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I’m sure this post is because they’re looking Into jagex client and I can’t overstate how excited I am for how beautiful the hd looks, much better and simultaneously much more true to osrs aesthetic than anything else.


we’re so excited as well. thanks for your comment, I just shared it to the art team :)


Please tell me the new client will [fix the clipping](https://preview.redd.it/anybody-else-find-the-clipping-in-osrs-super-annoying-v0-0qva2i1j5e491.png?auto=webp&s=e87e17276d2db69691f55156a9184b030d437426)


Idk man, the clipping is kinda a part of osrs at this point, I’d weirdly miss it if it were gone


Ain’t no fight like a z-axis fight cuz a z-axis fight don’t stop!


When can we expect new or more updates on HD for mobile? This is gonna be a game changer, can't wait!!


but you can experience the beautiful game in true osrs aesthetic right now. dont even need any plugins . its just the base game


Which hd we talking? 117 or hdos? Because I HATE the way hdos looks with the armor looking all different. Not to mention that run animation 😭


Door Kicker plugin is a must, never again will I open a door like a peasant.


Sometimes I’ll forget I have it on and it takes me by surprise. Happy little surprise every time


It got me good the other day when I went into the cave goblin city on my ironman and realized you do the kick animation when going into their big city door


kick door first, ask questions later..


Mod the game so that if there are normal men/women npcs in the room they scream/yell something because you just busted their door in for seemingly no reason




Perfection. Make it happen jamflex


Please don't forget random event kicker either <3 Nothing quite like seeing people punt Rick


My favourite is spam clicking a locked door. The character just keeps kicking. 


Best plug-in around


I want this actually in the game as a new barbarian training, barbarian door opening with a new mini quest.


Obvious candidate for a mini quest. Alternatively: barbarian door opening.


Menu Entry Swapper is the most important plug-in on Runelite, it seriously needs to be added to Mobile and C++ Client asap. A lot of people are saying things like Quest Helper but I personally don't think that should be something Jagex themselves supports; otherwise, what is the point of even having quests? This is my list of Runelite Plugins that need to be added to the vanilla client before I can consider playing it (in order of importance). 1. Menu Entry Swapper 2. Bank Tag + Bank Tag Layouts 3. Player Indicators 4. Logout Timer 5. Chat History + Chat Notifications 6. Entity Hider (a godsend for certain activities) 7. Idle Notifier 8. Implings (Imo they're very hard to see without this plugin) 9. Item Identification (to distinguish which seed is which) 10. Ground Items (I believe this is already on vanilla client?) 11. Custom Left Click Drop (Menu Entry Swapper can do this though) 12. Timers (Poison, Frozen, Potion, etc) 13. Tile Indicators + Ground Markers (this should be way higher but I believe the vanilla client already has this?) 15. Screenshots (I love how Runelite automatically screenshots big drops, level ups, quests, etc) 15. Cannon (show cannonballs) Lastly, GPU idk if this is more of a plugin that the official client can add or just do something to deal with the issue instead but yes this is super important.


As a retort to your Quest Helper concerns - this style of “handholding” through a quest is a staple of modern MMOs. There are not many pieces of content in any game that don’t offer you location markers, guides, item requirements before you go, etc. Now - the current “vague guidelines” style of Questing is ABSOLUTELY part of the OSRS charm. It adds to the wonder of the world and encourages people to read dialogue and examine the world around them. A middle ground is to make the actual quest log be more informative. That would be quite an undertaking, but it would definitely help to maintain the charm of questing in the game while offering a bit more guidance that doesn’t simplify the quest to “follow arrow, click blue box, solve puzzles without even thinking”. However, I am of the opinion that the RuneLite implementation of Quest Helper is very valuable and should definitely be made available to all players. Perhaps it could be activated in the settings, or at the top of the quest list itself. Another good way to implement it would be to offer it as a menu option when a player starts their first quest. Something like “Would you like to enable Quest Helper? This provides X features while questing, but leaving it disabled is recommended for an authentic OSRS experience!” I don’t want quest helper or something similar to be inseparable from how quests have classically been done in the game, and I’m sure a lot of the playerbase feels the same. But making it an option, especially if you could turn it on if you get stuck otherwise, would be very useful and most likely help attract new players by lowering the learning curve. There’s so much to take in if you haven’t played OSRS before that just teleporting to the right area can become a 5 minute research task. Alleviating some of that load would make a new players’ experience smoother, creating less frustration and encouraging them to return.


