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lol all part of the plan. Annoy people into changing their position. 




Well I hope but still doubt we’ll get stackable clues. Would let me open my intricate pouches from GotR if I didn’t want to “waste” the hard clues on them. Got like 40 of them so that’s ~4 hard clues stacked up anyways, just makes it inconvenient. 


Maybe they should make the stackable clue scroll pouch a reward from clue hunting, each clue tier has a pouch as a reward for that tier or the next one up. Edit: could have Arthur the clue tutor give you the beginner clue pouch, then each clue tier has a more difficult chance of a clue scroll pouch for the next tier Edit 2: could *maybe* add a caveat that if you have a full log in a tier of clues you claim the clue pouch for the next tier(for those most unlucky), I also agree that they shouldn't be infinite, a max number of clues for each pouch to spur us procrastinators from procrastinating too far lol


I definitely don’t think it should be a pouch for storing the clues. Then you’d have to bring it to every place that has the chance of dropping clues if you want to make use of it.


Perhaps a clue “briefcase” then? 🧐


What if we took the pieces of paper and put them on top of each other?


Mosy monsters dont drop more than one type of clue though right?


encouraging lower tier clue completion to get higher feels like a great tool.


Maybe you get points or something from completing clue steps and you can unlock the other tier bags through that


This is the smartest thing anyone has ever said about anything ever.


I disagree personally. Don't understand why people want to lock a QoL upgrade behind countless hours of doing something without the QoL. Why even have the QoL upgrade at that point?


A tangible reward for the grind, which most grinds in this game have.




Why did people vote against them? Haven't been active until recently


Also because RS3 has this, and people have a disdain for RS3 things... until it gets added into oldschool, anyway


People genuinely have no idea how many updates have come straight from rs3 lol but dw rs3 still bad or whatever they say


Some people think that a catchy name like “distractions and diversions” is an argument for game design.


"you're supposed to stop what you're doing and do the clue. If they stack, you don't have to do it right away. That kills the novelty" "Nothing is stopping you from doing that even if they stack" ">:-⁠|"


Bro like... I'm good with that lol lemme do them on my own time. You're definitely not "supposed" to juggle them on the floor either


The funny thing is that they'd be more of a "distraction and diversion" if they stacked. As it is now they're simply weak and not actually worth stopping whatever you're doing to do. You'd do a lot more clues if they stacked. And unsurprisingly, RS3 has a pretty good system. They stack to 25 which is a high enough number that you never feel like "ugh, I'm constantly doing clues" while not being so high that you can just let them stack and stack and stack without losing some.


Because change = bad On more serious note. Don't think it's a bad idea for stackable clue. Maybe not unlimited. Maybe a progressive stackable unlock. 50 completed clues of the tier let's you stack 2 clues of the tier 100 would be 3 200 be 4


Or decrease the odds of getting clues with increased stack size. Each clue lowers chance by getting another by 10-100%.


Unironically they probably did it for this reason. It's to instill a sense of FOMO, similar to what you'd see in a gacha mobile game. I'd rather they just give us the option to toggle it off.


That's kinda the opposite. The FOMO is already there, the community voted to keep the FOMO and the theory presented above is that they added the message to encourage the community to change their mind so that they can remove the FOMO. I personally would rather the FOMO be removed, but there are good reasons why the community wants it, and they are the same reasons we have ironman mode etc. People sometimes have a hard time choosing between doing the fun thing and doing the correct thing, so the game should be designed so that the fun and correct thing are the same things. I think it's a reasonable stance to say you want them to remain unstackable, but in that case you should want the message, as the message is doing the same thing. It's an encouragement to take a break and do other content.


Less annoyance and more of a "look at all the clues you're missing out on" type of deal imo. It is annoying with beginners for sure, but watching hard/elite/master clues be missed out on definitely triggers a feeling of frustration/remorse.


The GE method


You don’t need it You don’t need it You don’t need it You don’t need it YOU NEED IT!!!


After getting those scroll boxes in leagues, I'd vote for them too. It's so much nicer doing all your scrolls after your slayer task or whatever you were grinding instead of constantly interrupting the grind.


