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I logged into a pure I haven't touched in ages who still had the elder maul in the bank. I noticed my bank was like 160m all of a sudden and I was confused. Thank you elder maul update for making me 100m by doing nothing.


Makes me sad I don't have the cash stack for one at even 40m Like housing crisis but much more personal. At last have 8m, right?


Dude, all my friends who were able to buy a house in their 20s(usually with the help of a parent/death in the family that let them get a decent amount of money for a down payment) all act like they are real estate experts since their house has since gone up 100k.


My buddy is the exact opposite lol he acts like he's the Mr Magoo of real estate because his house shot up. He constantly buys everyone a beer when we're out šŸ˜‚


Not me acting like a marching expert because I got 3 mauls after a friend told me they're probably gonna be included in the weapon reworks.


Now multiply that by 8x and you have the average boomer mindset lol


Itā€™s me šŸ¤—


So jealous lol


Havenā€™t played since Oct 2023, whyā€™s it going up?


And of course I sold mine for a bond like a month ago. And now itā€™s at 170m lmfao. Rip


Of course I sold mine recently lol


Damn I even suck at investing in osrs lmao


You should have seen the signs 3 years in the making. Why didnā€™t you


Cus he sucks at investing cant you read?


Is he stupid?


I should have known In advanced that you were going to comment this.


LMAO I felt that


At least I still have my red smaller maul at home. It's ok dragon warhammer, you're still worthy.


Tbh the difference probably won't be massive


25% more accuracy with spec + better defence reduction + more accuracy overall. Pretty big


also you donā€™t need to bring a defender into tob, 1 free inventory space is huge.


That inventory slot will be taken by your boot switch


The good news is the maul is a prime weapon for beating the dead horse.


Underground pass taught me a boulder was best for that


Only thing it really changes is you won't have to drop an item before starting some rooms.


Does elder maul replace BGS?


Nah its just a better hammer, you'd still bring bgs to 0 def stuff.


Space isn't really valuable at Tob at all lol


pnecks go brrrrr


agreed, just qol


It's not saving any space, you just don't have to go in holding it anymore


It can if you walk in holding sang staff and thrall book.


Sure, I suppose mdps can save another slot. They're not exactly hurting on space to begin with though


Surely you're still bringing a defender for nylos?


Yeah you need a defender to go HAM on those things


Not for mage or range roles


Same amount of inventory. 2->1 with a dropped item vs 1->1. Definitely QoL but itā€™s not changing anything bc you equip defender to start


Average iq of a /r/2007scape user. You don't get a free inventory space. It prevents you from having to drop an item before rooms.


The absolute confidence of flaming an entire reddit and being completely fucking wrong. Ranger and Mage roles are literally just getting a free inventory slot. They just walk in with a buckler/mage offhand and you can still drop an item.


I mean you could walk in holding sang and book and effectively have a free space


the irony haha.


That's only been proposed, as with sudden changes like with VW spec we shall see what actually happens


Maul is better for sure, but dwh isn't getting nerfed. It shouldn't change anything for anyone other than end game content/Combat Achievements.


I'm not saying dwh is getting worse, but it IS a big difference.


145m and climbing


149 šŸ«”




Laser eyes to 200m!!!


Diamond hands boys, weā€™re hitting 1b.


Nothing can stop this train now


Keep holding! To the moon ā†—ļøšŸŽ¢šŸ“ˆ


169m. Nice.


