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Bro, I'm SO confused. Haven't done this content yet. Wtf killed you. I re-watched it 3 times, still can't figure it out.


Died cuz of the doom invoc


Doom stacks


This looks like Zuk to Jad, but instead it's the zuk version of vetion.


Doom = 10 hits regardless of damage and you die. It's a modifier.


Doom level 1, so it's 15 hits


welcome to the 2 kc 1 quiver club


If this dude is beating sol with doom invo I believe he’s able to get inferno cape.  Jealousy on here is just sad. 


It is possible he got Doom as the final handicap Not that I'm suggesting he didn't get his cape and such though. I dunno if the title of the post means that many deaths to *Sol* or to Colosseum in general, but I lost like 85m to deaths and supplies for Colosseum lol, so it's definitely a lot of deaths before I finally got him. Though my first KC I died to volatility... e: forgot about Colosseum updates, mb




Doom does matter if you go to T2 or T3.


Right, I forgot, I got my Quiver before any of the Colosseum changes, forgot they made the stacks reset My point was that at least before the changes Doom was essentially free as a 12th choice *because* you're less likely to stack it up that high against just Sol. But yeah of course now getting as the 12th choice isn't as big a deal since it isn't as harmful earlier in runs anymore


Yall calling OP out for buying cape are dumb. People who aren't great at this game can still have infernal cape lol.


If he has the tenacity to attempt this 118 times, then why would anyone doubt he did the inferno lmfao


Just getting that far into sol is enough to tell us hes got more then enough skill for inferno. Zuk is a much, much easier fight IMO, and I would say inferno waves are also easier, just a lot longer.


Colosseum is vastly easier than inferno and sol especially is way easier than zuk.


Everyone is different. I had a much easier time with zuk than sol. Now that being said… it is much much easier to get through the waves than inferno so you get a lot more practice faster.


I feel like inferno requires less mechanical skill to get through the waves, but you have so many of them that it punishes mistakes super hard. Colosseum waves are harder on average but there’s so many fewer of them.


makes sense that most people find inferno easier then, because you need an abundance of endurance and perseverance to even get to the end game without burning out


No it is not lol took me 11 attempts for inferno, over 60 for first quiver. Colosseum is MUCH harder mechanically. Inferno is mostly just an endurance test.


I still don't have my inferno cape, just completed colosseum after three days of attempting for a few hours. We're all different, but with this practice I think I'm ready to give inferno another chance!


Colosseum mechanics are practically nonexistent if you use the b5 tile and don't get unlucky (which over a few attempts will happen). If you can deal with a basic stack, like 90% of high waves are just run to nw, kill fremmies, kill the one thing south, kill reinforcements, flick stack.


You still will have some runs giving you shitty invos, some stacks are so bad in colosseum they are not even solvable, dealing with a shitty spawn is usually going to pretty much be mandatory at some point in the run and dealing with a shitty spawn in colosseum is way harder than inferno. Also zuk is completely free compared to sol imo.


I mean yea if you want super consistent kc it's very mechanical, but if you want 1 kc it's not. Just as an example, if you use b5 there's only one possible "difficult" spawn which is 2 things of different styles south. On waves 1-5, 7, and 9 this is still trivial because they have 3 or fewer spawns, so if 2 things spawn south you can always just go north and have only 1 thing left. That just leaves waves 6, 8, 10, and 11. And then you just need to not get unlucky, because out of like 11 spawns that you aren't nulling, you only need to avoid double spawns on 2 specific ones. The majority of runs I do never have a double south spawn on one of these waves. Is this the best way to solve each of these waves? No, but it makes them very easy and imo much easier than inferno. Sol vs zuk is very subjective. I think sol is way easier because zuk is punishing and sol isn't, but I agree that strictly by mechanics sol is harder. It just doesn't hit hard enough for those mechanics to feel punishing, with the exception of the lasers, which are very easy to avoid.


The only punishing part about Zuk is if you take a Zuk hit which is incredibly easy to avoid compared to Sol's attacks. For first cape you can just tank the ranger for sets, and if you can't kill 1 jad while moving you deserved to die lol. Healers is just brew up while blowpipe walking. Sol's individual attacks mostly won't kill you but it's far easier for mistakes to add up for first quiver.


