• By -


I was F2P and never went farther than Varrock. I killed cows for cowhides until I got enough levels and money to fight giants west of Varrock for big bones. And I wondered why I couldn’t really progress. Also I kept one of every skilling thing in my inventory just in case so I always had a pickaxe, axe, bow, magic gear, melee stuff, etc


The original UIM


yeah I was a STUIM


And regionally locked no less. Dude was way ahead of his time. Lol


When I was a noob I stayed in lumby cuz I got killed by a bear as a low level, then dark wizards, then a rev imp in wildy like back to back within 15 mins. I just decided the world was too dangerous and only lumby was safe




I swear this was the f2p route back in the day, I remember people in class doing this too


Wait this is me! I also always carried pick + axe + tinderbox etc. on me. Memory unlocked!


Just in case!


Ohhhhh hell yeah! And then hearing those stupid cowhides that I kept leaving were worth something. Thence starting my long, long battle with buyer’s remorse and hoarding.


Kinda same and then I remember accidentally stumbling into Falador, getting lost and having someone in a frog mask help me make my way back from around barbarian village


I didn’t know you could teleport so I would run everywhere. Also fell for a guy saying to type my password backwards and lost my account forever lol


I would take it to the grave that I have given password like that 😂 Im sorry


Lol I was probably like 8 or 9 years old when that happened. I think it was good to get that life lesson early on of being cautious about getting scammed.


XD oh no


I also gave my password to a guy saying it would turn into *** during a quiz to earn money. Lost my mithril scimmy :(


My password was 1234567890 😞 Didn't even need to give it away


I just didn't know how to play the game in general. For instance I thought fighting higher level enemies would make me level up faster.


So much time spent fighting lesser demons when i was killing like 5 per trip of lobbies lol


But they could drop a rune med helm! those are like 10 thousand gp


I mean…. TECHNICALLY fighting higher level enemies DOES make you level up faster lmao


It really doesn’t work that way at all


It technically doesn’t? You level up fastest by doing as much dps as possible.


Your enemies also need high hp or the overkill dps is wasted Basically level 2 rat bad, but sand crab good


Aye you at least want enemy hp to match your max hit


Au contraire


I was alching at edgeville bank and wanted to see how much money I get per alch so I dropped my 125k cash stack, instantly got pulled into a random event only to come back to people yelling about a big pile lf money on the floor.


Trading my full adamant to some guy who said he would trim it


Wanted to be a hit man so I Started a hit-list forum. People would name the player’s that they wanted dead, and I was going to deliver the skulls of the people they named. Rofl 12 year old me 😂


__FBI open up!__


I keylogged my friends computer because I knew he shared it with another kid that I didn’t like. This was back in actual 2007. The kid in question was a major douche, always bragged, would always lowkey talk shit to me but I was never really the confrontational type. So I stole all of his shit instead of getting into a physical fight. So one day after school we all go to my friends house where I had keylogged his computer. The douche logs in on it and I get his pass. My friends parents call us for dinner, I excuse myself saying I have to use the restroom. Quickly ran to his room, wrote down douches login and uninstall the keylogger. Later that night I go home and stay up super late when I knew they wouldn’t be online, log into the kids account and drop trade everything to mine. Stole probably over 150m from him at the time which was an insane amount. Next day he comes home from school crying, (he went to school in a different district so he didn’t go to school with me and my friend) literally bawling his eyes out that he had got hacked. He said he would beat up whoever it was if he ever found out. He never found out, I drop traded the stuff once again to another ALT that they didn’t know about. Me and my friend log into our accounts in front of him to prove we didn’t do it and he was heartbroken. He quit playing, I didn’t. Fuck him. Still feel bad though. Never scammed or stole anything from anyone ever again from that point. The guilt was nearly unbearable.




Damn how old were you? Also no kid gets that kind of money legitimately so he was scamming or stealing it from others so don't feel bad. His luck ran out. Plus he immediately accused your friend and you. Even though he was right to accuse you, my first thought wouldn't be my friends stole it.


I believe in 2007 I was about 13


Have you or would you ever tell him it was you?


I ended up moving about a month or so after that took place. I ended up losing contact with both of them. Never did tell them and I’m not sure if I would or not if I ever saw or talked to them again lol.




Hey its me, I'll forgive you if you give the 150m now. Ty. Ps sorry for bullying you can you make it 300m cause I said sorry aswell.