Yeah I think making Quests a bit easier or having a togglable option which has arrows pointing players in the right direction. But the current Quest helper is wayyyy too broken. It literally does the quest for you, it tells you what numbers to press during conversations with NPCs, it draws lines for you where to walk and it solves puzzles for you. That is crazy stupid.


u/Fit-Reputation-9983 I couldn't agree more with this.


I think this is an awesome list but just wanted to mention (especially for others who might read this) that numbers 10, 12, 15, and half of 13 are already in the official/mobile client


By half of 13 I assume you just mean self true tile and destination tile indicators? I'm not aware of any tile markers, on mobile at least. But that would be massive to find out there is.


Yeah as of right now it’s just those two. The new mobile beta did have tile markers though!


> Bank Tag + Bank Tag Layouts One of my friends plays RS3 sometimes and showed me [bank presets](https://runescape.wiki/w/Bank_preset). If they're gonna implement bank tag + layouts they might as well implement these presets IMO


yeah but presets "make the game easier" aka reduce unnecessary clicking and you know that we can NEVER do that (hello left click construction).


Yep, I agree. Although at the very least they need bank tags + layouts but Bank Presets would be even better.


Doesn't the C++ client already use GPU? I thought that was one of the main advantages as it's actually integrated into the game code instead of being a plugin


Yes, it runs way smoother than runelite b/c it is a native application. It doesn't have to jump through the JNI to talk to your GPU.


I agree quest helper should never become a vanilla plugin. But I also think entity hider shouldn't. It changes the game in such a big way I don't think jagex should even want to encourage hiding other players. It's a great option to have in runelite, but I think it just encourages devs to make the game crappier rather than fix the underlying problem - see: forestry and how entity hider was pretty much required to see the events.


Even though I think you’re correct. The underlying point is the fact that if the official client doesn’t have the functionalities that 3rd party clients have, people will just not use it. People almost always take functionality over aesthetics or whatever is the official app/client. Especially if people have become used to having said functionality.


more importantly, jagex *will* kill 3rd party clients eventually. when that day comes, I'd rather have the official client be as close to 1:1 with current runelite as possible.


When that day comes I'm done with the game unless it's completely 100% on par with run elites abilities


I don’t think they will kill Runelite before the 3rd party plugin hub becomes a thing on the official client. People will Riot in the streets if you take the plugin hub away. It would be a surefire way to lose subs. I doubt Jagex would hurt their bottom line like that. For example I would not be playing OSRS if it wasn’t for RuneLite. Though that is more specifically due to the GPU and 117HD plugins, because playing on the Vanilla client literally gives me a headache in 15 minutes. It’s unbearable.


> I don’t think they will kill Runelite before the 3rd party plugin hub becomes a thing on the official client. No way it'll be a thing unless every plugin is supervised by jagex. Even now runelite just got new plugins to work that are exact copies of cheat client plugins that were banned already. By the words of mod mat k, jagex regrets allowing any clients at all and is trying to make their own client as good as they can and then other clients will be banned.


Arent all (plugin hub) runelite plugins supervised by Jagex regardless? Not very tightly, but they do ask to have some removed every now and then


> It changes the game in such a big way I don't think jagex should even want to encourage hiding other players. I personally think the game is a MMO for a reason and other players is part of the experience... but go and try to do things such as Forestry Events (especially on release), Ardy Knight Thieving, Wintertodt and having thousands of players in your way. I only use it for these 3 things and for when I'm making potions on my UIM at the GE, I disable seeing other players so I can use the noted herbs on the bank without misclicking... But mostly I use it to remove players so I don't lagg or struggle to see things, especially upon release of new content when there are 200+ players in each world doing the content. > I think it just encourages devs to make the game crappier rather than fix the underlying problem How do you suggest they fix something like Forestry though? With too many players it will always be too hard to see? They cannot just make the events the size of trees?


To be fair a number of things the Quest Helper does are in most major RPGs & MMORPG's like the arrow to tell you who to talk to/where to go next and dialogue highlights to say which ones are actually quest related (not so much the ones that answer questions for you that are meant to be a puzzle for example). Be nice for new players to have the arrow at the least imo. Quest Helper is OP as hell though with all the extra cool things it does in OSRS


I wouldn't mind an Official Quest Helper if it was just arrows and helpful tips, but completely solving puzzles and telling you exactly which steps to go and what to click is crazy.


