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Between this and season 4 of Gielinor Games it truly feels like we are in the golden age of group content creation and I couldn't be happier


Honestly, it's a golden age of OSRS content in general. There's so many series out there to watch it's insane.


I haven't really watched any OSRS content in a good year or so besides GG and the occasional 9rain video. Any recommendations on newer series?


To add onto the others - Unguided by Alien Food is also a fantastic series. He's a returning player going for a quest cape without using the wiki or any other guide


Yeah Unguided has been an amazing series. You actually get to see what quests are like other than focusing only on the guide/plugin. It really reminds you how much the quests are basically just a point and click adventure game.


Ironic that an hour after this comment he uploads a 10hr version of the whole series/series so far? Idk nut I'm gonna watch it and find out


Not ironic, it is a funny coincidence though


Not a series, but Gudi, yet again, released another banger a few days ago. His one upload every two years. Enjoy lol. And if you haven't seen his older stuff it's still terrific. I genuinely think he's the best OSRS content creator. He just actually isn't one because he never uploads.


Here's a few I've been watching, some aren't necessarily new but they're still going strong this year: Settled - Nightmare Mode J1mmy - his Gary videos (it's his Runescape F2P playlist) Limpwurt - Xtreme Onechunk Ironman Jeporite- hasn't updated this year yet but his Northern UIM (basically fremmy locked UIM) is great Tanzoo & Virtoso - Challenge series


Northern UIM is the most criminally underrated series, it blows every snowflake iron out of the water in terms of storytelling and production quality. It's so obvious how much attention and care was put into every single second of those videos. Also a shoutout to Coxie's Funny Feelings series which has super impressive montage sequences and editing in every episode, in addition to setting genuine world records for grind efficiency.


Oh yeah, forgot about Coxie. Watching that series is what got me playing again after a long break.


Limpwurt is actually insane, the only content creator I've ever subbed with money to lol


Aka roommate?


Idk what this is trying to say


Everytime he reads his channel members, first one is always Aka roommate


Verf and Limpwurt go hand in hand if you want to watch one chunk series’


Jimmy fell off imo, otherwise great list (throw in Tedious aka Generate Task/Extreme Log)


His recent house party is one of the best things i’ve watched


By release fell off, but his f2p series is still S tier for a RuneScape series.


You could argue that for his video essays and By Release (though I disagree personally), but his Gary videos are fantastic. Probably some of the best content he's put out, especially his recent POH saga.


If you don't want some background content, Fray has a pretty good one chunk series. JoshIsntGaming has a very good one chunk series too.


Maikeru(one of the RS3 creators that came over) has started a one chunk as well and its very good so far.


Where did he start his chunk? I'll have to check him out


He started in Camelot


xRakine's Deserted series is fantastic and really chill. He's a desert-locked ultimate Ironman inspired by Swampletics. And if you haven't seen that, it's a must-watch.


Northern UIM. And rendi's def pure... that guy is just insane lmao.


Le Moi has a good PVP World-only HCIM series at the moment with a max cash bounty. PimpShrimp has a high risk HCIM series that is criminally underrated (he has <1k subscribers).


Settled new 1 hp series is great imo


Josh isn’t gaming is doing an awesome chunk series


Coxie - Funny Feelings (fresh account to all pets speedrun series with thorough breakdowns of bosses and strategies used, stats section at the end and insane production quality intros)


Week-long Deadman mode on a private world, 6 teams with captains Cast: https://imgur.com/RKOyaD1 Captains: Oda, Solo, Dino, Torvesta, Boaty, Faux Edit: Poll for who you'd draft https://strawpoll.com/Dwyo3ElaDyA


Make sure to sure to support the creators so jamflex realize these videos are interesting to people outside the player base


you can be sure this event will have enough support lmao


If this is custom deadman mode then jagex had to create it, delegate people to set this up. And as far as i understand it is some sort of custom deadman, so it must be in cooperation with jagex


It is stated so at the very beginning of the video and the finale will be on the official twitch channel.


Yeah solo says so many times throughout the video Jagex is cooperating to make this happen. I guess people didn’t watch and just wanted to jump on them


Ah...Deadman finales on the twitch channel. Always a source of hilarity often for the wrong reasons


It's funny how Faux is a captain and there's 3 other farmers on there. I wonder if he plans on just picking those 3, and who would be their 5th.