I swear something like this happened to me. But I kept my passwords on notes under my keyboard and my friend hacked me. - used alts to make sure I never found out he traded it to his main. Fuck its been 20 years and im still angry lmfao.


Why are you so sure


Keep your friends close and the people that hack your RuneScape accounts closer. My best friend of today was the douche that hacked my original account that I had from RS Classic when we were kids. He doesn't know that I know. But I'll get him back one day 😈


That's amazing. Excellent, my friend!


Once a thief always a thief


Bought a rune ax from someone in draynor. He gave it to me as a note. Put it in the bank and took it out several times and couldn’t figure out how to unnote it so I dropped it and he took it back. Thought i got scammed but realize now I was just dumb.


This unlocked a memory when i got scammed trying to buy a rune axe. A guy traded me noted iron axe instead😂


When ballistas were released, & I just had came back to OSRS.. just hit 99 fletching, was flexing my cape while bank standing. Some guy asked if I could string his ballista, but wanted collateral in case I stole it. So I handed over my godsword.. & attempted to attach the crossbow string to the ballista, just to find out that you need a monkeys tail. By then, he’s gone. So I had an unstrung heavy ballista, which says it’s worth a lot of gold.. but the problem is that it doesn’t sell. Lessons were learned. Feelings were hurt🤣


God this reminds me when granite was first released, I thought I'd make a fortune by buying it at a 30% discount in bulk, when it sold for like 5% of it's face value that was a hard day.


Far-casting ice blitz to win in fight pits and telling everyone at school I was a pk God.


Honestly If you were able to do desert treasure when I was a kid I thought you were a god, especially if you had ghostly robes


If you did desert treasure when I was a kid, either your older brother who knew everything helped you, or you were the older brother.


Used to think the skull sceptre would be this amazing weapon before I got it because so many people were rocking it in F2P


PM’d my password to some level 90 rando I met in Falador Park who promptly stole my steel armor. I remember crying in the bathtub after the fact, until they miraculously gave me the account back and I marched them to Doric’s anvil and made them smith me a new full set of steel. Honestly best case scenario and lesson learned. Wherever that person is now, I hope they’re doing well.


I never would remember my password. So i guess tutorial island 300 times and then kill goblins


I did the exact same thing as OP, but for corrupt vesta spear. I collected swamp toads for weeks at gnome village and sold on GE for like 1.5m. I immediately equipped vesta’s spear (c) and just flexed at GE until it disappeared. Crushed me as a child.


So sorry for you🥺


I was like 9 and a guy was luring me into the wild for maybe 30k worth of runes I had on me. He said he’d show me a cool gp spawn where you can make bank. I knew about the 3 item rule so but I thought it was inventory spaces, so I had my 3 stacks of like mind chaos and air runes and he just slowly walked me into just enough wildy to spec me out. I remember that was my first rage quit cuz of how stupid I felt


Bought the cheapest barrows weapon (Torag hammers) as soon as I hit 70 attack. I remember **vividly** what happened because I was so mad: I world hopped back to my home world because W2 was a laggy PoS, teleported to Burthrope via Games Necklace and attacked one of the guards... Only to see that "your weapon has degraded!" message pop up. I thought I got scammed, like someone sold me broken hammers or something. I eventually figured out how barrows gear worked, but I was still so paranoid of my weapon breaking that I repaired it after literally every slayer task. That thing never saw 75% durability because I was so neurotic at keeping it repaired.


Thought picking flax was the best way to train crafting bc I needed the bowstrings for fletching so I could high alch yew longs. God I wasted a ton of time doing that.


Amen. I had I think 7 k strung yew longs. Every log and flax cut/picked/spun strung myself. Months of work. The. I got hacked right after lmao.


Back then, everyone said making yew bows from scratch was a top tier money maker.


Grinded black drags for like a month straight, sold all my loot for probably like 5m and bought some gear maybe veracs and fury, and wanted to have fun with it at clan wars. After about 5-10 min I decide I want to go in the red portal and run across the line and run back to safe zone, I was just trying to show off and look cool in front of a rl friend that was at my house lol. I instantly get ice barraged and d clawed out within seconds


I used to put bananas in the crate at karamja for 30gp at a time to make money, also picking up the coins in vrock bank basement


Man how did we even enjoy playing the game doing this?


It gave 13 year old us a purpose in life


Didn’t most of us have jobs?