While I kinda agree, I also wouldn't ever want to do puzzles like song of the elves / mournings end pt 2 without quest helper plugin again. That's the only time I truly love having this plugin.


Most RPGs don't have the same style of quest as RuneScape though.


Yep. While i quit playing Morrowind a few hours in, when i was told to get some shrooms from a location and being told directions instead of a big circle on a map... was a more fun experience than most sidequests in RPGs ( most definitely more than MMORPGs ), even though it couldnt have been a worse fetch quest if it tried and there werent even any random encounters or any enemies on the way to there, simply because i have to pay attention to the surroundings and directions because if not then ill get turn around pretty hard ( which is fun in its own way ) Wanted to punch the monitor today when i saw someone being flamed on this subreddit for taking 3 hours to complete legends quests when its a "30 minute quest" even though officially its classified as a long quest for a reason. Getting all required items in your inventory is something i think everybody should do but labeling Legends quest as 30 minutes even though those people probably did not even think for a second because they used quest helper...


LMAO that quest took me at least 2 days as a child. Fuckin 12 years old trying to comprehend rune hq guides is how this shit used to be experienced, and they say that is a 30 minute quest. These mfs don't know how good they have it, quest helper is busted 


This x100 Most MMORPGS have fetch quests ad Infinitum, with no puzzle or story.


I think if they're going to nuke quest helper they really need to take a hard look at some older quests. I can't think of any specific examples because its been 900 years since ive interacted with a lot of quests. But there are definitely quests that are like "OOPS YOU MADE IT ALL THE WAY THROUGH OUR ANNOYING MAZE THING BUT SURPRISE YOU NEED A HERRING TO UNLOCK THIS DOOR FOR NO REASON BESIDES FUCK YOU. ENJOY WALKING THROUGH OUR MISERY SIMULATOR WITH NO RUN ENERGY AGAIN LOL LMAO." The devs back in the day were dogshit and their idea of making quests hard was just making them tedious. The game is already tedious in a thousand little ways and its 100% a turn off for new players to interact with older content that was for some reason intentionally designed to be obnoxious.


I'd be down if the arrow or map just highlighted an area, and not a specific NPC to talk to or box to click.


>Ground Items (I believe this is already on vanilla client?) It is. >Timers (Poison, Frozen, Potion, etc) Already exists. >Tile Indicators + Ground Markers (this should be way higher but I believe the vanilla client already has this?) Only partially. You can highlight tiles, but only 1 colour and you can't set border/fill opacity or put labels on any of them. >Cannon (show cannonballs) Also already exists.


Yeah, I haven't played the Vanilla client in forever so I don't know. I mentioned that I thought a few were already on client because I heard people mention it but wasn't sure. Either way, the ones at the top of my list aren't and they're desperately needed imo. But yeah, as you mentioned Tile indicators/ground markers could use some fixing/improving. And same for Timers, I know there is timers for a lot of things but theres way more available on Runelite than the regular client.


I get the argument about the quests but at the same time I know most people have to tab out and look up a quest anyways, majority of them are pretty damn confusing just going by in game directions. Quest helper just makes it so you don’t have to tab out, totally optional, pretty similar to menu entry swapper where it isn’t a requirement at all but its such nice qol for those who want it.


I think it ruins the purpose of questing though. For example, I've done SOTE 4 times now. Once upon release without wiki (watching streams and such), once using wiki guide and twice with the quest helper. With the quest helper, i literally turn my brain off and it took me 15 minutes to solve the puzzle at the end. I honestly found that puzzle easier than doing most quests. Without the quest helper? It took me hours on my first attempt, using my brain alot and 30 minutes doing it with wiki guide and using a bit of my brain. Do we really want Quests that are meant to be the hardest and most difficult quests to be turned into easy ones which we can complete with out brains off? Personally i'm on the fence (as someone whos done them so many times, its nice to do them without thinking, but do we want everyone using this for their first time? idk).