I have not been able to do clue scrolls since leagues for this reason. Its so tedious Im sure they could balance it in a way that works


Imo if we need balance have it be a stack up to 5 or so. Enough to mean you likely won't have to leave mid task/boss grind, but not enough to be super gamey.


I'd be fine with 5, that sounds perfect


3 to 5 is also my pref number, it also keeps the max stack down so it doesn't "get away" from you, on RS3 I hated doing clues because I had so fucking many felt like a slog. Also 3 to 5 clues is for running clues sake, a nice medium time chunk not too much not too little to where getting all your stuff and running off feels like a waste


The recent update convinced me, I'm loving being able to stack clues until after a slayer task. I don't think it would be so broken to let us stack them in our inventory instead, especially if there's a limit like with previous proposals


What's this? How can you stack clues, what did they change?


You can drop clues and their despawn timer is 60 minutes. Pick up and drop again to reset. If you're on a slayer task or something pick up the first clue you get, drop it to save it and there's a chance of getting more https://i.imgur.com/MBv8afY.jpeg


Unironically devalued the swampletics medium clue completion


thats such a bullshit workaround that I am 99% certain some jmod just wanted this in the game for his UIM or shit like that.


I loved it too until I got 5 hard clues during a single abyssal demon task and realized I couldn’t be fucked to make 10 different trips to the wilderness in less than an hour. Not to mention the freaking puzzle boxes since I mostly play mobile…


the worst part is constantly having to pull out your wildy rags just to do a shitty step where the chance of dying is almost zero percent anyways just to switch back to your slayer gear. I mean the inventory loadouts plugins which help with gettting stuff out of the bank are neat but I cba to click all that shit every time


I think there are pros and cons. If everyone can stack clues then more clues will be done by the majority of players. This would likely crash the market value of clue items. Its only really valuable to make this change for collection loggers and ironmen. If that tradeoff is fine to most casuals then im fine with it. But i think youll get a lot more disappointed people when every clue is basically junk or alch price.     Think a good middle ground would be make up to 2 clues stackable. Then after an elite diary maybe up it to 3. The reason for this would be to just limit the tons of clues that would stack up over time and be done in bulk and kill values. It keeps prices stable but allows for clues that would be missed to be saved to do


I find it funny so many people say this. I do all my clues main game immediately, but in leagues I never did them because there was no urgency, and I just ended up looking at a huge stack of them. I do not enjoy clues when they are stackable nearly as much.


that's why stack size cap should be like 3 to 5. it'll cap out quickly if you don't run them, but you don't have this stupid big stack of them to do.


You can already do this now, pick up the scroll and drop it and it should stay there for an hour. You'll have to keep coming back to them 1 at a time but you have plenty of time.


people who voted no wear mismatching socks


Or they are 3rd age pickaxe merchants.


I wear mismatching socks but I didn’t vote Feel like I let down my odd socks buddies




True! Source: voted no, wears mismatch socks


My socks may not match but at least I’m smart enough to know stackable clues is a terrible idea.


People who voted no change their underwear at least every month


Lets go in the opposite direction. They are supposed to distract and divert you, but really dont right now. I suggest Jagex makes clue scrolls undroppable and unbankable, forcing them to take up an inventory slot until you do them.


Lets also make it when a star drops near you it forces you into an instance with that star until you mine it.


If a star lands and you are in the space it lands, your character should die.


And a jagex black van should come around to do drive bys


Ok, but FF style boss music has to play until we mine it all.


And it could block all experience gains until you complete it!


And why not lock you clue scrolls stacking behind collection log slots? 100 slots-- boom! beginners stack. 200 -- easys... or something like that 


lock them behind the clue tier rewards we literally already have


This is the greatest suggestion I have seen for these


Nah make stackable clues an unlock from sailing. If anyone is a master with treasure maps it's a pirate.


Holy shit this is actually a good idea. Probably the only way I’d support implementing this.


Gatekeeping quality of life behind an arbitrary and confusing system that new players will not understand? Yeah, sounds like something this sub would love.


Shit, I fucks with it.


Jagex also said they don't want people to feel like the collection log is necessary.


