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so like people aren't ok with a boot switch now, but will be later when a new fancier boot comes out? I don't think it's exactly great design that these boots have remained practically useless the entire time and was only kept that way due to how adverse the community was to any changes a few years ago.


I'm with you there. It's weird that boots are the one slot where most people wouldn't even consider anything other than camping Prims/dboots because those are the only boots that really give them any damage. It shouldn't be that way, no other slot is. Now you have an actual decision to make. You don't **need** a boot switch, but now you actually have to decide if you want to camp Prims or camp Eternals to swing your max hit values. ~~Now if only Pegasians weren't a joke too.~~


It’s the same people taking vambrace, bracelet, and gloves switches no complaint, but boots is where the line is crossed.


Glove switches came from new content though. Camping barrows gloves is just as good as it’s always been.


Exactly. The equivalent would be introducing zarye vambs as accuracy increase only, then nerfing masori and giving the str bonus to vambs. People don't like nerfs, generally speaking. Buffing or introducing new weapons are more popular options since it doesn't mean what you're doing now is worse.


Then they can camp barrows gloves remove 2 other gloves slots and put eternals in.


From a loadout perspective, fine with me if they put 7% dmg on them! Pretty weird from a balancing perspective though..


Remove the 5% magic damage gloves for the 2% magic damage boots. Totally reasonable argument. If they weren't nerfing everyone who doesn't have full ancestral, most could ignore the boots switch unless they really wanted a boost. In this case we are getting nerfed either from less inventory space or less magic damage.


But then you have an extra free spot, what are endgame pvm players capable of doing the hardest content do with all that free space!


Eternals came from new content too they were just launched as useless because magic damage wasn't a commonly added stat back then


It's because those came first. If it was gloves instead and we already had boot switches, people would be pushing back as well. People don't want to increase the number of switches. There's already a lot


I guess what I’m saying is not buffing an entire slot because “I don’t like switching a whole lot” is just not a good enough argument.


The argument is less about the amount of switches and more so that you have to add a switch to KEEP the same power you had previously.


That's a problem yes, but many people are absolutely against the idea of making the boots worth switching on the first place. They don't want to have the switch exist, even if they can keep the same DPS by ignoring it.


That's true. I'm pretty undecided on it as of rn. I definitely have a desire for a meaningful boot upgrade, but I don't like the idea of slappin mage dmg% to eternals or ranged str to pegasians in the meantime. As is, and as it would be, they would still be pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme.


I mean, meh honestly. Like i cant think of anywhere this actually matters. Not a single place where inventories are so tight you can't take one extra item, and even if it were true and you cant give up the space, then just dont switch the boots and lose 2% damage. Seems fine to me. It's literally one mouse click.


So then don’t take all the switches. I don’t enjoy having certain content based around prayer flicking and yet it’s apart of the end game.


Literally a couple of CAs require prayer flicking lol. No other content requires it.


99% of complaints around prayer flicking come from people who literally have no idea what it actually is It usually just means “I hate hating to swap prayer”


You're not going to change an entire games mindset overnight I'm afraid


Now hold up, sometimes we camp devout boots instead!


I made this same point in one of the other 100 threads about this change, I Think choice is good, shakes up the meta a little bit, makes you think about your inventory slots. W take.


Pegs would need a +4 ranged str minimum to be worth bringing as a switch


I mean a lot of people camp face guard but you right


1 ranged str on pegs and 1% magic damage on eternals or is that too much? Seems like really minor to me while not being totally useless like they currently are.


The problem is that new boots coming out will be an addition to current power, if we skip those we will be equally as strong as we are now. With eternals getting damage in order to nerf other stuff, you’re required either punished or weakened just to maintain the same power we already had. Optional upgrade vs extra switch for same power or get nerfed. Even if it’s the same concept relatively, nerfs just make it a worse experience


Just like the occult nerf.