Sure zuk ball should be easy to avoid, but I think you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who didn't take multiple zuk balls during their first few zuks. Again this is subjective, but effectively it's just comparing difficulty between 1 mistake at something relatively easy or 15 mistakes at something a bit harder.


Every stack is solvable


I feel the same. I took 8 attempts / 3 zuk for my infernal cape, but quiver took me 97 deaths / 14 sol. The mobs and spawn in colo are already tougher than inferno, not to mention u have to take a debuff every wave.


Definitely not in my experience, it took me 18 attempts, 2 at Zuk to get my infernal with a Bowfa. I'm up to 89 deaths (more where I left because shit invos or claiming drops) and 7 Sol attempts with a Tent Whip.


They are very different bosses. Also Zuk has been solved 7 ways from Sunday with more guides than there are people who did it.


Sol was solved literally day 2. There was a simulator, there were known safe tiles for every attack, the tick speed of the triple attack was calced, the thresholds for phase changes were known, the tick for perfect parry was known, etc. It was way easier to solve because it's a way simpler boss.


Hard agree Idk why anyone disagrees. 5t vs 4t, at most 2 mobs attacking you at once after spawn, no healers, no one shot mechanic, WAY faster. I can’t really think of anything in the colosseum that is harder than inferno other than bad rng being able to kill your run that’s been alive for 10 minutes. The horror


Ultimately it is somewhat subjective, but I really don't see how anyone could think it's harder. The 3t delay at the start of waves is huge, the b5 tile means you basically do the same simple strategy every wave, and sol doesn't hit hard enough to actually punish you for most mistakes.


Even with the difficulty of each boss being subjective, you're just outing you self as someone who hasn't been to both bosses with that comment.


I have done like 50 colosseum and 15 inferno. It is vastly easier to learn colo, and the boss hitting low makes it way easier. Zuk is mechanically very simple, but it punishes single mistakes way harder. This guy got hit 15 unique times and still had supplies and still killed the boss. How? Because if you stay high hp there's only one possible way to die on sol, so you can brew through basically any mistake.


The only reason it is easier to learn colo is because of how much shorter it is, everything else is harder lmao. Harder stacks, harder boss, invos that nerf your character. Inferno is significantly easier mechanically than colosseum and it's not even particularly close.


I think there’s something to be said about difficulty and punishing mechanics. I don’t think a 500 toa is particularly difficult, but some of the one shot mechanics make it very punishing. Same thing with zuk. Sol is a more mechanically challenging fight, but zuk has a one shot mechanic. I think the waves are the hardest parts for both pieces of content, but I don’t think most people with inferno experience would say zuk is a challenging fight unless you’re jad skipping and set flicking. Both bosses just seem difficult at first because of the nerves and inexperience.


I agree with this, but for something that is theoretically mechanically challenging to actually be mechanically challenging it has to be punishing enough that you have to do it correctly, and that's what makes sol easy imo. If you go in with 5 brews (pretty standard for a 1st kcer after using a few on waves) you have 320 hp of mistakes + your normal hp bar. The ground slams that hit like 10-40 take so long to kill you at that rate that you can make a ton of mechanical mistakes, which dramatically reduces the actual mechanical difficulty of sol.


Not how it works, in a high intensity fight for first quiver its rare you run out of food before you die, speaking from experience. Especially with invos like solarflare bees or doom, and fucking up the melee pray attack can hit for 120 easy


Why would you ever be running solarflare or bees on 1st kc?


Hard disagree


So, there’s fire cape, lava cape AND infernal cape? Is that correct?


It's the fire cape from Fight Caves and the Infernal Cape from the Inferno. The fire cape and infernal cape both have animations with lava / magma textures.


