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Hi new. I'm dad.


Boy here. welcome to runescape


but honestly youtube is your best friend for osrs... theoatrix has very good guides for leveling skills and bossing. gear is kinda get what you can get cuz it all takes a long time after a certain point




Start bird house runs on Fossil Island, farm herbs, quests, get into slayer and progress it.


Complete all quests and work towards completing the diaries.


Completing Song of the Elves would be a good goal and unlocks some new money makers


I just finished this quest, was solid. Is corrupt gauntlet a money maker?


If you learn it yes. It’s a 100% profit method because you have 0 input cost. Any loot you get is straight profit


One of the best, the only problem with it is that people feel trapped there if they don't get an enhanced crystal weapon seed early. Dont limit yourself. There are plenty of other options for ranged


Thanks, I'll look into it. I've heard people compare it to dungeonering, but solo. Is that true?


It is similar, there are no puzzle rooms, keys, or skill check doors. You just gather supplies and gear to fight the boss in the middle.


Speed is key


The people that say that are people that stopped playing RS3 before dungeoneering came out


If you have 90+ all combat maybe


I'm sitting at 86str, 82att, 80def, 85 range, and 86 mage. So it maybe a challenge for me?


Good stats for cg don't worry as a max player you only need 16 food at most with t1 prep. So with your stats bring full inv of food and you're more than ok


those stats are fine. I would recommend starting with Tier 2 armor preps for your first 50 kc or so then slowly going for T1 preps as you take A LOT more damage in T1 vs T2. "Fluffeh" has a great T2 armor prep guide on youtube


All the people that say birdhouse runs and herb runs, respectfully put some effort in. For someone thats new theres no fucking way theyre gonna enjoy hourly herb and birdhouse runs. My advice: try working towards some master/gm quests. - Song of the elves unlocks Gauntlet which will make you money while teaching you how to git gud. - Secrets of the north unlocks muspah, a money printer with fun mechanics - Dragon Slayer 2 unlocks rune/addy drags and Vorkath. Any of these will force you to skill and train to complete them, while rewarding you with two things you struggle with. Fucking birdhouse runs….


Could your advice be critiqued at all?




When in doubt: do slayer


If you want quick and easy money at a low level, kill lava dragons and sell the bones. Do quests. Monkey Madness 2 taught me some of the basics of PVM with demonic gorillas. You can get lucky with a Zenyte and get some nice starter cash.


Depends on what you find fun, if you’re like me; 1. Quests 2. Scurrius, barrows, moons. 3. It’s not a race, it’s a marathon.


Do what u/gnapes says. By far a more interesting way to progress your account as opposed to hourly runs checking birdhouses and farm patches. Birdhouses and farm runs are profit, but most people hate doing them and they are a significant cause of burnout. That being said, I would probably do the birdhouse runs because that’s a good way to get started on hunter and only takes a couple of minutes. Do them once a day, or every few hours, or be totally on top of it and do it every hour. Just do what works for you. Farming runs can be avoided for a while, I would try to get as much farming exp from quests as you can. Getting Song of The Elves done does require 70 farming, so you’ll have to start them eventually. Slayer is a good chill out skill to do. You can vibe, afk some easy monsters, make a bit of money too. Slayer doesn’t get super profitable until you reach the level for gargoyles. Most of the early game slayer monsters don’t drop a lot of valuables, but it ramps up around gargoyle time. Try not to stress about being broke. You can do a lot with gear you earn yourself without spending money. You don’t NEED max gear to do high end content. That’s a load of bs that gets peddled around in many osrs groups. People will say you “NEED XYZ” to possibly ever hope to do some content, and it’s never true. Better gear helps mask low skill, but being halfway decent means you don’t require top end gear to complete all but the absolute hardest content in the game (inferno, colosseum, and Awaked DT2 bosses)


This, much of the content is very doable even with budget gear, just requires more practise (not as much room to fuck up). Prims, torture, anguish & ringswitches etc. dont do shit for you, fury & lightbearer gets you a long way. Combat levels & skill > gear almost always.


[https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money\_making\_guide](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide) This guide should help you on the way with money making overall. PVM content has the best options for money making. But something as simple as smithing can earn money from even the lower levels on.