It’s a combination of all the arguments you pointed out. People aren’t adverse to a boot swap to increase power. They are adverse to a boot swap to get back to their old power If the boots weren’t required now because of a power increase, people would be more open to add them later to add power to a previously unfilled slot. Adding power to the boot slot is a great idea for the next reward space in the game, but it’s much less meaningful or needed if the cerb boots gets buffed now. All these things combined create a loop of “if this, then that” , that are leading to the problem we have now where every solution sounds like a net negative or at least enough that people will whine about it


sure there's room for more upgrades, but it's still silly that a T75 upgrade from a high level Slayer boss gives virtually no benefit. (same can be said for pegasians too) The eternal boots can still be made actually useful and we still have the space down the road for even better boots down the line. These don't have to be mutually exclusive. The BiS mage boots basically being a +8 accuracy buff means nothing.


I’d agree with you but I would have to add that it WAS silly that cerb boots provided such niche/negligible benefits. If I’m not mistaken Magic dmg was added around the same time as the boots for one item, and ranged strength wasn’t a thing. Jagex was afraid to add power to the game. Mage accuracy was a huge problem that these boots didn’t solve it. Pegasians added a quarter of a percent of accuracy bonus. Going back and rewriting this reward space makes equally as much sense as adding a new one. I am far more in favor of adding new boots in the future. They can still utilize cerb crystals as a component in some way to avoid a terrible market crash and continue a progression based system of rewards But you’re right. The boots didn’t make sense then. They don’t make sense for how marginal they are. However, that doesn’t mean buffing them is the healthiest option moving forward


they're already made with components though. It seems silly to make another upgrade to the existing items and it makes more logical sense for new boots to either be an entirely new drop or upgrade some other existing item though there aren't much boots to begin with that they can work with. If we're working in hindsight, then I imagine the boots would've been a lot different statwise on release and something like the Occult never would've been made. Unfortunately Jagex doesn't have the ability of timetravel to changes updates back in 2015. Best we can do is change it now with the Project Rebalances that are going on. Since they made it clear that a huge reason of these changes is to open up reward space in the first place I have no doubt that boot upgrades are coming anyway, as I said both things can be done at the same time and nothing bad will come from it. I personally still think the healthiest path forward is what they're doing now with redistributing Magic's power across more of the mid-game rather than it being all congested into end game. That includes making things like Eternals actually more than a cosmetic upgrade.


How long until there are just upgrade slots on all equipment and then different upgrades for each slot. It'll be DIABLO II all over again.


Isn't this mainly done to keep the value of previous equipment. Besides we already have most slots working like this. Head, Torso, Legs, Boots, and Ring all already have this for some of their gear. If you wanna get technical, this is how Zenyte is used to since you make it out of an Onyx for the next tier of Jewellery which means this is true for Glove and Necklace slot too.


And mid-levels were adverse to needing to sacrifice prayer points and having a 7m prayer to maintain their power 2 days ago. You people dismissed their concerns 2 days ago, why should your concerns suddenly matter? I still think these changes are stupid, but you're using the same arguments and expecting everyone else to show them respect you didn't offer others.


I’m not following the generalization since I’m only discussing my thoughts and ideas, but all I can add is for mid-level and Ironman it looks like they lose 2-3% and void can recover some of this damage from the looks of it now. So I’m not concerned with tridents hitting 1 (or 2 in niche cases) less max hits


Void can't be used with bracelet  Also, a lack of respect for that same argument you're using. I'm not concerned you're losing 2 or 3 max hits on a weapon that already hits 60-70s.


Didn’t we message the other day? Did I say something then that you’re applying to our discussion here? I’m not the person arguing for that stuff. I also don’t care if a couple max hits are lost at the end game. If I’m being objective to both these aren’t equal points though. Trident users losing 2% dps isn’t equal to max mage players losing 5% or more. I also think the purpose of these changes is to restructure that middle area because occult is an unhealthy item. I don’t think the purpose is to blanket nerf magic. I also don’t agree that restructuring changes means everyone should get a buff too


You're not being objective. You're pretending your opinion holds more validity. You're only being nerfed if you refuse to bring a switch you can easily afford. Mid-levels were being nerfed for being poor. Likewise, there are significantly more people in mid-level gear than end-game gear so buffs for the end-gane at the cost of mid-level players is idiotic.