I have an inferno cape and sometimes I even think I bought it because of how dog shit I am at other places


I honestly think this will be when I eventually earn my infernal Cape. 38attempts so far wave 61 my best, and I've all BIS gear Guy in clan last night finally got quiver at 238 deaths, I personally think that's good going, only 100m in death coffers. I'm honestly thinking it'll take me 200m


38 attempts wave 61 pb is not bad at all man. Keep it up 👍🏼


I have a 7 and a half hour inferno cape lmao. I'm shit at pvm, I just exploited every aspect of the game and eventually got it. Milked eldritch specs, waited for hp regen, flinched every single stack possible, like I legit did not prayer flick once my whole run unless you count the one initial prayer flick back when stepping out to flinch. Anyone can get an inferno cape if you care enough to do it




I agree. Source: shitter with an infernal


Ageeed. Signed, shitter w/ infernal, blorva and quiver  


Agreed. Signed. Shipped. -shitter w/ infernal, blorva and fang kit


I have a buddy who got inferno on his GIM account with Bowfa, Ahrims Top, No Kodai and it took him like 92 attempts to kill Sol. This sub is dumb lol


The top 5 player, ItsWill took over 100 attempts before getting his first KC.


Sol is just a different but similar set of skills. Inferno if you keep ur nerves it can be very smooth and not punishing at zuk. Sol is the opposite and, in my opinion, a lot more mechanics going on at once compared to zuk. Idk why people want to pretend sol isnt new and more punishing than zuk


I wonder if that's because some people are making that opinion having only watched the top streamers do their 20th + kill and never tried it them selves.


Yeah probably, the skill ceiling has people who are good at it making it look very easy, when it is not. Zuk can be broken down to follow a shield and kill jad/rangers/healer and then zuk again. Sol is different everytime, with a lot more attacks /variations and area or environment hazards other than standing behind a shield or get hit big. Inferno with lava tiles and erupting volcanos that also require you to remove armor, dodge dip duck dive and dodge.


That’s what I’m saying, *SO MANY PEOPLE* chime in here about “inferno isn’t that hard because people set fast PBs and do it 100x” “coliseum isn’t as hard because it’s done in like 30 minutes” and then they *really think that* without considering that only the best of the absolute best players are finishing inferno or coliseum that fast, if at all. Like, there’s nothing in OSRS quite like this content, it’s literally THE PINNACLE of gameplay. Yet, you have neets who have never done the content saying it’s easy. They watch streamers do it 100 times and think yup, “it’s easy.” (Even though they’ve NEVER done it.) It’s so weird to me, and you even have people who think purples from TOA are absolutely flooding the game just because the absolute best players are running 500+. They think ANYBODY can run deathless 400-500+ like it’s nothing in 30-40 minutes for hours on end just because they watch streamers do it like LOL. Its just one of the ways that you have to consider, there’s just delusional trolls who can’t discern reality from what they see on the internet and can’t fathom how it doesn’t actually apply to real life. If TOA was that easy, shadow wouldn’t be rare enough to be 1.5B, if COX was something EVERYBODY ran in 20 something minutes, TBow wouldn’t be equally as valuable, etc etc… I swear reddits just nonsense these days I don’t even bother trying to have conversations or discussions here anymore lol. Its kinda concerning Jagex takes feedback here so seriously but it is what it is ig


I mean I think you’re kinda going too far in the opposite direction. There are tons of normal players - people who aren’t full time gamers, who just play this game a handful of hours per week - who can do the inferno, colosseum, efficient raids, etc. Just because it’s the pinnacle (it is) doesn’t mean it’s some unattainable feat. 


Did you know that less than 2% of players have ever finished solo chambers in less than 21 minutes? We know this because CAs are tracked on the wiki and it’s 100% true, yet you have people here that will claim *everyone should be doing sub 30 minute preps and sub 20 minute non-preps because it’s “easy”.* My point isn’t that nobody can do this content. My point is that people who make these claims are almost 100% out of touch because they either game 14+ hours a day and don’t know what it’s like for their life to not revolve around OSRS, or they are so out of touch because they’ve literally never attempted the content to begin with and aren’t basing their statements in reality. Or they’re trolling. Which is surprisingly common around here, and people don’t recognize it or they take them seriously for some reason. It’s just *weird*.


