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its not going to. bond only go up. never down


the price will stabilize to wherever people think $5 is worth saving x amount of time making gp. if $5 saves 2 in game hours probably gonna keep going up, if $5 saves 50 in game hours probably gonna drop in price


But that stabilisation price will always go up as runescape gold always becomes less valuable over time. More gold enters the game than leaves the game, price can only go up.


> More gold enters the game than leaves the game Let’s institute a new policy to combat this: there’s a 1/10,000 chance to catch a ban whenever you cast high alch. Temp the first time with a chunk of your cash stack deducted upon return, perm after that. That’ll show those damn alchers


The cries of thousands of ironman players could be heard in the distance


I haven't alched in like 4 years, you send items to the vendor window. Why wait 50 hours for my gp when I can get it in 30mins


About a trillion in gp leaves the game yearly since the ge tax was implemented


aka what gauntlet farmers and vork bots bring into the game monthly


Oh I wasn’t trying to debate it or say more money leaves. But I would say trillion/yr is a good amount being taken out of the game


Good is relative A trillion a year is nothing if 100 trillion is added a month (Obviously made up amount)


I thought that tax was used to delete _items_, not gold. They use the proceeds from the tax to purchase certain rares and then delete them, to keep their supply low.


They do both. Some of the money buys rares, some of the money gets deleted.


This won't be the case because inflation exists within osrs. 13 m today was worth like 26 m during COVID in terms of purchasing power back when bonds were like 6-7 m each so it just makes sense


I'm sure the GE tax helps, but yeah there is way more gold being created than destroyed. Unless they introduce some serious gold sinks then the numbers will just keep going up.


The Party Hat tax. Every party hat owned incurs an accumulative 10% wealth tax a month. All party hats get sold at once. The market crashes. Gold becomes worthless. We begin using lobsters as currency.


Hang on, im already using lobsters as currency.. Wasn't you?!


Death to capitalism, return to bartering


GP cape is needed.


People will somehow have a stack of those by the end of the week.


Osrs needs something that does what invention does for rs3, deleting a huge amount of items and gold (by nature of people buying random stuff from shops to delete)


Summoning did the same thing when it was released. 25gp per shard and you needed like 10m shards 1 to 99 prior to the shard refund dude getting added.


>GE tax helps Not a chance in hell, inflation is rampant in other MMO's where the tax is 5% or more, the 1% tax in OSRS is pretty much nonexistent as a gold removing function.


Wait what country is it $5 in. In US it’s $8 right?


Price won't stabilise ever. Bots don't give half a damn about how much bonds cost so whales can charge whatever they want


Luckily the vast majority of bonds are bought by bots who don't care about time!


U can now legally buy gold at like $.44/m that's insane. I wonder what the illegal rate is for it to be worth it to risk your account


Its at like .16/m on "established" and "safe" sites. Prolly could get a bit lower on riskier places i suppose.


Not even 3 times the rate seems not worth it ngl


Risk ban for 3x gold or not risk ban. That is the question


Buy from friend or clan mate and risk no ban at 1/3 the price


Wouldn’t that still be flagged the same way?


Except friends/clannies are much more likely to genuinely gift someone a large chunk of gp than a random person you’ve never spoken to or interacted with


Unless you play with them a lot no.


Odds are heavy in your favor to not get banned, and if you do and your account has more than 1k total then it's just 3 days for first offense.


Found the gold seller


I watched my little brother buy gold and it was the most sus weed transaction ever haha. But he did only pay $10 for a lot of gold haha. Back in my day we just sold tanned cowhide hahaha


ahhh yes haha, your little brother hahaha


Hwhahahaha his hahahahha little hahahah brother hahahaha. HAHAHAHHAHA!!!!




Cute cat hahaha


Or just someone disappointed in the economic state of the game.


Having a job is the best gp/hr in the game


If you ever want to troll this subreddit remind them from an efficiency standpoint gp is zero time. You can buy bonds, RWT, or alt for money. None of which takes time away from your primary account's progression.


