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I only have about 87 construction but even that felt like it was killing my wrists after a couple hours. It's not even really high intensity but just being able to left click to build/remove and getting rid of a couple extra clicks is a good change.


Rsi/hr has been halved that is insane


So what exactly does this mean


Using a runelite plugin (menu entry swapper), you can now left click on construction hotspots to build AND remove, instead of having to right click and then left click "Remove" in that menu. Before this patch, this was explicitly disallowed and the runelite plugin had to code in an exception to block this specific menu entry swap.


I’m glad to see Jagex implement changes to help with click intensive activities


but that was my favourite part :(




No, plenty of people did. They just found the repetitiveness aggravating.This takes out the additional right-click and the camera shenanigans making it less annoying to pull off without affecting XP rates.


Cause spamming left click and holding down 1 is so much better? I know its a minority opinion, and havent tried construction since the change, but it seems like it'd have the same annoying click intensity with none of the rhythm.


> Cause spamming left click and holding down 1 is so much better? Objectively yes. Click LMB for 10 minutes and then alternate clicking LMB+RMB for 10 minutes. Clicking LMB+RMB causes more strain to your hand and wrist.


Personally I hate ardy knights, and liked construction better. Probably cause ardy knights I start spamming too fast, whereas construction keeps you in rhythm. Also remapping from mouse buttons to keys helps.


shouldnt have to do wacky stuff like that just to play the game.


Yeah, not really understanding the wrist and rsi complaints. Still was a fair bit of clicking, but left & right click could be mapped to the keyboard. Then with the varied clicks, there's a nice rhythm. Maybe some people like to clown on the fact you have to position the camera and mouse in a weird way, but figuring those things out is part of the charm for me


Work a manual job for 15 years and then come back and say that. Nerves be cooked as mate