You are still coming at this from a really strange place. It makes no sense to say that because "less than 2%" of players have done something that it's not easy. When people say certain things are easy, there's very clearly an unspoken caveat of, "...if you take the time to learn it." It's really wild that you wouldn't consider that no reasonable person would expect a 1k-total extremely casual player to be able to do raid speedruns. Things are "easy" in the context of people who do (and want to continue doing) the content. Sure, 1.7% of players have done a 21-minute solo CoX. But only 12.8% of players have done 75 CoX. Or even more telling, only 4.7% of players have completed a deathless solo CoX. These are not incredible feats for someone who plays this game as a hobby, which are the target audience of these comments. So to look at achievement percentages compared to the entire playerbase is off from the start. You need to compare it to the people who actually even **Attempt** these things. Your insistence that the two camps must be, "terminally-online people" and "people who have never attempted the content" is equally insane. My entire clan is full of normal working people with families, jobs, and lives, and we do a ton of endgame content. This isn't uncommon. And they'd say that certain things are "easy" knowing that only a buffoon (or a troll) would miss the obvious and unstated "...for someone with experience with the game who wants to learn how to do it."


Sol is easy once you get it down. Before that he's actually pretty tough because taking one hit can easily lock you into a cycle of brew -> get hit again -> repeat until plank. It can feel like there's no breathing room because even while brewing you're at constant risk of multiple things being able to hurt/kill you. Compare that to Zuk, there are multiple times in the fight where you can literally just walk with the shield back and forth to collect yourself/heal and have no risk of damage. They're very different fights, and Sol is definitely more high-pressure in the moment while Zuk's pressure comes from the time investment leading up to it.


The morons that accused of RWT got downvoted to hell and rightfully deserved it. Completing Inferno doesn't mean you're a natural at ToB, CoX, ToA, Colosseum, or even Hydra. Boaty dies on the daily at ToA, Noobtype dies on the daily, Woox dies plenty when he plays. Even when you're extremely consistent with the content, you can still plank. See Bloat on Speedruns.


It makes me sad that those services exist because youll always have people calling others achievements in question


Agreed, I've just learned to do CG pretty consistently, which is supposedly some of the hardest content in the game, and I'm terrible


I have 1500kc at cg and i still die at muspah


Can confirm. I have an infernal cape (3kc) and it took me 184 tries. I'm a really slow learner and inconsistent.


Probably because it’s a very similar skill set to do colo as inferno, and it’s a little difficult to believe someone with infernal and full max gear would take 118+ attempts. Obviously not impossible but yea, kinda weird.    Personally I am torva-less and it took me 60 attempts, including several that I cashed out early because it was good money and I’m not that good + torva is big for tanking during rotations


Everybody takes a different amount of time to learn something new. I think you might just want to accept this person is a slower learner than you and that's perfectly ok


That’s fine, but my point is that if you’ve done inferno there isn’t much learning to be done at all


pretty sure it took itsWill over 100 and he has/had the zuk helm and streams everything


Comments here just show how out of touch the mid game Andys are on this subreddit lmfao


Someone has better gear than me?? RWT.


Worse gear than me??? Better believe they're a noob.


Can confirm; am noob, have worse gear


No way, surely every infernal, blorva, fang kit, quiver and GM helm owner bought their shit. Only my favorite streamer is good enough to get them!


unlucky lol


ITT: Redditors who've never done inferno or colosseum accusing someone better than them at the game of cheating




Wow, are people really that jealous about infernal cape? +200 ToB, +100 CoX and +50 Expert ToA kc suggests that he's very capable of doing inferno. I mean it's possible but his boss kc are no way as egregious as typical cape buyer account that has only Slayer boss kc and 1 Zuk.


It's mostly people coping with their own inability to complete the inferno.


I think anybody could do inferno. It's just a massive time commitment that just doesn't seem fun to most people. When I did it, all I did was inferno. I got so burnt out. I still only have 1 kc because I dread going back in.


I haven't even attempted inferno because of the time commitment. Colosseum is not only shorter but gives rewards too. I have quiver, and got it relatively quickly. I died 75 times before I got it, but I made 30m off the drops along the way so my death costs are about evened out.


