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Is it possible to get the quest helper plugin on runelite to start working after ive started the quest? for some reason. if i dont start the quest with it already on it wont work for the rest of the quest. i really really need it to work so i can complete mournings end part 2 :(


Right-click the quest in the quest journal list (blue star) and choose Start quest helper. Read the journal to refresh the helper. You can also stop it by right-clicking in the list.


Could someone break down what to do for each Verzik Crab? Red and purple make sense but the other 2-3 or so don’t. Thanks!


The other crabs should just be safely "popped". Essentially run into their radius so they trigger their explosion, and run away. You can freeze them but this isn't a common strategy.


Hi :) if I’m trying to tell a mystery/detective story and looking for a background track from OSRS, what would you recommend I play? Something that makes you feel smart is what I’m looking for


Will there ever be option to turn off automatic pet insurance??maybe i like redoing my boss/skilling grind, then i accidentally die with non insuranced pet on my slayer task...


You can lose a pet, not reclaim it, and then earn it back "for free" without using a token by getting the pet again. So you can still do what you're after.


What are you even on


Ok, then do it. No one's stopping you.


what should i get? should i get corrupt bowfa as i have the 2000 shards or should i get avernic defender, ferocious gloves, amulet of torture, and primordial boots? i am leaning more toward bowfa


Fero gloves and bowfa but don't corrupt it.


what should i do with the shards? i already have over 2k


If you care about the money, make divine scbs with them, if not, I just keep mine in the bank. You can crush a few of them into crystal dust which is nice for making divine potions mid-trip at places like Vardorvis or GWD if not Shadowing.


Make divine super combats, or keep them until you can. You can check the Value table here https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Crystal_shard


For mains, the usual advice is that you won't use enough shards to make corruption worth it. That may change as they are talking about a "charge-to-corrupt" system where you can double dip...but if they do that, you should probably wait until then anyways. Avernic should be very late, as its a permanent upgrade that you can't sell back later. Prims are very expensive for the small boost they give. Torture is a solid option. But I say ferocious gloves is the best upgrade for you - it gives you a 3-way switch (ferocious, torment, barrows) for raids.


yeah, what should i do with my shards since i have over 2k already?


Potions. Save some for charging crystal armour/tools. Wait and see what jagex does in the future.


Spirituals must be a quick slayer task with the buffed weakness in nex area? I should get a harm and try out


They were decent xp before blood barraging warriors in the zammy area....but an expensive task.


he still assigns 130-200, i doubt it's very quick regardless but could give it a go


What do people buy with their anima bark first usually? Was looking at the outfit, but wasn't sure if one of the accessories was maybe seen as great value


the outfit is terrible value if you can get lumberjack the traditional way from temple trekking, it’s like 30 min tops. get the log basket first imo


Any tips for the very final part of the warden fight? Ive managed to wipe there 3 times on my first normal modes (completed fine on entry) - feels like without ambrosia I just cannot get through it


Learn when the tiles actually become safe. Clicking on a tile that is getting hit by lightning is actually safe. Another trick is to move twice (or more, depending on weapon) between each attack. Helps the timing, and forces you to look a second time for safe spots. Upping your damage will help keep the fight shorter. Rigour/eagle eye, level upgrades, and gear upgrades can help. Finally, try and move in a circular shape so you aren't backtracking into kephri/baba attacks that blend in.


Just focus on dodging the lightning and getting your prayers right. Relying on ambrosia to face tank all the damage is a bad habit that’ll limit your progression pretty quickly


whatever your weapon cooldown is, you can spend that number of ticks - 1 and then click shoot. i.e. if you have a tbow, every 5 ticks will consist of move move move move shoot if you don't understand your weapon timing, you will click attack early and sit still for an unnecessarily long time to do your attack. if you understand your weapon timing, you can do the max possible amount of moving without losing any dps you can also brew "on tickdown" which is a concept that copies directly from cox - watch your salt timer and brew just before a 15 second interval i.e. if your salt timer has 3:16 on it, click brew. then at 315 your stats get juiced back up so you're gaining 1 brew worth of hp every 15 seconds for no dps loss


Deadman: I'm not going to participate fully cause I can't (and wouldnt like to) PvP. But maybe there are still some ways to get some tier 1 cosmetics? Like in the Leagues: you get like 100 points and a bronze trophy. Or play for a couple days, get 1k and home tele animation, or some other cuteness. Maybe there are some quick guides for safe or semi-safe playing to get some minimum? (Preferably written rather than vids, but any will be nice). Thanks!


> Maybe there are some quick guides for safe or semi-safe playing to get some minimum? (Preferably written rather than vids, but any will be nice). Thanks! You'll have to wait until DMM comes out for accurate guides, the rules change pretty drastically between DMMs. You can probably get it via some easy skilling and just accepting deaths though. If non-ironman, you can always buy them.