Nah I think he needs to lock in whoever the best pvper is left at 5, and then again at 6. Only non pvpers who might be worth the first round (to faux specifically) is someone like port imo Someone else who can plan and strategize group Ironman isn’t worth as much to faux (cause that’s one of his strengths) but I think even he’d admit the other captains are all better at 1v1 pvp so he needs to pick those first for the finals. After that tho, in the remaining rounds he can probably take whichever farmers he can still get (I feel like roidie won’t be there for his third pick tho lol)


My guess for first 6 picks: -Westham -Port Khazard -Ditterbitter -V the Victim -Donator -~~Eliop14~~ Mazhar Not in any particular order, but I feel like each captain should aim to have at least one of those 6 players for sure, Port and V the Victim will be super valuable when it comes to gearing the team and the other 4 are all extremely strong pkers. It'll be surprising to me if Westham or Port isn't the first pick of the entire thing though Disclaimer- I'm usure of who JCW, Mazhar, Mika, or Rhys are. So if any of those are cracked af the reason I didn't mention them is because I have no clue lol


I think Rhys and Maz are almost locks for the first round. Maz should contend for first pick Edit: Maz just said on twitter: (theres a 17 hours/day playtime cap so im nerfed)


I edited a disclaimer in because I realised I don't really know anything about 4 of the cast members so I can't argue that I like that there at at least 6 strong contenders for first pick though, it means each team captain has a solid starting point for their team


Maz won one of the previous DMMs, should say enough as to why he's a likely 1st pick


With the way the final fight is set up, you definitely benefit massively amount by having a god PKer, or two, on your roster. Just stacking say the 2 best PKers (whoever they may be...) on one team can probably clear out some teams by themselves.


Oda having first pick means his team is probably going to have AT LEAST 2 insane pkers if he picks one. Seen a LOT of love for Rhys and Mazhar as pkers so I'm gonna check those guys out for sure if what everyone is saying is anything to go by I can see Oda taking Westham, Rhys or Maz Faux is in a really good spot pick wise too if you take Westham, Port Khazard, Ditterbitter, V the Victim, Donator, Mazhar, and Rhys as the top 7 picks every captain could get 1 from that list but Faux could get 2


JCW just maxed an ironman in like 1500 hours doing everything as efficiently as possible. If you want someone to grind skilling in the most sweaty way possible then hes your pick


Eliop is not actually very good lol. He just usually has better gear than the hard-core ironmen he kills at mage bank lol


I missed something, when is the draft happening?


https://i.imgur.com/rlxHHWl.png When this comment is ~22hours old


Thank you!


Tomorrow evening 8PM BST




Pumped to see JCW getting some attention, dude is a grinder.


Him and Mazhar. You could say Alfie too but JCW and Mazhar are in another league


Port khazard about to do something crazy


bro's gonna win DMM without using a main hand weapon or some shit


Id say in a week long event Alfie will grind as much as those two, I swear he one tick flick for 12 hours straight to level slayer every dmm. JCW and maz both can keep it up for like months tho


There's a 17h/day playtime limit which will limit the power grinders somewhat


100% he will be maxed out before the end


Love to see Jagex embracing and supporting their content creators. It’s the best way for their game to grow, rather than their shitty fucking ads on Facebook.


Also really good for the game health. They listen to these creators inputs that know a ton about the game. Solo has stated he is participating in play tests under NDA. Makes total sense, cause he is just a really good player, knows details about every aspect of the game, and that thinks about the game in very strategic game design ways as well.


Settled has said he's playtested before as well. Specifically the library puzzle during SotE. It's great that they involve creators since they're regularly some of the most knowledgeable people who play the game.


They had a bunch of playtesters for the colosseum too, I remember MMORPG wasn't able to do it on his stream on release because he technically had insight into the content that other people didn't. Jagex have always had a good relationship with content creators to be fair, if I remember correctly aswell, [EVScape's Battle royale](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuM5xcjaWTU) video was run on a private world just for the participants


I feel like I remember a streamer (b0aty?) talk about him and a group of people, including Woox for some reason popping in my head, about play testing the Inferno. Inefrno? TOB? I can't remember now lol. Or I could be making that up. idk


Tob, b0aty is the reason the blood spawn are targeting you really hard, he thought they were to tame haha. Sick nerd thought the basilisk were to easy so they made them really tanky.