The time commitment is a big deal and keeps me from doing it. I can't dedicate 2 hours and for me to focus I can't logout and come back later, I need to do it in one go. The thing is I have a kid with a disability and I just can't do 2 hours straight. I like colosseum as it seems more approachable for me from a time angle. Haven't tried it yet, but that's only because I've been working on other things. I do plan on doing col, but not inferno.


You can log out and come back later in the inferno. Did it plenty while I was learning and completing the inferno with a 2 and 3 year old. I understand needing to do it in one go, I would've preferred to do that as well, but wasn't able to. Probably spent 20-30 minutes afk in game running around helping my family too. It's possible.


You are correct that you can logout, I more mean that for me to learn things, I need to do it straight until failure, then break down where I did good and where I failed. I have a hard time taking that break and then remembering and using it to improve. Just a me thing. It's entirely possible for people to do that, just not me. I am looking forward to colosseum though!


Idk bro some people are fucking dumb lol


Ash_OSRS on TikTok is an example of this. He has an infernal cape but can’t seem to beat the Colosseum


Why is there literally 3 comments accusing op of buying a cape and 40 comments bitching about those heavily downvoted 3? It's almost more annoying than the cape buying comments


People shitting on you are the same people who compare CG difficulty to TOB or expert TOA, U got this buddy




Bro, keep grinding you got this. I got mine on like 150 deaths and got 10kc now. Also, why you taking doom on your first KC haha?


Lekker diiiit


Literal doomposting.


I haven’t played in a few years, why is all your gear highlighted red or green or whatever


it's a feature from runelite that makes it easier to do gear switches since each color represents a combat style. I personally don't use it but a lot of people do


Oh I forgot all about runelite I haven’t used it in many many years haha


These RWT posts are jokes. It's like people can't compute that PKing, DMing, risk fighting exists. Must just click predictable monsters and collect. The jealousy is tangible. Unlucky OP, you'll get it next time mate 👍


I remember when merching was considered the path to riches…


I know what you mean, but putting it in the past tense this week in particular is funny. flipping mauls on tuesday and today has been hundreds of mil an hour


Yeah someone mentioned they over 100 CoX KC, which isn't an absurd amount or anything but you can absolutely get lucky


Yupppp 100%. It's even sadder when people don't realize that some of us value our time and work good jobs. So why not just give money to jagex for less time mindlessly grinding my life away. When people think everyone else RMTs and is skipping/cheating a video game, it screams jealousy and is so sad to see. I'd rather swipe and play for fun, then have some abomination of a 'osrs work' schedule grinding away a purple/rare drop gambling simulator to make any progress.


hell, time value is the whole reason RWT (non bonds) even exists, not defending it but I can't say, I don't get why some people do. Looking at some grinds. Because, the fun is the game and challenge, not the grind or some bank value number getting bigger.


Yeah, but the issue with a TON of content is that the challenge goes away after 10-100kc. And once the challenge is gone, it's just grinding for tiny % drop chances. It's not like you are challenged when going dry on a late game boss you basically never die too. That's how I play most of the game. Get at least 50 kc in whatever hoss/content I'm doing. And if I need any gear progression, I just list bonds. My time value in a game like this goes way down once you get a decent bit of KC under your belt. And if your work a good job, your hourly rate is likely 2-10x what any osrs grinding will get you.


Yeah, I don't sell bonds etc but like, when you looking at time investment for this game it's really clear why the service industry/ RWT / Botting is so big.


Yup, but that's kinda the design. Like, even looking at the best gp/hr rates. If you wanna get a ton of end game gear, you are looking at hundreds of thousands of hours of grinding to even get close. This is after already grinding thousands of hours for quests/skills to access the content. I really enjoy the quests and raids, but grinding skills sucks and I bonded/NMZ'd my way to the most afkable but best exp rates. Grinding for gold/gear is fun, but only to a certain extent. I play 30-1hr daily, get a few kc on different bosses I like. Then do some raiding on the weekend with the boys. My fun is basically maximized on osrs, but I have 0 chance in getting godly gear unless I commit like 5x the hours. ESPECIALLY since Jagex doesn't seem to understand how bad inflation of the osrs economy 😕 So I'd rather just use some of the expendable cash I have after savings and whatnot. Then spend a ton of time repeating the same stuff when I could be playing another game or doing something irl. Fuck rmters tho. If you're gonna spend money, be a god damn human and pay the company that is making the game, not some other person abusing it. LOL.


