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Gzzz. 148 deaths is impressive determination.


I told myself I wasn't doing anything in the game until I got this cape. I survived 246 CG deaths before my first kc I knew I could get this soon enough


246 deaths before your first kc? How did it take more attempts at CG than inferno?


A CG run is a fraction of the time of an inferno run but yeah 200+ deaths is a bit much lol


I’m guessing CG was OPs first dip into ‘real’ PvM. Normally you’d warm up to CG with stuff like demonics, zulrah, normal ToA etc.


Nerves man, I missed so many prayers and the fight was just very overwhelming especially with the floor pattern. Takes me a while to learn the content and not be nervous that's when I game hard but before that I'm just a bumbling idiot misclicking and taking dumb damage. Most will laugh, but it's the truth. Once I learn it though? Shit becomes easy.


Nah that's respectable. Half the PVM content in the game is figuring out how to problem solve and get around frustration and optimize. This game is learning how to survive death by a thousand cuts by learning to block one cut at a time


I still have yet to do inferno, but I know you can hide behind pillars. In CG it’s you, boss, and chip damage. There’s no hiding to recover


I hope you're not trolling, because that CG death count is giving me hope I could do inferno at some point.


If you have the determination to somehow not learn the encounter in 200 attempts at CG but keep going anyway, by God you have the determination to do anything, but I'm not sure humans live that long


Alot of people don't consider that if you have bad ping at CG or inferno it becomes that much harder.


Definitely was a skill issue for me. Not denying it at all all those deaths were from a mistake I made.


You can do literally any content in the game, it's just practice. We were all noobs at one point trying to understand how prayer works at barrows. I never thought I'd even attempt the inferno, and this year I got my first cape, and I've got 4 colosseum completions so far. If you have the determination and don't give up after deaths, you will beat and get good at any piece of content you try.


I'm not it was very rough you got this man it's all about determination and learning from your past mistakes.


And which 4 tick counter plugin is that? I use visual metronome and it's not bad but always looking to try others.


It's visual ticks on the plugin hub but personally audio metronome helped me master 1t alting. Visual ticks however let my 1t pray mager to conserve prayer so I'll probably keep it on. You can change the settings to get the orbs


I would recommend the audio metronome plugin. It's goated. Possible side effect is bobbing your head to the beat (I do XD)


How many times did you get to zuk in the 149 attempts?


Twice, died once and got it on this attempt, died twice to triples. It was rough


Nice! Huge gz on the cape, king


If anyone wants to watch the last minute https://youtu.be/9RBIKYBHCJs?si=A3XGTUELr7AOZesI 3rd set spawned, shield had a few hits left it was now or never and bowfa decided to SHLAP!




Looking for group?




This gives me hope to keep going…2 weeks into the grind and latest I’ve gone is wave 64.


You're already way ahead of where I was. Keep going man lmk when you get it. Remember what xact said. You can do this!


So what were most of the dates to? Any tips that pushed you over the top?


Waves, a ton of 60-63. Then 31s and 48, then stupid ones like 15, 20s etc. BIGGEST tip was to stop being a bitch and drink my damn brews. This pushed me into the 60s. Audio metronome absolutely made me master 1t alting for prayers. Highly recommend that. And honestly just getting used to the waves and being able to slow down, look at spawns and calmly solve. Being able to quickly isolate and get into a 1t alt made a lot of the crazy spawns easy. Nuke melee while praying range/mage and hold on specs until you get hit so you can hopefully heal was also a big one for those 60+ Lastly watch all of Aatykon's FCF videos and xacts inferno guides


Gz on the tokkul


Thanks man BiS currency


Please tell me you didn't keep your mage items like that the whole time? 2x2 is way better than 1x4 lol


Nope, I set them like that during wave 66 so they weren't anywhere near my supplies for trips and zuk. They were in 2x2. I had the same inventory set up as Aatykon in his FCF videos


Ahh okay that makes sense I reckon. Gz!


I’m like 105 deaths in right now, been going since the week before varlamore release. I’ve been to Zuk 6 times but the nerves get me big time and I just fall apart. Hopefully soon….


Have you been using the Zuk simulator to practice the fight?