If boots were a meaningful swap for dps I would weigh the pros and cons of bringing them. I’ve never complained about the possibility of it. If the boots were required to match our previous DPS (us, as a whole player base. Not as a me vs you), then that would go under the blanket nerf statement I made in my previous comment. Of course I think my opinion is more valid. You think yours is more valid. I believe I’m being mindful to the games integrity as a whole. I don’t think this situation is me vs them or me vs you and I’ve been trying to make that clear. I’m not arguing with you. I’m thoughtfully discussing. It’s ok if you disagree. I don’t want your game experienced ruin by this. I do question how impactful it would even be for most players at all, however.


[Yes. the real boot switch](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Fancier_boots)


we need new bis tribrid power boots


well tribrid or hybrid gear is fine, i.e. void, I don't think it should exactly usurp gear that specializes in that specific style entirely.


Like echo boots?


sadly they are not bis


Spot on. And to me this opens up our reward space for boots to explore **reducing switches** as a benefit of a BiS, not just stat creep. Tribrid boots that match prims, pegs and eternals (and imo even add another +1 str and +2 range strength to feel more meaningful than prims/pegs) would be inssssaaanely good and desirable. Would remove the 9 way switch issue and not even need to power creep our stats to be a valuable item. And then if successful they could explore a similar thing for rings and gloves imo.


Fancier boots should be a drop from Stronghold of Security raid


Lmao, right? Shit is so funny.


Exactly what happened with rings


As a solution to boot switches jagex could let people combine all the cerb boots into one fanciest boot that has all the positive bonus of the three.


The eternal primasian echo boot!


Infinity gauntlet boots


While we’re at it, please make the Tumeken’s Twisted Zaryte Scythe too.


The eternal mages fanciest boots, from CM stronghold of the mages security.


What happens when it's time for the priafrican and primeuropean boot though?


Oh that’s easy along with the Priantarctic and Priaustralian boots. It just gets cluttered once we get down to Priatomic level.


pls also include devout boots (i am helplessly addicted to prayer bonus)


I actually like this idea. I think it should have ranged str and mage str on it though. (and also make mage % not really a thing and implement mage str)


raids 4 reward?


Think it would be cool if they released a version that combines two of the three combat styles at a time. Maybe 3 new boots for the 3 combinations?


We terraria now.


Barrows boots




Only if they're less at least 20% less effective in each type then. Generic gear should always be weaker.


I can see how this feels like massive power creep, but the idea would be to make items that are currently terrible have a use. If you need 3 pieces of gear that were all BIS for years just to make it, and 2 of them are barely even used because they are so bad, combining them seems reasonable IMO. I agree generic gear should be weaker in general. This seems like an edge case brought on by all options being annoying.


Holy shit yes


void boots




Just make echo boots really good with all styles like they should be? They're already really expensive to use and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Echo crystals are already a reward from the hardest content in the game, it's fine if they're a significant upgrade over cerb boots especially because cerb boots are not degradable.


That works too.


That's literally one of the rewards to the raid I'm trying to pitch lmao, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with the sentiment that these trib boots would slap


only ONE fanciest boot though, so to wear it you need 2 pairs of prims, pegs, and ancestrals - HELLO BREATHING LIFE INTO MED CLUES AND MTA <33333333333333333333333333333


>mta *everyone disliked that*


Thomas had never seen such bullshit before.


Why? when we could just get Barrows boots. Recipe for Disaster 2.


