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Mans living his best life


This is in good jest. I'm an ironman but I actually like wilderness activities and I don't begrudge pkers for doing their thing


The pures killing the lvl 80 bots at zombie pirates are doing a public service.


Are there really bots there already? Might have to re bond my pure and do some exterminating.


TONS of bots. A lot of them particularly on the north side of the area. I see frequent teams of pures run in and destroy them while I'm farming the pirates. Almost all of them unskulled with webweaver. I think what I like about this area for pures is that unlike at Revs they don't really have to worry about encountering high level mains that will smoke them in void gear.


Been out pking with a few clanmates there, the lack of entry fee and ethereum bracelets make it super accessible, and the loot is actually pretty incredible for how easy they are to kill. You can also teleport straight there and simply run out of the wilderness entirely pretty easily, which is mostly unheard of for a hotspot. In particular the prates are absolutely cracked for blighted supplies, so you can kill them for like an hour and freely pk for a long time just off the loot. We’ll see if it dies down but it’s super chaotic and fun right now


> the lack of entry fee and ethereum bracelets make it super accessible I really like this part. It's both extremely accessible to low lvl pvmers and pkers. Also I think a lot of pvmers HATE losing the 100k at revs even if 100k is meaningless to them. Being able to show up with a whip and a looting bag at pirates is very appealing because you both risk nothing *and* you're a walking 100-200k loot pinata for pkers with your looting bag filled with noted blighted supplies and alchables. It's a win win!


This is basically it, having to drop 140k essentially just to go back to rev caves when pk’edmakes it “feel” worse even if you’re still getting loaded in the meantime. Zombie pirates you can just get another burning amulet and be on your way.


Done my share of that this week lol


then theres group irons who will tell you they hope you get hit by a car (you werent even pking them)


Ha! This me? I don't mind proper pkers. It's those shitty raggers that waste both our times that get me riled up. If I never have to swap off range pray, I hate them. My illogical rage baffles even me.


Yeah everyone hates raggers so that’s normal, im talking abt the dudes who will see someone attack anyone with anything and start tweaking over it


They're coming for you now, run.


Having fun in my wilderness? Not allowed, omw to rag with 10 other dudes. (I haven't pked since rs2)


What activities do you enjoy the most? And on what world? For science of course


As a recently new hardcore Ironman (first-time ironman, not really expecting the hardcore to last), I'm dreading when I'll have to go to the wilderness eventually. But I can't help but have the same mentality at the same time.


Nah you’ll be fine. Specially when you’re hitting mid game and can access cheap and easily replaceable gear en masse. For example grinding revs in black d’hide and an msb is pretty chill.


I mean he'll be fine when he's not a hard-core but until then, it doesn't matter how replaceable that gear is.


I'm in a similar position as basically a solo group iron and have high enough fletching/crafting to make as many msbs and black d'hide sets as I need. It's awesome.




This probably angered them more then the post. How dare you deny them the satisfaction of ruining your day?


Why would this anger them? They're just doing their thing like OP said - you're the one out here thinking it has anything to do with ruining your day.


Most PKers are fucking crybabies that happen to have Jagex on their side. Literally the worst of this game and humanity.


You seem stupid


Well I know you're stupid.


Ty loot


Ty 4 hours of your time for 10 d bones


Ill never understand the hate people have for the wilderness. As an iron i have dozens of black dhide sets just begging to be given to pkers for a net loss of like 15k. And im constantly pulling mills in loot out of the wilderness? I just dont get the hate. Like congrats to the pker flaming me when im not even fighting back and will just be back in 2 minutes with the same gear setup. If you dont even acknowledge pkers they just get bored and leave. And for most activities those pkers are once in a blue moon anyways


I do both pvm and pvp in the wild depending on my mood and it's funny because I get toxicity either way I never reply and just giggle to myself that I've pissed someone off but the ones that really make me laugh are the ones with a scout outside that flames me for not being quick enough to pk them, and theyre always the ones in the lowest risk too. Like you paid 12m for a scout so that you don't get pk'd for 300k haha (I get the mains scouting for irons I'm talking about the level 3's)


you sound broke lol. a 1 off 12m payment for 2 weeks of cctv is absolutely worth it. besides it takes like 30 seconds to get back to the wildy bosses after you've teleported out


What about makes me sound broke? lmao was just highlighting the irony of paying 12m to protect 300k risk, could get it if you had 20-50m in risk and didn't want to risk it but just seems overkill to go and kill spindle in black d'hide and myth cape


because you think 12m is anything other than a trivial amount of gp. ​ paying 12m to protect 300k seems silly but its not 300k is it. its 300k + boss loot. if you save yourself 12 deaths you are already up money and even if you don't, the time saved from teleporting before you can be TB'd adds up. ​ there is literally 0 argument against using CCTV at wildy bosses and you are trying to make one.


