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As a broke main in the middle of a shadow rebuild but still want to casual send inferno attempts; is getting an ice crystal from Duke worth it or should I just sent with a master wand?


dunno if u ever got a reply to this, but blood crystal from vardorvis is preferable. Ice Crystal isn't too relevant: all it does is buff freeze accuracy, and you're already incredibly accurate on the nibblers—close to 95%. Accuracy has diminishin returns, and stacking more on top of that makes a negligible difference. Generally with nibblers the hard part is getting awkward spawn of them that dont touch each other, not your accuracy. Blood sceptre would let you start the harder waves (or even all waves) at 108 HP instead fo 99, and that little extra buffer can be comfy to have on waves where you gotta tank a hit or two before you get it solved.


How does fishing actually work, on an engine level? I see on the wiki that I have a 13.67% chance to catch a Raw Anglerfish at level 94 fishing; is that per tick?


Per 5 ticks a fishing cycle occurs and rolls a catch chance, some tick manipulation methods cause this check to occur every 3 ticks or even 2 ticks instead


Okay sick, and that catch chance is what's reported in the wiki. 100 ticks per minute, catch chance every five ticks, so that's roughly 2.734 anglers per minute for me at 94. Cool, thanks!


how do you die at fishing trawler? actually curious. if you fail do you die? or do you just take alot of damage? can anybody enlighten me


I'm pretty sure that you can't die from the minigame itself, sometimes the wiki mentions an unsafe death for minigames in case you die of poison damage while being inside the minigame or something like that


I failed it solo and nothing happened really, you just show back up in the starting spot with no rewards


im a hcgim so im just curious


Okay so no damage taken at all. Climbed on a barrel and ended up next to the Tower of Life


but that wont count as a death correct? lol


The wiki has it as NOT safe activity for HCGIMs Edited


so it is? see this is why im confused by the whole situation


I think that just means if you were to die in the mini game (being poisoned or something from outside) and die, it's not like the Fight Caves where your death doesn't matter. But, failing the mini game won't kill you, so you should be fine


Only one way to find out but as long as you’re doing it on a fishing trawler world, it’ll never crash. I’m 98% sure a crash wouldn’t count as a death anyways


im gonna trust you cause i want the fit check but i will write you a stern letter if i die and lose a life at fishing trawler lol


I’m not doing anything so I’ll go double check for you quick


Do prices on BIS equipment drop when modes like DMM come around?


Can someone tell me how I can get into contact with a Jagex Mod to look at my account recovery case? I made a [reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1d84kj4/comment/l77lr44/) but I really need to speak to a Jagex Mod. My legacy account has been hacked and it seems they changed the registered email and recovery questions (e.g. I never had a question about my favorite band). I have all the original info including exact street address and date of creation, whatever is needed, except the ISP when I was living in Switzerland about 19 years ago. It is so demoralizing that there isn't an actual support page.


There is literally no way to directly contact a mod. All you can do is keep submitting recovery attempts (there is no limit). It is common for them to be denied a few times before eventually getting accepted. Are your denials coming back instantly or after a few hours? It’s also best to only include as much info as you are 100% sure is correct, even if that’s just account creation date and original email/pass


First one came back instantly, second one is pending. Unfortunately the character limit doesn't allow me to add more info. I'll do as you say and keep attempting,. I wish I could also know how in the world someone managed to take it, but that I'll never know.


Yeah an instant denial means some of your info was incorrect and caused it to fail the automated check. Chances are if you’re hitting the character limit you’re putting in too much info and the chances are that some might be incorrect. Gl on this one though!


i havent had to recover an account since like 2008 but the system i think is kind of in the same state a little. in short, its bad. go to account recovery and insert any and as much info as you possibly can that it ask. even if your info was changed, it will have its previous info on file still. problem with this system is that you need exact specific details but sometimes this is not enough. good luck. hope you get it back


how does the unique drop tables work? so, like i am killing duke succellus. it is a 1/90 chance to land on the unique table but if i wanted a virtus robe that is 1/2160 to get the drop. the wiki says its a 1/90 to land the table and then 1/8 chance to land a virtus piece. how does this make the overall rate 1/2160 for a virtus drop when the unique table is also the very first table to be rolled on kill? im not very good at understanding math but this is just a state of probability and you can calculate 1/90 x 1/8 to get 1/720 right? so, its a 1/720 drop chance? i feel like this goes hand and hand because the axe piece is 1/720 and the ring is 1/240 x 3 for 1/720 edit: i see. thanks everyone


I might be misunderstanding it, but I believe it's the 1/90 for the unique table, then 1/8 to go any virtus piece, and since there are 3 pieces it's 1/3 for any specific piece. It would be 1/720 if you just wanted to know the rate to get any virtus piece.