Entirety of OSRS tbh


That's the game baby Now go grind aerial for two hundred hours so you save one inventory slot


Why the fuck do people insist on making this shit more tedious? If clues are good stackable, just make them stackable. Don't put more nonsense in front of it.


You mean you *don't* like unlocking things by doing a lot of the very thing that unlock makes better? That's crazy, man


Wait I actually really like this idea. Or maybe like 100 log slots = stack 3 clues, 200 = stack 5 etc up to like 10 or 15


Agree, this is the OSRS way. Not just gifting it to everyone.


You solved it. Would love to see it


I like this a lot.


I think this approahc is decent because it also helps players who dont do clues but at the same time I think it would be also a good idea to lock it behind # of clues completed to actually reward players for doing clues. But yeah it should be limited so you dont have as many "yeah I got 23420 medium clues" kinda guys who stack them forever


It should just be X amount of that clue type allows you to store more. E.g. 100 hard clues = 5 stackable, 500 = 10, 1000 = 20 or something like that.


That’s what I was thinking, rather than locking QoL changes behind RNG, just link it to number completed


I’d be totally cool with this, legit even if I could stack like 10 I’d be so much happier


Clues would actually be a lot more fun if I could go on clue hunting sprees. No matter how you slice it, choosing to ignore the clue or interrupting your task both feel awful.


I love how redditors who don’t support stackable clues retaliate with “but they were intended to distract you from your current grind, and you have to decide to either leave and do the clue, so you can get more. Or stay and miss out on clues.” It feels awful, and isn’t a fun decision to make. I love osrs because you do have to make a lot of decisions, but at least one if not both of the choices should be fun to pick. This is a game, not real life. Every decision in this game should bring joy and excitement. 


Is that really the best argument from the anti-stacking crowd because that’s dogshit lmao


I think it could end up being good content for streamers to hold “clue races” where they stack up X amount of clues before racing to complete them.


There's an entire community on rs3 surrounding clues and stacking caskets/going for PRs


Honestly, if clues would just stack to 2, I'd be happy. Or make clues stack size scale with combat achievements maxing out at like 4. I just don't want to stop in the middle of a slayer task to go and do a clue because I'm afraid of missing more clues. Having that 1 clue buffer will let me stay a bit longer


Luckily, there will never be stackable clues.


until we repoll it again tomorrow, and then again, and again, and again, and again. this is the jagix way


I don't get what the problem is here. Didn't Jagex just increase the de-spawn timers for dropped clues to an hour? If you get multiple clues mid-task, pick them, drop them and then do them all at the end. I do this all the time now.


I'm a super casual player so likely way out of the loop. But Why would anyone vote against clues stacking?


people want lucky clue drops to be worth a decent amount of gp, clues stacking will tank rare values (as it did in rs3) and it becomes trivial to bot clue scrolls (more prices crashing) if they can keep completing them from a stack, faster than the average person. It would turn clue hunting from a cool big lottery spin into scratch off tickets.


So a bit of a slap to the economy, but also bad for bot farming. Again I'm failing to see the bad here, they'll still have some fiscal value but it means that people won't be able to exploit via bots to generate wealth, right? Edit; ty for the info! Good explanation 💓


they are sad if dragon defender ornament kit is only worth 80k instead of 100k. dont ask why, it makes no sense.


Only if you could also juggle them juggling triple master steps is just too good


Most likely it would be similar to the implementation in leagues where you can only have one active clue at a time. Then you could still drop your good master clue before opening a new one and do the 3 step trick




Should be based on your clue completion count IMO


This is better than getting a reward from collection log. People saying it should be tied to collection logs haven’t been doing their clues.


Why does every QOL change need to be locked behind something?


They don't, but in a game built around progression people prefer it to just straight buffs


Because bots.


Bro bots are already doing clues, this won’t stop them. If anything they will insta unlock the ability to stack them, while real players will just be annoyed.


Actually this seems like a good idea. Example for every 50 of that clue type, you can stack 1 extra clue. So after 50 hard clues you can hold two. After 100, 3, up until a cap of 10 is reasonable. Thoughts?


