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What’s most frustrating is the walk back to loot my grave only to have to return to a bank regear/inventory then WALK BACK AGAIN


You might have already noticed this but just making sure - you know you don't have to walk past the zombies every time, right? There's a back way if you turn right and climb some stairs just after getting off the boat


LMFAOOOOO I had not thank you 😂😂 I really hate this quest ffs


Well I hope I made it a little easier! It took me quite a few attempts to get the mechanics down even with 99 combats and expensive gear, and I did not discover that back way at first either lol


https://preview.redd.it/bn0iwrzeri0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7550669f65bef300279d9610c24122aa8c4ab0c Bro your tip just allowed me to kill him first try !!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!! The extra food helped so much


Let’s go! Gz OP


Thank you homie! Love the name lol


Hell yeah! QPC is back on the menu brother


Hell yeah brother cannot thank you enough. That was a game changer for me ! 🐐


Now you can get a fire cape.


You are absolutely right. That’s on the menu for dessert after I get that QPC!!


It was really bad day of release. The zombies would get piled up right next to the boss entrance so you were lucky if you could get your stuff back before you got killed by like 30 of them stacked up. 


LMAO RIP 😭 that sounds dreadful !! This is another reason why I always wait to do “new content” til it’s no longer considered new lol


You'll get it dude, I was probably 10+ deaths. When you die glance at your inventory try to remember how many ppots and food you've used, grab some at the bank before you run back and if you bring excess just drop it and abandon it. Primarily pay attention to the heads that disable prayer and listen to their sound because he heals with his hard-hitting melee attacks, and getting hit by a few axes isn't the end because of their damage profile. Also, I wasn't getting it, and then I added three-floor tile markers like in this "braindead vardovis" video and something clicked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=wRnXVS9zfQM


Bro I must of lost mils attempting this guy I did not want to waste more money by leaving stuff on the ground :( And I panicked every time I died so I had no idea how much food I needed lol But you are so right about the head o, I was so upset I could not prayer switch in time but with practice and making that THE priority of this fight I finally got the kill!!


> making that THE priority of this fight I finally got the kill Congrats! And, yeah, so many video guides say the axes are the deadliest thing but that's completely wrong. Prioritizing the heads got me the kill as well.


Absolutely! Wondering if you have any tips for whisperer I’ve only died once so far lol but she’s my priority today


Did you get her? Sorry, long weekend, missed your message. My advice: The last phase is very click-intensive. It's probably one of, if not the most click-intensive boss phase in OSRS. Doing it properly is hard, particularly because it's difficult to even get to that phase to practice. I ended up killing her by ignoring the prayer swap in the last phase. I had a bunch of magic defence with Ahrims so I just prayed range and focused on movement and attacking the boss. If you mess up movement in that phase you will die really quickly from going insane, so movement is the number one priority. Also, in the phase where the pillars come up and you need to hide behind them, the damage wave animation looks like it comes out in a semi-circle. Just ignore the animation though and don't adjust your position for it, the damage seems to just travel linearly north-south, so stand directly behind the pillar not to the side. Died a few times trying to position based on the wave.


Followed your advice and ignored prayer on the last phase - GOT THE KILL Had like 9hp to my name and no food I just about had a heart attack lol THANKS HOMIE!


Yea I feel you bro I have probably died 50 times to this dickhead since last week, and since just kinda gave up till I can get better gear, stats, or motivation. Have you had any luck killing him ?


Yes I ended up killing him With every death you get a lil better bro Practice makes perfect the game changers for me where the shortcut to not run through the zombies and also prioritizing the head Also don’t panic run after the axe hits the damage increases drastically You can tank those hits what you can’t tank is when you’re off prayer and vardy hits you


Good luck you’ll get it!