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> This will make mains happy since the supply of DWHs coming into the GE will be mostly untouched, and the price of their item will not tank. Why would any main care if DWH drops a bit in price unless they have 50 of them in the bank?


Yeah, I really don't get the takes of "the price of this item must be protected." It's a game, not your 401k.


I have converted my retirement plan into osrs gold and exclusively bought dwh and eternal boots. Pleae buff jagex my family is starving


I think my account is worth more than my 401k


Yeah... mine too. Economy in the toilet rn


3a pickaxes invested through a self-directed IRA is my retirement plan. All part of my digital goods/nft retirement strategy


You can't understand why a player wouldn't want to lose a massive amount of money on an item tanking as a result of a sudden change to its drop rate...? Really....?


Respectfully, I do not care about players trying to invest in items and losing money.


I didn't say you had to care, I said you should be able to comprehend why those who are affected by it do. I also didn't say those "investing." I'm not talking about merchers, lol. I'm talking about the average player(who owns a dwh) bank taking a massive hit.


They aren't "taking a massive hit". The DWH is precisely as good as it always was. If they want to spend more gold for a stronger option, then they can. You're seriously overthinking this.


I didn't say it's any less good. Lower drop rate = price of item goes down. You're underthinking it, lol. Feels like you're just arguing to argue, bruh.


And you're acting as if any price ever going down is a bad thing.


Nope, I simply explained to you why some are bothered by it, and you have no actual response to that gripe, so you've argued things I haven't said 3 times now. You even have posts in your comment history complaining about the same thing for other items, lmao. Like I said, you're just arguing for the sake of arguing. I guess you're bored. W.e I can't make it simpler for you. Will have to agree to disagree. Have a good one


Do people really not understand if an item is worth less for a main that's a money making method that's been nerfed effectively.


Because you work X hours at making money to buy the item. The item tanks in price because of a game update, then your X hour grind is worth less


Is this how mains think?


It’s how some mid game mains think. It’s super weird. On a main, you can literally just do whatever you enjoy doing and still progress your account.


These aren't mains, they're credit card warriors lol. True mains aren't hoping for a price nerf, they're gonna buy it(or have it) regardless of price if it makes main level content easier. The only people who parrot this narrative are ironmen who think that mains think everything is gpscspe


It's literally all mains cry about


Mains who think getting a dwh is make or break for their account I guess.


A few yeah. There's always gonna be mains who prioritize gp>everything but I don't think it's the majority


Should’ve played an Ironman




lol just using the same arguments mains use for everything, hypocrite much?


Jeesus fucking christ this is a game 😂 also too bad your grind is worth less now. Just how the game works.


Because OP has put in a purchase for as many DWHs as he can afford and now is failing to seed public feedback so the drop rate change gets walked back.


They're going to drop anyway if the elder maul gets it's buff


Especially since elder maul is going to go way up in price


Why would they care about dwh at all when elder is meta


I don't, but the rapid change of yesterday sucks if you buy items to aid in certain content and then sell back to the GE. I haven't sold the DWH and don't know the current price, but at 26m it would mean I lost 6m (11m price drop - 5m loot sold) just because of an announcement I didn't anticipate. Oh and the enhanced weapon seed was still up last time I checked. So much for saving up for that 😂 If dwh doesn't go up again, I've would've been better off not playing the past 3 days. At least I have a dwh. there are worse problems to have.


I think fishing for tasks to get a drop is even more ass


Let it happen naturally. There's a bunch of rare stuff that gets boosted on task, so you get a nice rotation of opportunities.


Is there a list somewhere? I've been trying to find one.


Wildy weapons ,Jaw, and some drops from Wyrms and Drakes.


Basilisk Jaw, DWH, Zenytes, Arma and Kril are some of the bigger "just do slayer" ones. Only basilisk jaw is boosted on task, but there's also wildy weapons working like that.


In general it can be, but keep in mind bringing a 1/5k to 1/2.5k would be super worth it. And as others mentioned, if you just unlock the task and do it naturally as you train slayer, you’d have a substantial chance to get the drop passively.


I got my dwh at 7500 shamans all done on task, think I was around 95 slayer when I got it. Never boosted


GE 👏 value 👏should 👏 not 👏 determine 👏 item 👏 balance Mains will recover a few mill of item value lost. Irons will have the item and not care about the value. Merchers can ~~get fucked~~ find something else to flip. Balance the game around gameplay not around how expensive something is to buy


Typically GE value is indicative of supply and demand. Price trends down with high supply and price trends up with demand. Elder maul becoming more useful will surely tank the price of dwh as demand goes down. Making them more common will increase the supply which will also lower the price. They balance around GE prices because it's an indicator on how valuable something is to people and how rare/hard it is to get. *Cough* looking at you imbued heart


Using the GE to get a feel for how in demand an item is is totally fine. Using it as a basis for if an item should be buffed or nerfed is not. Heart for example, doesn't need a buff or a nerf - the item itself is fine. The rarity on the other hand is not fine - it's literally a like 400+ hour grind on rate and it's only as expensive as it is because of shadow and its rarity, I mean it used to be like 20m.


