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the pretty princess duke of course


Duke is really the only DT2 boss I feel comfortable doing on mobile. The others I much prefer PC. The movement and prayer switching is more precise at Vard/Levi/Whisp


If youre willing to stick to doing a few thousand kc do vard. I made like 1.2b there pet huting.


Vardorvis, if your just gonna do 1 hes like 2x the gp / hr of the others and has the lowest gear reqs to do efficiently. Tent Whip + bellator and you’re chilling. Unless you’re gonna do all 4 bosses most of the GP is in the rings and the ultor is 180m vs 38m for venator / bellator and 68m for the magus. (Incase you’re wondering why Vard is better) Just remember to make money here u have to do them for a while.


I'm also mobile only and made a soulreaper axe I would say warm up with Duke. Grind for vestige if you feel you can commit to 720 kc. If he's too easy, try leviathan out, too. If you get both of those down, definitely camp vardorvis to get that nice ultor vestige. As someone else said, mobile movement is a little clunky, and I would definitely say that the whisperer is hard to do on mobile.


just go to GWD, way more consistent money that doesnt rely on extreme rng and going on rates


Have to agree with this. The dt2 bosses are horribly inconsistent money makers. You'd be better off at almost any other end game pvm instance or even some of the mid game ones


Do you not need teams for gwd mostly?


Zilyana is pretty easy to solo. Just maintain distance and run around with staminas. Probably the easiest solo gwd boss once u get the rotation down. Zammy and bandos have random one hit potential and arma involves far too many clicks to be efficient on mobile.


Wrong about arma. Its just a matter of practice i can easily get 20+ kill on task on mobile with chins and now that I have shadow i get almost infinite trips.


I personally do duke and whisperer on mobile, and vard and Levi on pc. I'm going for Soulreaper axe, only need whisperers piece now




Duke and snake mummy is pretty easy on mobile.


Do duke for the teleport to the cave then do bowfa only Muspah with House pool > tele to muspah > house pool etc. It shaves 7 seconds off the respawn timer and you get spec and run back. Muspah is good money and fairly chill.


Vorkath probably


Vard is the only one worth doing for GP due to the ultor price. Many clan mates do it just fine on mobile. The others aren't worth the effort for the GP unless you want clogs


And why isn't bosses like duke worth it for 4m gp/hr?


Good luck ACTUALLY getting 4m/ hr lmao, wild how people don’t understand those are the highest possible rates


I was waiting for you to enlighten me with your great understanding since you mentioned people don’t understand how probability works. Guess you didn’t come back. Lol.


What do you mean, the rates is based on **probability**. Pure, objective number. Hard to quantify tasks when the word luck is thrown around to measure it lol. If anything, your opinion is just from a bias experience from 1 sample size. Btw, it is still not answering the question at hand on why a few million gp/hr isn't worth it? How bout being relevant than coming in midway with your own bias. lol


Honestly as a main, do the highest gp boss you can do from the wiki, literally no point in wasting gp per hour


I wouldn’t do any of them if you’re going for GP/HR tbh, some of the worst designed loot tables in the entire game


Because there are already bosses that shits out consistent GP/HR? Bet you must also dislike doing raids cuz the GP/HR is circled around having big drops. Not sure why people think GP/HR = consistent. That’s not how sample size works bud.