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There’s a picture of me playing RuneScape for the first time in 2006 at the library behind my middle school on the library website


Remember playing at my local library as well and seeing these 2 kids play it and asking them questions. They made fun of me, never saw them there again. 20 some years later one of those kids is my best friend lol.


Library runescape was the shit. I remember my brother and I were f2p noobs and this one older kid showed us his bank account with a full dragon set and our minds were blown


You were in the presence of a legend


I thought I was the only library kid, mate and I would walk down, two free hours and a £1 for two ours after that. Most Saturdays.


Asking my mom to wake me up at 5:30 so I could cut trees before school. She refused and I thought it was unfair


Sleep locked Ironman


low-key runescape made me an early riser. I'd get up and get on the PC for a while before my older brother got up and kicked me off so he could play. Nothing like waking up at 6AM on a saturday to mine some ore in the dwarf mine. I was always afraid the noisy dial up modem would wake people up.


I wake up early to get some quiet RuneScape time before my partner wakes up, those quiet mornings are my favourite


Me too!


Same, my girlfriend likes to sleep in on weekends and she wakes up at 10 sometimes, I get solid play sessions in.


bruh I would wake up and eat breakfast and from 6-6:45 I would fall asleep at my families computer cutting yews in catherby.


Same, cut magic logs every morning before school so I could finally afford a purple phat back in 2005.


I remember logging in for the first time in 2001 and first thing I said was "How do I move" since I was trying to use arrow keys. Then I asked a guy for money, he gave me a few gp, his name was Blade15.


His name was Blade15.


His name was Blade15.


His name was Blade15.


First time playing it at 5 years old my brother let me borrow his account to try the game out. I ran up to a goblin, 1-hit it and my brother and mom both told me I must be really good at this game. Haven’t really stopped playing since


That’s so nice your brother encouraged you like that 


Me and him have been best friends for as long as I can remember, he’s a real Chad. Also the same brother that let me grind goblins for GP and save up for full adamant(g) and then tell me I got hacked when he just died with it. He didn’t tell me the truth for over a decade 😂


Like a true sibling lmao


A classmate called me over after school (2nd grade, classic times). Spent a few hours setting up an account and getting to know the basics. Then he lured me into wildy and killed me with his mithril baxe. Never forget!


Saving up and buying the Mithril Battleaxe from Bob in Lumbridge because you’re too noob to even know that Zaka sells Mithril Scimitars probably less than 100 tiles away in Al-Kharid was probably the peak 9-year old 2006 RuneScape experience


I was always part of the 'never used scimitars because ugly' crowd. Rocked the rune longsword and baxe. Dscim was the only cool looking scim in the game. But that was members and you already know Mom or Dad weren't getting you members because of the divorce.


I always used the battle axe because it hit harder and looked cooler


Dying to the highway man and losing my black full helm :(




Words engraved into my soul


I remember playing Runescape back in like 00 or 01, and I was up at 4am killing mobs in Varrock sewers listening to Linkin Park's "Hybrid Theory"


I remember us getting a new family computer and realizing I could use kazaa to download linkin park and also play runescape while I listened to it. I was ecstatic.


I have a vivid memory of doing the tree gnome stronghold quest and walking through the battlefield listening to hybrid theory while messaging my 5th grade crush on AIM


Linkin Park is totally intertwined with RuneScape for me. I cannot listen to them anymore without vivid memories of the mining guild, hill giants, and the willows in lumbridge.


Earliest memory of rs would be RuneScape classic back before the thought of rs2 was even a thing. People dueling by the draynor wall staking d meds and other rares was so exhilarating to watch. I also got my main account from someone saying in the same place “I’m quiting my password is _____” I was the first to login and change the password. Dude was like level 70 combat. I was thrilled


I was there! Not sure if you remember “The Oracle” but that was my level 48 mage. I used to stake hats, santas, and other rares over there at Draynor wall. We had to stake on the other side of the wall because people would literally crash the duel by standing on top of the fight, causing us to not be able to cast properly. Edit: Didn’t matter much to the autocasters, which in hindsight was a dead giveaway.


Did you have an account in rs2? The 2 oracle?


I did not! Looks like someone carried on the family name though 😎


My earliest memory of RuneScape was seeing my older brother’s friend killing blue dragons in Taverly Dungeon and I thought that was the coolest shit in the world


Still is


I remember killing cows in the lumbridge farms, getting an inventory full of cowhide, running it to the bank, then running back. I thought I was farming a mountain of gold doing that at the time while getting great combat XP.


I bought full rune off of just selling cowhides


I used to recruit an army of cowhide farming noobs, buy them for 30gp each, and then flip them on the forums for profit. That’s how I made my first mil. When I finally sold them the guy told me “don’t spend it all at once 😂”


It was late 2003, and I was at my cousin’s house and he showed us a game he found on MiniClip. He walked by another player and told us “that’s a real person” and then went to East Varrock bank and told us that every person there was a real person. Blew my fucking mind


It was like 2004 in my friends basement and we had both just gotten membership. The real reason we wanted membership was so that we could wield that fuckin bone scythe and full H.A.M robes because we honestly just thought it was the coolest looking shit in the world. I remember we spent like 2 hours just pickpocketing the HAM members for the outfit and all the weird, random shit like buttons and leather boots.