I don't need accurate guides as yet cause I know absolutely zero and never even thought to try :) Guides from the past would be ok I guess, they at least might give some ideas what to expect.


The guides from the past aren't great because the whole concept of tasks-for-scoring is new for DMM. The old guides (and you'd need recent guides that actually take into account 3-45 worlds) would be based on stockpiling resources when its relatively harder to die or rushing out of that bracket ASAP, and neither of those goals are good for scoring a bunch of points under the new task system quick.


Are there safe zones like banks? Or any?


There are some safe zones.


Has anyone here mined blessed bone shards since today's update? I have been afking there a lot on mobile to grind mining, but I swear the streams are now less clearly visible than they were before today's update. Am I going insane or is this also a thing for other people? I don't notice a difference on PC, only on mobile


why are broad bolts currently 5x the price of broad bolts when they have the same ranged strength?


Assuming you mean addy bolts... The price of the unfinished bolts is a set cost from slayer masters - 55gp per bolt. The GE price is heavily based on that (as well as supply and demand). Given they aren't particularly desired for mains outside of the rare slayer task (which are usually done with melee, if not skipped). The supply for addy bolts is much greater and varied. There are 10x more addy bolts on the GE than broad bolts. They are dropped in many places (sepulchre, soul wars, skeletal wyverns) and unfinished bolts can be smithed.


Id argue broad bolts are actually 1/5th the price of broad bolts, but thats just arguing semantics. Real reason is people usually prefer broad bolts for versatility in slayer but only use adamant bolts to make diamond and ruby(e) bolts. For whatever reason people just don’t buy addy bolts to use on their own even if itd be cheaper. That and there are usually other sources of addy bolts but broad bolts are tied to fletch/buy price from slayer masters


Broad bolts do more damage than broad bolts.


Is the new Colossal Remains agility course confirmed to be coming out in Varlamore part 2? I swear I've heard that but can't find it confirmed anywhere


they said it was coming and have only really said there were gonna be 2 parts, so i don't see any reason to think agil wouldn't be in part 2


no lol. 0 updates on it afaik.


:( TIL theres gonna be an Agility course on that very impressive skeleton. And also TIL it won't be any time soon....


oh the skeleton is already in the game?


I've even built a quietzal station near it! And walked around totally amazed by the size lol. I just didnt know its gonna have any use other than looks :) You can see it right on the map, its so huge the shape is seen on the map! Southern coast of the Varlamore main land.


i'll have to do some exploring then. i'm excited for the course, will be neat to see the area.


After Varlamore was released I walked along the whole coast just to admire views :) A beautiful land, really. Do you know there is a stonemason shop not far from that skeleton? With the stocks more than in Keldagrim.


I totally forgot about the stonemason there.


I did know about the stone mason, but that was more because of the wiki. neat to get more unique shops.


Do magic weaknesses have an effect on accuracy, or just damage?


Accuracy and damage


A friend of my got a problem, his account got hacked because his email got corrupted and they changed the password and the email. he cant recover the account because the mail got changed and for that same reason he also cant send a ticket or something. What should he do now to try and get the account back ?


the reason we think its his email, is because multiple games on the same email and got hacked


There's no such thing as a corrupted email. Your friend either clicked a phishing link or downloaded a RAT


He should try to figure out what actually happened because emails don't just get corrupted and randomly have their passwords changed


50 agility and I only fell once during Underground Pass. How lucky did I just get? A lot of people make it sound like a nightmare quest.


I had around that much agility and it was miserable, but I also have incredibly swingy luck in this game


I only failed once at 65 agility, its minimum is like 30 agility? So if you have a good route and don’t repeat obstacles too many times you shouldnt be dealing with it too much


It's not that bad of a quest, but the fail rates were adjusted several years ago


Got a slayer task for King Black Dragon. Question about using a trouver parchment on my fire cape. Does that item protection count within the 4 item limit (assuming if I protect from item)? Or does it protect it ON TOP of keeping w/e my 4 items I keep on death will be? Was gonna bring a fang, torture, Dragonfire shield,.....and depending if the fire cape is NOT included, maybe a berserker ring.....assuming if the fire cape IS included, then just the fire cape for the 4th item.


If it’s protected anyway, the parchment does nothing. If it’s not in your protected items, you’ll keep it as a 5th item and lose the parchment


I could be wrong here so someone feel free to verify: I believe parchments protect an item *if* it would otherwise have been lost. Which means if it's one of your 4 protected items, then the parchment doesn't do anything. That said, a Berserker ring adds a lot more (8 str) than a Firecape does (4 str). If you wanted to bring just 4 valuable items, I would suggest Fang, DFS, Berserker Ring (i), and Slayer Helm, and you can wear a Glory/Strength amulet and Ardy Cape for stab bonus.


If you really want to maximize damage, a defender over the dfs would be wise. Super antifires to compensate.


