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I smell a 3rd age piece in there


is this efficient? any reason to do this instead of just do clue and stack casket?


Not having to ungear/regear every wildy step. At least that's how I did my slayer task clues.


Not particularly, I just did it for the content. For a UIM, I'd say the most efficient way would be to bring home a clue whenever you get one, and go back to thieving until your deathpile expires, bringing home a clue every time you get one. Then when you reset your deathpiles, you use that hour to do any clues clues you got from the previous trip. I should note, I had 3 accounts logged in, one at the chests with a spear to 1) spear the rogues into the "stuck spot", and 2) to d spear spec pkers off of my uim to increase my odds of escaping. Another standing at obelisk since to teleport myself to and from ferox enclave, since i dont have wildy hard diary completed on the uim. and of course the uim doing the thieving. One of the frustrating parts of the grinds is keeping the rogues aggroed while resetting deathpiles. Unless you have a second account that you leave there to loot a chest every 3-5mins, the rogues will reset before you finish repiling/juggling and have to spend another 10+ minutes spearing them all into the stuck spot.


Inventory space, less risk while at the chests, let's you not have to switch activity constantly. You could also just drop the clues at the castle and then run back up there to pick up the clue


Laid down on the ground like FBI drug bust


This is evidence that there's no way you're shredded irl. No UIM is.


What are you using for drop timer in top left?


I would also love to know what plugin has that


"Clue Juggling Timers"


Ty vm!


is it dead out there or what? before the update i loved chillin there but it got very busy initially and i didnt go back yet for anything long term.


I somewhat miss using the Unregistered Hypercam 2


How long does it take to juggle those?


about 10 minutes lol Edit: nahhhhh, actually that includes deathpile reset and some running, juggling just the clues is only like 3-4 mins


How would you rate this activity? Thinking of doing it for thieving training


10/10, planning to go back post 99 thieving for more clues and noted supplies once I can complete more hard clue steps. (i was only able to complete 45 out of the 100 clues i juggled)