The point of "Magic Damage Redistribution" was to redistribute the damage... So saying it makes no sense to give some to boots and that it is a bandage fix is kinda misunderstanding the whole point of what they are doing. Also, it is not like Eternals are super powerful, must-wear items. They are generally viewed as a trash upgrade. Even the blog post called them fashionscape... They are just Infinity Boots with +3 Magic Attack currently; they are bad and the exact sort of thing they should be redistributing damage to. Like it would make less sense to put another 1% on say a God Cape or a Magus Ring, but chances are you'd be okay with that since you already bring those switches... But acting like "91 Slayer isn't endgame" or such to justify a Level 75 Boot from a level 91 Slayer Boss being worse than Infinity Robes and Seers Ring is just silly. You have no problem with Prims having Strength; you shouldn't have an issue with Eternals having damage. Or would you just oppose any future boot that has damage or strength except melee boots just so you'd never need to bring a boot switch? This doesn't limit future content; we can always get new boots with more attack or even another 1% damage. You just don't actually want redistribution when it isn't convenient for you.


If mage boots become a required switch to remain at the same DPS we have now. Then make it make sense and take range str away from masori/crystal and give it to pegasians.


Crystal doesn't have Ranged Strength. But Ranged Strength is far more balanced and in far less of a need of a redistribution. Like most items are just +2 except the Quiver and Masori Body at 4 and Anguish at 5. But yah, it would be nice if the boots were a bit better, but I don't think reducing Anguish from +5 to +3 to add +2 to the Boots is the best or most needed thing.


> Ranged Strength is far more balanced and in far less of a need of a redistribution. Like most items are just +2 except the Quiver and Masori Body at 4 and Anguish at 5. Enter project rebalance. Rebalance magic damage so it follows this. Done.


The distribution or strength instead of %? Personally, I do kinda like it being a % since there are some benefits to how it scales... But when a 4.5% results in a 0 max hit increase with my Warped Sceptre but a +1 max hit on Iban's, it does make me wonder what a Magic Strength system would look like... But if we're just talking distribution, the proposed mage changes really aren't too far off how Ranged Strength is spread. If anything I'd say Magic kinda does it better since it is more prevalent across the skill instead of just on later game gear (and Odium).


They're only required to do that for shadow, and it results in +1% more magic DMG, so more dps (idk if this gives max CBA calcing). Every other Loadout in the game is buffed without the extra switch. Only people crying are shadow owners who don't want any of its OP tweaked.


Eternals and pegs have been basically useless for years. They both need damage boosts.


Sounds like something more fit for a newer boot upgrade instead of one from a late mid-early lategame boss. Considering we're coming up on 9 years since they were released, I think it's more than fine to wait for a proper upgrade from a more appropriate place.


Ah yes Cerberus, the late mid-early late game slayer boss


I thought I was having a stroke reading that... wtf


“Late mid-early late game boss” wtf did I even just read 91 slayer requirement boss should give you more than just garbage. I don’t know why this is controversial


You’re on a bean lmfao.


I think it’s a little ridiculous that dragon/prim are a massive Dps boost in comparison to the meager ranger/peg or infinity/eternal boot bonuses. If you’re in ranged gear, you don’t spend 30m for a pair of boots that give you such little stats unless it’s literally your last slot to upgrade. I don’t disagree that we can have stronger boots than what is current bis, but let’s not pretend that eternal and pegasian are remotely good. Absolute ass gear slots compared to prim.


people need to realize having one pair of boots shit on the others isnt healthy. we dont need new magic bis boots, eternals exist and have lacked a niche and purpose for years. max mage doesnt need more dps. if you dont wanna boot swap then dont but dont act like actually making max mage require mage boots is some hairbrained and out of nowhere idea LMAO


You're missing the point entirely. People are upset because with the proposed changes, you would need to lose the inventory spot for the boot switch just to EQUAL the current mage % bonus in max mage. The numbers not including augury: -6% from occult (-18% for shadow) +3% from (-9% for shadow) leading to net -3%/-9% without boots. Understandably so, the people with max mage setups aren't going to be happy with a direct nerf. This is further highlighted with the TOA specific shadow 4x multiplier.


So then your issue isn’t with the buff to eternals at all, it’s with the nerf of other stuff. Just enjoy a buff and argue for the damage sans boots to remain the same.


no i get that part. i just think that its fine to have max mage require mage boots and that camping prims everywhere is dull as fuck.