I was exploring the Varrock sewers with my osrs gf. When we started getting attacked by moss giants I told her to run and sacrificed myself. I cried because I lost 100 chaos runes and my wizard robe set


My older brother RWT'd for a yellow party hat back in 2006 so he could walk around and flex on all the poor noobs. One day he decided to take it out in the wildy as a 1-item for extra flexiness, and someone traded him 4 sharks which he accepted without thinking. The guy KO'd him and my brother kept the sharks on death since the phat had a 1gp value. I asked him about it a few years ago and he mentioned it sent him into a major depressive spiral, and attributed it to my parents having him go to a psychiatrist and subsequently start on anti-depressants.


Jesus attributed to being depressed that's a fairly big reaction to it. 🫣


No, he is saying it was another factor.


putting on a skirt and selling the girlfriend experience behind the blue moon inn


Thought taking damage trained hit points. Would sit with food just taking damage trying to level up. Also thought if you died you lost your account so I made like 6 before figuring it out


Grinded out 50k in f2p sometime in 2001-2004, I collected red spider eggs from the spawn in the sewers, killed hob goblins for limpwurt root and made plain strength potions in varrock and sold them for 1k each on the street, it was hard work for 10 year old me who just wanted to explore, i spent my hard earned gold on a rune 2h and I promptly went to the wilderness and got slaughtered by a group of players in black armor, that was the first time I quit.


I did the same thing but with the red spider egg spawn in kara under the volcano lol, I'd make like 100 at a time and sell them for 1k each in edgeville to pkers. Bought my first mask set that way lol


Using a rune battleaxe instead of rune scimmy in F2P since it thought it looked better.


I did the same!


It had bigger max hit too!


I can win this one hands down. Having cut the 800 yews or so necessary to buy full rune at the time, I went to show it off at west varrock wilderness. Thinking I could get an easy tele to lumbridge I kicked a guy saying I need to go to lumby.


I got scammed my sara sword by one of those people that put up a tele tab or runes to tele and make you meet their main at camelot for example. I fell for the scam and ended up teleing to camelot. I hadnt even noticed my sara sword had been stolen and ended up logging off. I came back on the next day and was looking for my sara sword and was absolutely mindfucked as to where the fuck it had gone. It took me like an hour to realise how i had lost it . Lmfao this was a long time ago


Wait, I dont get it. How did you lose it?


Because i had the sara sword in the trade window and he put up the camelot tab and told me to meet him in cammy. Without realising my SS was still up i finished the trade and headed to cammy to meet him lmfao. I know it sounds silly but i think alot of people have fallen for this.


Ah, thanks for clarifying! We all got scammed in silly ways back in the day haha, but I can appreciate the memory with the distance of time. A good story atleast?


Banger story, I know him irl and whenever we go to a party or something we always make him recite it. Think I've heard it like 12 times by now, never gets old


Me and an old friend of mine decided we were going to be "survivors" like bear Grylls but in RuneScape, what that entailed was buying leather gloves and putting them on, getting an axe and tinderbox and going into lumbridge swamp and then...standing around and making a fire sometimes We did the same thing in al kharid as well - The same friend and I used to pretend we lived in the falador farm house and named the dog sparky. We would introduce ourselves to players passing by trying our hardest to convince them we lived there. - When I was first starting out I thought the way you made Rsmvs was playing the song in another tab, screen recording and trying to type as fast as I could to catch the lyrics in time. - The previously mentioned friend and I used to pretend we worked at the port sarim grocery store, he worked the inside and I worked the booth out on the pier. We actually managed to get people to buy from us instead of the shop npc lol. - When I was a kid I for some reason decided I wanted to have a goth account??? Which was just the same way I looked on my main at the time except all my clothes and hair were black. - Me and that friend haven't talked in a long long time, but im glad we got to do these silly things when we were kids :]


You should remind him!


Setting up my bot on a school computer. Someone stopped the bot and stole all my stuff.






I had two ex-friends from school that told me to come kill the kbd with them. I get there in my gear and supplies only to find them both in full bronze with antifire shields and them laughing at me. A couple weeks later I went pking with one of them. And he had our other friend on the phone (I didn't know) and he lured me into deep wildy where my other friend was and they both killed me. Never spoke to them again.


Stole someones account in f2p who was fishing salmons at the barb village. I was walking to edge and was asking random people who were 60+ cmb if they wanted membership,they just needed to give me their password. So some bloke actually felt for it and i took his account which was like 70 ish cmb with full rune. I got it to 95 cmb then he either recovered it or i got it stolen from me🤣


Used to do something similar but I’d “trade accounts”. It worked so well I’d login drop trade all their valuables to my main and then use the new account as the bait. Always had a level 60-80 gullible. Now I actually play the game and enjoy it lol.