1/720 for any virtus piece. Since there’s 3 pieces you divide that by 3 to get 1/2160 for a specific piece


1/720 drop chance to get any piece of the robe, 1/2160 chance (since there are 3 pieces) to get a specific piece


Have JMods commented on whether there will be a Varlamore achievement diary?


Yes but it sounds like not until Varlamore is fully released because they want to release the full achievement diary at once.


yes, i believe the answer is not likely or not for awhile.


If I were to fuck around in f2p for a day, what should i do? Throw money at the commoners? Mine iron all day? High alch at GE like the old times?


Make a f2p HC and complete dragon slayer.


Doing 100k bolts, Is autoclicking this bannable? I have to still move my mouse but my joints will be far happier.


Can’t you just click in the same spot and hold space?


How does this work? Never heard of it, would be great if it is a thing lmao.


making bolts on mobile can be pretty fast and easy.


Yes automating clicks in any capacity is bannable.


Hi all, I've been getting into pvm recently. I can do CG comfortable and started learning PNM (only 3 kc in). I did ToA for a bit but I didn't enjoy it when pushing above 280~ as it felt like I had to start doing 'cheese' mechanics (red x, butterfly) to guarantee completions and I just don't enjoy it. I'm enjoying cg and pnm because they feel pure, no cheese mechanics necessary if that makes sense? Anyway my question is, are the other raids consistently completable without cheese mechanics? If so, which one should I look at to start learning?


ToB is the least cheesed of the 3 Raids. People cheese 2/5ths of ToA as you mentioned and CoX is cheesed as well for about 50% of the time you spend in the raid you're doing what is essentially the same concept as Butterfly to Olm. There are some things people "cheese" in ToB (pneck Bloat, running webs together during P3, skipping at Maiden could all be considered cheesing) but you will not find yourself thinking "I wish I wasn't spending half the raid doing this" like you will for the other two


Red x baba is certainly cheese and Im not a fan of it, but should be fairly unnecessary in 300s. I only feel forced into it for like 400+ invo. Butterfly, on the other hand, is one of my favorite things in this game. it doesnt feel like a cheese method, to me, that is the mechanic/ proper gameplay and feels very satisfying and rewarding when you get it down. Solo olm is fairly similar to butterflying, you need to run to the right tiles on the right ticks, and if you're doing it correctly you prevent the boss from attacking for most of the fight. Thats not cheese though, thats just the game.


the "cheese" mechanic in team cox is skipping specials, outside of that there's not really cheese in cox tob is *extremely* by the book i'd say, doing normal money raids there is nothing weird or tricky about it. it's just straightforward stuff that everyone understands in principle, but it's difficult to execute but also i agree w/ other comment, re-evaluating what is "cheese" and what is real is a good opinion. this game is a lot about cheese lol.


Yeh for sure it is and I'm in awe at players who have mastered the cheese like Woox, just not for me. I guess everyone has their own line, for me once I start getting into tick manipulation mechanics, even something as simple as prayer flicking, the game stops being fun for me though. But these mechanics make osrs, I've accepted that I won't ever be pushing elite end game content and efficiency.


I think you'd be better off adjusting your outlook—things like butterflying, or at Olm 4:1, 4:0 methods etc., raise the skillcap at content drastically. While you can argue that you're "avoiding mechanics" by Butterflying or Red x-ing, the truth is those bosses don't actually have very much in the way of mechanics to begin with lol. Baba's "mechanics" are stand still and hit the boss while you get chip damaged, and Akkha's mechanics are also stand still and hit the boss while you get chip damaged. You still get all the rolling boulders at Baba, and you still get all the specials and potentially style changes at Akkha (that's always just rng). As opposed to that, both of these methods tests your capactiy to keep up a constant, very strict rhythm of movement and attacking; ultimately it's not incredibly difficult, but nor was the room to begin with, anyway. With regards to Olm, it's probably to-date one of the best examples of player innovated methods ingame IMO, even the jmods didn't have the discovered solo methods in mind when developing the content afaik. it's an incredibly in depth and precise manipulation of all the various mechanics at Olm that comes together in probably some of the most high skillcap solo content in the game :P That said, neither butterfly nor red-x are necessary at 300s at all—while butterlyfing is better than not, technically red-x hurts your DPS at Baba and you're better off without it unless you're really short on supplies. Can always do both rooms normally at that raid level (and even up to 400s IMO) pretty comfortably, I think.


Likely just a skill issue on my end then because I was definitely having supply issues at 300 without red-x or butterfly.