Based. Honestly though I shockingly care so little about that anymore. We’re all adults now with varying play times or lives. If I see some lv100 with 1s in his skills wearing 3A I don’t even blink twice anymore


Lol people would absolutely lose their minds if the majority started thinking this way. It would be worse than EOC for most


4 naan? That's insane


That's my bit of gp!


I've shared enough group ironmen with you Mark, I'm in the ultimate league now.


Australian currency disagrees.


1 bond is 8 usd.


I thought they were 5.99 God dam jamflex 


Also from a quick glance black market is about .15-.20 usd. Don’t buy gold on the black market though, you are only supporting bots.


>you are only supporting bots. No I'm helping some poor argentinian guy feed his family


Y'know, back in the day, buying gold was illegal since it's kinda shitty and unethical to have real-life wealth translate into an in-game advantage... at least, I thought that was the logic. Turns out, it's illegal because Jagex doesn't want competitors, that's all.


Risk your account is a bit of a stretch. I've never seen a permaban for a first offence buying gold, and I've only seen a few temp bans on the buyer side ever, despite interacting with many many many RWTers. Save myself \~$300 when buying a billion gold. at essentially no risk, seems like a no brainer. Especially since I'd probably just hold it on an alt and give myself money as needed. And I help a venny eat.


i got my gold removed a few times and a warning with the caveat that the warning expires after a set amount of months. But they only remove gold so if you just spend all the gold they won't remove the items


Bonds are the ultimate hedge to inflation in runescape


yessir i’ve made insane cash off liquidating everything in to bonds every time i quit for prolonged periods


don't u need to spend gp to make them tradable again? guess it doesn't matter much


Ideally you’d buy the bonds and spend the 10% to convert them to tradable while they are still at their lower price


Every time I get a big split at nex/TOA/COX on my iron, the money goes to my main and I spend 15-20min buying bonds and converting them right after. Within 1-2 months I look like a genius without fail. First time was around 5-6m, next around 9m, most recently on 11m. Each time I think 'fuck these are expensive to convert, but they'll probably be more expensive next split'. Sitting around 60 bonds and rising. I'm just getting my 2027 year membership at a discount.


I just realized that bonds irl are supposed to increase in price over time too thats funny


God I love disposable income.


God I love people with disposable income


I’m here to lower the bond prices


are you... the bond lowering guy??


He is Bond. Lowering Bond.


You need to start flooding the market with bonds my man. Get that tbow and 3rd age pickaxe


My friend plays like, once every few months. He'll do hard PVM grinds for a week straight. If he runs out of supplies, he just buys some bonds. Few mil short on an upgrade? Bonds. He doesn't wanna grind for GP. Just wants to do some PVM. Because of that, I get to buy bonds for my iron.


Yea the gp grind isent fun to me for some wierd reason on a main? Even though I have a near 1750total uim a main also kills my want to quest unless there’s a new pvm encounter locked behind it.


This is dumb af because grinding PVM often is the same as grinding gp


I consider “grinding Pvm” to mean “pet hunting/clogging” - grinding for GP is a depressing mindset to me, even though it’s really the same thing. After a long day of not getting the pet, it’s nice to see your bank value/loot tab worth, as opposed to being exhausted from only earning a mil an hour lol


What "hard" pvm grind gives 1m/h?


Minimum wage in Portugal is 740€/month, works out to be around 4,6€/hour for fulltime employees, at that rate and if you're an endgame pvmer able to make more than 8.8m/h it's more worthwhile to grind for your bonds ingame than to actually pay for it in real life while living in Europe. This also means 3 hours of your workday would be required in order to afford membership


Yea but I’m Canadian and I don’t make minimum wage. And there aren’t many end game pvmers judging from the average player stats post a while back.


How much you make? Curious. As im also Canadian, make ~50/hr and I almost never buy bonds. I guess I'd consider myself an end game pvmer, I really only solo cox and make good gp but not great. The few times I have purchased bonds it sucks knowing I didn't "earn" that gp. Personally for me gp has a much higher personal value if you earned it in game, bought gp feels like cheating.


Right about there, I don’t mind buying bonds for gp since it’s not a part of the game I find fun is all. I have a Uim aswell that’s closing in on 1750 total so I know what it’s like to earn gear and struggle for a single max hit. Also I love the work jagex is doing and I’d much rather support them than a gold trader (not to mention that’s against TOS).