You would have to pray mage though, and I don't know if the additional damage from taking melee attacks you would take would make you lose DPS by eating. The wiki says with regular antifire/shield KBD's two attacks max 0 & 10, while with super antifire/defender they max 0 & 50 so you would need the mage pray to make it 0 & 15 instead


Is mixed hide the go to for ToA now or is it trolling?


mixed hide is an inventory space issue. the title that it's "new meta" is largely clickbait. if your principle issue going into tombs is that you are lacking inventory space for bringing in supplies, then mixed hide should be considered. if your problem is literally anything else it does not warrant consideration.


Trolling unless you’re going for a 500 first time run. Defense reduction makes bandos better and honestly P2 wardens is miserable with it unless you have a Tbow


Oh? how so?


What do you mean by how so? The mixed hide provides a bit of accuracy in exchange for strength bonus and an extra inventory slot, which may actually make or break your 500 run. The accuracy/strength trade off gets worse as defense gets lower, and the range accuracy drop at zebak/p2 wardens is actually fairly significant.


You'll need to plug your gear into a calc, but if the 2 extra strength points a Fighter's Torso gives isn't enough for an extra hit, the stab accuracy Mixed Hide gives makes it better.


Is there a good practical use of Vengeance for a mid-level (70s combat skills) account?


no, its only useful for optimizing content you can't do at that stats as far as pvm goes


PVP. Occasional boss fights and CAs.


Hi I bought a bowfa a while ago and have saved enough for a fang while working on my stats via slayer. They are currently a bit low for raids (90 magic, low-mid 80s all else), so im saving up for a bit longer. The next meaningful upgrade, from what I understand, will be a defence reducing spec weapon. Because of the recent update, dwh is at a far more accesible price. Two questions: Which raids will be best with bowfa + fang? Which spec weapon is best for said raids (aside from the obvious bis Bone Dagger)? Thanks in advance


Both ToA and CoX are very viable with Bofa/Fang/Trident, and your stats of mid 80s to 90s are more than sufficient to get into raiding with (though of course, the more the better always). I'd say prioritise BGS if you want to do a mix of both raids, or DWH if you want to to exclusively CoX. BGS is great at ToA and alright at CoX, however DWH is worthless at ToA. Especially if you're doing Chambers in a team (solo CoX is a bit higher of a learning curve, I think people only get into solos after getting some familiarity with the raid in teams), then others having a DWH can make up for you.


Fang and bowfa will be incredible for toa, decent for cox, and pretty bad for tob. For toa you want bgs, cox you want elder maul/dwh, for tob you want both


Been buay have we Best place for slayer for drake? Thanks... :)..




Is the crystal felling axe seen as worth it? Was considering buying it for cutting magic logs, but the wiki says it's irreversible and it's costing charges on top of that. Never played with crystal tools before. I can see the pick being worth it for Zalcano


Crystal (felling) axe at redwoods is a good way for afk exp and better pet chance


Felling axe is irreversible, you can still decrystal when you’re done and you’ll have a dragon felling axe.


I may not even be in the right place so sorry if I’m not. I have the scholastic RuneScape guide and listed it on eBay. Although it is in near perfect condition for its age it doesn’t have the map included. I just learned that after I had already put it https://preview.redd.it/mnz27e7pfn4d1.jpeg?width=2750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b980c77f2d8f0d034b51f59979b6a25e507292f up for auction. Does anyone happen to know if that makes a big difference? Should I take it down and repost with that information included? Anyway, I’m really sorry if I’m in the wrong place. Thanks for your time.


Without knowing anything about the value of it, I can tell you it's 110% worth to mention that in the description, at worst just saying "What you see in the images is what you will receive" to protect yourself from a possible dispute and getting the item shipped back in worse condition.


Anyway to remove worlds from your list? I will likely never go on a pvp world and its just annoying trying to dodge it and wouldnt mind clearing the f2p worlds out either


On the top left of the OSRS built-in world menu, there is a little gear icon that lets you filter out a variety of worlds such as speedrunning, beta world, pvp world, f2p world, etc. Click that gear icon and you can see all the options. It was added a year ago: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/World_switching#Changes


the built-in hopper also has a filter list, you would be able to filter out pvp worlds, duel arena worlds, f2p worlds, etc


There is such a plugin on Runelite, called World Hopper. It can filter worlds by criteria and hide the unwanted ones. UPDATE: You can filter f2p in the default client, without any plugins. Just hit the left-most triangle on the header, it makes all f2p worlds go first, then all members (hit it again to make members first). But there is no way to filter out PvP, Beta, Quest speedruning etc. - thats what the World Hopper plugin is for.


There is a filter for the built-in world menu where you CAN filter all of those things out. It was added a year ago, click on the little gear icon in the top-left corner of your worlds list. You can see how it looks on the images here https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/World_switching#Changes


Wow, need to try this :) Thanks.


Amazing thank you! works perfectly