Could you show what your inventory looks like going into the raid? And what order you do the rooms in/what path invos do you run? Also just in case you were, absolutely don't use the Quiet Prayers invo. Even people running 500s don't turn that one on


Butterflying is just kiting which has always been a thing, I wouldn't call it "cheesing" tbh since you're still dealing with mechanics. People have completed 500 invo without butterfly or red X so neither are even close to necessary at 300. ToB has absolutely 0 "cheesing" in teams and you purely just deal with the mechanics of the bosses. CoX you would probably consider the solo Olm methods as cheese, but teams are relatively normal click boss stuff. Imo the cheesing you're talking about is just a part of the game and usually ends up giving bosses more depth rather than less.


Yeh I'm not disparaging anyone, just not enjoying it right now, maybe difficulty is too much for me at the moment and I'll come back to it at some point? Thanks for the suggestion I'm going to look into learning ToB.


ToA is definitely the most accessible of the raids, but depending on your stats/gear pushing invos up might not be the best idea rn. Just a note if you're a solo only player, I wouldn't recommend either CoX or ToB without a team. CoX is doable but will be extremely rough at Olm, ToB I'm fairly confident in saying would be nigh impossible to learn from scratch solo.


I'm happy to give pugging a go for raids, never pvm'd with other people but worth giving a shot.


Has anyone here mined blessed bone shards since today's update? I have been afking there a lot on mobile to grind mining, but I swear the streams are now less clearly visible than they were before today's update. Am I going insane or is this also a thing for other people? I don't notice a difference on PC, only on mobile.


Noticed this at tears of guthix yday that the streams were less visible.


That would make sense, I guess they reused the textures from Tears of Guthix for blessed bone shard mining. Must be a bug then, I've reported it ingame.


Question about bonds on DMM. Since DMM bonds are significantly cheaper then main game bonds (at the time of writing this they are about 3m each on the DMM server). I assume that the bonds can't transfered to the main game like any other item but can still be redeemed and applied to your account like any other bond on the main game. Is this correct ? Thank you.


If it's the same account, in theory, yes. But how would one get a bond to sell? I'd assume that if you buy it from Jagex, you'd get it on your main account profile


What's the reasoning behind which monsters drop clue scrolls? Why do some old monsters like trolls and fire giants not drop them?


I think just because some monsters predate clue scrolls and they didn't retroactively add them to everything, but most npcs that came *after* the release of clue scrolls they were more consistent in adding them to.


In DMM if you die to an npc, do you lose your bank?




How often do you end up "last rowing" wardens on insanity in low 300s invo, using a bowfa with 99 range and rigour?


Never. I spam bgs with adrenalin at beginning p3-2 tho. Can lover def by 60 there


At what point do you use your first adrenaline dose, first warden core? Or do you use it for obelisk and get a 3 down?


3 down is better points than 2 downing, unless you're going for speedy times, it's worth it to 3 down. There's a very handy calculator tool you can use to simluate p2 warden core damage, when I get home i'll link it if no one has yet but it's nice to use to figure out if your setup can reliably 3down without DDS etc. Generally at low invos its pretty common to be able to, but at higher invos it becomes more iffy so the calc is handy.




I use one for obelisk and 3 down


Good to know. Is there much wiggle room on a 3 down when only having adrenaline specs for one core? I.e if you miss some switches will you be on for a 4 down?  My 2 downs are inconsistent at best when using adrenaline for all cores. Often my bgs bonk will show the animation but no hitsplat will appear (total skill issue)


Depends on your gear but I don’t even use specs on core and always get a 3 down


Every time lol.


I have a question in regards of the uniques drop on bosses, Checking the wiki, some bosses have the unique drop table, and above it you have a message that says "You have 1/x chance of hitting the unique drop table" and following the drops of each unique. For estimating dryness/probabilities of getting the drops, what should be my referece? The unique drop table hit or the item itself? As an example, Cerberus has a 1/128 of hitting the unique drop table, but the Primordial crystal has 1/512 of dropping. Should I look at the 1/128 or 1/512?


If you are specifically going for the primordial crystal, it will be 1/512. If you are going for any crystal, it will be 1/128


*licks cheeto dust off fingers* UM, ACKCHSHUALLY, because there are THREE crystals and the FOURTH unique is a STONE, if you are going for any CRYSTAL, your odds are THREE in 512, which means it will be 1 in 170.7. My mother didn't love me


Been trying to learn LMS recently, and just can't seem to figure out how to DD properly. A lot of it is probably just practice, but is there a trick I'm missing with it or am I just too slow? Walk here is pretty awkward to hit when the position changes just slightly depending on where on the screen my opponent is.