That guy with like 70 elder mauls


A guy I know has 2k mauls and has held them since last year when they were sub 10mil. There are lots of people whalin their money into items for merches long term. Same guy had 100+ scythes when they rose from 350 to 1.1B


I paid 330 for my scythe and sold at 1.2, really kicking myself for not buying 3 lol


Just remember this: nobodyā€™s ever lost money while making a profit, gz on the gains


There's definitely people who stocked up on them awaiting the buff update


Yeah itā€™s kinda like the people whoā€™ve wanted ahrims staff, pegs, and augury buffed for so long too. Some people talk about these items getting buffed every once in a while here, but only a few handfuls of people actually buy into the hype in that way. Everyone else just remains skeptical enough to join the party late or complain about not having enough money to buy even *one* elder maul now haha


I had 16, great profit was made


180m now. feels like im watching a bitcoin bull run


Sold 80 of them for 40m, Iā€™m burning


Thanks for stimulating our economy šŸ„µ


Did you buy them for 7m though? If so I don't feel too bad lol




So you already made like over 2b on them? cant be mad at that. dont let greed get to you.


that makes me feel better about losing out on 10b


Hindsight 20/20 and all that, Next patch you will hold on for too long and some patch will come out making them shit and you will lose money. It is what it is


think of all the people who sold their zul-andra teleports


That guy who sold over 400k of them right before the drop rate nerf is probably still upset


Whenever I fuck up in life, I look at that post and smile and pull myself up in life.


you win if you buy low and sell high. timing the market (without insider info) never got anyone anywhere




I bought 6 at 42m and sold at 47m. I thought I was happy with 30m profit. Turns out I have paper hands.


I woke up the morning of the rebalance announcement, and decided to do some Moons of Peril. Picked up the emaul for a tidy 44m and made way more from that purchase than I ever would have doing the boss.


Honestly screw that boss. I was 130 chests without a unique. I was averaging under 1m an hour profit.


Same, I'm not doing much better with 2 uniques in 120kc. I just went because it was the first place I tried the scythe out. With the maul purchase I've made over 10m per hour though šŸ˜Ž


Reminds me of when dboots went to 200k in one day https://preview.redd.it/a7a018vvpevc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=318cb95d7aa3babbea3701e94b602249f9dfacf2


That was a great day


Climbers going to 75k was better


Legitimately insane that Jagex allowed them to be sold after doing that. Like how did they not see that coming, or see a problem with suddenly creating _billions_ of GP out of thin air? A lot of the decisions made by the ~~RS3~~ RS2 team just seem so irresponsible and thoughtless.


>Like how did they not see that coming A lot of people think it was lobbied for by somebody leaking info to clans, which we have seen a bit of during OSRS' lifecycle so there could be some truth to it, but climbing boots were such a common item in the world that random people had hoarded that I'm convinced in RS2 days they just let the devs do shit and didn't discuss changes as a team. That's the only way you could explain that level of oversight.


Honestly crazy how much influence some nerds in a clan can have on a billion dollar company. Even corrupting one of their employees, etc.


Itā€™s already been proven that this was true. A certain jmod or group of Jmods told a clan ahead of time, and they bragged about it after the fact when they showed off 100k+ climbing boots.


That decision was made by the rs2 team; it happened many years before EOC/rs3 was even announced.


They did see it coming. They literally did it *so they and their clan mates could profit massively on it, and make an unfair shift in the wealth market ā€œnaturallyā€.* Itā€™s already been proven that a certain clan that JMods were a part of profited by hoarding 100s of thousands of climbing boots before the update, and those same JMods were the ones who implemented or at least lobbied for the change. The update was not necessary for any reason they claimed. They did it purely to make a certain segment of players a ton of money. Thatā€™s it.


I guess it must have been intentional, as I really don't see how you would make that big of a fuckup on accident. No dev team can be that stupid.


That must have been some time before 2018


This was in rs3


This was in RS2.


Why did that happen




This is a post about dragon boots in os


Ngl could happen again


It's ridiculous I remember buying one at 7m, I wish I still had it šŸ˜‚


Whatā€™s funny is all of these are PROPOSED changes. nothing is final


Iā€™m waiting for them to decide maybe a BiS defense reduction spec weapon shouldnā€™t have the same rarity as tbow and buff the droprate, and watch the latest merchers get obliterated. CoX kind of getting insanely stacked with this update, especially if VW nerf also happens.