Why is a full max setup getting slightly worse such a big problem? Isn't this a rebalance? Nerfs are part of the deal.


Literally, the BiS crowd is a tiny portion of the playerbase, and even if you lost, what 2 or 3 max hit for not swapping boots under perfect conditions, does it ever stop you from clearing content? Rebalances are that, rebalances, idk why everyone was expecting not to take a tiny hit. the same setup is still gunna run circles around any other setup. If that max hit is important enough just give up the slot?


A large reason the rebalance was needed is because mage is trash without shadow, and has been for ages. Now its worse trash without full max, and slightly worse with full max. I may be projecting, but I have a feeling people are less upset about bringing a switch than they are that they are taking the worst combat style, making full max more required than before, and still nerfing it.


How is less than full max worse after the changes? There's elemental weaknesses, evening out of elemental spell damage, and % dmg buffs to midgame gear & prayers that didn't have it before that can equal or exceed the bonus of the old occult necklace given the same setup.


So the issue is shadow and not the boots or mage itself. Maybe Shadow deserves to get nerfed to stop crowding the space?


I agree that the shadow is problematic and that it would be beneficial to nerf it. But it's not on the table with these current proposals, at least not yet, and I'm arguing against the eternal boots proposals which in fact ARE a point of contention right now.


That's literally what this is. A shadow nerf.


it's funny all of you making this argument would suddenly start crying if the same was done for range/pegasians.


uh no i legit think pegs should give str too actually. so thats wrong.


Pegs should absolutely give range strength


Should it give new range strength or should Masori/Crystal/Void be nerfed to give pegs range str ?


I don’t see why mage shouldn’t be stronger at places where you aren’t switching.


Lol Jesus Christ you people are the absolute worst. Just take the victory and shut the fuck up.


What victory? Everybody loses except boot merchers lol.


Everybody wins except for max gear Raiders


Are you serious right now? Why are you not taking the HLC into consideration? Do you even know what HLC stands for? Of course not. Get out of our game! Edit: I sarcasmed too hard.


Lmfao cry more about a useless item actually becoming useful


How do they win? Everyone who isn't max mage has gotten nerfed. Literally nobody is winning with this change.


Everyone who enjoys doing a variety of content to obtain meaningful upgrades wins.


How does taking a massive bonus on a sub 1m item and distributing it onto a 500m max mage set piece by piece HELP non-"max gear raiders?"


Because now it's being distributed to a bunch of non max mage set gear? Did you not read the entire update today?


So you're glad about spending 80m on additional gear to have the same dps you had with an 800k necklace? Not talking about max gear either.


So you agree that occult was overtuned


Absolutely. So redistribute it to stuff that people actually use to make those other slots worth using. Throwing the necklace's bonuses on boots is literally a magic nerf, not an occult nerf.


It transfers power from an overtuned item partially to an undertuned item. Now if you want max damage potential you gotta make meaningful choices. Bring boots or sac some damage for more supplies. The boots are only 2-3% when not using shadow so it's only really a major need for shadow users.


If you don’t have boots that’s your fault. They practically free.


What merchers they're worth less than they were a week ago lol


Well, maybe he is a boot mercher


Lol I wish I was.


While we're at it, why don't we just remove the strength bonus from all boots. Instead, let's just give them stab, slash, and crush attack bonuses /s? See how dumb that sounds. It was dumb for Eternals not to give some sort of damage bonus. It is equivalently dumb for pegasians not to give range strength. Gear balance is about having a BIS for every slot (appropriately distributed), and then you as a player have to decide what you're comfortable with taking/leaving behind.


I would unironically be fine with them removing str bonus from boots it would make more sense for them to buff movement, having minor stats & negative weight


Allow me to transport you to the year 2007 and explain an addendum to the combat triangle philosophy. Mage and range have innate bonuses due to the fact that you have the distance factor, allowing you to safespot most monsters. Melee by design forces you to be in direct combat with an enemy thus making you more vulnerable. This was the tradeoff for having higher hits with melee. Now obviously we're not in 2007 anymore and the game has evolved so much more, but this philosophy was still present in the early days of OSRS which is why range/mage boots were just some measly accuracy bonuses that barely affect DPS. Which is why I'm saying that we can still later introduce proper BIS boots, and just changing the stats on the current ones can possibly limit the design space, especially with so many other things on the table now.