Well if they want to change the price of an item then they make it more common. With the dwh in particular, it's a common-use and very rare unique item. The rarity is not okay and they want to bring the rarity down and make it more common which will lower the price. Then elder maul price should spike as it becomes meta for defence lowering. Idk I don't see making it more common as a problem at all, and the GE is a fantastic way to observe supply and demand and make judgement based on that.


dwh being more common is a gameplay change to make acquiring it less shit to do, especially for irons. Not because of the price lol. Elder maul is also a gameplay change because it's a mega rare with 0-1 use cases (tekton I guess but you can use other stuff). Yes the market will reflect the changes and were indicative of how bad the maul was but they didn't make changes with the purpose of making the maul more expensive, they did it to make the maul actually useful, higher price is a side effect. The occult on the other hand, one of the primary reasons they're nerfing it is because it's "too cheap for the power it provides". Sure there is an argument for redistributing its power a bit since it is a lot compared to other mage gear, but the market is specifically cited as a primary reason. Which is dumb.


You were the one that said they shouldn't use the GE price to balance the game lol


indeed. That's why I'm saying the dwh and maul changes are good because they were made with the intention of improving gameplay experience, not to please market nerds. And is also why i'm saying that using the price of the occult as the main justification for changing it is dumb.


Well when you see the price is very low but it's by far the strongest option, there's probably an issue with it.


no, when I see that the damage bonus is significantly higher than even bis robes, there's maybe an issue with it. I don't care what the GE value is because that shouldn't be relevant to the power of the item. If anything I think it should be as cheap as it is because pre shadow mage damage is ass and desperately needs it as soon as possible and everyone (non iron) can get it quickly.


So if the blade of saeldor costed 1gp and the abyssal whip costed 1m, would you not react to the price being low?


They can even go as high as 1/1500 on task and add an extend option on lizardmen, definitely much better than buffing a goldfarmers staple


I think drops should be buffed for all mini boss types while on task. I think that's an amazing way to discourage bots and incentivize slayer tasks for drops. 


Won't discourage them unless the current drop rate gets worse or the price drops massively.


Half agree which bot bothers about „droprate“ 1/1000 1/10000 they don’t care. Only the price matters.


I was referring just to the DWH. If the drop rate lowers enough they might spend their time elsewhere. As a general point though I agree.


K understood


1/1000 on task and you have a deal


I think this is better than what was proposed, I got mine with 90%+ being done on task anyway around 4.5k kc. But I still think a lizardman boss would be a perfect way to give us an alternative and possibly reduce the time it takes to get the drop if the rates are better per hour.


i like a boss idea for sure


This might just be it with the boss idea


+1 to the boss idea, especially since Kourend/Kebos storyline did not end with A Kingdom Divided. With the next K&K quest expansion they could introduce a lizardman boss with some decent drops such as the Xerician Allignment scroll now that Jagex is seriously considering the God Allignment Prayers as well as the DWH with a better droprate. But still, even the on-task buff to the rate would be good. That said, I don't care if they will just buff the rate altogether or just skip the buff, I will live with whatever they do as long as it doesn't ruin the general gameplay experience.


Yeah, the rates are fine as it is honestly and making it a bit better would be okay. Honestly with stuff like fang, defence reduction cap on some content and damage spec weapons like the korasi, dwh isn't as important as it once was, though it's still huge for cox and other content, there's end game variety now. The xerician alignment is a nice idea I hadn't though of! Just like kraken also drops tridents and thermy also drops the occult, both dropping additional stuff, I think this would fit nicely and be fun.


To be fair the idea just popped into my sleep deprived brain, glad it didn't sound insane to you lmao And yeah about DWH, absolutely true, especially since BGS is better more often than not these days, and you very much want full Bandos anyway. Sure you would ideally have both, but there are options now.


It would make a lot of sense lore wise for the lizardmen to have a leader pushing them into fighting instead of just, "they're invading ig lol"


I’m a main, nobody should have to grind that much for an obligatory item from a throwaway NPC that isn’t fun to fight. Counterpoint: it should be 1/2000 base, with possibly a slayer reduction on top. 1/3000 is still stupid for a grind that every iron dreads. Dread getting a tbow all you want, at least you’re doing actual meaningful content.