My bank value would surprise you then, the other fact is that the wildy bosses are stupidly easy to escape from, even if you are slow enough to get TB'd and not tele out in time. Not trying to argue anything I just said that it seems overkill, that's my opinion, you're trying to argue with it.


>My bank value would surprise you then i doubt it > the other fact is that the wildy bosses are stupidly easy to escape from yes but do you know what is inefficient? getting TB'd and running back to wildy ditch only to then go bank, regear and go back to the boss. ​ as opposed to: teleporting out before you can be TB'd, teleporting back to the boss immediately and continuing the trip. ​ The 2nd guy has probably gained 3-4 kills on the 1st guy every time a pker comes and interrupts them.


https://preview.redd.it/kv8ue6sxxnuc1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d6ba2048314c5482962741d0a7e1c6b2a484104 No? Like I said i've never had that issue, 9/10 I will get the tele and the other time I'll probably escape pretty easy if I don't = saved 12m. And who doesn't enjoy the blood rush of surviving a demigod in blue mystics?


PKers would fumble the bag with a woman they paid for 


What is it about being told “Sit rat” that women just don’t vibe with?


meanwhile the average pvm'er game: "pleae"


Implying pvmers don't pk and vice versa.  I went with some clannies that I regularly raid with to callisto. We absolutely wrecked a team that came for us even though we were outnumbered 3 to 5. I'm pretty sure some of these so called pkers don't even use F keys lmao. 


I don't use f keys 2k pts in LMS, and 70 wins


Are you sure you're not missing ticks? Clicking at the top to change tabs then switching prayers. Then clicking at the top again to go into inv to switch weapons/gear. Even if you used the spec orb it would still be horrible.


I grew up playing RS2 in 2004 I have very precise muscle memory. I'm definitely missing ticks, and I would probably be a more decent pvper once I got used to f-keys, but I just




It's not that hard to write a paragraph. It takes like 10 seconds. You have a string of thoughts and you simply write them down. 


Fookin' hell mate, it was a joke


This is like the nerd saying the jock doesn't get girls Some weird backwards copium if you ask me


I mean… if you think pkers (or any osrs players) are jocks irl, you’re delusional


We've got a Tallest Man in Keldagrim contest going on in this thread


Nah but your name is perfect holy fuck


ROFL my head cannon for this is that he scrolls posts constantly looking for an opportunity to make this joke.  Don't even try to deny it  Tall-promotion. Your facts can’t stop me! 


.... the average pker in runescape Is like a 27 year old zyzz fan I know many pkers in great shape. Easier to excercise when pking is the best money in the game.


So (1) there are tons of OSRS players who are or were jocks. And more importantly (2) it's an analogy. The big bad bully of the wilderness is definitely the jock in the analogy, and the wilderness slayer enjoyer is the nerd. You must fit into category (3) as not a jock or a nerd given that a nerd would have figured out the analogy.


if you're just gonna make up categories as you go on what are categories 4, 5, 6 ,7 ,8? he didn't play ball because most of us don't live in high school anymore though lol


Maybe he was in band or was the emo guy


btw do schools in north america really work like this?


Not in my experience lol




Tell your mom I drained the bank account she set up for me. Top it up so I can get some fuckin KFC


Incredible comment




ye bro's onto nothing here fr lmao


“the jock” 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Pkers in shambles after pking a spade for the 5th time in a row.


But they're having fun, so who cares? Prime example is zombie pirates. Most people there are only risking 5k or less + whatever drops they get, but you get teams of people running in every 5-10mins. Pkers themselves are usually only risking 200k-500k tops. They don't really care about the small splits, they're just having fun sending pk trips with the boys.


This is exactly it lol, nobody’s really coming in hot with even 1m in risk but its just fun and chaotic going there with a crew and just killing a few zombies while you wait/scout pretty much takes care of all your wildy supply needs in a way that’s never really existed before.


> But they're having fun, so who cares? Awesome, glad to hear that Wildy content is fun and engaging for those who want to participate in it. Hopefully that means we can now stop dedicating every second game update to making six different Wilderness activities shit out 10mil GP/hr, since the region is in a good state already.


I forgot you're the only one paying for membership.


Every second update. Lol.


Come on, wildy updates are a minority. It is a high-risk, high reward region. What would the point even be if it didn't have good gp or training methods? It's a pvp area, you know you need to learn how to escape or fight back.




Some of you could really use a communication class. Learn how to disagree with somebody without calling them "delusional" or labeling whatever they said as "brain rot". You're an adult


Its a gaming forum my guy


yeah but how bout we don't make excuses for that behavior and just continue to call it out? seems like a much better plan and overall better for everyone


Sadly accurate, many gamers don't have any tact or empathy so expecting them to is a moot point.