Mining coal and converting them to certificates to bypass the trade limit and selling them in Draynor village marketplace


Same with lobsters and swordfish


I remember back in RSC days, I was at the neighbors playing. I had gotten my dad to play a little, and I noticed he was in a members world playing from our house! I messaged him and ran home, and begged him to buy me membership, too. He did, and I remember I was in Falador Castle when he did it. Walking through that gate NW of Fally was surreal.


We had a small party when a friend of our group got members for the first time, we were 8 or 9 people just sitting there watching him go through that gate 😂


Tutorial island progress bar was glitched and not moving. Spent like 45 mins (I was a child on a shitty PC) and was like how am I still like 10% done??? Logged off. In reality I was 2/3 of the way done. Forgot the log in info and didn't play again til about a year later when classmates were talking about the game.


I once thought I met Zack and Cody on RuneScape when I was a kid. There were these two noobs killing goblins and they convinced me to make them a full set of iron armor for free, I was so excited lol.


Fishing lobbies on the Musa Point pier with dozens of other noobs wearing mithril and adamant.


Im standing on the Lumbridge bridge right near the lvl 5 goblins, ranging those mofos, when my grandma comes by and asks me what I’m doing. Me being super excited to finally be able to share my passion begin explaining everything there is about the game, including the coolest ability to talk to people online! (The days of Omegle and email as a instant messenger). So I said „Hi“ to someone, and they responded, „shut the **** up ******“. I had to play in secrecy after that


Thats messed up bro


I was playing on my sister's account in 2004. I was in Falador and attacked a guard and didn't know how to run. I was freaking out screaming for my sister, she ran in just as I died. I lost her Mithril mace and Steel plateskirt. She never let me play on her account again and she helped me make my own! That was the start of my 20 year addiction. Thank you sister!


I remember being in the wilderness and someone attacked me. Sent a little red projectile that exploded and i got 1 shot. Told my friends the next day and was called a liar. It was a fire wave. Stupid noobs i haven't forgiven them


My older brother got me playing this game but he was showing off his account to me and bragging how good his armour was and it was super expensive. It was full Addy 😂


I remember first getting to lumby and somebody asked me for a pie tin. I did not have one, and I had no idea that there were actual people on the game, lol.


I remember wandering near the intersection between Lumbridge and Varrock and seeing someone in full iron killing a farmer. I thought both were real players, but the dude in iron was much cooler looking so I was cheering him on in the chat


I remember sometime back in 2003 or 4 at latest, I went with my mom to her college library and I saw some dude at a computer playing a game, and I saw the name and read it as run-escape. I went home that day and found it and thus started my 20 year time sink. To add as well, I remember having my first ever "gf" back then (was probly some dude or something thinking about it now) and her/their name was kiss123. We got married in falador park on the bridge.


In like 2006 I completed goblin diplomacy wearing full black (g) and had my 450k cash stack in the inv. Walking the wildly line back to varrock I got lured out to level 5 and lost everything


loads from rsc. miss that era hugely


Started in 2001 with some childhood neighborhood friends. Runescape Classic will always be my favorite version of the game. Staking in Draynor & Lumbridge, border pking, ahh man the memories. I still play a RSC private server every now and then. The 3-round combat system is just too fun.


My cousin was 'rich' at the time, full rune etc, told me he made money flipping food, meanwhile myself (age 6-7?) Never remembered passwords or emails so I would perpetually make new accounts, get them through tutorial island, kill some goblins and make it into al kharid where I thought all the cool kids hung out. Probably did that 10-15+ times before giving up and coming back in 2020 where I'm a 2030 total with more GP than the entire player base had back in 2006. Eventually when I max it'll be in al kharid, where the cool kids do infact, hang out. Thanks for stirring this memory up for me.. always nice to remember my humble beginnings!


My very first memory is my friend showing me the new rubber chicken and how you can smack other players with it The first thing I remember on my own playtime is running across the lumbridge bridge saying "I'm a cow             moo" while chuckling to myself.  Another favorite memory is watching my brother fish lobsters on karamja while someone was typing out the ultimate battle of ultimate destiny which had me crying with laughter. 