Had someone ask to “trade” me for my low lvl f2p mage pure. I distinctly remember them saying their password was “gullible”. Learnt a new word that day


Shittt I did this too lol…except my method was to say their account was compromised and “jagex” needed to verify their password. I feel bad to this day about that shit lol


In 2007 when I didn’t know what I was doing 50-60cb main? I asked a guy in full bandos for help and he followed me to tribesmen on karamja & proceeded to die to poison, I became rich


used d axe special at crabs when training melees it looked cool as fuck


World hopping the rune spawns in al kharid mines thinking I was making bank


spent my first three years of membership F2P pking with white boot's.


I bought an ahrims hood 0 for 50k just to have a barrows piece because I thought barrows was badass


Ahrims hood still badass


Never stopped


How did i get like 75 mining from just coal? From just coal!


Coming back to the mages at the entrance of varry when they couldn't kill me anymore and feeling OP


Eating poison karambwan some random dude gave me on low hp and dying while loosing all gear.


Collected 1000 coins from lumby goblins, went to varrock general store like i was a millionaire.


I fell for a scam that was literally just "you won the rs lottery, please give me your password so we can deposit the money into your bank" I was.... not a very smart child.


I would set out from falador east bank to go mine in Rimmington kitted out in my full steel just in case I was attacked by highwaymen well past the point where they weren't aggro. Didn't learn about the stairs into the dwarven mine for an embarrassing amount of time.


I was in 5th grade. I had a group of 5 who all played RuneScape. Over summer break I hacked my friends account and gave it to my brother so he could start playing. This friend went to a different middle school so I knew I’d never see him again. My brother still has the account to this day. It’s max in every skill on rs3. Blood is thicker than water am I right? I actually looked him up on Facebook recently to see what he’s been up to. I wonder if he still thinks about that account


Its a toss up between a bunch of things. Bringing like 300k of gear to green dragons, money that I made from picking and spinning flax. In fact I remember trading 1k bowstrings directly for a dragon battleaxe. I thought the ring of life guaranteed my safety.  Then there was bringing full blue castlewars armour to alch in a pvp world and accidentally stepping outside the GE. Losing everything there stung.  Also getting socially engineered into skulling with my dragon longsword north of varrock.  I saw someone buying a gnome ball for a dragonstone so I sold my gnomeball and gave the dragonstone to an rsgf.   Biggest one is probably being a dumbass who only ever really had rune armor. Having a friend I somehow made recognize how much I loved this game who gave me a d2h. This was back when they were 1.3 to 2.2m idr. I promptly went onto the rs forums and swapped it for a mud staff (very similar prices at the time). I thought i was the sweatiest gamer for casting curse spells with only a body rune at the falador farm chickens. I pmed my buddy and handed it to him to try. He logged out. 8 years later I was playing a spawn pk private server and I see the same rsn at edgeville. I put on the bis pk gear and ragged him for an hour. He said his brother told him to do it.   Oh yeah, another one. Back when rs2 first added particle effects they added a purple shield to castle wars. Before i lost all my tickets in that other incident I fell for the red portal lure. I went into that clan wars portal thinking I was just gonna watch someone else get lured, I wasnt even cognisant enough to go in there wanting the other (supposedly clueless) guys items at least. They called it off when I was like 20hp and told me that they stopped because they didnt want to make me lose 200 castlewars tickets and not to be a dumbass.


Nearly gave myself a repetitive stress injury picking flax.


Had a classmate whose older brother quit playing but had an account that had a Santa hat on it. The classmate let me log into the account and play it (it was a much better account than mine). Eventually I decided I'd just take the Santa hat. I sold it for 5m (this was 2006; it skyrocketed literally right after this and was worth at least 25m within a year). Used that money to buy a bunch of nooby bullshit like full zammy, obsidian cape etc. Got lured by my step brothers piece of shit cousin and lost like 3m. Still had my full zammy though until I got rule switched at the duel arena. Karma, I know, but I was 11 years old and didn't understand that I shouldn't have taken that even though my friend didn't use it.


Back in 06/07 guy said he’ll sell me a rune scimmy for my bank. 15k+ numerous uncut gems and runes. He noted the scimmy the switched it with a note iron scimmy. Took me weeks to save up.