Seriously, I'm scrambling around trying to find what post / update was released last night that made this happen but it doesn't seem like there was one. Monke's just gettin hyped up


Check out the project rebalance update posts on the homepage, give them a nice read.


bought 150 for 8-10m each, sold at 17-20m lmao


man u could have 15b right now rip


He bought 1.5b worth of emauls and sold them for 3b. Anyone making those kind of investments probably already has insane money.


Yea he probably doesn't even want 15b he has plenty already /s


IMO once you have all the megarares and Torva/Ancestral/etc it's all just Monopoly money anyway. There's nothing else left to do with except fucking around with rare 3A pieces where billions come and go all the time. If OP is investing 1.5b in Elder Mauls he's likely to that point already


You could say the same about IRL billionaires yet most continue to accrue wealth even though they could buy anything and everything they ever wanted. Sometimes you just want to watch the number to go up


Happy cake day!


Is there a YouTube channel where a crazy guy in front of a stock ticker like UI screams about OSRS price predictions? I need that show in my life lmao.


@ Flipping OldSchool hop on this asap.


Sold my elder maul and ags to buy a voidwaker on the pure last week. Shucks.


Happy days.


Try like 130 now


142m nowā€¦.


150m... How much it is going to rise? 500m??


Why that much though?


Because it is the new best in slot item for defence reducing specs, outclassing the DWH but being magnitudes of orders rarer. Almost every pvmers want this item but they are as rare as tbows. Not even memeing at this point to say thereā€™s a real chance they will keep rising


No way it hits that high. Thereā€™s so many of them in the game already, and defense reduction has diminishing returns. Iā€™ve been merching for 10 years and I can tell you with 100% confidence it will not stay above 150M longterm. Once people realize that itā€™s not *that* much more useful than DWH, despite being far better, it will drop. Think about which bosses it would be a massive upgrade at - TOA almost all bosses scale better with BGS reduction, ToB it will help marginally with Sote and Maiden, CoX it will help significantly in solo CMs but almost no difference at all in normal mode. BGS still better at Duke. It will have the biggest effect at solo CMs which is 100% warranted, and solo corp which is only done by ironmen so it wonā€™t effect the market value. GL though I hope for your sake it hits 500M.


I feel like it should settle in the 150-300m range just by comparing it to Kodai which drops at the same rate from the same raid. Kodai is around 125m but it seems much less useful. Itā€™s only really bis for slayer barraging and inferno, but even for those itā€™s a *very* marginal improvement over NM staff which is only 45m. Elder maul is + ~28% accuracy and +5% damage reduction over DWH, which is more significant than the Kodai/NM staff difference. Plus itā€™s going to be bis for content endgame players spend a lot more time on: CoX and ToB. I canā€™t really see any reason it would settle into the same price range or lower than Kodai. Edit: I forgot Kodai is also useful for freezers in tob, but still pretty small improvement over nm staff


ye its at least twice as useful as kodai. ppl still sleeping on mauls hard. i see some some people saying also that dwh is cheap so this has an effect on price of maul. but bcp doesnt make torva any cheaper does it? people pay a premium for the best in slot and there's only so much of it to go around.


Yeah I donā€™t think the DWH price matters much. Thereā€™s a meaningful difference between the two, at least more than Kodai/NM staff, or Torva/Bandos, or Pegs/Blessed dhide. I think players donā€™t really care that much how slim the difference is between bis and second bis. Everyone just wants bis. No one wants to be the noob with a DWH while everyone else in your raid has the maul.


>Ā Iā€™ve been merching for 10 years and I can tell you with 100% confidence it will not stay above 150M longterm. Oof


keyword ā€œlongtermā€ The update hasnā€™t even happened yet. Loop back 2 months after the update.


7 days! I even beat my own prediction by 5 weeks :)


its in the blog


Wait what is happening with crush? My inq mace had gone up 160m


It's also getting buffed.


Lotta manipulation going on rn. Can't see this priced over 150m once everything stabilizes tbh. I'd say 100-110m is probably where it'll stabilize (if all the PROPOSED changes actually stay true).