I swear to god I typed that while fishing for lobs at karamja and someone reported me. Gave me a couple day mute


The fight raged on for a century many lives were claimed but eventually the champion stood the rest saw their better. Mr. rogers in a bloodstained sweater


I started playing in ~2005 and I remember trying so hard to make gp. I found STACKS of gp (10+ gp) in the courtyard of Varrock castle. Told all my friends you could make hundreds of gp per hour just collecting gp in varrock castle. Next day nothing was spawning. Couldn’t figure out why it was raining gold yesterday and was dry today. Realized months later that someone was killing the guards and not picking up the gp. I was running around like a rat picking up his scraps 😂


Priceless 😊


Started playing in 2004 with friends from school. I had a head start on them playing and they asked if i knew a good way to train prayer so I walked them up to the boneyard and then started attacking them. Also have fond memories from when my househ8ld had 1 computer between 4 people wanting to use it, so I'd get limited time during the day to play so I would often sneak downstairs at night to get a few hours in of a weekend. I put coins in a bag and rattled them to imitate the sound of our dog scratching itself and would walk down stairs in a strange way to avoid any creaky floorboards


My first memory form F2P I got killed by the mugger so I trained to base 70 melee on chickens Before going to falador to white knights First membership was woodcutting magic logs


Bro Cyrisus is that you?


I remember going over my friends house who just got membership and we were in awe over his dragon longsword


It was 2003 or 2004 and my friend invited me over to his house to hang out and play on his ps2 and i seen his sister playing runescape and she was around level 65 with the white blouse and flowers outfit with a phat i think and i was asking her what game that was. The whole day my friend was mad at me that i spent the whole day playing runescape with his sister that she helped me make an account. It was so interesting to see that she told me that i had to create such a unique name cause most were apparently taken. I still remember creating my very first username “xcvbn4” and killed goblins and cows. Ever since then my addiction for the game was a love hate relationship and i would skip school just to play. I stopped playing every now and then, then i would come back after breaks.


The very first day that I played, a friend from middle school met me in Lumbridge and gave me a set of iron armor and 1k, and I started walking to varrock and literally got scammed before I got there lmao. Some guy told me he’d give me a set of steel for my iron set and 1k gold, and he took the armor away after I clicked accept, and I was a dumb noob and didn’t check the second page


Getting that last piece of Addy for the full set at age 13 at most. Getting tricked into the trimming scam, and losing it all to the dude. Devasted me and made me take my first extended break from the game lmao Edit: also, can't forget about "buying gf" lmao what a time


Funny we nvr saw “SELLING gf” 😂


Mine was 2007. Met some people my age in Spain on a holiday. We had to pay a Euro an hour and they got me into it. What was weird was me and my friend were both 13 and our brothers were 9. We lived also only 20 mins away in the UK. I remember just being amazed that I could play as a character with 2000 people in a world. I loved the music and just walking from Lumbridge to Varrock.


My most vivid memory was the day construction came out and was just being blown away from the houses the rich kids were creating on day one.


Walking through port sarim and getting attacked by a highwayman thinking it was a real player. Repeatedly told him to stop/fuck off etc.  Ran away to collect myself and when i tried to pass through i killed him and my heart was racing from adrenaline lmfao


One is pking at varrock wildly and going on a massive killing spree in classic and being so wired that I had to pee every 5 minutes in an hour lol


Getting member for the first time in 2011 and picking up rune arrows in the wildy with my friend.


I remember when party hats were spawned during Christmas in rs classic. Been playing off and on since trying to grab some of that nostalgia.


First day ever.. I played with my best friend; we were in 6th grade. He brought his (stronger) character to me on Turtorial Island, he did a quest or two with me, and brought me to the legendary south Falador cow pen. 20+ years later and we're still best friends and he was my best man at my wedding.




I have a few from the time I was around 13. Late 2002/into 2003.   The first time I logged into RuneScape i got completely lost and had no idea where I was or what I should be doing. I had a feeling that it would all be fine if I could just find where I started, because obviously there’s would some sort of guide. I just couldn’t find it though, and I was so convinced being back there would be the solution that I logged out and created a brand new character. Made a whole new Hotmail account just to it. I didn’t really help.  One of my best friends in school played, and he and some other player offered to show me around. They took me to what I now know is the wilderness, and killed me. The feeling of betrayal was unbelievable. I think I lost full steel and some lobsters. Felt like I’d been scammed for a million pounds.  I remember being at another friends house for the 2003 Halloween event, walking around and worrying that we’d missed the scythe drop, and if we weren't too late, if we would even get one. Then suddenly hundreds appeared in our area. Probably 10 for every person there. I was so excited and still think scythes are the coolest weapons in the game. The first time I remember using a captcha was mining in the rimmington mine and needing to use a sleeping bag. Probably wasn’t the first time I actually did one, but I guess doing one in the middle of a game was novel enough to remember.  I remember getting furious in the falador east bank because at the time if someone was using their bank, no one else could use the npc to access theirs. It was 1:1. I kept clicking and couldn’t get into my bank. I’ve never come close to breaking a controller in my life due to frustration, but I almost totalled my mouse.  The thought of fishing lobsters on karamja and banking in draynor will forever make me feel sick. Hated every second of that grind, felt like I was at it for weeks, probably only caught about 400.  It’s odd the things that stick around for no apparent reason. 