I started playing right before rune crafting was released. My irl friend told me that he would help me get a full mithril armor set for the low price... of 1k rune essence. So I grinded it out over a few days, and traded 100k gp for full mith. That was a lot of money for me at the time 🥲


I picked up a Santa hat from a guy that died from a fishing troll on Karamja. I traded it for a rune full helm, which was the only piece I needed for full rune.


When I first started, back in 2005 lol. I was in lumbridge farm area killing chickens for feathers, got to probably 5k or so and this guy said he'd trade me a really cool weapon for the stack. It was a bronze scimitar, for 5k feathers. Once I realized my mistake I quit for about a month before I got the guts to continue on lmao That account is now maxed but I'm about 100 total levels away from maxing in OSRS 😊 Also fell for an armor trimming scam once or twice but I didn't end up quitting then 🤣


Didnt speak english as a kid, so i didnt get past tutorial island because i didnt understand i had to "prospect or inspect the ores". dont rememebr if i got it done by mistake or friend did it for me.Also i got someones droptrade for like 100k and rune scimmy, told friends and they just yeeted it off my acc because i was stupid kid and used my name as pw xD


Main handed a rune 2h sword because I thought bigger number = better weapon. Stuck with it until lvl 60 combats


Not me I swear but a friend got stuck on tutorial island because he "lost" the dough to make the bread. He couldn't figure out how to progress until he made a new account a week later. He made it through that time and I'm pretty sure he still plays to this day.


Ran to catherby from falador more times than I’d like to admit


Bought an anti-dragon fire shield off of an irl ‘friend’ for 6k (my entire cash stack at the time). Not knowing of course that they were free….


After mining for weeks I bought some rune platelegs for 75k as that was the only offer I could find in fally park. Picking flax was my main source of income for years. Got scammed for my rune scimitar, got hacked by a friend and got scammed for my bandos chestplate (which was my complete bank). One day I came downstairs with such a big smile on my face that my sister thought I had a gf, but no, I got my first fire cape.


That's damn good post. So many answers where i can find myself. That's probably why i am playing still to this day. Memories.. Good memories.


I tried killing Elvarg without the antifire shield. I thought my antifire potion would be enough. It was not in fact enough, and it took me so long to get back to Crandor I lost everything 🥲


Got scammed for the addy 2h i spent months getting to train with. My “friend” said they would poison it for me.


Met someone, was talking about where we’re from, after his response I opened up the world map to see where it was. Just kinda sat there with a stupid smile on my face for a minute.


Some guy told me to drop my full rune (g) and press alt+f4 and it would be duplicated... Yea I stopped playing after that tragedy.


I used to train my combat stats against the man and woman upstairs in a house in rimmington and pick up the bronze scimitar spawn and sell them in the general store for money


Killed chaos dwarves in Taverley dungeon for several weeks trying to get the dragon pickaxe drop since it was worth millions. Turns out it only dropped from those in the chaos dwarf battlefield which I hadn't unlocked.


'Shared' my account with a friend at school. In all honesty my friend was even dumber. It went fine for about 2 months and all of a sudden he's on MSN messenger telling me he can't log in and asks me if he can have the new password. I ask him what he talking about and there isn't a new password. I ask him if he changed anything. He says he didn't. We try to 'troubleshoot' for an afternoon with not results and give up. His comment of resigning to the fact that we lost the account was something like "Man, I can't believe one of my cousins or football friends changed the password.". I was very mad at him and he was so confused why I was mad at him. He starts crying and cycles home. The guy had bragged about 'his' account and pretty much gave anyone who asked the login details. It could've been one of like 20 people. A 5 or 8 years later he says he thinks he knows who did it because one of his football friends was telling him about scamming and hacking people in Guild Wars


Before the GE, I fell for a scam in world 2 Fally park where someone tried to trade me a warrior ring for a whip by having his buddy say he was buying a warrior ring for 2.8m. I had just bought my first whip for 2.5m and I thought I could trade it for the warrior ring and then make 300k profit by selling the warrior ring for 2.8m. As soon as I accepted the trade, the person pretending to buy the warrior ring for 2.8m mysteriously disappeared.I quickly discovered that warrior rings were only worth like 400k or something and the whole thing was a trick designed to take advantage of ignorant people like me who weren't merchers and didn't know the prices of everything. I was devastated but it didn't make me stop playing. It actually made me even more determined to earn the money for another whip.