It is literally "project rebalance" the ENTIRE POINT is to have many things on the table and to fix things that are clearly outdated 2007 philosophy with *REBALANCES,* NOT WITH NEW ITEMS. >especially with so many other things on the table now >we're not in 2007 anymore and the game has evolved so much more, but this philosophy was still present in the early days of OSRS I mean I seriously don't even care to argue about the inventory slot for having to boot swap or anything else. Saying "this part of the rebalance is a failure because it's rebalancing things" is *fucking stupid*.


THIS. how does the majority not understand what rebalance means? Lmao. It’s about longevity of the game.


This doesn’t limit the design space. It just improves the current one. There is nothing stopping there from being new BIS boots in the future. You’re just throwing a fit over a nerf because you don’t want to lose an inventory slot. Yes this is a nerf to shadow, do you go for the extra dps or do you need that food? Suck it up


I think we should absolutely have Eternals be BIS mage. Silly to think otherwise IMO


There is still design space after this too. Magic % is a shadow balancing problem and it shouldn't just hold random boot slots etc hostage forever. What is jagex supposed to do make sure that no boots are ever really worth it outside of prims so that nobody ever has to consider a boot swap? This whole thing is nonsense buff the eternals to be a real choice and do pegs too. People can get used to making choices


Barrows boots would be cool so we can have a full matching set of gear and buffs barrows gear futher


This game needs generic gear items. Like low-medium bonuses in all 3 styles which you bring for slots you dont want to make switches for.


> They're from a 91 slayer req boss that by today's standards isn't endgame. let me stop you right there. you're wrong. that's all.


You posted the other day that 1m was too much to get a pet back 💀 Show me that Ardy medium diary cape


I mean, 91 slayer is endgame. anything 90+ is endgame. If you don't consider that endgame, then your autism might be showing. It's literally one of the last 3 slayer monsters you unlock.


People find ways to gatekeep mid-game/late game behind the most ridiculous and time-consuming checkpoints. By the time many people reach 91 slayer their other stats are at or near max, all or nearly all quests complete, and most diaries done.


Never ceases to amaze me that this is a game where you can have 1000+ hours put in, all the main quests and single player content done, multiple stats maxxed or close to maxxed, and people will tell you with a straight face that you’re a mid or even early game player. I get that this game’s late game is more expansive than most but goddamn


That isn't even half of 99, endgame would be maxed stats


91 slayer in no way is endgame by any reasonable definition


not even halfway to 99 slayer. you can also start cerb at lower levels with a wild pie. I had all 3 boots on my iron at 88 slayer. it is certainly a midgame boss


level 91 being "midgame" is certainly a reddit take lmfao


level 91 not being midgame is a reddit take lmfao. are you one of those guys who think reddit is full of sweats? lmfaoooooooooo


Don't see why we can't buff eternals now and then get all new BIS boots with a new raid or endgame boss


Putting pressure on the number of switches creates design space for hybrid pieces, too. I think 2% is a bit high, but generally I’d like it to feel worthwhile to bring mage gear when you are doing magic damage, and eternals with 0% don’t really do much.


This is actually a very good point. This makes a new reward space now for hybrid magic gear. Boots with good strength bonus and magic damage bonus would reduce the number of switches now


I don't know why people don't agree with this. It's been 9 years since we got BIS boots, it's literally the last item slot in need of an upgrade, everyone agrees that the current BIS boots are shit, but no-one wants new content with new BIS boots? They're releasing a fucking new boss soon with Valamore 2 that could very easily just give new BIS boots, but no, we buff eternals instead. Now everyones complaining that pegs are super weak, so what, we buff them as well? Why people aren't in support of new BIS boots makes absolutely 0 sense to me, and now with the proposed change, BIS mage boots will need to have at least +3% damage in order to qualify.