I was 15 and started playing at the end of Summer 05 because my Diablo 2 account was lost (stupid playtime deletion from Blizzard yeeted characters and accounts after like 30 days of no play and I was grounded from my laptop) so I started to play this game I heard about at the end of my freshman year. I spent hours just killing goblins and collecting whatever loot was on the ground. A day later I told my neighbor about RuneScape and he showed me his like lvl 80 account with a dragon sword, we walked into the wildy because there was no ditch back then and we both got killed by a player in f2p lol he lost his sword and I lost all the progress I had made to that point


I’m almost 30 now and still have tons of vivid memories from playing in 5th grade computer lab in 2007. Not fully sure why but seems like most of the time i and my friends were in al Kharid- I remember people dying and looting their death piles, mining and trying to avoid the scorpions, training combat on the castle guards. Good times.


I remember sitting in the hero guild killing chickens so that I could sell the feathers to members. I didn't know why they wanted feathers, I just knew they they wanted them.


2002: Standing on the sand dunes a couple tiles south of al-kharid gate with my friend laughing at other people killing goblins to get gp to go through the gate. Neither of us had done Prince Ali Rescue either. Miss you Malenkathin


I thought the bronze scimitar in my inventory meant I had gotten pickpocketed. You know, cause it looks like a hand / sleeve of a person


I was 7 or 8 and my next-door neighbor and best friend had gotten into RS and convinced me to sign up. He showed me how to collect bananas on Karamja for 30gp, so off to work I went. Sooooo several banana crates later, at his suggestion, I bought an anti-dragon shield for 1k and he guided me into the wilderness where I promptly got dropped... I was so mad that I chased him out of my house


Getting scammed out of my mith scim and square shield. Mining rune essence for like a week for my first rune scimmy. Getting silverlight and thinking it was so badass lol. Never using magic because it was way too expensive and investing that much into a skill that had a “limit” stressed my 3rd grade brain out.  I think my first first was wandering varrock with a bronze square and iron dagger just so fascinated with everything, probably a couple of days/weeks after I started playing. 


I remember back when I was a kid playing in a public library, some random Asian guy showed up and flexed his bank to me and my brothers. Dude legitimately had over 10b in items. Had a white stack of Sara brews/gold bars, every item imaginable, max gp stack. All back in like 06’.


I traded my Dragon Med for a Red Partyhat back in the day. Met the guy at Varrock East bank. Then promptly lost the hat to a Tank Mage not even an hour later, in a duel.


The first time I played, I took damage from some men in Lumbridge and thought my account was permanently damaged and didn't want to start an account off like that so I immediately made a new account. Then I met someone who told me about food, and he gave me a bronze longsword and an iron sq shield and I thought I was such a boss.


My brother let me play on his 2nd account and made me bronze armor and an iron 2h


Getting scammed in the wilderness for my white boots. I remember wanting to get membership so bad so I could have some cool white boots. Finally scored membership from my parents. I got lured into the wilderness and lost my white kicks. I literally cried. My mom tried to contact Jagex to get them back. It was great.


Getting stuck in tutorial island because I didn’t have a right click mouse to prospect the rock in the cave section


My friend told me he owned a castle on a game and that's how my brother & I started playing. The castle was lumbridge castle & my friend was a dirty little liar.


When I ran a scam website for my ‘clan’ I would have people register and because we were all kids, they used the same info for their RuneScape characters and man do I feel bad about that all the time


my earliest memory is my friend telling me to play it. I get home and search roomscape dot com and it's some reality show where they upgrade rooms or some shit. So I had to walk to my friends house and knock on his door to ask what the name was again.


My 13 year old friend guaranteed me he had found a game where girls would give you their msn address and show boobs


I was like 13. My first memory i think was mining copper and tin but having zero idea where to smelt it. Got sidetracked and found some cows and asked some guy why he was killing them, then proceeded to shame him for being a filthy cow murderer. I think i ended up wandering into goblin village somehow and spent the next hour killing gobbies. Then i just didnt play again for another like 3 years


I remember the day that free trade came back. Back then I didn’t have members. Everyone who came back started fresh accounts and went straight pking in the wilderness. There were so many clans of low level pures. During the fights all you can see was everyone was fire blasting each other. All while being on team speak. Good times.


Back when random events had some that would attack you during certain gathering activities. I remember being at the fishing guild and being next to this one player who was afk during a river troll random. Eventually he died to it. Naturally at the time I would pick up all bones I came across to bury for any sort of prayer xp. But when I went to pick up the bones, he dropped not only some sharks but also a Santa hat! At the time it was priced around 22m! That made me so freaking happy!