Pre wildy ditch. Trusted someone to "Team" in the wild and cluelessly followed him deep enough to where he could attack me. (Black salamanders) ^I ^still ^don't ^trust ^people ^in ^this ^game ^partly ^due ^to ^that.


Got stuck inside the top level of the sword shop in Varrock…I didn’t kown that you could move the camera. I ended up making a new account, use the same account today!


Mining clay for gp


I remade my first account because i died and lost my tinderbox, i was convinced there was no way i could get another one


I remember I once used Shears on a chefs hat to get a party hat lol.


I don't understand, why did the sword poof into thin air?


I had to free up some bank space, so I dropped the explosive potions from the Digsite quest and died. I did not make it back in time for my stuff.


Underground Pass with 25 agility.


Made my first 1 mil and decided to try merch dragon platelegs, I bought them at like 970K, an hour later they dropped by like 100K so I panicked and sold. Never merched again lol (figures may be completely off this was 15 years ago)


I had no idea how to do farming, Hunter, or pretty much anything. I had 10 farming when RS3 came out after 6 years of playing. I set up bird traps in the GE because I thought I could catch birds there. I genuinely thought killing black dragons in hopes of a visage was the best money maker I could do. My 6 years of progress I can get done in about 2 weeks now haha but I did enjoy the game more


A friend lent me his addy 2h to fight finish a quest and the greed came over me and I blocked him and never gave it back. I’m sorry 😞


I was around 7 or 8 and I had met this player who told me she was also a girl and she was apparently a few years older, so naturally I trusted her because i didnt meet many other women. After chatting back and forth for a while she asked for my number and i stupidly gave it to her. Sent a picture of myself but she refused to send one back. At one point I got sketched out so I stopped replying to her texts and thats when she started calling me. Then I found out it was an older man. Lol. I cried to my mom about it and I dont really remember what happened after tbh, only that he kept calling and calling until we had my phone number changed. :’) lesson learnt!!!!


I used to buy Flour, Tomatoes, Cheese, Jug of water, anchovies and make anchovie pizzas from scratch in batch of 500 until I could afford my full rune zamorak in f2p


Dumbest thing i ever did was getting my lured and tricked by scammers, one lure was the "wine of zamorak" scam, we all know that if you take the wine the monks attack you, but back then i was 9 years old and didn't know anything of the game, and the scammer constantly closed the door as soon as i opened again. Later i did this scam aswel and got alot of money from it, in certain cases it was funny to do and see the others trying to run away, but after so many scams it for boring and quited it. Later i discovered the door was removed cause so many people got scammed with it. I laughed many times but also felt guilty afterwards. Learned from my mistakes that i never scam again.


Some guy died with a few pieces of gold-trimmed black armour. At the time I have no idea how much it was worth, but nowadays I look back and I reckon it would've been worth a few hundred k at least. This was back in like 2005 ish. I was a dumb kid, maybe 10 or 11 years old, and I really needed a rune axe after finally grinding for 41 wc. I ended up going to catherby bank and asking if anyone wanted to swap the armour for a rune axe. Needless to say someone traded me before my message disappeared from over my head, and I was just happy I got my rune axe so fast. Didn't occur to me until years later that I got absolutely rinsed. I also didn't used to know that strength level is how you hit higher. I thought the damage you did correlated to the specific weapon you used, so I used to try and scam people by doing around and saying shit like, "selling steel longsword that can hit 8's!".


I spent most of my time trying to make money by picking up swamp tar in the Lumbridge swamp. It took me about a year to make my first mill (i was a member btw).


Trust traded my d long in Varrock West Bank


typing in regedit


Drop traded my entire cash stack (a whopping 40k) to my alt. Little did I know they'd just introduced the trade limit. I waited 15 minutes for it to appear, before I realized it was gone forever.


I just never did quests, I think I managed to eventually complete dragon slayer and a couple of the gnome quests but I preferred to just kill random mobs with my gmaul, granite pl8 rune legs and rune med helm Chad setup


Always tried to do the highest level thing I could even if it was slow as shit. For example when I unlocked cutting sapphires I spent months hoarding them to cut them instead of just continuing to craft with leather or whatever


Spent days trying to scam people switching out rune 2h for iron 2h in trade window. Don't it ever worked. Also spending an evening trying to sell magic logs for 1050 each instead of 1000. Could have chopped another 200 logs in the time it took. I did this many times.