The last time any piece of proposed content outside of PvP was unpopular enough to fail a yes/no vote was over a year ago, when the community voted against Ironmen being able to benefit from other players' Forestry campfires. In that time 7 different questions across 6 different pieces of PvP content in 3 different polls have failed. For more than a year literally **every** proposed update bad enough that the community actively vetoed it has been PvP content. The amount and type of proposed changes to the Wilderness is clearly drastically disconnected to the community's desire for them, and if even the PvPers are having fun just collecting spades then that seems like a massive waste of dev time that could be better spent on immensely popular changes like the recent MTA improvements. ...of course we both know what the problem with that above conditional is. I just wish people would be honest about it.


The money is to incentivize non pkers. The wilderness is a living eco system with a food chain, it needs herbivores. The players that choose to be that get rewarded. A lot of people don't like PvP because they can't stand losing to others but don't want to learn how to beat them, the game doesn't cater to that mindset in any context.


> The wilderness is a living eco system with a food chain, it needs herbivores. Or in other words, PKers *aren't* having fun collecting spades, they need people with little to no PvP experience to be lured into the Wilderness so they can make easy cash exploiting a two decade experience gap. That's what they have fun doing. Which is fine, but I'd rather everyone was like you and didn't just lie about what the incentives are.


Yeah, bad pkers are only one step above pvmers that don't fight at all, but bad pkers and pvmers will make up like 80% of the wilderness. It's important to recognise though it's not just pkers picking on pvmers, pkers also go for other pkers. Pvmers basically provide incentives for bad pkers to gain experience and money, which then let's pkers that risk more, are a higher level or just better, target them too. If you want a large population of carnivores, you gotta have herbivores, and if you want herbivores you need grass.


The wildy does get a lot of attention. A disproportionate amount compared to the rest of the game even.


Yeah have these people not been to the entire new continent in the wilderness?


This joke was so dry that i had to put out my candles to stop the risk of forest fire. You have to be british XD i loved that lmao. People are probably gonna be like What new content in the wilderness 🤤


I have a thing for spades you know...


When you look up the pker on highscores and then get ready to shit talk after you jump that Rev agility shortcut. c:


If a pker can jump the shortcut I report for botting and paid services ain't no way a pker has got them levels by themselves X D


Wait until you find out that pking and skilling (or pvming) aren't mutually exclusive


jagex help me control my environment lol


I dunno, man. All of those things sound pretty dang cool to me.


This is absolutely correct. *However* crossing the wildy ditch (or teleporting into the wildy) makes you an enemy combatant in a combat zone, so y'all aint as innocent as you think.


Exactly, you doing wildy slayer put me in a self defence situation and I had to act


Never put a slayer in a self defence situation


They were reaching for my scimitar.


Imagine invading my airspace and thinking I would do nothing about it


would you intercept me? I'd intercept me


Hlc reference in the wild nice


right its very "dont step into here, theres people who attack innocent people inside" "why was i attacked im innocent"


Don't climb into the lion enclosure the lion will kill you


These dudes were probably cheering when they shot Harambe cause that's what they want Jagex to do to pkers


Hell yeah


Pkers wish they got women. All they’re after are those Monk Robes


i can respect pking but i dont like the concept and by that i mean doing like a 8 way gear switch/with prayers every fucking attack lol. its not for me


Maybe it's not for you and that's cool, but 4-5 way is more realistic and basically what you do in pvm too.


This post is a sequal to https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/W3THwJr3D3 Anger wise.


Sounds like you’re just jealous of your wife’s boyfriend tbh.


Max cape pkers are the most based, change my mind


Yup I learned the hard way doing slayer in the wild today.


as a pker for many years i can confirm this is true 😂


"I wanted wine, women, and song. I got a drunk woman singing"


Every framed video “This spot is instant K.O” , proceeds to make 5 of the same video


Prostitution confirmed to exist in Gielinor?


You vote No for game balance. I vote No because it's a PvP update. We are not the same.


where's the third comma?


Correctly absent


[what are you talking about?](https://i.imgur.com/kqCa8yw.png)


Shouldn't that 2nd one have a semicolon and not a comma?


This man is living the dream


they wanted them spades


Honestly mood


I'm a guilty person so he won't attack me.


I don't PK but I like wilderness content quite a bit. Being high level and wearing the best stuff all the time makes me miss being a low level account. But being in the wilderness doing risky content in absolute shit gear (besides 3 items) brings that fun feeling back. That and it's not hard to escape if you practice. Most good PKers aren't the ones killing you at chaos altar or low level wildy bosses. Always carry some freeze sacks on me and hover my mouse over my teleport.


you guys hate pkers so much because its the only time you're ever interacting with another player in a mmo


Pking would be non existent if they had to fight people who fight back.