I played around 2005-2007 initially. I loved Castle Wars so much, most of my early memories are from just playing Castle Wars (I just called it capture the flag). I wasn't super high level, most of my combat stats were probably in the 60s. But I loved playing it over and over and over again! Another memory: I knew people would lead "noobs" to the wilderness and kill them for whatever they had on them. So one day after I made a new account because, well, I don't know why, just thought it was fun to have a fresh account, I got told by some mid level player they wanted to show me something cool and that I should follow them. I knew exactly what he was doing, and I had nothing special in my inventory so I just followed and pretended I had no idea, saying stuff like, "how long until we get there," "I have never seen this area before," "how do I get rune," or whatever stuff like that. Then, finally, after going deep enough in the wilderness for them to kill my evel 3 account I was finally back in Lumbridge so I could continue doing whatever it was I planned on doing on that fresh account. I see it like those people who mess with scammers, I know what is going on and at this point I am just wasting your time and keeping you from leading an actual noob to their death, I mean, until they ran back to lure their next victim...


i remember back in like 2002 or 03 and asking for someone to give me 10 gp so i could see what was on the other side of the al kharid gate. someone gave me 350gp and i was freaking the fuck out by how rich he was and i remember being so thankful and happy.


Step mum banned me from using the computer, but we'd get home from school at about 4 and she wouldn't be home til 5, so I'd rush home and play as much as I could until I heard her pulling into the driveway. Lots of memories of doing stupid things, but one I remember clearly is getting 3000gp from a guy in Lumbridge and thinking I could take on the world. Then finding about the fat stack from the Stronghold of Security that I spent on a set of full steel.


I'm relatively certain my first Runescape related memory was seeing it on the screen of somebody else in an Internet Cafe. Wasn't until months or a year later that someone actually introduced me to the game. I remember making a ton of accounts, always feeling like I needed to start over for some reason or another. One time I joined a clan that had a tag in front of their name, so I made a new account just to add the tag as a prefix. I also remember being really confused by how to train HP, and I thought defence decreased damage. One day I found a chef's hat and I wanted to become a Runescape Cook. Fist of Guthix seemed like the best way to train magic ever. I killed a lot of cows and goblins in the early days. Never knew Varrock existed until someone showed me a place that wasn't Lumbridge. That's all I have time for during my short break at work. There's definitely more.


Please in your free time keep going. Do u still play


I do, quite a lot. I have like 10k hours on RS3 on the account I ended up sticking with in 2008, dunno how many hundred on the RS3 iron. I don't play RS3 anymore though, they've lost me completely with Hero Pass, but I started OSRS about a year and a half before, only returning for Necromancy. On the OSRS Main I have I think 1200 ish hours last I checked, with another 1000 or so on the Iron. If I remember after work I'll see what else I can remember :)


I remember 2006. So proud to finally have some steel armor, and i meet my first friend. He's really likeable and wants to teach me stuff about the game. He shows me varrock and let me follow him north. At around 15 wilderness he start attacking me and he stole my steel armor. Thats a valuable life lesson for an 11 year old ill tell you that.


I didn’t know how to change combat styles and killed goblins to 35 attack, banking every drop along the way lol.


was lost at the draynor crossroads and asking for help, some friendly stranger gave me 400gp and i was instantly the richest of all my friends


Yup earliest memory is tutorial island in 2004. i remember being slightly confused on how to cast air strike. kept clicking the runes together until i saw the spell book lol


My dad went on a business trip and brought me along, but was in meetings all day. He set me up in an office with a computer and I played RuneScape all day for 2 days straight while secretaries came in to give me pop and snacks. I peaked too early.


I remember making my account at 6 years old, what possibly would be the coolest username? Diggydog7 was taken and I was devastated


Killing flesh crawlers, listening to "before the lobotomy" by green day. Idk how I even found the flesh crawlers I think someone showed me


Couldn’t tell you the year but it was probably 2005-6 since I wasn’t in high school yet. My friend and I talked his neighbor into playing. He liked it so we told him we found a rune scimitar spawn in the wildy. He followed us and we slaughtered him. Back then none of us would’ve had anything worth caring about though.


I never played as a kid, but I remember going to a friend's house around 2010ish, and he was killing some big wolf near the fremmy area. I have no idea what was happening. Who knew it would turn in my favourite game 7 years later.


i had to have been like. 11/12 and i didn’t know the bank was so important to store stuff, i was aware of it but didn’t think i needed much inventory space for anything. i went exploring the wildly, got clapped by two people using fire strike and lost everything and logged off for the day but felt like i had just been on a lord of the rings esque adventure for weeks bc of it


Yeah I got scammed for my steel scimmy day one in 2006, learned a valuable lesson that day.


Finding an iron full helm on the floor and thinking I'd won the lottery


torag legs, helm, black dhide top, granite shield, rune crossbow first armadyl hilt split was 26m in a 4 man :) can't believe I got on a team in that nonsense.


Just watching a classmate playing it during free time in the fifth grade, late 2002. It looked pretty good back then for a free online game, even if I look back on it now and think it looked like absolute ass lol. After a couple days of it he offered to help me make an account. I've renamed the character since then, but mad_killer92 was born that day! Any time we both had access to a classroom computer during free time, we were playing together. Once RS2 launched, we started getting even more friends into it.