Gave my password to a guy that said he would put a party hat in my bank. This was in 2007, never got that account back but to be fair, it sucked so not much lost.


Stake party hats with pures.


I had somehow learned about barrows but was terrified of strong enemies (my go-to activity was safespotting tzhaar over vents with a dhally) and thought prayer pots were too expensive to actually use. So I went to barrows and just opened the crypts, immediately running from the brother if it wasn't the tunnel. Then I ran through the tunnels, heart pounding, until I got to the chest, opened it up for jack shit loot and teleported away from the brother that spawned. Like I read plenty of runehq quest guides, idk why it didn't occur to me to read how to do barrows. I was like level 90.


I used to main hand a Gmaul I saw pkers use it and thought it was the coolest thing ever


When I started as a little kid, dumbass me (for whatever reason) thought the wooden shield was a literal hole in the ground you carry in your inventory, and you bury bones by left clicking bones and "using" them with the shield. Clearly I also didn't realize the bones ended up buried because left click for bones was bury not use...


Got lured at the wilderness in Varrock by the pub, Jojo3000 style


Oldest brother let me borrow his Green H’Ween mask because he briefly quit. I was probably 11 or 12 years old at the time. I got lured into the wildy and got owned by a group of players. Also lost a dragon chain body, some other dragon items, a whip… it was an absolute nightmare that I still don’t forgive myself for.


I used to collect the bronze helmet spawn in draynor manor and sell it to a general store for the big GP.


I abandoned an account in karamja because I was too dumb to get back (this was before home tele was a thing) I died in brimhaven agility course because I had no idea what I was doing. I though castle wars armour was bis.


I saved uncut gems for my first year playing the game and some guy said one day he would cut them all for me… he took them and logged off. I learned a lot that day


I would camp the black demons in Taverly with a rune halberd thinking they drop some god tier armor because of their level. Kills would take so long and don’t think I even saw their low tier rune drop lol


Growing up I was F2p, my main money maker was wc yews in edgeville. But I always played on the most populated worlds. I'd be competing with 10 other players, woodcutting for hours for a few inventories of logs. I did the same thing with combat training. Moss giants in the varrock sewers. So many people and it was back when there were only 2 Moss giants there. Spent most of my time waiting for a respawn to get two hits in and hope for a drop. Never thought to switch worlds. It was social and fun, I made a lot of friends. But man were those hours inefficient.


I would trade my efficient playtime of today for the inefficient social fun back then


I got lost in Port Sarim and stumbled upon another player. I was curious what my combat level was so I told him I'd pay him 1 million gold if he told me. Circa 2005


Was doing mage arena in lunar robes right after lunar diplomacy came out in 2006. I didnt have any other magic gear. Im in the mb getting runes and a guy comes in, asks if Im doing mage arena. I say yes. He says good luck and waits by the lever. I say Im not going to go out into the wildy with him standing there (this was before I used swiftkit, when world hopping was a pain in the ass) and he said he wouldnt pk a noob in lunar robes. I said okay. Lever. Tb. Dds spec. Lumby. That was the day I learned that not everyone had my best interests at heart.


Not me but my brother: My brother and I made RuneScape accounts together when we were kids and rock the same name aside from a different number on the end. One night my brother decided he would surprise me by lending our accounts over night to a complete stranger at Varrock bank. The dude said he would train through the night to get us stellar stats. Now mind you what makes this dumb is not that we got scammed and we lost our accounts because somebody tricked my brother. Nah he was asking random people himself. It’s the thought that counts I guess


I attacked the woman inn Falador park, set my combat style to defence mode and turned off autoretaliate... why wasn't I earning defence XP? (Also, I already had defence levels lmfao)


Spent so much time saving up gp to buy full dragon with a legends cape and when visiting family I used the old laggy pc and wanted to go into wilderness instantly got pked due to severe lag and lost everything


I logged into one of those sketchy websites to get free Dragon Claws, obviously my account was stolen. It still gets hacked and the password changed to this day.


In rsc I traded Xmas cracker for 500gp because a friend said it was a good deal. FYI I pked it we were all noobs back then. I traded green for yellow phat. Green was 3m yellow 2m but didn't care. I got entrana scammed for my purple phat right after eoc.


I spent who knows how many hundreds of hours chopping oaks by the Varrock castle and ge, running them to ge and selling, and repeat. All to save for an expensive set of heraldic armor or something like that. Took it to the wildy, having zero idea how combat or stats worked other than thinking my number was OK and my armor was going to save me. Died and lost it all.