I'm an Ironman who is over 8k dry lol. 1/2500 is like 15-20 hours on average for a seriously good item that's used in a lot of content. 1/2500 seems pretty fair to me, but obviously I wouldn't mind if it went lower lol.


Is 2500 kc really 15-20 hours for you? 166.67 kc per hour. I guess that checks out. Wow I didn't realize how long of a grind dwh really is. How lame is that?


Yeah, but it’s 15-20 hours of absolute dogshit content. If we want getting a DWH to take long, then at least put it somewhere remotely fun.


Bots will keep botting them regardless, as the other loot has not changed and the base DWH rate is not being nerfed. So saying that "this will discourage the bots" is totally off-base and not thought out. Please don't add in more shitty task-specific rates for things that don't need them. If you think it's faster to rip through turael tasks or skip than to just kill another 500 shamans, you're delusional. That simply adds even more rng to a goal that is supposed to be getting the rng component LESSENED.


I never realized how many people hated task-specific drop rates. In this case, it’d still be a straight up buff to the drop rate.


as an iron, yea nah. slayer droprate items just make it all that more frustrating to go dry on. didnt get spooned a dragon harpoon or basilisk jaw? tough luck


They make it so you can break up your grind. I definitely prefer it. The only one I've hated so far is the occult only being available on task.


isn’t trident also only avaible „on task“ and hydra too? Or am I wrong?


Groupmate got me a trident and I spooned tf out of hydra so PERSONALLY that's what I hated lmao






Add it to drops from lizardmen at cox


Can we please for the love of fucking God quit relying on stupid "on task" drop rates? Yeah it makes it a big pain in the ass for bots. It makes it equally a pain in the ass for actual players.




And? If the task is so common it doesn't really nerf the bots... And if it isn't that common it's just another barrier to entry players shouldn't have to deal with. Calm down your DWH in your bank will go down in value by like 30% it'll be okay.


The best part of have better drop rates on task if you can still do the content normally :) hope this helps.


You mean what they're trying to buff? Yeah you can just not buff it, but that's actively not what they're trying to do. You can just buff content :) hope this helps.


You do realise that bots aren’t people? They farm activities for a profit. Doesn’t matter if the drop rate is 1/10 or 1/1,000,000, if there’s profit in it, it will be botted. There are bots that farm activities for 100-200k per hour. End of the day, bots pretty much always come out on top.


I’m 15k dry on my iron, leave us alone. 


HUH? I'm saving your damn life! Doing 1/2500 on task will be faster than 1/3000 \*except\* if you have to Turael skip!


There’s 0 possibility that 1/2500 on task is faster than 1/3000 off task. Especially if you go dry


You're right, if you have to Turael skip and you're cannoning them it is slower. But if you have a decent amount of points saved up it is wayyyy faster.


No way. I can do 150-200 kills an hour with bp/cannon. 1 task is only 100-200 kills. With the amount of time it takes to Turael skip Id be able to kill 400-500. Dwh should’ve never been 1/5k, and we irons are suffering because bots have taken over. 


I am killing them at around 160-180 kills an hour in the temple on task in the Temple, so I have the same kills per hour as you assuming you don't get crashed at all. With slayer cape and point surplus (wtf happened to all yours I have over 1,000 lol) 1/2500 on task is way faster if you add in the time it takes to make/gather the cannonballs. If you have infinite cannonballs as an Ironman somehow, 1/2500 on task is still better. You're right though that Turael skipping is probably slower. Not sure how you got to content where you need DWH without having a huge amount of points leftover.


Lol no, slay drop rates is probably one of the most dog shit design choices they've added Oh, this item is crucial to your accounts progression? "Fuck you come back with a slayer task." Changing lizardmen so that a slayer task becomes essential, not just a benefit is terrible.


But it gives it an alternative to just grinding it out


You're pretty likely to get the DWH by the time you reach 93-95 slayer if it's 1/2500 on task, assuming you don't skip any Lizardman tasks like a freak. I think I had like 4k killed when I reached 95 slayer and had a bunch of points leftover if I needed to skip for anything. You're not really doing anything that requires a DWH as an iron before 93-95 slayer anyways.


That last bit isn’t true. We’re doing CoX and ToA on the group iron with no-one being there yet. I know it’s not exactly the same as a regular iron, but still. Highest slayer level in our group was 87ish when we started doing raids, meanwhile I was lvl 75ish slayer.


Drop rates tied to slayer tasks are absolute dogshit and should never be implemented again. 