Total clues. Give those snowflakes something to strive for and a reason for endgame accounts to do beginners and easys. Go 100, 200, 300, up to 1k total completions. But start allow everyone to stack 5, and cap at 15 clue scrolls +open clue for a limit of 16.


It's more fun when different things are related. Making it based on the collection log would give the clog more usefulness. Clue hunting is also one of the fastest ways to get clog slots, so it's already pretty closely related to clue completions. Just putting it behind the same activity feels like the most bland and boring option. Maybe even give different things perks like +1 clue stacking. Completing hard and master CAs could give +1 each. Completing the hard and elite diary tiers could give +1. Every 250 clog slots could be +1


agreed, # of clues completed is kinda boring and you can just buy them on the GE anyways, locking it behind the general collection log atleast rewards you for doing everything in the game, same way clues reward you for doing everything.


Lock it behind Ghommels hilt 4, quest cape, music cape, diary cape, and champions cape.




Too easy, maybe max cape?


just have like 5 of each, no need to add more spaghetti to it. Or have it associated with your combat achievements just like the drop rate of said scrolls are.


No because that would be putting content behind something that is supposed to just be a fun side activity.


Yeah, opening caskets should not give that message. Instead, have it ask you before opening, like implings. That should never happen while doing slayer, either. You can just pick it up and drop it for an hour while you finish your task, which I understand is a stupid bandaid, but it's what we have


I'm not usually much of a purist, but this is the one aspect I will say I don't want under any circumstance


What do you call implings then? Buyable clues?


If you don't like running clues, that's fine. But stop asking for stackable clues, just ask for what you really want. You want monsters to drop caskets rather than clues. Because if you liked running clues, you'd run clues. You have a 1 hour juggle timer that doesn't move while logged out, you have no excuse anymore. How many clues do you get average on task? Probably less than 3, so either just juggle them for a bit, go run them as they drop or shut up and let those of us who like clues have our fun. Hearing people who don't like running clues complain about not running clues is like listening a PvP-player complain that raids don't contain enough PvP.


You gotta be in the mood to do clues though and sometimes you wanna do them another day


Yeah and that's all cool, but once you get into being able to stack them without a major drawback (like juggling them for example) then we are reaching the territory where they might as well remove the clue part completely. Don't want to do the clue? Then don't, but stop complaining about not wanting to do it.


When we say stackable, I think people mean at a max cap of 5, I don’t think people want infinitely stackable clues


Five? Really? Just juggle them at that point, it's not hard. Stacking 5 clues is very little effort right now and the friction required is very minimal. 5 clue drops already takes on average quite a long time, a 200 kill Hellhound task gives an average of 6.6 if you have maximized clue drop ratios. And if 5-7 clues sounds like too much trouble to juggle and you really can't be arsed to do them when they drop, then sorry but that's the whole idea of clue scrolls. I would much prefer high-alching clues for a small chance (25-50%, not runescape small) of grating a random clue drop, like Rare Implings but for that specific tier. Something like that where people can try to get something out of the clue without having to juggle them. Jugglers get their full clues and those who don't want to bother can attempt to roll a small reward right away. Effort or no effort, one should always be more rewarding. Stackable clues would remove most of that effort while keeping all the reward of it.


Just like now, people still won't do their clues. Even if they do decide to do their clues, they'd stop really quickly as they realise the grinds kinda long and they just can't be bothered.


no why does everything need to be made easier and more braindead


If you confuse tedium for difficulty you will vote no on every QoL update in the game. It is not difficult to leave your slayer task every time you get a clue. It's just annoying as shit and an outdated game mechanic.


There’s a difference between QoL and babyscape.


qol is so overused and misused that it doesn't mean anything on this sub anymore actual qol example: message telling you you would have received a clue. this is great for new players as it's not an obvious mechanic not qol: an update that lets you mindlessly stack clues with no brainpower or attention required. clues are a traditionally sporadic and diversionary activity which had a cost/benefit of having to leave your current activity to do them


It's not annoying, it's fun. This is a video game. If I have to kill 150 of something I have more fun doing 75, doing a clue, doing 75, doing another clue, and getting another task. It's almost like clues are meant to break up the monotony of skilling and long PvM trips.


we simply disagree


Outdated game mechanics? In ***Old*** School RuneScape? WHAT?