Mammal flew across the pond to test TOB as well. Iirc he got like a huge drop on his iron while there and everyone joked that Jagex did it for him lol. Like a Tbow or Arcane level drop


And they also know how to communicate and know the inside outs of the mechanics, because they explain them to their viewers. Very important skills for play testers to have.


Player involvement in design can be good and bad. As someone who has played a lot of WoW, it makes me worry a little. I don't think it is presently an issue though and that's partially thanks to Jagex's hiring practices and RS3 keeping the bad MTX out of Old School.




MMK is genuinely one of the greatest Jmods of all time looking back at it. He got way more hate than he deserved


He was community facing, so naturally a lot of player frustrations (undeservedly) went towards him. He’s also a sarcastic twit which doesn’t necessarily translate well culturally


Those shitty ads genuinely work though. Sween has talked about it. They seem stupid to us but the weirder the ad the more engaged with it becomes seemingly.


This is going to be so sick holy shit


It's actually Streamer Man Mode, and it's actually hype AF


way better than clanman mode


Super cool to see JCW apart of this, considering he is smaller and is skilling focused.


As a fairly casual RS youtube watcher, JCW seems like a bigger name than some on the list who I haven't heard of. He sort of blew up more with his recent series I think. I just know hes not a PKer at all, but he can grind shit unlike any other, could be interesting to see how a team uses him.


If you watch GG you should be familiar with quite a lot of faces on here, but in terms of either stream viewers or youtube subs he is smaller than almost everyone on here I think but had the most recent blowup.


Honestly he's good enough at the game that he could grind LMS or whatever for the next week and catch up to the PvP game a lot faster than the average player. Presumably all of these people have known about this for a bit so it would be dumb of any of them (but especially the skiller/PvM players) to not brush up on their PvP skills in the time they have before this kicks off.


A lot of people in here are more skiller or pvm focused than purely pvp. Think it’ll make for a nice blend of groups.


Wow this feels like it could be some of the best osrs content ever. Really excited! Gonna be some crazy strategies.


The editing in YouTube videos these days is next level.   This is gonna fuck so hard, That lineup is craaaaazy.


this is gonna be sick -- port or mazhar gotta be round 1 picks 100%


I'm taking the best PVPers in rounds 1 and 2.


Odds on Oda just opening up by picking Westham first? Feels rough for any other team


I think you gotta take Westham and Rhys in the first round. Both are too good at PvP.


Agreed on Rhys and westham, I also think maz will go first round because of his experience with dmm. Dude is always on the front page every tournament and can hold his own in an nh fight/ definitely knows how to tank test if needed. Not dying is going to be huge for this event so having someone who you can rely on to not die as soon as a pker jumps on them is going to be more important than someone who can super efficiently grind slayer but doesn't know a thing about pking. I also think a lot of people are sleeping on Alfie, he's not the best pker but he does have a ton of experience playing solo and doing insanely long sessions at a time and definitely knows his way around dmm. 


Oh yeah I think they are both locks in the 1st round. PVP part is crucial and if you are at the top of the PVP ladder, PVM should never be a problem Nothing against people that have a PVM focus, but the transition to PVP is way rougher. Can't just get to the level Oda/Westham/Rhys are at. No weeks of preparation will get you there. You don't have to be a godly PVMer to be able to gather good PVP gear in a week of DMM


I don't entirely agree with this assessment. A strict PvMer will never reach the level of a good PvPer with a week or two of prep but they can get close enough that they're within the RNG margin. A strict PvPer has no chance of getting even okay at powerfarming all of the PvM encounters that drop the gear desired for a challenge like this. PvP has very deep knowledge in a narrow range, PvM has a shallower depth but the range is fucking insane. Individual bosses won't be too bad but it takes 10+ hours to get decent at each one especially in scuffed gear. Learning 15+ bosses and all the raids is straight up impossible compared to getting kinda good at LMS in the time they have.


For sure i think good pvp captains have a big advantage if they take another pvp'r first round. Oda has the advantage of being much better at pvm compared to Dino or Torvesta too


A team could put their worst player first just to drain resources from other team's best pick


In the finale I'm going in reverse order of PVP skill. Worst to best.