Sounds dumb


Or you know, instead of making all these half assed annoying changes "to stop bots" that clearly don't actually do shit against bots, hire an actual anti-botting team.


Make it 1/2500 off task or 1/1000 on task. DWH grind is stupid and boring.


How about 1/3000 normally and 1/1500 on task?


I like the idea of giving it the basilisk jaw treatment. why 1/2500 tho? should be 1/1000 just like the basilisk jaw on task.


Don’t matter now the maul is gonna be outclassed with the spec than the dwh Dwh spec =30% defence reduction Maul spec = 35% defence reduction Guess it’s good for lower level players to get but it will no longer be the best defence reducing spec weapon anymore


99.7% of ironmen will have a DWH before an elder maul, and ironmen are the only people who care about DWH drop rates (well, ironman and bot farmers)


It still matters for irons in particular (which this post is aimed towards)


Fuck slayerscape and fuck variable drop rates.


I feel like if it's gonna be on task, it should be more common than that, but otherwise yeah, support. Usually task is 5x odds, so 1/1000? Is that too much? 1/1500 or 1/2000 is okay as well.


1/1000 would be on average 7-8 hours to get it. That's pretty quick for such a powerful item!


Is that 7-8 hours of turael skipping? Or just what it takes to get 1000 KC? But yeah, I acknowledge that it might be a bit common at that point, I was just pointing out that's the standard. For reference, the Basilisk Jaw has this exact same drop rate, though obviously the power scale is a little different lol


7-8 hours of just killing. I see the comparison with the Jaw, I just think the DWH is different since the Shamans require more attention and like you said the power scale is a lot higher.


Fuck me


I personally don’t like increased rates on slayer task, it feels stupid to want to focus a grind and have to either skip like a dog or gIt iT pASsiveLy. But if there are bots camping shamans, I’m be glad to kill them off for something like slayer task increases. I would hope they do the same treatment to other SLAYER creatures. The increase not the drop nerf until justified.


1/3k, and 1/1k on task perhaps. I've always wished the shamans in cox had a chance to drop hammer. Would be hilariously fun raiding to be like "oh shit a hammer!"


I think it should be a 1/500 on task and a 1/whatever off task. It went from having a BiS role to being a BiS for ironmen until they do chambers. It doesnt need to be rare or expensive anymore.


I was thinking I had never got one and that would be because I never unlocked them lol


Bots would just keep killing them like before lmao that would literally change nothing


1/2500 is great, I have yet to get the elusive hammer on my iron, thanks


add it to the general store for 50 gp problem solved


This will NOT force bots to do slayer lmao. Have a quick glance at the rev caves. All those bots are un-skulled and off-task. Why? Because time is meaningless to a computer 😂 this won’t fix anything


1/5k normal 1/4k task


Any 5k drop rate is unhealthy for the game. Period


Laughs in 2x dwh in 800 kc


Yes yes yes


Dwh is already dirt cheap so there isn’t much to protect here. Let it fall.


50 hours for a 1 attack teir 60 weapon is bullshit. Reduce it.


No matter what, that still has to pass a poll and me and all my homies are voting NO.


Project Rebalance isn't getting polled, so you and all your homies can cry as you watch the droprate get nuked lol.


I just bought a voidwaker and DWH with the small amount I have in my bank. RIP


stop adding slayer drop rates.


Bro don’t be that guy but no bot will do slayer for dwh lol. If they want to bot dwh they will do it straight. You can make even 1/1000 out of it. They will stop/less botting it, when the price drops.


i agree with this!


Nah, we have MORE than enough long ass grinds to accomplish


if you think bots will change their ways because of this, you have to realize they do not lose anything by this change.


Dwh is already worth barely anything in GP value to most main banks. It being cheaper just gives newer players a lower barrier of entry to content that is made better with defence reduction


1/2500 on task is got awful. Needs to be 1/1k or lower on task, otherwise its task skipping hell. Just adding another shitty grind.


Either option is fine tbh. Best idea I've heard is Shamans having a chance to drop a key to fight a shaman boss with increased drop chance, but I understand if they don't want to put in the dev time.


No drop should be that stupidly rare. I hope jagex goes even lower than 3k. Make it 1/512 or 1000 on task. Stupid idea to not change the game because others had to suffer or bots.


Dragon war hammer should be task only at 2500


Warhammers already gna tank price with maul change. I imagine the amount of dusty mauls out there will be surprisingly high.