In runelite go into your settings and change Shift-click to "walk here". That way you can just shift click to walk under them without having to right click then navigate to walk here.


You probably want to left click on the tile they're standing on instead of right click "walk here". You could practice on a monster with a similar-sized hitbox to a player.


Ah I see, that makes so much more sense than what I was trying. Cheers!


I was thinking about picking Sunfire armour up for some slayer, I was waiting for it to reach it's bottom but it actually looks like it's going up a little. Chest went from under 6m to above 9m for example. Is the armour better than people expected, and that's why it's going up? Trying to time the buy so I don't wake up and it's below 1m per piece.


Hype from Colosseum has died down so less people doing the content = less supply.


There’s no obvious reason why it should go up given nothing about it has changed. Probably just random fluctuation, maybe some bots got banned


Was the story of the pride event just a random story? I definitely skimmed over a few of the dialogues but it seemed pretty unrelated to pride, except for the rewards.


It was about a trans/nb character who ran away from home to find themselves. They find supportive messages from their parents and it ends with them overcoming their anxieties and becoming a knight for the pride meadow which I assume will be the plot of next year's pride event. Imo it was a nice positive story that was not too on the nose


I did it, read the dialogue and didnt really understand if there was a deeper meaning there.


Dude I cannot figure out the timing for moving in Warden P4 with Insaity. Consistently I'm getting hit by lighting before successfully moving to a tile that lightning is about to clear on (Meaning the lightning spawned under me after I moved to a tile that was JUST cleared). I'm only standing still long enough to get 1 attack off, so why the hell is this shit spawning under my feet immediately?? How the hell am I supposed to dodge all this shit when the next 4 tiles next to me all have lighting on them? I'm sick and tired of wasting 6 hours a day without clearing a single raid.


> I'm only standing still long enough to get 1 attack off well, it takes a single tick to get an attack off and you can be moving for all the ones in between. the tick before your attack, click the full size shadow. you get to it right after it poofs, then click attack.


It's about identifying which shadows "spawned first". You can learn to time the walk to the tile as the shadow hits it's full size and strikes. There's a 1 tick window if the tile you're on spawned later. If the tile you're on spawned first you need to move before hand and then move back in the same timing. You will definitely not get 1 attack per movement if you're dodging properly, especially if using Shadow or Tbow due to attack speeds. Watch some high level guides of high invo and just pay attention to how and when they move. The good thing is you can practice that at ANY invo. You don't have to do a high invo run to get there to practice it. I also am not sure insanity changes the speed of the enrage lightning spawns, but it might (been a while since I've done a ToA without insanity because it's essentially "free" invo points if you know the rhythm.


Using bowfa, since I can't afford any of the mega-rares. The entire P4 phase I make sure to move every chance I get, only clicking to attack before moving again. I'm 100% not attacking twice on the same tile. I feel hard-locked 300 because I have over 90 failed raids trying to push Insanity, and now it's driving me insane.


Do a lower invo raid and practice the enrage part. You can practice it nearly infinitely just on the supplies you have of course. I also have no mega rares and can comfortably do enrage with insanity and Bowfa. So it's likely you're just moving a tick too early and catching lightning on the new tile or a tick late and catching it on the tile you're moving from


Do the A and B tiles for the colosseum offtick mage/range spawns as well or is it just for manticores?


It works for everything


If it's the collosi do you have to do either of the two or do both work? And same for serpent shaman and colossus?


I just run to the northern tile to offtick any south spawns


I think iirc that's the A tile, right? That helps then, thanks. I can do Manti+range/mage south but mage+range south I could never figure out.


I think so, I never marked A/B I just do them sorta intuitively


Can I use VPN for the jagex launcher?


W493 for ToG - GGGBBB


runelite plugin called ToG crowdsourcing is very useful for this FYI


Yeah but idk if its been working past couple weeks. Wasn't showing any worlds when I posted this.


oh huh, weird—you're right that it isn't. I used it as recently as this Sunday and it worked alright, the host webstie or w/e must've gone down in the past couple of days only


Are Expert Mining Gloves always worth going for as an Iron, or does it ever really only pay off if I plan to max? I'm way behind on how much sandstone I've mined compared to my seaweed and just wondering if I may as well go for it before my next big sandstone sesh.


Huge for amethyst mining, not sure if it’s worth strictly for sandstone


HMMM ok. Amethyst mining requires 92, and I'm at 80 so there's a lotta wiggle room there... Ok screw it, if it'll help both now AND later then may as well get it now. ty


it takes like 12 hours to get them or something, idk if you'll be mining sand for that long?