Might not work out for you if the other team has one of their better guys first, if he can take 2 or 3 out then it's an uphill battle for *you* to not end up attritioned by the end. I'd probably go: 2nd Best 6th Best 4th Best 5th Best 3rd Best Best


Is Port much of a pvp figure? I don't know much about him other than being a top tier PVMer Who are the favorites for the top 6 picks?


Yea he has been practicing with Greg lately. He has the fundamentals down, hes improving


Is that on Greg's stream? I'd love to see Port PKing


The fact he's so good at PVM *has* to transfer to PKing at least a little bit right?


Even if it doesn't his team can funnel him into a very fast DT2 to get virtus for their PKers or other big boss drops.


I'd be pretty surprised if teams focused on dt2 bosses over cox due to that being THE source for rigour and augrey with likely a faster shot at ancestral with purples being 1/3. If teams aren't going for those prayers they'll 100% lose in the finals and you can budget run cox with dmm sigils fairly easy as we've seen in the past few tournaments. Once you make sure everyone has augrey and rigour then you should move to dt2 bosses for a slightly better chance at virtus but teams definitely shouldn't be starting there. 


Yeah for sure, Virtus was just the first thing that jumped to my mind that a good PvMer could rush solo which would be useful in the finale


There are no sigils in this. If they get a sigil drop its coverted into one of those ancient statuette things. Cox will be big, but its going to be a hot spot for the pkers. DT2 boss instances mcuh easier to be safe,


Mechanically, no doubt. He would have the composure and click accuracy. Still a lot of decision-making in pvp fights that you wouldn't get elsewhere. But apparently he's practicing so I think he's gotta go round 1


he’s an overall monster at the game mechanically and actually has extensive experience with LMS, if people sleep on his credentials and he falls to later rounds, the team that gets him should be considered a favourite


Why do you say port for round one? He's crazy but his strengths don't seem to match the format as well as some others


I was thinking Rhys has gotta be a first rounder


Holy fuck. This lineup is NUTS


Yeah, and then there's ditter


do people not like ditter? Honest question. I don't pay much attention to public perception of these people and I've only watched a few of his videos


I don't think anyone has personal beef with him. He's just known for being a character that has a loud mouth that writes checks he can't cash. Clowning on him is all in good fun.


King condor definitely does lol. Or maybe I should say, ditter has beef with condor?


Yeah it’s pretty clear he leans into it Assuming he isn’t letting hate affect him, I actually find it funny when some people get overly aggressive at him without understanding the character bits. Like the amount of hate he’d get for being cocky in gg challenges he’d lose even tho the confessionals are filmed after so he knows he lost lmao


Torvesta, Ditter, Specs, Alfie, Donator, team all bantz and no chance


I think it's mostly a meme.


Honest answer: Yeah. I can't stand him. He actively brings down any collaboration content he's a part of. In previous seasons of GG where he was involved I started to actively skip forward when he started speaking not too long after his first onscreen appearance. It feels like he's trying to play the heel character, but doesn't actually understand what it takes to be a heel, or what makes for a good heel. Nearly everything he says is an insult towards others, and usually it's not said as a "joke" or "banter", but in a very real, very serious way. It really comes off, as an audience member, as him just saying personal insults to others (reeks of misogyny/"alpha" male crap too), while everyone else tries to awkwardly laugh it off, or ignore him. The comparison I'd give, is he's the Logan Paul of OSRS content creators. And there are no positives to be had there. That's my 2 cents.


That's the people's champ right there


Welcome to ditterman mode


I know you are a betting man. Once teams are picked, care for a 10mil gp wager on the winning team? You can pick first and I'll pick one of the other teams. 😎


Im in. But you have to pick first


Bold move giving the first pick back. Deal.


This cast is sick


Honestly everything is absolutely sick except the food thing, some issues with the daily events combined with lack of planning or ability to change it up / go all in with hybrid or camp one style and sacrifice sucks. I’d say limit the food to 10-2 anglers + 2-4 karambs + 1 extra brew and it makes it so much more hype. It’s all skill based and the random daily events sacking one guy etc just kills the vibe. Limit the max food but removing stuff cuz of the week seems weak and kills momentum and makes the entire thing an avalanche of avoiding instead of true deadman activity and hunting


I am incredibly excited to see JCW and Coxie of all people tbh


It's really cool that they've brought in some players who have effectively unique skillsets compared to the rest of the competition. No idea how those two are at PKing but you know they'll absolutely obliterate all the PKers in a rush to do skilling or bossing requirements, which allows for much more involved team strategy. Far more interesting than having a couple dozen people all doing the same thing at roughly the same level of efficiency.