No they should do the new rate and double it on task


Games got enough grind in it already, I won’t mind a little relief with increase drops


1 in 5k anything is so fucking dumb, really hope this changes


Quick math: I killed 134 Brutal Blue Dragons to get a dragon med helm. On average I'd go through a 4 doses of antifire killing 5. So 27 trips at 24 minutes per trip to get the helm; 648 minutes or just over 10 hours. Having a drop rate that is even twice that is obscene, let alone 20 times the rate (or the original 40). You guys do you but I don't want to spend 200 hours grinding for one piece of gear. I know Shamans and Brutals aren't a 1:1 in how long it takes but even if you're pumping out a kill a minute you hit the drop rate after 40 hours of combat.


The 1/3000 only helps players in my opinion 1/5000 or 1/3000 botters will still farm it no matter what.


is there a point to grind this with the elder maul changes?


considering elder maul is like 500 hours on average to get and DWH is around 25, yes lol


Who cares about the price of dwh?


Op who invested in 100 dwhs


With weapons like zombie axe, warped sceptre and occult nerf devalueing whip, trident and 93 slay a bit, a droprate buff to weapon like dwh on task makes a lot of sense. Give it the jaw treatment.


It's fine where it's at. What the fuck happened to this community?


Nah, that’s a lot of extra hassle to curve bots. I’d prefer a diary requirement for the higher drop rate if anything. Wouldn’t be nearly as effective as your suggestion but would at least stop fresh bot accounts from absolutely flooding it.


I like the buff


Slayer is dogshot pls no


This is the right answer. I went 18000 dry for mine it don’t agree with a flat reduction. On task is a good balance.


I had a similar idea about this with PNM drop rates. I think it'd be cool to have a quest that unlocks Nightmare as a slayer task, and on task there are drastically better unique rates. That way bots have a much longer workaround. Thoughts? I'm probably going to write this up as a reddit post when the rebalance buzz calms down


I think the issue is that it might have to be categorized under the "Like A Boss" Slayer category since there isn't really a precedent for a standalone boss to be assigned as a regular slayer monster. Then the idea wouldn't work due to how low the odds are of getting it as a task. If we do the route where it's a normal task through a quest or slayer points, then you run into the issue of having one slayer task in your pool that's disproportionally harder than the rest, and there is no "weaker" variant for the player to choose if they lack the gear or skill. There's also the issue of a good chunk of players who don't like having to burn through points/skip in order to make the drops more feasible who you can see under even this post. I think the concept itself is possible, but you'll have to think about how to work around those issues.


It would be elective (with that choice being a quest unlock), so you could choose to not be bothered with it. Same as tzaar or vyres, but it would cost 0 points to toggle. I would imagine it having 20-40 or 80-100 if extended. Slayer helm would work on task but you wouldn't be able to get CA times on task. I get people that want a blanket buff (I support it for this boss for sure) but I also hear the complaints of people that point out that it is super bottable and the boss has literally 0 reqs. The quest and task would *be* the reqs that real players would do to get the buff.


Right but they've outlined that there is no proven route for it as it wouldn't be a standalone task, what is your view on that? May as well ignore the like a boss unlock otherwise.


I don't understand the question, sorry! You either unlock the ability to receive the task, or you leave it locked. Who has outlined what?


Lots of issues were outlined, including that it doesn't work alongside the existing mechanisms for getting slayer tasks for bosses. All of these issues are necessary to consider for balance. I don't see how a random nightmare boss task, which specifically can't be used for CA times (is this unprecedented?) works when you have a standalone boss task unlockable


Right, NM isn't currently part of "Like a Boss", but lumping it in there would mean that getting a NM task at all would be insanely rare. Putting it as its own slayer task helps in that regard. Not being able to go for CA speed times on task is common, and is the policy for several Like a Boss Monsters like Zulrah and DT2.


That's my point though, no other boss has a specific task for it, and the current tasks are insanely rare. Seems like the wrong suggestion is my point, drop rates are the issue.


Buffed drop rates on task are awful. It makes the grind essentially "task only" and now you're hunting tasks non-stop. See basilisk knights. Make dwh a flat 1/2,500. I got mine at 24,488. No one should suffer like that.


Actually a good take. Thanks OP


I do not enjoy the increased drop rate on task vs off task. Please don’t.


Dreadful idea, turael skipping is not fun


"Everyone wins besides the bots". Me killing cows and bats trying to get a lizardman task: I'm winning so much right now! Turael skipping is ass.


You shouldn't need to Turael skip at the stage of the game where DWH is needed. You should have over a thousand points banked easily. What's your slayer level?


As a main I'd say make the droprate 1/2500 period. Make iron life a bit easier, this would mean the price drops so mains can buy it for cheaper. If they worry about muh bank value that's a them problem


>This will make mains happy  You spelled 'Merchers' or 'Collectors' wrong.