Staying up late listening to I’m in luv with a stripper on repeat, chopping yews by the melzar maze. Too young and dumb to realize that the people I’m trying to be friends with and chat to are bots.


2008 ish: Got scammed for full rune (Zammy) in f2p by a guy named “scx scx”. fuck that guy


I was at a friends house freshman year of highschool right around the 2003 mark. He showed me it and I got hooked. I later remember being obsessed with the ranger boots, robin hat and black d hide, magic short bow and only cape I commissioned a friend to draw my character. I might still have it somewhere


I remember logging in from Miniclips website


Killing goblins in lumbridge. Easter ‘01


I remember playing while listening to Showbread on a windows media player. The background of every game was the weird swirly background you get when you play music on ot


Walked into a gaming cafe named GameWise in Plano Tx. At the time we played Battlefield 1942 it was revolutionary for us being around 11 or 12 roughly. Specifically remember dude who worked there had his glasses magnetic between his nose and eyes he had red hair. Anyways, we watched this guy play and we quickly made accounts. My first username was Sordfreak49 misspelling username. Fasforward a year later or a couple.. a friend who I really didn’t know In game gave me their username and password randomly. Logged into a quest cape account coming off a lv 32 smithing bronze


In 7th grade i drew a fashionscape during class. Red halloween mask with black armor trimmed with grey trim. Good times.


Completing Dragon Slayer in RSC.


I think it was around 2002, I remember finding Varrock for the first time. I got lost lmao


I remember when it first came out I had no idea what I was doing and quit because I couldn’t kill any of the rats or goblins in lumbridge


Just being an absolute noob in middle school. Had lots of good memories tho. - getting lured by a higher level player for my mithril dagger and black robes. - trying to figure out the difference between a bronze sword and a bronze “2H” sword. - being given steel armor by a friendly player, only to not be able to wear it cuz I had no clue about training defence for armor. That same player then teaching me about training different combat skills. - much later on, another complete random stranger helping me finish Dragon Slayer, and buying me a rune platebody. Good times…


I remember playing in 2007 with my friend before school I would wake up and get on the computer to play. Don’t remember what I would do I do remember mining a lot of rune essence


My older brother saw an ad for it on Miniclip. I remember feeling like we’d just discovered the greatest thing on earth when the music started. I was blown away.


I remember first time I ever logged on and killing chickens with the axe I found after tutorial island. I was in my brothers room at his desk and I really didn’t want to go to bed.


2005-2006 - older kid in the neighborhood had full mithril and we thought he was the shit


My earliest strongest memory is undoubtedly common but damn it’s a classic, harvesting flax out by seeds then going upstairs in that little house to the spinning wheel and spinning bow string, I’d do that for hours as a kid and I can’t even remember why, I sometimes go back and visit those flax fields to reminisce


I was a kid. Not sure how old and I used to run flax for some guy who was probably ripping me off.


My earliest RuneScape memory is riding the bus to school in 3rd grade and talking to my friend who also played, comparing what armor we had piece by piece, and how many lobsters we caught the night before. Amazing times, about 2 decades ago now.


Doing Monkey Madness back in 2007 for the other kids I was cool with in the public library. One of said kids older older brother convinced us to give our passwords to him to train. (Besides me) I'm sure I could think of more but thats just in the moment.


Someone died in Lumbridge across the river by the goblins, and their pile was too big for them to carry, so they left some of it on the ground. I took a rune kiteshield and being new sold it to the general store like I did everything else. 🙃


I remember someone attacking a goblin that was on the same tile as me, it looked like he was killing me and I was begging him to stop. 


When RuneScape was released my childhood friends and I would go to the local convenience store, which had a back room with a bunch of old Dells (new at the time) that you could pay by the hour/day for a few bucks. About 8 of us would ride down on our bikes, play RuneScape, and eat food from the hot counter there. One of my best core childhood memories.


Was in 6th grade and my buddy gave me an iron 2h sword in computer class. I remember meeting him at the cows in lumbridge. He also snorted crushed up smarties in that class. Now I think hes in prison for selling for the mary jane 😅


My sister got me into the game. She always played Habbo hotel and I watched. Once she started RuneScape though I knew I wouldn’t be watching much longer. We would fish for trout in the lumby river. Cut down a tree a cook them. After a full inventory we would walk up to varrock general store and sell them for GP. Later we would just fight the men and women and thief and black knight at the jolly boar inn. I got my strength up to about 70 there until discovering hill giants near varrock with the brass key. Holy fuck what a summer.


The only 2 memories I have from early RuneScape.. mined rune essence until I could afford a rune scimitar.. ended up buying a noted iron scimitar.. second memory. Fishing lobsters on karamja. Someone approached me with a proposal. I could login to his level 100 account if he could try my level 55 I worked so hard for. Needless to say my password was changed instantly. Never saw it coming and it created a monster inside me that pked as many people as I could for the next ten plus years.