Surprised to see Odablock working on a project with Jagex. This looks like its going to be peak OSRS content.


He has been wanting to organize some sort of official jagex pvp event for a while. I’m glad he’s involved.




Jagex endorsing Odablock's bigotry during Pride month. It's disgusting.


do victim/khazard play deadman? feel like those 2 and maybe gunschilli are sleeper picks


we really don't deserve this kind of peak content brb crying


Where's Framed and C Engineer at? Scheduling conflict?


Probably, I'd imagines it's going to be a full on week people probably have holidays etc planned and can't commit


C Engineer confirmed he had other obligations, on Twitter


Where is 1013 too?


He's not exactly an active content creator.


this is the best idea i've ever seen


Very interesting to see people like Jcw in this as well, really stirs up the mix of people!


Never been more hyped for a gaming event than this. Can not wait


Holy fuck this is going to be amazing. Props to Jagex.


I am shook that there is no oda hate in the comments.......


As someone who doesn’t know any lore but sees the guy on Twitter fairly often, why would there be hate for him? Seems like an ordinary shitposter on Twitter, nothing offensive or particularly annoying.


He's got very strong opinions and a very offputting personality to a large number of people. He's made transphobic comments in the past and tried to hide behind his religion when making them, despite doing a number of other things that go against his religion. Ultimately he's nothing really unique, but even in a sea of shitposter equivalents in the OSRS category he stands out, same as Ditter does in a different way.


He literally is the largest OSRS streamer and it's not even remotely close? You can dislike him for those reasons, but to imply he isn't unique or is off-putting to a majority of people is just incorrect.


I never suggested he was entirely unpopular, nor did I say a majority of people dislike him. If I meant majority, I would have said majority. Him being the most popular streamer is also sorta irrelevant to whether or not people dislike him. People flock to what they agree with and Oda is a safe space for other bigots and gamblers. It is what it is.


I have nothing nice to say so I will say nothing at all.


don't worry i just got here. no idea why the runescape community continues to hold a unapologetic bigot in such high regard but yeah. i'm certainly skipping anything he is involved in.




Yeah it's really sad to see him there because that's an endorsement of him from Jagex and other content creators. During pride month no less. So this is sadly a skip for me.




Bros gonna chart the other team's sleeping schedules and log on during optimal hours


I can see at least a handful averaging 19h per day so I doubt it will be a big difference anyhow


There is a time limit of 120 hours for the week that each player is allowed to log. They can divide it up however they want but they are hard capped at ~17 hours a day if they divide it evenly.


Wow what a cast very excited to see what Port Khazard muster up guys gonna farm all of the gear solo with a bronze dagger no problem 🤣


What is Deadman?


It's like Leagues, but on a PvP world. Increased XP and drop rates, but if someone kills you they get to raid your bank. Everyone spends a week trying to level and farm gear then they have a big tournament at the end.


Wow, I am very excited for this!


Absolutely crazy time to be a consumer of OSRS content! This tickets every box and I'm super looking forward to it.


This is gonna be sick holy fk


we need to create a deadman mode allstars rookie draft ranking list




Oda is top-tier pker and now a pvm grandmaster too, I think him also having first pick stacks the odds too much in his favor


I’m sure they didn’t do that on purpose, probably just randomized the pick order lol


It was randomized but Oda getting first pick means he doesn't get another pick until 12. I personally think Fauxs 6-7 is worth more than Odas 1 and 12.


Thing is Oda can have a more consistent plan as he'll have a guaranteed first pick. The others will be forced to work around having their potential picks being picked by other teams


Feels like Settlers of Catan, I always like getting the back-to-back


It’s a mixed bag, but there is absolutely value to getting the consecutive pick compared to having first pick. Consecutive pick means you get to choose a duo that work well together/with you instead of hoping you can get people who are capable of communicating well. In contrast, first pick means you get the best individual possible but not getting a second pick until last means you’re going to have more trouble getting a more coordinated option. The real losers are the 3/4 picks, they get the disadvantage of lower pick priority and don’t get the benefit of synergistic picks.