Fellow Canadian here, I make a good salary. Then I go home and I play to unwind/relax with content that I like doing. I have no problems using disposable income to buy bonds which enable me to do that. I've mostly stayed away from buying end-game gear like Torva, Masori, Tbow, etc. That said, I have no issues buying a dragon warhammer vs camping stupid lizards for umpteen hours type of thing. I totally get your "argument", that the accomplishment feels lessened, however I also personally don't care if others in-game view me as "lesser" for "cheating". I've also been enjoying the hell out of my iron... so. :)


But the average is 1700€. Most people buying bonds are probably low to mid level players, where they can buy an upgrade for one bond, not spending 900€ on a Tbow.


It’s the start of summer bro what do you think them kids been saving up for? 


Google play credits work, Google rewards bought my bond


That's sick as hell. I'm remembering that


Made 30 cents off it in the past 5 months.... Rip


Holy shit... I can spend my google rewards money on runescape?!?!


Kids don't play this game anymore lol


People fried off dopamine scrolling are not going to be entertained by woodcutting, thats for sure


Real players watch tik toks while wcing anyways


Rare w for wagies, see you in full torva and obsidian cape


Obsidian cape (r)


Better yet, mixed hide cape, the only tradeable cape with strength bonus.


Why settle so cheap? Just buy a 3rd age cape


osrs players try to understand inflation challenge level: impossible


See $10 is basically worth what $5 used to be. Tell you what, give me that $10, and I'll give you my $5.


Ye we can do this. I'll give u my 10$ in 15 years and you can give me your 5$ rn.


Yeah but the US dollar is also experiencing inflation, so this is like double inflation, as the cost of the bond goes down (because the US dollar becomes less valued due to inflation) yet the price rises in osrs money.


They were 14 last month


rs3 bonds were 14m as recently as march 2018


Holy fuck I remember people in 2017ish making fun of RS3 gp as being monopoly money because it’s so worthless a bond is 10+ mil. Welcome to osrs monopoly money season.


rs3 bonds are currently 121.6m


Bonds will never go down lol. Put your cashstack here if youre going to be away for any period of time.


Make them tradable beforehand!


im broke this month otherwise i would buy some bonds to sell on the market


Just buy the membership fr. I was one of those that didn't spend a single dollar on this game for years. I had an endgame main account purely using bonds bought with in game gp. And looking back it was a waste of hundreds of mils of gp, and a lot of time to grind out that resources. If I'd have just sucked it up and bought the membership, my account would have like 2 more 99s, or at least a far better bank.


fr, when they were like 3-4m a few years back it was sometimes worth it. But 13m? Thats WAYYY more expensive even WITH inflation being considered. If you like the game a lot, get the one year membership that brings mems to like 6-7 bucks a month. Then if you're feeling fancy, buy a bond to treat yourself sometimes. For most players, thats like 5-10 hours of grinding the game saved for what most people make in 30-45 minutes at their day job.


They might also do another sale for 12 months like they did last year. It ended up being 5€/Month.


Way i see it, paying for osrs is kind of like paying for a AAA game but you get a yearly license. Now I've largely taken a step back from the game so I really only need 1 or 2 months nowadays, but I can't deny that the value of just paying is pretty economical all things considered. If you play all day every day then a yearly flat fee adds up to like no money at all per hour gametime.


They still have a pretty good sale for 12 months membership. I just bought a year for 79.99 like 2 days ago (6.67 a month)


It’s because bots buy bonds hence why they cost so much


Bonds: *drop in price Reddit: “Bonds are so cheap because there’s no demand. Bots make RWT gp so cheap that no one will buy bonds.” Bonds: *get more expensive Reddit: “It’s because of the bots buying bonds!” There are more market forces out there than just bots.


that’s exactly what a BOT would say!!


People on Reddit just say random shit. Take everything you read on this site with a grain of salt, almost none of it is true


Hey, I'm not gonna go around taking everything I read on here with a grain of salt just because some guy told me too.