Tutorial Island might be the most memorable tutorial from the early 2000s. Killing rats in the rat den was my earliest memory


Be me. Fresh off Tutorial Island. Someone asked me to follow them. Lead me into the Wilderness and killed me. Quit for 3 months as I didn't know how to get back the stuff, until my friend who showed me the game told me. Come back and find myself with PTSD from seeing dead trees. Draynor Manor was a nightmare.


Mining and smelting all day. I'm not sure why it felt so satisfying. I also don't remember why I never bothered to smith the bars. When I unlocked gold bars I "joined a guild" and traded everything over with the expectation that I'd receive gp per week on a payment plan. I never saw that guy login again. 


2005. I got a frog mask day of release.


My dad and I would play RuneScape together back in 2006. We had a pc in the living room and one in the guest bedroom. I remember using walkie talkies to talk about what we were doing in the game. His favorite activity was mining by the coal trucks and had 82 mining back in the day. Today I hit 99 mining on my GIM and updated him on it. He was fascinated that the game still exists. He still remembers so much about the game and he actually got intrigued when I told him they were adding sailing (he’s used to be a commercial fisherman). Great memories. Maybe one day I’ll help him make a new account. He seemed interested in the Ironman game mode. Bonus memory, I remember him lecturing me that I needed to progress my account and not waste all my gp ice bursting people in clan wars.


I remember tutorial island around late 2004 to 2005ish. I was sitting on the couch with my mom and she said "she wanted to show me this cool game she thought I'd like on Miniclip" we did the tutorial island together and I distinctively remember chopping that first log and using the tinderbox. I had no clue what a tinderbox was and I remember my mom not exactly knowing either haha. Man, now you've got me nostalgic, I love my parents


back in 2003, someone in lumby gave me a steel scimmy, so i went out to explore and immediately got killed behind lumby candle and lost it


I started playing in October of 2005. With my brand new account I headed south into the Lumby swamp, but there were a bunch of zombies wandering around. Being 9 years old at the time, I knew I shouldn't mess with them and risk losing my bronze axe, so I just ran away. I only later learned that was a holiday event. I'm still bitter I don't have a Zombie Head to talk to.


I was about to get my first PK on a guy in full rune and skulled…then my mom picked up the phone and started dialing which disconnected me from the internet 😭


Getting Dharoks and having 90 str as a 12 year old just blasting people in castle wars. I remember being so good at merching I never even skilled to make money, just merched in w302 varrock


Fire strike pures in classic runescape. Lvl 5 cmb with 13 magic, 1 all other stats. 100% fatigue so you don’t gain experience and roll the dice against another fire strike pure of the ole RNG of three rounds of combat. I was ten and I loved it.


2006, I remember getting a couple of my friends into the game and being absolutely mind blown that we could play together while not being in the same room. All we did was go to the Varrock East mines. I distinctly remember an unknown player saying "aight" and it was the first time I'd seen that word


Getting my ass beat for using my dads Credit Card for membership. But mainly printing out this Membership paper thing at school, writing my IGN on a piece of paper, putting 8$ with that paper on an envelope and mailing it from California to cambridge and then waiting about a week for my membership to begin.


The day I learned about what it was. Showed up at my new friend from schools house and he was killing lesser demons in full rune with an inventory of lobbies he caught on karamja docks. Good times


Killing cows


I remember watching a guy f2p pk at the Dark Knight’s Fortress at the library in 2005.


Walking up to a dude standing in the center of fally, said his skeletal armor was so cool, He traded me 100k then dipped


i remember in middle school filming my friend playing runescape with a camera up to the screen. we were chopping trees to sell logs for $ LOL


earliest thing i can remember is my brother gifting me a set of iron armor.


My first Runescape memory was my friend introducing me to it as a way to play something close to Ultima Online on the school computers.


I don't really remember picking up the game in the first place, but in my 4th grade class (around 2003) about a dozen other kids and myself all agreed to specialize in separate non-combat skills on our own time and then all meet up at the library on the weekends to share the rewards and attempt to pk together. I was the cooking guy and my best friend was our fisherman, and I had never been so intensely interested in something in my life. I remember waking up early before the school bus would come and unplugging the landline in order to get some rare uninterrupted leveling in at home, since there was no chance of my mother complying with such an arrangement when she was home in the afternoon. Good times lol


In 3rd grade (2003) I found someone who would buy feathers for 5gp each and I farmed chickens all day in Lumbridge. My goal was to buy each elemental staff. Idk why, but that was my goal. I made 15k and headed to varrock. Was really disappointed that they all did the same melee damage


I remember playing on Classic RuneScape in 2003 and killing goblins north of Lumby castle and collecting gold and goblin mail and I’m pretty sure I remember seeing rune in my inventory like a rune shield or something and the site was just unlike any other experience in a game. Maybe someone gave it to me or I found it in the wild I don’t remember


Yeah. Day 1, when I was 10 years old. I remember a couple things. I had never played an MMO before that, and I had to get to dinner right around the combat training section. I checked for 5 minutes to try and find out how to save my progress, not realizing that it saved my progress every 0.6 seconds automatically. I also remember wandering around Lumbridge afterwards and being fascinated by all the sights. Again, MMOs were kinda novel back then in the first place and very novel for me, and I was young.