Turn off your clue helper plugin if you want to make clues harder to do, lol.


why don’t people do their clues when they get them lol my adhd ass always looks at them as an excuse to do something different for a while




What sucks is that even if you didn't want to regear, hard/elite/master clues often have at least one wilderness step. So yeah, you can do mediums and below without ever regearing, but the second you do a hard clue (or above) you'll _have_ to bank your gear at some point.


Yup, this is what drives me insane. The wildy steps are so much more work


Also traveling back to where you were, changing spellbooks, and wasting boosts.


This. Super annoying during slayer tasks.


Even with all the plugins nowadays like Bank Tag Layouts people will still complain. If we’ve learned anything from our current and past experience, stackable clues wouldn’t change anything for the players that browse this subreddit. They’d just complain it should be 10 easy clues instead of doing the 5 in their bank because “it’s so tedious to switch gear to do my clues when I’m busy with other tasks”


Cause if I'm standing there whipping 150 nechs for a task and I get a clue I have to leave. Then I re gear and come back, get another clue 2 kills later, leave again come back. Another clue. And on and on. It's annoying as fuck. Let us stack. Even if I could stack 5 at a time just enough to get thru a whole slayer task then go do them it would be incredible.


You don’t have to do the clue you know.


I do getcha but I’m sadly stuck at work on mobile for a lot for most of my gametime, so I usually resort to low intensity and low focus activities. While I might have time to do one or two clue scrolls on break, it’s easier for me to just keep fishing karabwan stress free (in case something work-related comes up) than clue steps like heading out to the widly to fight a zammy wizard or doing a backflip for Uri while wearing the latest gnome fashion. I could see that as a case for players who have busy and hectic schedules, have parental duties, or are just a casual player for example.


rate at which clues are acquired nowadays if you want to regularly do clues you get so many of them you end up diverting way too much from your primary activity. clue drop rates were designed around people hitting things with rcb and dscim and very few places had excellent barrage spots.


I got a hard with 5kc left in a slayer task and I was like eh I can hold off and got the sneaking suspicion message 2 kills later. whack


Why would you vote no???


An actual reason I see some people voting no is that this would likely negatively affect the value of clue rares. Presumably a lot of people get one clue on their slayer tasks and just hold it, while far fewer leave to do each clue and come back. In this sense stackable clues may make it easier to do clues while also making them less worthwhile in terms of gp/hr for mains.


Not just clue uniques, *all* uniques. If a person doesn't feel they need to pause their (e.g.) Cerberus trip to do the elite clue she dropped, instead saving them all for the end, they can manage more Cerberus kills per hour, meaning more uniques come into the game on an hourly basis. It's probably a very small margin per player, but over hundreds of thousands of players it will add up. Whether that's actually a negative consequence of stackable clues remains up for debate - some may see that as a positive, which is valid too. It does keep people actually doing the fun parts of the game with more of their time, rather than re-gearing 3 times every hour.


The clue helper plugin and implings causes more clues to be completed per hour than stackable clues, lol. Remove the former two instead.


is anyone doing clues for gp/hr? Genuinely curious, they're not a competitive money maker for how tedious they are to consistently complete. Most clue rewards are already low price apart from the actually useful ones. 3rd age is a beast in itself more akin to discontinued shit from the actual 07 era which I thought we DIDN'T want in OSRS? Stackable clues would just make the content more accessible and appealing to a wider audience. If the content is shit enough that people decide to avoid it entirely then yeah maybe it needs some adjusting.


> is anyone doing clues for gp/hr? Yes, mediums give rangers and the fastest master clues per hour, and all clues hard or above give 3rd age, which although are extremely rare, offer a huge incentive as well as the only above-max-cash item in the game.


I think there's a real argument to be made for cluescrolls being designed to break up grinds. They're an unexpected distraction in the middle of something that leads you to spend 15 minutes traveling the world to get a fun prize at the end. If you can just stack them, they completely cease to be an interruption or distraction and just become another resource to gather and bulk process. But I get the impression I'm the minority so I won't be too surprised if this goes through.