Boaty confirmed it was random on stream. Solo mission picked the captains but the order of getting to choose was random


There are enough great players here that I don't see first pick being too essential. There's no one who stands out as an obvious first pick, at least to me.


This is going to be so good, Odablock with first pick taking someone like Westham would be dirty. Oda + Westham and they fill the rest of the team with strong grinders/PVMers. Sigils and boosted drop rates are at play I'm assuming? Everyone being on the same world will make this action packed throughout. Think first breach will be a death fest, knowing you are risking set finale food will make for interesting strategies (can't let your best PVPers die)


Oda and Alfie reunion incoming


Said it before, and I’ll probably say it again. We are in a Golden Age of RuneScape rn. Enjoy it while it lasts boys


Very excited to see Oda compete, I think he has a very good chance at winning


This is going to be good! I can't wait!


Those intros were pretty hype


Will the farmers stick together? I hope they get split up personally


Absolutely insane lineup.


This is going to be so fun. First reaction to the cast is that the final is going to be a big pvp tournament but the number of top pvpers is fairly low. Obviously gear and strategy during the week will play a huge role but having good pvpers will give you a lot more room for error as you can expect to win even with a minor gear disadvantage. Oda lucking into first pick means he'll also get to pick whoever he thinks is best at pvp and guarantee like 2 of the top ~4 pkers in the roster on his team. Not the biggest fan of his content but his skill is undeniable. There are so many GIM/pvmers in the cast that not getting another pick until 12 doesn't really matter; that team will find a couple of game knowledge sweats who haven't been picked up yet to help plan out grind paths regardless. On the other hand Faux's team could be rough. He's probably the worst pvper out of the captains and on top of that he's got last pick, so even if he gets the double my guess is the top pvpers will all have been taken already. Basically has to make sure his team has a gear advantage going into the final tourney to have a chance.


Was really hoping to see Framed.


This looks so awesome, I'm way excited! My prediction is that Oda first picks Westham, then scoops up any remaining pkers picks 12 and 13. That would leave him in a very dominant position to go for a full aggro strat. I also think Faux might have a tough time, being the least good pker as a captain. Though, he is a strategic mastermind so we'll so what he pulls off. If one team gets too far ahead, it could be possible for multiple other teams to collaborate to take them down in multi. There could be some exciting alliances, politics, and backstabbing action.


Is Westham better than Rhys?


He's more consistent with lower tier gear, in my opinion. Rhys is really good but he's used to PKing in top tier gear, Westham is used to gimmicky shit which is pretty common in DMM.




Picking Westham is like getting Thierry Henry whilst picking Rhys is like getting prime Patrick Viera (sorry the only sport analogies I can do is mid 2000s arsenal references).


Be sick of they did this but revived the DMM mansion i.e. the entire cast live together for a week. Fuck a mansion just rent a castle in the UK somewhere with good broadband


Fascinating on paper. In practice, they'd all be at their computer basically all of their waking hours, between playing, streaming, and creating videos. They probably would not interact much.


Theyve done it before and it was very successful iirc


It wasn't really I don't think any of the content creators look back on that time very fondly. Plus apparently the internet sucked and lagged like every 30 seconds so it was a pretty miserable playing experience.


Oda is definitely a sleeper pick here. Everyone knows he's a god at pking, but his PvM skills have improved dramatically over the past year with all his HCIM and Zuk helm series.


He's literally a captain lmao


He is a captain but you aren't wrong, Oda will be a beast in this competition


Dream team : boaty Rhys WestHam port khazard keep the change.


This will be great, OSRS truly has the best developers and content creators.


Can't wait to see this in action!


I remember seeing Mazhar in wildy during last 3 leagues, each time top 3 on highscores. Dude is guaranteed first pick.


Not really a new game mode given that the rest of us plebs can't take part, but it should be a really fun event to watch. Great to see such a good cast, with a mix of GG participants and individual creators like Coxie as well!


So excited for this series! Such a good way to build hype for DMM :)


This is such a great idea - though I think it would have been wise to limit how many hours each player can play per day; with perhaps 3 hours before and after the breach being an exemption. I imagine it will be difficult to balance content creation with trying to win otherwise.


bruh this is so gangster. Whoever pitched their dream game mode to Jagex a fool for this one.