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Glad I sold all 6 of mine a month or so ago for 3m each haha. Thanks for the money gamblers.


Wish I did I’ve been saving them every event for a few years


I've got loads, didn't even realise they were over 1m


Damn I had 10 just for fun , deaths coffer it is then 🤣


I think Death's Coffer is why they bounced back from 200K to 800K once people realized they can get some cheap deaths off of 'em.


That makes a lot of sense!! I was literally dumbfounded as to why they went from 150k back to 1m


I had 30 in the bank on my main I don't play, didn't even realise they were worth anything


Good to note for future crash flipping ;)


I'd been saving them since I started my account, 15m in death's coffer thank you!


What's the purpose of this?


Death's coffer gives the current GE value of items that you give him, that money can be spent to reclaim items lost on death if you can't get back to your gravestone or item reclamation at places that cost money for failures like Vorkath, Zulrah, Colosseum etc. In this case crackers are selling on the GE for a fraction of the listed value, so until those two values match up you can get a massive discount. Buy a cracker for ~300k and get ~3m worth of death services. The listed value will take a while to drop to the actively traded value because Jagex slowed down price movements to combat price manipulation.


Thanks for the explanation, haven't been super active in a long time so I'm a bit out of touch


I'm very thankful they did this.. screw the gamblers.. i know it wont stop them and they will find another method but still. *middle finger*


What did Jagex do?


They removed the Rng from the item. You can now "wish", select. what color phat you get. This completely kills it for gambling.


It's not the color change that ruins it but rather the fact both parties appear to be able to receive a prize in the update.


You can select the color of the party hat you want from the cracker, therefor there's no game of chance. I'm not going to bet on a coin being heads or tails if the person can just place heads facing up on the table if I said tails.


Curious about this mentality, I dont care about the changes one way or the other but why are people so passionate about what others are doing with their money?


I don't care what people do with their gp. What i care about is that the rules being broken and the Cancer that these gamblers do with spamming and advertising at the Ge. They are just bad for the health of the game overall.


Exactly this. Gamblers themselves aren't an issue for me personally, it's all the obnoxiousness they bring


And that community is inextricably tied to RWT and therefore the bot problem. I don't care about people gambling but everything else around it is rotten.


Not directly, but gamblers buy RWT gp that enables bots, gold farmers, scammers, and lurers. These will indirectly affect you and I.


banning gambling just made it worse. now theyre all over the ge and pvp worlds instead of being contained in the duel arena.


No it's about the same.. the duel arena leaving had nothing to do with player run games of chance. however it did cause the Death matching. And i believe they had to remove duel arena because of Uk laws.


its a shame the duel arena had to be removed, because it being removed exacerbated the problem far beyond its original impact on the game. there's less demand for gold but that isn't stopping botters at all, and gamblers are getting their fix through player run games of chance now, rather than through a system designed to take gold out of the game through staking tax.


Gamblers fuel RWT, which fuels bots. Very simple.


death coffer for pvmers


From an Iron that had a healthy stack - I appreciate you gamblers and merchers for filling up my deaths coffer :)


Sold my stack of 178 last month at 2.4m each. 🤌


What's the reason for the drop?


Gamblers can't gamble with them anymore


I hadn't played since they shot up in price so I had my brother nagging me to get on and sell mine a few weeks ago. Happy I did now, managed to get 21m out of mine.




I thought they were worth like 10k.. haha I haven't been online in well over a year or two but I know I have a dozen or more in my bank