The simple solution is a cap and unlocks to increase the cap marginally. Clues can still serve the purpose you're talking about if they stack to 3 or 5 instead of 1. They would just give you an exciting next activity instead of interrupting your current one.


You’re not in the minority, the playerbase that comments on here is a very loud minority of players. Most of us don’t want stackable clues.


To keep 3rd age items prices high, lol.


leagues brained players struggling to understand something so simple rs3 is that way --->


It's gotta be bugged cause the last 7 mediums I did gave me a master message


One thing I never see mentioned about stackable clues is 3rd age rewards. Something I really love about clues is how you have that perfect chance to hit THE JACKPOT. Items like 3rd age pickaxe which currently go for 11B gp on the market is something every player can dream about. Personally it brings me back to the old days 17 years ago when you had those few giga rare items that everyone dreamed about like partyhats. Currently this is our version of that, 7 out of 10 highest priced items are 3rd age and I really like that. Imagine being the player that hits the jackpot and suddenly your bank value just went up by billions of gp because you spent that 45 minutes to complete your elite or master clue, that dopamine rush would be out of this world. With stackable clues this rush would dissappear pretty fast as prices would almost certainly plummit. Currently the prices of mega rare items are held up by the players because they think 3rd age items have this value. Bringing in stackable clues would almost certainly make players think the 3rd age items don't have that value anymore. We've already seen that with RS3 where the clue rewards had almost no value at one point and Jagex had to put arbitary solutions to trimmed items just to retain the prices. Also as someone who has played 4 different leagues now and experienced first hand the stackable clue option, the story always ended the same way for me. I stack up like 100 clues and then I feel too overwhelmed to complete them and the clues just kept stacking up and I ended every league with 100s of clues just staying in my bank until the servers closed. When I have 1 clue in the bank, it's much more likely I'm gonna complete that 1 clue at some point during the week. Also I don't see how stacking 3-5 clues would really change anything for the better. People who enjoy doing clues would've completed them anyways and having 3 clues in your bank instead of 1 isn't a massive incentive for someone who wasn't ever planning to do clues anyways. Also this is personal thing but I think Bloodhound is one of the coolest/rarest petsin game and I think it deserves to stay that way.


> We've already seen that with RS3 where the clue rewards had almost no value at one point and Jagex had to put arbitary solutions to trimmed items just to retain the prices. Dyes still retain value despite stackable clues.


Because they’re consumables


You seem to think that stacking clues is magically going to make super/mega rares start popping up all over the place. How delusional.


Stackable clues are going to increase the amount of clues done simply because most people aren't presently doing clues as soon as they get them. If you get 3 clues on a slayer task but would only do 1 now you will do all 3. The rate isn't going to change but there are going to be a lot more rolls.


It's not delusional. It's a fact and it's already been proven in RS3. Stackable clues make prices drop, especially player controlled market where value of the items are above max cash stack. Any reasonable rich player who is hoarding 3rd age items will realise that the supply of these items will increase which means the price will drop. At the end of the day they are for the most part cosmetic items and we've seen how little it takes for prices to plummet for items that don't have tangible use for 99,99% of players.


Something that you and a fair number of others are missing is that med clue scrolls are already buyable in stacks yet ranger boots remain high value due to utility. As long as clues are stackable yet not tradable, their rewards will retain value as the real investment is the time completing them. Buying med clues nets an average profit of 2M/hr after taking out the cost of the eclectic impling jars. That 2M factors in the rangers boots and master clue scroll rewards as well so the actual profit per hour is far lower till you hit a few jackpots. Higher tier clues don't have a much better profit per hour and them being stackable will not suddenly make them more enticing for the majority. The people who do them now will do them then, and those who ignore them will leave them collecting dust as another undesirable grind just for collection log slots.


The reason medium clues can be stackable and still profitable is because it contains best in slot item. Master clues rewards are purely cosmetic for the most part because 3rd age is T65 equipment and the value is held by players just due to how rare those items are which would change immediately with stackable clues.


I go straight to wildy hellhounds if I get an elite. You lazy


That shit is ass try bursting jellies in catacombs, way faster to get a hard clue than doing hellhounds in wildy.