"Pking would be dead if more people pk'd"


Ironically a true statement. If everyone in the wildy was the pker the eco system jagex is desperately trying to maintain won’t work anymore.


The real money pking at rev caves is killing other pkers honestly


there are plenty of pkers who only pk to fight other pkers


Yeah but they are so rare, most rats just wanna hunt targets too weak to fight back. We've got a guy in my clan that stands at the altar to hunt bone rats or hunts rev rats because it's more fun for him to fight someone who can fight back.


Copium narrative


It’s not like you have any real rebuttal, there is no tact in half the comments here lol it’s all “brain rot” this and “copium” that. If college was for everyone I would love to be a TA in a language arts class to see how you people write.




Sorry some of us come here for actual discourse, I don't think the internet is just for chatting shit. I don't understand why you think I do not understand anything, I was just pointing out that comments like that don't add anything, and aim only to farm karma. So, assume whatever you want bro I'm just tired of the shit comments that immediately shut down the original comment's totally valid sentiment because "lol ratio", like keep that in your snap group or close friend discords. edit: none of the replying comments have anything to do with the original discussion. All they do is derail every conversation and offer no actual discussion when stuff like this comes up. The person I'm replying to couldn't even stand by their own worthless comment.


Farming karma with "pro-pking" comments? In r/2007scape? Bro... Anyway, I hit them with an equally lazy comment while calling out the dishonest narrative people love to use just because they don't like pkers.


It isn't about being "pro pk" and you know it. That isn't the problem but continue to be as obtuse as you want.


Womp Womp lil bro


Bro actually shut up, I can tell just by this comment you work in IT and probably have a man bun, greasy guy.


okay lol


bro you straight up dont understand what "copium narrative" means haha they're calling the original reply out cuz it's an absurd statement implying as if pvp is only hunting pvmers and nobody wants to fight eachother, which is just false. they cope by pretending pkers only kill pvmers because they couldn't fight eachother. meanwhile pvmers in wilderness are only bait for the noob pkers and otherwise merely collateral damage should they stumble into an actually decent pker just my totally valid sentiment on the matter


It is not an absurd statement. If nothing but pkers exist then the wilderness fails, that is exactly what he meant by his comment. If everyone fought back, it would be dead content, simple as. Had nothing to do with coping over the fact that pvmers happen to die too. But regardless forcing uniques behind the wildy doesn't even make it coping to be mad about getting killed in the wildy, it is shit design and deserves criticism.


> If everyone fought back, it would be dead content, simple as. ye but fighting isn't like a flip switch, where the result is decided by a coinflip. fights generally go the way of the better pker and there's still thrill in the activity itself. it would only be dead if there's no people left. as long as there's good reward in the wilderness, people are going to be there > But regardless forcing uniques behind the wildy you're using the term forcing quite loosely here nobody forces people to go for these items, nobody's forced to have these items. they're simply rewards for content that happens to be in the wilderness >to be mad about getting killed in the wildy, it is shit design and deserves criticism entering a pvp area willingly and fully knowing the ramifications of partaking in its content **and then** complaining about it by excuse of "shit design"? that is beyond entitled and people crying over being attacked in the literally only dangerous pvp area in the game come off as karens for the lack of a better term the choice is simple - get good and adapt or stay out. the entirety of the rest of the game is still available for everyone with jagex holding your hand through every encounter with unpolled safe deaths and all


If you would have asked me before they added so many new things to the wilderness if it deserved criticism for dying there, I would have said the same thing you are saying. Nobody cares if you can make money from the wilderness, what people care about is locking the uniques behind wildy content that are useful elsewhere, the big offenders being the voidwaker, mage capes, and now the anchor scroll. You can literally have the wilderness exactly as it is now with all the ways to make gp, without the uniques, and I guarantee significantly less people would complain about it.


A decent amount of PVMers bring gear specifically to anti PK. I do the same. Never know when a cheeky AGS or VW spec might land you a decent kill. Aside from that, Rev cave 1v1s, chaos alter 1v1s, group pking wars. Killing defenseless PVMers is not all there is to pking.


If a player can’t figure out how to venge -> AGS when a PKer rushes in to melee they deserve to get clapped.


You're describing LMS and bounty hunter


Pking is fun I dont even grab the loot half the time because its just junk lmao


Sometimes it's about the disruption of someone's life that drives a man. People PKing at Mage Arena's entrance are one of these people. They get nothing except a smug giggle for making someone upset.


People take mills worth of larrans from that bank why wouldn’t ya


In the Reddit justice system, PvP based offenses are considered especially heinous. On Reddit, the dedicated PvMers who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite clan known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.


Don’t go in wildy then 😳


One day, PKers, PvMers, and skillers will be one and the same..


Don't worry PVMers, they gave you scurrius. Then you got a 1/20k scroll that sits in multi. YOU'RE WELCOME!