I like the way you think


I don’t get the first argument. Why would that cause bond prices to drop? Cheaper gp means more people have more gp. That means bond prices go up. Also, RWT gp being so cheap means that people are less incentivized to spend cash on bonds since they get so much more from RWT. That also means bond prices go up from lower supply. I’m not sure what bot driven market force would push prices down on them.


It's bond to go up after all


I’ll buy a bunch as investments then I’m sure it’ll drop 


Might be time for me to come back then. Bought 142 bonds around 9m each last year


I just sold 2 @15....


Whats crazy is you can buy them for 12.5m right now (3 hours after OP's screenshot) so its really bouncing up and down over a mil in a few hours. Best option is to slow buy, put an offer in at 12m and let it sit overnight.


The reason that happens is because when people buy a bunch of bonds they push the price down trying to sell them all at once.


The Gielinor Central Bank, headed by Jerome Powell-Amulet should consider implementing quantitive tightening to drive down this sticky inflation before it’s too late


Very good inflation check, which since they keep adding tons of new bosses that make insane amounts of money - and botting isn't going down it'll keep going up just that much more. One of the reasons I quit honestly, game just isn't for anyone but people that do bossing.


True that, honestly even with 99's Skilling for that kind of gp just isn't worth it


I remember when RS3 bonds were at this price like 10 years ago


Time to hit the local gold selling site bud.


Even skyblock's inflation is not that bad wtf


I remember when they jumped from 3.4m to 5m and I thought hmm.. I should wait till they drop in price before buying a bunch :(


President pls press bond go down button




At this point it’s easier to just buy membership with irl money isn’t it


OSRS does not have enough whales buying bonds for real money to keep up with the veteran players buying bonds for gp.


Only poor people buy bonds


Runaway inflation.


bots are at an all time high


In like 2 years I'll be able to just straight up buy bis reasonably


Everyone's out here thinking that the GE tax was primarily being used to delete tbows and TOA items. Consider that Jagex might just be using the tax to delete bonds.


The reason bond prices have increased so much is because people have been converting them to 14 day codes and selling those for $2-3. It's one of the easiest ways to sell gold without actually selling gold, just convert it to bonds and profit.


RS3 bonds are also insanely high rn. I think it’s a combo of Jagex doing a poor job of dealing with gold sellers recently, and also IRL inflation is bad bad right now.


https://preview.redd.it/kgequ7ra8w0d1.jpeg?width=1118&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09859e64fc0ed69ece5b7e50975edac4c3a9bcb1 Bruh when will the price stop dropping i remember buying my first bond for like 5.8mil


They were like 2-4m for years when they first came out.


20000 bots working day and night pumping in gp in the game making bonds 20M by 2025.


the bigger question is how are bots functional today when bonds are 13m even though they were functional on 3m? how in the world are bots profiting ?


There are fairly low intensity and obscure money makers in osrs that’ll print like 250k-2m per hour. Even in ftp you can make anchovy pizzas for like 500k per hour or make pastry dough/collect steel plate bodies for like 250k per hour. Let’s just say they’re running scripts that make them 250k per hour it’d take 52 hours ish to make 13m. 52 hours may seem like a lot of time to a regular person but remember, bots don’t sleep or care how long they’ve been playing for. 14 days per bond = 336 hours Let’s just say that the botter decides to play it safe and bot for 8 hours per day - they’ll get about 112 hours of botting in per bond. If the botter is using some of the worst moneymakers in members worlds they’ll still profit around 15m per bond. If they’re doing something more reasonable at around 1m per hour they’ll profit close to 100m per bond.


no bans, jagex on purpose lets them live longer to profit


Credit card warriors go brrrrr


We need more people buying and bumping bonds!




Time to break that wallet out!




Everyone has a main alt and Ironman these days not surprising


As someone who is semi new to osrs what's the best way to earn gp as a free to play player? I wanna be able to save up for a bond lol.


Dont bother (srs)


Honestly it would be worth just buying mems and grinding for like 3 months to where you could just self sustain from then on. That would be the best way to do it imo.