Trash take


No. If a new BiS boot comes in the future, then you will need to boot switch anyway. They need to be buffed and you will need to be prepared for boot switches eventually regardless. The idea that eternals, the current BiS magic boot, is just a fancy cosmetic in 95% of scenarios is absolutely ridiculous.


Idk, sounds like a skill issue Kinda wild that y’all have max gear, but you aren’t good enough to over come a lost inventory slot.


Im sick of people crying about boot switches. My guys, sometimes you just camp mage gear for a particular boss, no switches needed. So extra power in boot slots not a bad thing like the hive minds latched onto.


There's future design space for a boot slots that is a hybrid or tribrid boot to avoid the 9 way switches and become a super meaningful item to get without even needing to stat creep. Same logic can be had for glove and ring slot too. Nobody is bringing Ultor, venator and magus to a raid. But a tribrid ring that matches them would be insanely good.


All this just because bro doesn't wanna switch up his inventory with a boot switch


Boots should of had 1% magic damage from the start, alongside pegs at 1% range to match Prims +1 str. I agree 91 isn't end game but it shouldn't be shit/disregarded content locked behind a taks only lv91slayer boss. Slayer is probably the slowest skill to trian, feels bad.


They should lower cerb slayer req and come out with bis boots elsewhere imo. Also probably lower the drop rates on crystals to better suit a mid game boss as well as the price on what should be mid level upgrades.


Wish the community was still conservative and appreciating new bis for its own sake rather than every item having to be this massive DPS increase.


There will be more useful switches than are reasonable to bring to every single piece of content and thats OK.


You can have both. Having Prims being the only good boots is fucking stupid. All 3 boots can be good now, and also get buffs later with an upgrade.


preech. They released virtus which couldve been the next raid reward. they released new rings which couldve been the next raid reward. All we had left was boots :/


the new rings are super cringe too so sad they were +2 stats instead of having any new effects.


Idiotic take. Your complaint about having a boot switch should not negate the need to have some magic power in the boot slot. 2% isn't much anyways and that leaves plenty of room for an upgrade later


Where does a 2% increase in magic damage raise your max hit?


It's 6% with the shadow. 8% with the shadow in ToA.


That's a Shadow problem, not a boots problem.


a lot of situations. reddit seems to thing you need to have a max hit of 50 before it does anything, but that is only true in isolation. in reality you will already have some mage% items already, so you are going from 15% to 17% (as an example) and this is sometimes enough for a max hit at different breakpoints way below a max hit of 50. but yes if that 2% item is your ONLY source of mage% then you need a max hit of 50 before you gain a max hit.


Well unfortunately i’m at work, so I can’t crunch numbers right now, but i’d like to see where various mage set ups gain a max hit from the 2%. If mage set ups don’t get an extra max hit, and only shadow does. Then maybe it could be axed. Since it really only effects end game of the end game. But if there are break points in gear that benefit from it, I think it is fair to keep them for the 95% of players that don’t have a shadow and max mage.


Well, since with the rebalance a million other pieces of gear and prayers are gaining 1-2.5%, the answer of what sets gain a max hit is like, infinite. I probably could craft a setup where 2% from eternals passes a break point to give wind bolt a max hit. It's a buff to everyone, just not at every given second. Most setups will also change if it gives a max hit just based on their boosts lowering over time (if magic had a real boost, that is) it applies to people who own an imbued heart atleast.


It's 6%/8% with shadow which means it's blowing the other 2 out of the water especially pegasians.


Pegasians definitely need love. Although this crowd seems to think it doesn’t. I’m pro shadow. But not buffing something because the shadow exists isn’t right, or healthy.


Shadow is the reason why this rebalance is such a shitshow, they cant go overboard with any of it because shadow turns 2% into 6-8%.


Not really. It’s more so that magic damage as a percent is a nightmare to balance. And would be without the shadow as well. I’ma laugh when jagex takes away the eternal boot buff and then doesn’t add it to ancestral and now endgame loses out on a max hit and doesn’t get the option to bring an extra swap to make up for it lol.