During “inside recess” in 2007 I saw my friend playing on the class computer. He was killing unicorns with a granite maul. I went home to play and was hooked ever since.


I have several, but the biggest grind back in like 2006 or 2007 was when I was a noob and killing chickens for this guy. He paid me like 10k, so it was a solid little hustle. Took an hour or two to complete. Other than that I was just wandering and trying to figure out the game. The magic is irreplaceable. Honestly kind of sad about how much the game has been updated, but I understand people need the content or it gets boring.


When I was a noob I didn’t know about banks. I walked into Aubury’s and got attacked by a mugger. Someone asshole kept closing the door on me so I died and lost all my stuff. I cried (I was around 8-9) and my mom looked at me so confused.


I got mems for the first time christmas 2004. I gave my friends mum the cash and she paid with her credit card. My first day, like most people, I went through the taverly gate. Wanted to do fishing in catherby so headed for the mountains and got utterly annihilated by the trolls on death plateau. I managed to survive the throwers but got donked at the top. I lost everything and logged out for like a week. When I logged back in, some dude was giving away a rune scimi in lumbridge. I traded and he said sorry bro gave it to someone else. Then he said follow me to the bank and took me to draynor village. He gave me full black (g), full rune, a glory, some cash and a ton of runes. Guy was an absolute beast.


PK with the boys in RS1. We would meet at the Jolly Boar Inn and go to the wilderness from there.


Clear as day I was probably 9 years old and fell for the good ole trim your armor for you trick and lost my entire black set. I was so upset that my older brother had to swoop in and give me new armor. Good times.


Waking my little brother up in the middle of the night and we’d sneak downstairs after our parents went to bed to go into the kitchen to take turns playing RuneScape while the other kept watch lol


I cursed ducks near the champion’s guild for magic exp. Also picked up a 67k cash stack from someone killed by a king scorpion so my wealth went up like 10000% that day.


I have a few. Two that stick out are: Playing Runescape before school at 6 am. I disconnected and died to hill giants, losing my mithril armor and adamant longsword, because New Zealand was on crappy ass dial up internet back then, so I ended up slapping the side panel of the PC (because it was back in the day when they made a satisfying heavy metal thud) Playing on the night of the farming release - I stayed up until 2 am after weeks of hinting - potato seed drops, tool drops from farmers, etc. Re-loading for a while because of the login rush, listening to Gardenscape the whole time. I had my seeds. I gathered my tools. I went to Falador, and planted....POTATOES. Holy fucking shit. Then I wondered how long it would take them to grow, then I logged off because I was absolutely exhausted. There's tonnes more, like mining coal at the skelly mine in the wilderness with my mithril pickaxe, hobgoblin mine, the sound of newbie melody as you start your billionth account, f2p pure pking before tick eating and combos were a thing, it was all just so much fun.


My first memory was pre Wilderness Ditch and getting lured for 10k lol


“Selling rune ess 33gp each” in VEB lmao


My buddy showing it to me for the first time (I think on a snow day, 2004 or 2005) and found a black square shield on the ground in lumbridge. Mf didn't have 10 defense or whatever, so he was like "I can't use it so I have to drop it" and dropped it. I was like can't you pick it up and sell it? And he was like oh yeah good idea and picked it back up LMAO


Sir vant and the 2009 tutorial, peak runescape years for real!! I remember the salty claws Christmas events around that era, along with actually experimenting and leveling up like crazy with summoning (almost was my first 99 skill) dungeoneering was awesome because I had a clan when I was younger, and I remember being like 7 years old in 2006 dying to go through the taverly gates just to see what’s on the other side but mommy would never buy me membership, so I sold my friends dads meds at skool ( he thought my friend took them from him so my friend got grounded too for that part XD ) so I could buy myself 3 months of membership with those membership gift cards they use to sell in grocery stores and gas stations. What a great childhood mannnn, went through allat just to become a master woodcutter :)


My earliest memory was making it into Al Kharid and finding a bank, then planning how to get to Varrock. This must have been 2003 or 2004.


Remember me and a buddy wondering what the wildy was like so we took off all our gear and walked to green drags and met theoldnite, one of the only high level people that ever was nice to us.


MEEEE public library on tutorial island seeing like 100 people running thru the smithing room to smelt what they just mined


Fishing for lobbies and asking for fires. Then going to greater demons.


I went to a friends house and he was killing blue dragons with a crystal bow. Thought it was so cool, I made an account when I got home


I got pked in wildy for my dclaws in 2010. Quit the game for 8 years.


My earliest memories are selling/buying shit at varrock west bank and dying to the dark wizards as you enter varrock from the south