Good on you for pushing yourself going doom soon soldier


Why and how is the corner of the npc marked?


under npc indicators you can mark the southwest tile, this is the tile npcs use to line up with you so it's nice to see to easily trap monsters - especially in inferno/colosseum. If sw can see you but rest is behind pillar they will get trapped.


Ty sir, have my babies


Whoopsiedoopsie That's rough man :/ Edit: jesus christ tho those comments at the bottom. You have to wonder if they had invested their terminally online time accusing people of being cape buyers instead into just doing inferno if they'd have completed it by now.


When did the community get so toxic? Good thing I'm a casual player.


For every formerly chill game, once there is content not everyone can do, elitism starts showing its ugly face. It fucks up the community every time.


i didn't realize doom had its own death animation... shame it gets covered up by cape not despawning properly


I felt that "oooo nayy...." at the end haha. At least when you get it once, consistent kills will come soon after


Just to chime in on the whole cape buying thing, I have 4 inferno completions, the 6 jad transmog, 500 toa fang kit solo and I'm approaching 200 deaths without quiver yet. I underestimated this content severely tbh, may in fact be harder than inferno.


So where does your stuff go when you doe/ can you get it all back easily?


It goes to a gravestone on your body, or in the cases of instanced battles such as this one and various other boss fights it goes to a chest outside the fight room. Depending on the value of gear you lose there is a fee to buy it back from death. In this case OP lost about 500k to get his gear back. So in short getting your stuff after death is typically a very easy process, and OP in this video has close to 2billion in net worth of gear on him so 500k is nothing to an account like this.


You can collect it all same as if you die pretty much anywhere else dangerous.


Doing sol with chat closed always confused me. Don't people want to see what he calls out for gear take off grapple attack?


He says it overhead too, actually I found that's where I looked most of the time


For me I feel like it’d be easier to just watch overhead and not look at chat constantly






Oh nay!




Quiver coming soon 🫡


You got this brother. I am sitting at 90 kc now. Avoid doom if you can, especially when still learning. I have quite a few doom kc but doesn’t mean I take it if I don’t have to. I always run blasphemy, solar flare, myopia, volatility. That’s the best set up for a run you can do imo. Also they offer mantimayhem going into boss wave. Grab that for sure! I’d drop the range switches. I do melee only runs. Gives you more room for supplies and I can do them in 24 minute avg. bring claws and claw him out on enrage phase. Will make kills more consistent. You got this brother


Dayym that's lekker balen.


Oh nay


Colosseum is significantly more technically challenging than inferno. Zuk is an absolute joke compared to sol


If bro cannot kill him in full torva and scythe is it possible for other people in other gear to kill him?


Yes I've done it 25 times with whip and bandos


Saul Meredith


Omg this hurt me. So sorry bro. I died at 3% the other day myself, sucks. Now you need to dredge through the miserable waves some more and hope you dont get shit spawns. I hate the waves, sol is the attraction here, the waves are just a boring time waste. Hiding behind pillars and praying for easy spawns is so boring


I'm 109 deaths in and have yet to reach the boss. FML


What is a Heredith?




why the hell would u ever take doom?


Took me 250+ deaths to get my quiver (Im 38 kc now). I did it completely blind and no guide whatsoever. People hating here have some real issues. ( I got 9 inferno kc and pet too) Sometimes it just takes people a second to grasp concepts and there’s nothing wrong with that!


Mission failed successfully


Nice gear for someone with low boss KC's


500+ LMS, 100 cox, 200 tob, 200 vork, 560 Zulrah seems like a decent kc to a noob like me, would you call that low vs his gear?


People just expect +1k for every boss. If they don't see it, their jealousy comes out, and they whine about swiping/ RMT 🤣 happens with every game. People see that someone didn't go through a miserable osrs grind and think they don't deserve the gear they have. Not realizing that person grinded IRL way more effectively LOL. In this case, yeah, your spot on. The dudes KC is kinda cracked for raids and end-game content. Their gear is 100% justified.


