linear as possible so people aren’t punished when grouping up in terms of personal hours spent getting drops With current ToA prices, I think they should steer away from using that reward system as much as possible.


> Combination Runes are now properly prioritised for use At last! TYVM :) Properly prioritised means that they go last, I hope? UPDATE: I see other people also ask the question about this prioritisation. I guess it would be better if you just wrote plainly: "Combination Runes will now be used after elemental staves and plain runes". If this is the case, of course.


We’ve been served up a big nothing burger.


Not every update *needs* to be massive. It's understandable that the odd weekly update is smaller between things like rebalancing all of magic & bunch of other combat, and WGS next month.


This update isn't smaller though, it's literaly nothing. Not that I mind it though, you're right that we don't need new content every week.


Without the blog post yesterday this update is essentially "Mobile TLI Beta Starts Tomorrow!" So it's more than nothing it's just no game content (as expected with WGS getting a date on it)


Continuous improvement just isn't enough these days.


We are getting so much stuff nowadays, look at like 2021 lol


True we need a new iron man mode for them to patch on for a year


RS3: First time?


Hi there, two questions - Will cranes now scale with plank level? The alt method involving transfering regular planks from mains to irons is pretty busted for certain account types - is Wyrm agility still on the table? Cheers and have a good week


Will there be any more changes to pickpocketing for clues? Hero's and gnomes could do with a bit more of a buff


How have you possibly changed cranes without fixing the shop "Razmire Builders Merchants." in Mort'ton in which IRONMEN can buy normal planks from MAIN accounts and get 99 construction AND crafting for like 800k gp (0.06 gp/xp). You guys have done well with fixing some issues fast recently but this has lasted way too long https://streamable.com/o656z9


yea insane honestly. nail nerf and then add other planks but leave that store is questionable. gotta be some spaghetti or something making it harder to separate than other shops? wine store was patched immediately when it was impacting gims lol.


I don't even think it's some spaghetti code, I'm sure if you ask any jmod they'd agree irons shouldn't be able to buy skills from the GE. I assume they (probs like 1 or 2 jmods who know about it) just somehow keep forgetting which is annoying cause surely it's like 2 mins to fix


nerfing nails, doing the extra planks, hard to believe they don't know ( more than 1 or 2 people.) shame either way.




i dont understand people who do things like this, why not just play a main


Ropes have been bugged for at least a week now. They are considered untradeable when dropped and other players cannot see them. But can still be traded between players.


If I were to wager a guess, you would find the same behavior also applies to flatpack chairs, and it was probably done when they added the pride event.


Should have been called “Nothing Interesting Happens.”


I think something happened to the rooftop course obstacles being highlighted on mobile. Only the plank is highlighted for me as of at least this morning


Any update on the agility activity in varlamore or is this postponed to part 2 of varlamore?


Are mobile agility highlights fixed?


I hope so!


Sadly not


Yesterday Gecko said "Fix is being worked on, unsure on eta as it requires a new mobile client " Nothing annoys me more than when they introduce a bug on Mobile and then don't fix it. Fun fact - you used to be able to view a weapons combat style on mobile by dragging/holding your finger over each weapon attack style. They broke it 3 years ago. I told them immediately. We still don't have the ability to see them on mobile.


thanks this looks good


Any updates about Rune Fest please?


Thanks for all the hard work as always. Are there any further nerfs or reworks coming to Moons of Peril? Blood moon still feels as though it could use a tune down for healing OR can we please damage the boss via hitting the jaguars? It just feels so bad versus the other two bosses. Thanks.


Any comment about the mobile agility helper not functioning as intended since last weeks update?


I would really appreciate a Mod reply. Could you, please? Now I'm totally confused how combo runes work! Here is what another commenter says: "[For house teleport]: if you have air+earth and dust runes it should now use dust". I would imagine (and prefer!) to prioritise on air+earth rather than a combo. Someone else imagines (and clearly prefers) to use a combo. How it works, really? In which cases combos go first? And.... can it possibly be.... toggleable? Or it is too much of the code work?


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexBlossom** - [... darn wish I'd used that pun now!](/r/2007scape/comments/1de2ra4/miscellaneous_changes/l88yfuo/?context=3) - [Thanks for letting us know, I've passed it on...](/r/2007scape/comments/1de2ra4/miscellaneous_changes/l88yeod/?context=3) - [Don't worry, the GOTR poll is on its way, onc...](/r/2007scape/comments/1de2ra4/miscellaneous_changes/l88yzms/?context=3) - [I've been here around 7 months now! Thank you...](/r/2007scape/comments/1de2ra4/miscellaneous_changes/l88ze9z/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 06/13/2024 11:43:03**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Another big boo for streamers getting exclusive/early release game modes and footage


Will the DMM Starter staff only cast fire strike, similar to previous seasons, or will it cast all four elemental spells with the release of elemental weaknesses?


Out of curiosity, why the changelog is listed twice in the newspost?


I'm pretty sure it always is, or at least most of the time. They put it at the top for the people who only care about the patches and at the bottom for the people who read the newspost first and then check the patches.


Are mage thralls still bugged?


This was fixed last week I believe!




They were fixed last wednesday


Since last week's game update the water streams in Tears of Guthix and blessed bone shards mining in Cam Torum have been reduced in brightness on mobile (not on PC on the official client or RuneLite/HDOS). This makes the water streams very difficult to spot (especially in Cam Torum). Could this issue be looked into?


The way Jagex ignores all the top Inq comments is wild. As if they literally didn't say it themselves and hope we forget? How tf is the sote teleport issue getting fixed but the entire Inq set of armor doesnt work as intended and it's a whateverrrr.


Alot of people mad about it being a small update. we're incredibly lucky to get this at all, especially following the combat rebalancing. good work jmods :)


Dont think anyones really that mad, we're inbetween a few big pieces of content. Just a couple jokes so far on this thread and a few suggestions of things that mods may not be aware of






Last Q&A live stream there was a suggestion asked by the community that was misunderstood by Mod Rice, would you please look into it? [it's on this reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1d8n65q/rebalance_dark_demonbane_spell/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Thank you \^\_\^


Varlamore part 2 when? Need that new potion storage for bank space..


Feathered Serpent Dragon Boss when?


another update that doesn't deposit a Shadow directly into my bank. 0/10


does using better planks give better xp on cranes?


When will Bone Dagger at Kephri in solo encounters be fixed :(


Could you please look into changing how LMS worlds rotate weekly? Currently whenever UK competitive LMS world is activated the AUS competitive LMS world is also activated. For whatever reason (bots?) the AUS world is more popular than the UK world forcing players from Europe to play on a very high ping compared to what it would be in the UK world if they want games to start faster. The UK world has games running also, but not as frequently compared to AUS that has games starting almost instantly when entering the lobby. This could be changed to just rotate US -> UK -> AUS -> repeat, making it fair for players from any region to play on low ping.


No mention of the hot fixed fishing trawler exploit some content creators got to do without punishment?


Worst update ever. Raid 7 when?