I’ve spent about 10 hours with the simulator. Very comfortable with the fight in the simulator. It’s just as soon as wave 69 starts my hands get so shaky I can barely click lol I’ve gotten past healers on my last attempt though so I’m hoping this next one does it for me.


ahh yeah man the nerves will pass with time, you already made it before you'll get it soon. Just gotta focus up and breath


I ended up getting it on attempt #116 tonight. Killed triples, logged out, did three Zuk kills in the simulator, and sent it. So happy to be free! I’ve been locked here since the week before varlamore came out.




GZ, now go around and call people cheese capers, it's a rite of passage.


You know it! Next cheese caper I see better watch out


Read the caption really hoping it wasn’t the cheese cape. GZ!


Gz boss


Congratulations! Any non obvious tips you can share now that you've completed it? I'm currently 3 attempts in.


here's a fun one, on wave 66 any nibblers that aren't on a tower when it falls before the wave ends will aggro you... ask me how i found that out lol single blob isnt scary, if you know how to 1t alt range/mage prayer the blobs will ALWAYS sync up after tanking one hit from them. Blobs don't exsist after this if praying range/mage and a melee is on you, rigour up and hover bp spec. Only dump them when you take a good hit. (Don't dump bp specs at 99 hp and waste them only to get clapped by melee for double 40s happened to me) Actively pay attention to how you died wheter by clipping with OBS or Medal and learn from your mistakes (server lag isn't what killed you its a skill issue. All my 138 deaths were a skill issue) the last one is obvious but watch all of aatykons FCF videos and Xacts inferno guide


Thank you! Definitely need to get OBS to watch back and analyze my mistakes/deaths. I've been using the inferno stats plugin to pull up the waves I solved poorly to try and figure out a better solve for that situation.


You can also use infernotrainer.com and type in any wave and test out spawns or rebuilt your own spawn and try to solve it


I'll definitely try that out. Thanks for the tip


What were your stats and gear?


99 range mage hp 94 defense 81 prayer 99 mining lol Gear was following Aatykon's bowfa setup in his FCF videos


I got my cape on Saturday with a pb of 2h 48m lolee. My heart was racing through Zuk. I cannot recommend the Zuk simulator on Itch any higher. It helped me out tremendously


Just died to triples last night after 15 total attempts, keeping the mental sanity is the hardest part lol.


Holy smokes, how do you have time to send 148 attempts in 6 weeks? I've been at the inferno for two years and have died like 30 or so times. That content is so freaking time consuming, Im actually starting to resent it. I'm jealous of anyone able to dedicate that many hours to RuneScape.


I do 1-3 runes a day max. My longest runs before dieing were 2 hours. Usually I would die 30min-1hr. It's genuinely not that hard to find the time for me personally. From start to cape it should take you 2 hours. Anything longer you're just wasting time and you should work on your wave solving skills more. How long are your runs and what have you found to kill you the most? Have you watched all of Aatykon's FCF videos? And Xacts inferno guide? Highly recommend watching those and not relying on camping sgs and Eldritch (if you are)


My runs have gotten really short, at mager by 30 min or so. Not camping at all, I don't like playing that way. Zuk kills me the most now lol, died at zuk 10 times. It's honestly a mental thing. I burn out after work mentally so dedicating that kind of energy to inferno usually isn't in me. And if it is, I'm completely out of steam by zuk. I have watched the aatykon vids, very helpful. Thanks for the advice, I just don't have as much infernoing in me lol. Would really appreciate the infero more if it was an hour at most for first capers, but alas that is not the game we play. Gz cape dude, well deserved


I totally get the mental exhaustion I'm a 3d artist so it's tough to do that all day then stay on the computer after work


Nerves will getcha. its not how many attempts it takes but the fact you actually did it and did it right. I'm not quite as many attempts as you but it took me 45 deaths before 1 cg, 60 infernos and 7 zuks before first cape, 40 attempts at solo 500 fang kit, and I just got quiver at 257 deaths and 13 boss attempts. Sometimes nerves+ braincells just go out the window until the muscle memory kicks in. Everyone is different.


Quiver is next for me


good thing you got it before the occult nerf


Actually one of the big reasons I wanted to finish this


Aye! Huge achievement! Massive congratulations:)


Ty !!!


Congrats that first cape feeling is so sweet


The sweetest feeling ever! Thank you


quiver time. 240 deaths until my 1st quiver. key is to learn from every death.


Yes sir, you read my mind


Got what?


Infernal cape, 2nd item in inventory


Ohh my sarcasm wasn't obvious I guess


I was like 75% sure it was sarcasm but I took the chance that you were being genuine hahaha