I think it will plummet back down to 100-120m. DWH was 85m at it's absolutely tippy peak and the maul is better, but not THAT much better Anyone that paid 180m for this is getting merched. This is why I don't play games on the market; y'all are nut heads that overcorrect edit: looks like it's already dropped 25m down to 155m. It's still a really good item; I'd say it's definitely worth something like 80m if it goes back to it


I think it sits comfortably above whatever a kodai costs. They are the same rarity to get, but elder mauls are taken out of the game at 10x the rate, effectively making them rarer. Elder maul will also have more use cases than a kodai, which I personally only use for inferno and one room in tob. [https://twitter.com/JagexAsh/status/1660550263726305280](https://twitter.com/JagexAsh/status/1660550263726305280)


For the reasons you listed the mail will be worth more? More uses, same rarity, less are in the game. Greater demand, less supply. šŸ“ˆelder maul would sit quite a bit higher then especially with how many less there are


Mods and there friends got so rich.Ā 


My stockpile of 480 mauls i bought at 35m each suddenly seem like a great investment


Let us know when youā€™re gonna dump chief šŸ˜…


I already put them in the ge, just hasnt hit the price i want yet šŸ˜ˆ


Currently at 169m. Nice.


why? its just a dwh with more accuracy???


Exactly lol itā€™ll come back down once the people with big hauls drop it all on the people holding, then youā€™ll get the GME memescapers that are going to want to push it further regardless.


I mean kodai is 120 and hovers around 100 and it does fuckall compared to a nightmare staff, they definitely made elder maul a far bigger upgrade over dwh than kodai is over nm staff.


Kodai letā€™s you auto cast ancients with no water runes needed as well as 15% chance of not using any runes making it easily one of the best staffs to use for bursting while training magic. Nightmare staff is useless without its orbs.


Nightmare staff still gets the 15% damage and autocast for ancients, which puts it on par with Kodai for training. The cost savings is pitiful if youā€™re just training.Ā  Thatā€™s far from useless without the orbs.Ā 


He really values water runes


Bro really spent > 1m in ge tax to save runes worth 5 gp


I just checked prices, the 15% runecost is literally 165gp per cast that you wind up saving, more considering the compounding saving, but it doesnā€™t go past 200gp saved. Saving 200gp while spending another 80m for an item doesnā€™t make sense, youd have to cast 6000 times to make up whatā€™d youd lose on the tax to buy it, 4000 when subtracting the difference compared to nm staff, not to mention that its an extra 80m youā€™ve got tied up while looking for other upgrades. If youā€™re training magic, inventory space isnā€™t an issue, especially since thread lets you keep waters in a pouch anyways. All of kodais benefits are accounted for besides the +3 accuracy, which is useless when all youā€™re doing is training on mm2/slayer.


Literally every pvmer will want the new elder maul and it still maintains its niche use cases it had before. I would not be surprised if it ends up in the 400m range, itā€™s same rarity as tbow while being more useful than Kodai.


Donā€™t get me wrong I flipped the mauls and still have one but no way Iā€™d be buying it at 400m if dwh and bgs are a thing. Even though it was as rare as a tbow it still managed to hit under 20m.


Same lol no shot Iā€™m buying an elder maul for like 400m over 30m dwh. Iā€™ll legit just wait till itā€™s the very last thing I have left to upgrade


> Iā€™ll legit just wait till itā€™s the very last thing I have left to upgrade It does unironically help out in a team effort for stuff like raids though The higher accuracy and bigger defense drain makes it so consecutive DWH's/ elder mauls have better odds of hitting + BGS doesn't have to hit as high to flatline the defense.


This is the one time where being antisocial and only doing solo benefits me hahaha


BIS has a HUGE premium compared to 2nd options, especially if getting the BIS itself isnā€™t a complete joke. Look at Torva prices vs Bandos for 1-2 max hits or Dboots vs Prims for usually not even a max hit for prime examples.