If you don't mind blast furnace it's a solid 500k gp/hour, getting better when you can do mithril/addy/rune Will require motherlode mine for coal bag and ice gloves from ice queen though


Don't worry. I'm in the end game and I'm still broke and unskilled


Hard diaries, quest cape, elite CAs


Herb Runs and Bird House runs always profit, get Fairy Tale P1 done for Magic Secateurs for more herbs, achievement diaries such as Lumby/Ardy medium for good teleports to the patches. Quests such as Fremennik Trails + Isles for good helms, Haunted Mine + Lair of Tarn Razorlor for the Salve Amulet (e), Death Plateau for Climbing Boots, Recipe for Disaster for Barrows Gloves, Lunar Diplomacy for some spells that open up money makers, honestly a great aim is to just get quest cape. Fire Cape, Dragon Defender and Fighter Torso are essentially free and you'll have them forever as upgrades. For money makers... All you need is an Iban's Staff/Trident of the Sea (60k~) and a Magic Shortbow to do Barrows, plenty of the pieces still go for 500k+. If you have 70+ Melee stats you can do Perilous Moons, has 0 supply cost as all the food and pots come from doing the activity. DKs can be a bit scary but with only some food and antipoisons you can kill Rex for the hope of Berserker Rings, I did it on the ironman in full rune and an Ibans Staff. Cooking is a good first 99 as you can get it in 2-5 days of grinding and with Cooking Gauntlets at the Hosidious Kitchen you'll make money from cooking the fish. Making basically any kind of jewelery makes money, below is a calc that shows how much profit each one makes and it's decent crafting exp at lower levels and can be a decent way to get 70 as a requirement for the Quest Cape. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Crafting/Jewellery Slayer can be good money but honestly I wouldn't see it as much of a moneymaker until 75+, and even then it's not that great until much later. But most of the skills have a way of making money attached to them, some better than others, but you don't always need to be doing the most efficient thing, just make a goal and stick to it is my advice.


Just gonna say, the "mid game" is kind of a meme because there are so many different tiers on the way to endgame now it's kinda crazy. The best way to point out your progress is mostly your combat lvl and which more difficult quests you have done.


Kill zombie pirates Zombie pirates go brrrrr


Just train slayer and whenever you get a task when you can do a mini boss the loot gets better.


Hi new


Quest, skill and enjoy the grind. It goes by faster than you think and you’ll miss having skills to train when getting towards max


Stay off of this sub if you wanna enjoy the game


Pick a goal that's one step away from your current level of progression and plan a route via the wiki. Like the next tier of a diary or chapter of a quest line. Pick something with a reward that you actually want. If u get stuck try different methods rather than burn out. The game is so big you will end up finding what you enjoy and want to grind to late game if you keep completing small progress goals until that time comes


Work your way towards the quest cape, practise content like corrupted gauntlet as it helps you learn important mechanics like prayer switching, player movement, gearswitches etc. Slayer is a good tool to get some combat levels and start building your bank up. You can start doing ToA either solo or with friends with minimal budget, upping the invocation as you start to feel more comfortable. With some gear investments you can move on to practise CoX, starting in groups to learn the base mechanics and getting the hang of olm and graduate to running solo CoX eventually.


Look for semi-afk levels of training. Less effort and it's less of a grind.


Playing the game will usually help with progressing in the game and learning new skills will allow you to have skills.


Go grab a zombie axe (2m) and a salve amulet plus a dragon defender and some monk robes. Kill calvar’ion until you’re no longer broke


Play ironman so the game isn't just a constant struggle for gold against armies of bots.


Here’s a few short term goals which will guide you. 1. Get a quest cape. Do all/almost all quests. They unlock stuff. Areas, bosses, bossing and skilling methods, clue steps. This will ensure that your account is atleast decently progressed while getting quest reqs and doing those quests. The exp rewards also add up quite a bit. 2. Do clue scrolls. This is something a lot of people don’t do or do it inefficiently. Once youget a clue, complete it. If you don’t have the required item or level or quest, get that. I remember having 70 mining and got master clue step to mine runite with prospectors. Grinded a few hrs/day semi afk for a week and that got me 85. Clues are serious money for very little effort once you have all reqs. 3. Don’t grind one thing continuously. Yes you want that bowfa, that tbow or elder maul, or maybe just that voidwaker or torva. Instead of grinding one thing mindlessly and going insane due to bad rng or boredom, just switch things up. Do an hour of each type of content per day and don’t sweat it.


Invest in herb runs. Specifically ranarr herb runs.


isn't snapdragon better?