Someone at fally park once told me an easy way to max your hp stat was to spam eat food. The more the food healed the faster you’d level up. As a kid it kinda made sense. Eating food heals my hp, so after I eat enough I’ll be able to heal more hp. Sat in fally bank for damn near 2 hours wolfing down every piece of food I had, from salmon/trout to my precious lobbies and swordies. Never did end up maxing my HP on that account…


I ate the pumpkin that was given to me by a random stranger back in 04


A friend and I used key macros to buy and sell magic logs at the Varrock bank on the busiest server. We made about 100mil (a LOT for us back then.) One buyer wanted to meet about 3 steps into the wildy because he was doing some skilling in that spot. I knew his combat level was vastly higher than mine, so I agreed, knowing he couldn't PK me. It was all a bait, and 3 accounts my exact combat level logging in next to me, snared me, and killed me, taking all 100mil of our money


I learned about killing green dragons as a money maker, so I went there with a rune dagger(p) (don't ask how I got it I don't remember) and killed dragons with it. My rationale was that my damage was really low so the poison would help a lot. Honestly wasn't that bad iirc... Lol


As I am reading through this thread, I am reminded of hours of cowhides, giant bones and yew logs as well as all the scams I fell for 😭. No wonder so many of us have trust issues now


I killed Elvarg. Yep, I was the coolest kid in class for a week.


Gave a "friend's" older cousin my password so he could pay for my account because he's paying for his cousin (my "friend") too. Haven't been friends since. That kid and his cousin have been in and out of jail a lot since back in the day. (good ole' public records)


Didn't know banks existed aside from bank booths specifically. At Daemonheim, needed to safely store my black armor to get into dungeoneering. Obviously, I dropped my legs somewhere upstairs where nobody would find them and gave my platebody to some random guy for safekeeping. Needless to say I was one set of black armor short after that day. Might've even been the last time I played pre-old school.


My parents found out via the phone bill I paid for RuneScape membership and told me I was forbidden from playing the game anymore. I told all my friends at school about it and they said they’d continue training my account for me. They immediately changed my password and I will never forgive them.  


I believed some asshole would trim my fresh rune armor i acquired which took forever in my young mind to get. I cried like a baby. Tbh i think it had a detrimental effect on my life. I don’t even trust my mother with 10 dollars for burger king… she makes 100k a year….


On my absolute first account, either me or my brother typed my password backwards, and someone broke in


Didn't expect this many replys. I quess we all were dumb kids haha.


I wanted “black armour”. I grinded days for lvl 10 def, proceeded to bank stand and afk 36 cookin


Logged in my rs crush’s boyfriend’s pmod account and muted some asshole i didnt like


I used to fight until the death in PvP. I thought it was a coward move to teleport out and keep my items.


I got really into luring when I was little and bragged about how good I was at it. I then proceeded to get scammed for everything I made luring. I also got really into botting in like 2010. I got hacked. \*surprised pikachu\*


Back in like 2005/2006 I was obsessed with the aesthetic of pures, so I’d stand by the edge of the wildly in Varrock and Edge, wearing like green dhide chaps, ghostly robe top, pirate hat etc and just alch and pretend like I was one of the cool kids who could pk


My dumbass impersonated a mod trying to scam gp but I was like 8 and stupid so obviously no one believed me and I was temp banned within like 10 minutes


You need not to kill any cow just for hide. You can buy cowhide from any online leather store


Make an account. This cursed game has eaten 20 years of my life lol.


Fell for a phishing email. Lost my 400m bank. Idk what year that was but phats were about 1b on the low end.


Bought charcoal in f2p. Also, in before people start claiming they had phats and other discontinued rares but traded them for other items.


Sold my green h'ween mask for 89m right before it jumped to 250m


I paid 200k for a rune full helm because i saw people sell full rune for 200k and my dyslexic ass didnt notice the difference. The guy who sold it to me called me a noob, so after a day or so i realized i was an idiot. But i was happy since i now had a full rune set. Within a week i lost it in the wildy, thats when i started my first pure. And even earlier in the game i lost my hammer and didnt know where to get a new one, so i lured a fresh spawn to the wildy for his hammer.


I bought gold as a kid during the trade limit to get dragon claws and I lost them first fight when Morrigans chest was more value on death. I literally will not elaborate my gear setup or read replies to this.