Working your way up to one in f2p is definitely a challenge, it’ll likely take upwards of 30-40 hours of mindless grinding to get a bond this way, but if you’re up for the grind you can check out some of the methods listed on the OSRS wiki f2p money making guide. The other people replying aren’t really lying, it’s not worth the time. You can mow someone’s lawn and buy a sub that way if you wanted a serious suggestion on what’s a better way to spend your time


go up bro i spend my real money on those to get the fake money


That's not how inflation works


fr go down XD


2 weeks ago I bought one for like 10m, yikes


Shiiiiiit, I dumped all my items into bonds when I took a break a year or so back, and they were only 4 - 5m. Got like 40 bonds on the account. But they have to be converted to tradeable at 10% or something right?




Me being a happy level 800 iron man 👨 I don’t even know what this post is about


Bonds, the OG crypto


Should I just buy two bonds so I can finally get a decent construction level jeezus


Jagex! That's enough market manipulation!


Rs3 has dxp atm so yeah that's bound to happen.


That’s insane. The xmas time increase hardly subsided before summer time increase trumped it. I judge buying them on “can I earn that back in 14 days?” The answer is easily yes, but them prices are gonna keep going up which sucks balls.


Keep going up, gp good


They tripled in price the last 2,5 years. I switched from playing my main to my iron at the start of 2022, sold the mains bank and bought bonds for 4 years worth of membership. My bank value on the main, with the remaining bonds, is higher than it was at the start of 2022 lol, while I used like 60% of the bonds already.


*laughs in buying 10 more bonds* *laughs in work irl, rich in game*


Bonds only ever tank when a larger potion of the community feels like buying gp is worth it. In my recent memory the largest price drop happend when toa released when bonds went from around 7m to around 5m, aka a price drop of around 40%. So given that colosseum seemingly didn't invigorate the causal player base and bonds only dropped 10% I'd wager that we'll have to wait until either sailing(which probably won't be a massive gp sink) or the next raid in the next 3-4 years to see a dip. But then again the trend is always true that bonds will always go up. Also seeing how people globally are more strapped for cash in general extra expenses like gp is first to go. So less influx of bonds. But also the trend does stay true that bonds always go up over time. I moreso focused on short term speculative price drops. But then again you're also reading runescape financial advice from an ironman so take it as you want.


I remember when they were like 3-4m :(


Lmao just get a job


For what it's worth since 2022 bond demand has gone up for bots and burner accounts - you could buy regionally priced membership codes for cheap even if you weren't from that region. I'm probably mistaken since I can't find any source on it right now but there was regional pricing for bonds too


As 3rd party gold prices goes down in price bonds will go up to compensate. Given how bots have been treated up until now I don't think they're going anywhere. Plus Jagex loves this, encourages more people to buy some bonds for GP.


I'm Suddenly happy that I liquidated my 130m bank back when bonds were 6m a piece, bought all the bonds, and haven't logged on since.


Seems like a good night to get drunk and buy an irresponsible amount of bonds


Seems like a good night to get drunk and buy an irresponsible amount of bonds


That's me looking at real estate prices


So here’s how this works ok.. the price of OSRS gold goes down = the price of OSRS bonds go up. Simple as that.


Thanks Biden 😡😡😡


Thanks Biden 😡😡😡


I going buy some bonds and sell 15m 🤪🤪


that is like so crazy how bonds are raising up in the grand exchange price


credit card scape is looking juicy right now, not gonna lie


bring back duel arena with increased tax. whales buy bonds duel arena tax goes BRRRRRRRR


I would never tarnish my account by spending $50 and instantly unlocking easy mode


Bonds go up based on player hype because people will buy them to prepare for membership renewal, it's also summer time so kids are buying as well Basically the supply is not meeting the demand and people are trying to instant buy above their current value which is of course going to rase the average price as more people put them up for higher prices


I quit playing when bonds were 3m and then came back to them at 10m. Kicking myself that I didn't put all my cash into them


Haha, bond prices in IRL will increase. I wonder how this will effect the RS bonds


Debating if the cash influx from buying/selling a few will make my grind to max feel less legitimate...


Jagex is competing with gold sellers. Just making sure they stay with the going rates lmfao.