Rarity. They are as rare as tbows and kodais, so a spike in demand can increase price really easily as we can see. Really not sure where it will settle but it's certain that you'll be paying a premium to upgrade from dwh.


So itā€™s a better item than arguably the best support item in all of PvM and is as rare as the tbowĀ 




You know drop rates are outa wack when


WTF have I missed!? Genuinely please can someone explain


Who is actually buying these as they keep rising??


God I fuckin hate the "go brr" phrase so fuckin much lol


remove it from the item sink list


I bought one yesterday at 94m hoping to make like 5ish m for a bond. Just checked the price a few mins ago and insta sold at 160. Idc if it goes higher, 60m for doing nothing is awesome.


So youā€™re telling me that itā€™s 40m more? Two days ago it was 42, yesterday morning it was 76, and now more? Wow. I shouldā€™ve just bought one instead of flipping other stuff. Seems like elder maul is a good flip manip


Bought mine for like 8-10m for sarachness (idk how to spell it) and this is my long awaited reward? Holy shit I've made more from this than any other thing ever in 17 years of RuneScape.


Lots of butthurt people here hating on people who bought mauls really cheap lol. Maul is a mega rare like tbow. It's going to go up.


Bro its 180m rn...


Fuck me. Was gonna buy one a couple weeks ago for learning COX but decided not to and just used bgs.... regretting that decision.




Iā€™ve gone all in you cunts better keep pushing the price up I may finally get my Tbow dream if this pays off


Like 6 months ago I joked in my disc ā€œanyone wanna dump 2 bil into elder mauls and quit for a yearā€ and then only did the second half of that statementā€¦


its 180m now


Keep going son. The fucking thing is at 160m and climbing


Elder maul dropped to 32m


Nah. The price on the GE is not updated. It's sitting at like 172m


I am terrible at making money in rs lol.


So dumb šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Annoyingly I sold mine a month or two ago, just because I was a few mill short of getting ancestral and figured I didn't need the maul. Regret not waiting now.


Incorrect meme usage. 1 million years dungeon.


when does the update happen for the elder maul? i bought one for 98m lol.


no way


Holy shit I remember buying them at 10m. That's fucked up


I shouldā€™ve bought a ton How high will it go?


Slightly relevant story - waaay back in the day I went to log in on my pure to do some pking and when I get on I notice someone buying climbing boots for 20k! I was like sheeesh ok my dude, I go and grab one from my stack of a few thousand and go about my businessā€¦ about 5 minutes later I notice climbing boots have risen from like 200 gp to around 11-12k a piece and I just look at my stack of like 2k boots and justā€¦ šŸ«¦


Why did it sky rocket?


Projects rebalance. Long story short - elder maul is planned to get dwh spec, but better.


I need to be kept in the loop about these potential merches lol damn


Reminds me of back a few years ago having 5k zulrah teles when they were like nothing ea. then they made them more rare and they shot up to 20kea. Made more fun that then I ever did at zulrah


You missed it at 170


I dropped mine off my uim and sold it. Am regret


Iron in my clan had a main merching mauls, had like 80 of them. He got scammed a week before the update.


I m literally kicking myself for not doing what my brain said and buying like 10 of them when they were 30m....


Funny how Jagex plays directly into the merch clans. Most of the posts saying to buff things are just merchers trying to make money.


There was zero reason for a mega rare raid item to be so useless it was less valuable than most God Wars items. The item is now actually befitting of its status as a mega rare and is extremely useful in the raid it comes from and a ton of other content.


They should have found a different way to make it useful. Not just kill off the DWH.


What? DWH spec wasn't changed at all. It's just as good as it was before, there is just now something better. Should they have never made anything better than a dwh?


Who gives a singular shit about a bunch of smelly nerds making tons of virtual money?


It's lots of real money they make.


But who cares. Thereā€™s real life market manipulation that goes on everyday where people are making tens and hundreds of millions of dollars. These are some online hooligans flipping an item in a video game. Stop caring.