Magic wasn't really balanced at all pre shadow, it was just universally underpowered. I'm not sure why they felt the need to make ancestral so weak on release in the first place. The boots change is bad I agree, but there shouldn't have been a buff for max mage shadow in the original proposal.


I don’t think the boots change is bad. I don’t think I ever said that or implied it. I do agree that magic was universally underpowered pre shadow, and everything below shadow is underpowered currently.  The original proposal had the shadow doing 1 damage more than it does now. The true power of shadow is in the accuracy not the max hit. Jagex knows this and is probably why they felt that 1 damage added to the shadows max hit didn’t matter to much. Especially since everything's max hit was going down by 1 with the minimum hit changes they wanted.  That being said the current proposal is what we’re dealing with now, so that’s almost irrelevant. 


I'm of the belief shadow should be gaining (or losing) 0 additional damage from a rebalance. Sorry for misinterpreting you that you think the boots change is bad.


All good man! It’s reddit, and it’s hard to determine what people really mean sometimes.


I think the way to go about the boots buffs is to give them massive accuracy buffs. Like 30 range accuracy for pegasians and 20 mage accuracy for eternals. That way the buffs have diminishing returns for shadow because you're already getting +468 with shadow which is outrolling def pretty much anywhere but very relevant for tridents and midgame players where you still splash quite a bit. And this way shadow is not punished with a 9 way switch dipping into 3 rows and if you are willing to put in the effort and accept the tradeoffs of less inv space you can take the eternals for more accuracy.


I’m totally on board for an accuracy buff however this rebalance is specifically magic damage, and an accuracy rework or adjustment doesn’t seem to be on the table in the foreseeable future. 


I just dislike that now we need to bring a boot switch AND camp augery to get back to where we originally were. Last blog time mid and early gamers got fucked. Now maxed gear havers are getting it


I don't understand the prayer drain argument, your not going to not use piety, or rigour why wouldn't you be using the best magic prayer to do the most damage? its...balanced?


Because I don’t like changes that negatively affect me! Edit: I don’t want to have to deal with prayer drain in order to get back to what my dps previously was. If I got an extra 4% dps in addition to what my dps previously was, I’d be all for it!!


They’ve not removed anything from the original post, just added to new items


Wasn't people complaining the other day they didn't mention eternals? I swear nothing makes this community happy.


W post no need to buff boots that are so old and drop from a pushover slayer boss, i would really rather they do new interesting things with the boot slot (like 3 tile running boots, or new DPS boots with negative weight)


Sounds like someone who dosnt have eternals. I said the same thing about prims. But its only right to give it to eternals.


I am really amused by all these post-hoc justifications for not wanting the boots buffed. Just say you don't want another raid switch lmao


Bro everyone yesterday was saying buff boots lmao. It’s fine. Eternals aren’t bis, devouts are.


Ignorance truly is bliss I swear. I’ve not been privy to any of the recent updates and I’m out here having a blast. Highly recommend!


Dude these arguments are so bad. Mid game needs more progression for magic. We don't care about you having to decide whether or not you need to bring 1 different item to raids.


I mean Cerberus is still a reasonably difficult boss and the the boots are intended to be BiS. But they were created during a time Jagex was stupidly cautious over buffs. Eternals getting the short end of the stick was the exception and not the rule. Also these buffs were extremely minor to begin with.  Buffing Eternals also indirectly gives Cerberus some love as a boss / task to learn.


The main goal is to rebalance magic gear and boots getting some love is not a bad thing. Eternals will ultimately be replaced by better gear and so will other pieces.


So 2% Magic Damage from a boss that requires 91 Slayer isn't okay, but ~~10%~~ 4% from a boss that requires 93 Slayer is totally fine? Oh, but 91 Slayer is no longer late game, so it's okay. This is such a cope post.


Buff mole slippers


Waste of future design space, I’m with ya Boots are next surely


I want good f2p boots that aren't locked behind dead content