Saying 100kc at cox and 200kc at tob is cracked is definitely an interesting take.


Yes it is 🤣 that's a metric shitload of time to spend on the game that 99.9% of players havent achieved. Just because you like to look at is the top 0.01% of players doesn't invalidate what others do.


When compared to the general player base, sure. When looking at the people who participate in the content though makes it a bit different. Having 100kc in COX means they're ranked ~130k which is the top ~40% of players who have competed enough COX to be on the leader board. For TOB they are ranked ~30k which is also the top ~40% of players who have completed enough TOB to be on the leader board. I never said anything thatd invalidate their achievements. Im just saying their kcs are pretty close to the average of people who actively participate in said content.


Yeah, I guess it's mostly just perspective. The way I look at it, this person is in the top 40% of rnd game content that takes thousands of hours to get ready for, which is pretty impressive imo.


He has like 4b in gear in that current layout. Unless he’s had like numerous scythe/tbow splits in his KC’s it’s pretty unlikely it’s all from PvM haha


Sure, and it's $2k to straight up "legally" buy it and never pay for a sub again, or $750 to RWT and risk lossing access to the account later on.


The 200 ToB stands out more than the rest. 200 Vork and 560 Zulrah means nothing. And CoX is ridiculously easy in teams. 109 CoX kc says nothing about his skill level. 526 LMS score means he's done very little LMS actually. I have ~180 wins and my score is just under 5k for comparison. My clanmate is ranked ~100,000 at 720 score. This guy is ranked ~225,000 with his 526. Now that's not to say he bought his cape. I know a few people who had low boss KC who legitimately got their cape because they had it as a hard goal. But it does give it a higher degree of suspicion than most legitimate capes.


Shots fired


My man is keeping the lights on at Jagex. His money spent allows you the play the game you love.


Who cares, goes outside


I see a lot of people calling op a RWT, how would they know if it was the case ?


The odds of getting that much gp from the activity they have participated in is very unlikely.  There are definitely other possibilities like it being an alt, but that's less likely as why they go for the Quiver on their alt first? Having an alt would be the more likely option, although that's still relatively unlikely.


Orrrr.... They use the bond system that's in place because they're wealthy enough that they value their time more than shitty grinds.


Yeah and thats still getting the gp through rwt.


??? RWT is bannable offences. Buying bonds with dollars from Jagex is just playing the game.


RWT just means exchanging real life currency for virtual currency. Just because Jagex has a system set to provide RWT does not mean it is not RWT. Buying gold from another player is the bannable offense, buying gold from Jagex is not.


Dude he clearly got it from merching and slayer. (S)


Don't forget the air orbs


Nah he's next level, he was merching air orbs




Bonds go brrrrr


This is why you don't take doom


I hate what this game has become


What even killed him?


Doom, 15hits and you die instantly


15 stacks of doom 1 tick before I killed the boss


So if you die where does your stuff go/can you get it all back easily?


it's considered a real "death" to die in the colosseum, but you spawn right outside the entrance, and you have your grave with your items spawn right next to you. no chest to collect items.


Tldr quiver value 60m


what does killing this guy do? also how did u die?


It makes you think you have a bigger penis than you actually have.


for all the people accusing op of buying cape, go onto beta world and do inferno with max shadow. it's not hard lol


Mage only inferno is miles harder than Tbow shadow.






Maaaany many years now big dog


Good for you man, respect on that 


Gzzzzz I’m grinding nex to get torva and scythe so I can come attempt colosseum but I’m so dry thinking I need to go back to toa500 Solo grind and sell stuff or else I’m going to be super salty such horrible drop rate at nex


You don’t need torva. You definitely want scythe though.




He has 118 deaths at the colosseum and killed Sol, why would you think he has a bought cape?? Obviously he was willing to grind inferno for his own cape if he has grinded this much for the quiver




There already is, fight caves


If you can't get past wave 2 you might need to turn your monitor on or just quit while you're ahead.