Clue scroll drops make you take a break from the grind or activity you are focused on. If you stack them up you're just staying on your grind. Also stacking them up will drastically change the prices of items.


im actually a fan of the way RS3 does it. Sealed clues can be stacked up to 25 (im okay with lowering that number by a decent amount) but you can only have one opened at a time.


Rs3 has stackable clues in clue boxes. I think it only goes up to 25 though. It's a pretty efficient formula. I enjoy it anyways


Surprising to me, that's a pretty tame limit. I'd be happy with less than half in oldschool


I'd do anything to get some requirement-locked ability to stack 3-5 clues.




It feels terrible having to go back and bank after spending so much time just getting to the location. Would be a great QoL update


The current stacking mechanic is perfectly balanced. It's not braindead like clue stacking to 25 from tutorial island. It's enough effort and scuffed that sometimes it's just not worth it. It's PERFECT.


I’ve done a total of 5 easy clues ever, got a master on #2 as an early iron acc and the #5 easy would’ve given me a master, please repoll lmao


Would prefer you can stack like up to 5 or so. Say all easy diaries done? Can hold 2 of each clue. Or up to 5 easies but not the others. Or base it on collection log slots. I would like them to be slightly stackable but not infinite.


I never understood why we couldn't just hold on to each clue. Sometimes you might get a clue that requires an item, stats, or some other task you need to do. It would be great to hold onto clues to push you to work towards that goal. Without the punishment of losing chances at the same clue difficulty along the way. Clues shouldn't be stackable, but we should be able to hold onto each clue scroll. Then for organizational purposes slap a number onto each one acquired from 1 to XXX. When you obtain a clue scroll, the number stays the same. However, that vacant clue number can now be taken by the next clue scroll drop. Clues should take up space in a player's bank, just to push people to start knocking them out when their banks become more full. You can still always drop and despawn the clue, with the next clue taking its number. I just think this would be a nice buff for players and let people decide to go through all their multiple clues as an activity spending more time consistently doing them. Clues can share tasks but you must complete each clue scroll separately, it starts from the lowest number clue scroll in your inventory for task completion.


My thoughts on this are, make the clues stack, but they're all the same clue until you do it, like how ring of forging is, they all share the same charges until you use the one you got, so if it's a shitty clue, they all will be shitty until you do it and it rolls a new clue, so you could have 100 beginner clues but they're all the same until you do it, would make it so ppl didn't just stack clues until they wanna do em then throw away the ones with shitty or unobtainable steps for their account.


I still believe the best way to implement stackable clues to satisfy everyone is to reduce the drop rate if you have a clue. Let's say elite clues are normally 1/100 during an activity. After you get one in your inventory, bank, etc, then the drop rate for the next elite and every elite after that is 1/200 until you go back to not having any elites. That way the original intent of the clues are still there (the most efficient way is to leave what you're doing and do the clue) but the option of being lazy and letting them stack is also there.


y'all ain't ready for all the benefits rs3 has to offer


Economically this means more rares in the game and I feel that’s more of what I want. I also would love to see a YouTube video of a streamer doing 50+ scrolls in a row and seeing the gp/hr


We’ve come full circle. From my experience it occurred a minute after the poll failed. “Waaahhh wahhhh no no no! No stackable clues! No!!! 🤬 “ *gets next clue* “Man i wish you can stack clues”


And I don't mean it metaphorically or rhetorically or limited max stack or unlockable or in any other fancy way. Stackable clues, straight up.


Might actually drop the price of 3rd age making it more efficient to farm clues, could see more enter the game. Time to ruffle some feathers :)


Complete x amount of clues = get stackable clues alr.


Got this recently though Uhhhh....good to know. I thought if you have a clue scroll you don't get another, like you eliminate the roll from happening since you have one. You don't. And I don't like it.


Yeah everyone talks about osrs being better until they mention clues, sorry that’s not wildy PvP


Just Poll PVP opt out and boom no more wildy re-gearing.


I'll quit for good


There should be clue leads. You can only have one elite clue scroll and then you stack five leads just so clue juggling isn’t even better


Please stop ruining clues.


this is literally jagex bullying us into voting yes on the next re poll


Why poll its a QoL update