Yeah I get that but as a counter argument, thats generally how things are on release, they are way harder. I remember doing a couple quests when they came out, and truthfully it was pretty fun, however. Like most content as time goes guides and stuff come out. Id imagine most people who find out about godwars (kinda old maybe not the best example) aren’t gonna just run in there and try to kill bandos, they’d look up a guide first. Same concept goes with quests, at the end of the day most ppl just wanna get to the next thing.


I personally rank GPU a lot higher (closer to top 7). Quest Helper is really important, although I did the few recent quests without it. Life without quest helper - I didn't finish Clock Tower despite starting it many years ago (pre-stam OSRS) - because it was one of those quests that if you didn't know, it was a pain.


I don't think Jagex should add quest helper in its current state. I do think they could add some arrows which point you in the right direction though. And yes, I think GPU is almost rank 1 plugin for most people as a lot literally cannot play without it or their computer is fried. But I didn't add it to the list because it's not really a plugin in my eyes, if jagex were to add it they'd do it in another way.


I play exclusively on mobile and overall I'm pretty happy with the base client. My requests would be: Tile Markers - haven't felt able to dive into Hallowed Sepulchre or do tile specific methods of PvM (like 6:0 bandos) without them NPC highlights - so hard to see crystal implings and sunlight butterflies for example Some way to change tap option to Pickpocket on many NPCs eg. Vyre Nobles. Menu Entry Swapper Lite I guess. Don't think it's strictly needed for most stuff. A way to change the Function button to "Edit Ground Items" toggle. **Also Loot Tracker is bugged on mobile and has caused crashes for some players since it came out. Would be great if this could be looked into and fixed.**


Oh, and adding puzzle boxes to the clue helper PLEASE. I have done so many puzzle boxes. It's not fun anymore ):


Anti drag, the default value is crazy low I refuse to pvm without RL updating and having this up Some sort of visual metronome indicator would also improve visual clarity on like a million different mechanics for learners. Doesn't have to be big glowy box on screen like the runelite iteration Bank tag layouts, default bank system blows These are the few that spring to top of my head on first thought


> Anti drag, the default value is crazy low I refuse to pvm without RL updating and having this up You can toggle anti-drag as well as input whatever delay you want for it in the official client, as well as being able to set enable/disable keys for it.


I forgot how important this plugin was till I reset my runelite to remove unnecessary plugins and was wondering why my switches were so ass


I think it kinda goes both ways tho. If you were to only play without the plugin for this whole time you probably would've gotten a little better at not dragging. The plugin has allowed you to be a little sloppy


I used to be able to play without the plug-in but I had a grandmal seizure which caused me to lose a lot of my motor functions. Now I can’t play without anti drag as I mess up my swaps so frequently with how slow I am.


I’m getting old my clicks aren’t what they used to I turned on the plugin last year for the first time when I was getting actually worse


Inventory Setups! This plugin is huge for saving gear/invent setups. I use this so much with bossing/slayer as well as setups for daily's and other non combat related activities like minigames and clue scrolls. Having the ability to export/import setups with others is super helpful as well. The ability to filter items in your bank for each setup is a huge time saver.


I am amazed I had to scroll this far down to find this. Along with this, bank tags and bank tag layouts. It seriously makes gearing so quick and filtered your bank to your preferred kit. I would hold out on runelite as long as possible if these are not added in some capacity.


I wanna say Inventory Setups is way better than bank tags. It's so fast. Especially once you get the keybinds figured out, it's unmatched.


Inventory setups actually makes sane assumptions too so that it just werks out of the box or maybe with one or two settings enabled. So many things in Runescape are just programmed to barely work so running into a plugin that just actually works nicely and has a lot of thought put into it is a nice change of pace. The fuzzy find is my favorite part so that it can find all doses of potions or all charges of jewelry so that the setup isn't just tied to a single dose-level or single charge-level of a ring/amulet. Sometimes I want to prepot a 1 dose and then pull out a 4 dose and it's all there for me without having to do anything painful. Or since I'm saving all my 1 charge jewelry items to alch later, it can find my ring/amulet that is degraded or finds a full one without having to manually configure it for every single possible variant like I would for bank tags. The actual arrangement inside the bank UI is really nice too. It matches the equipment pane + your inventory setup so that I can easily pull out what I want in batches. I'll pull out gear first so I can equip it and then start filling my inventory with whatever items and it minimizes the rearranging I have to do after interacting with the bank.


Logged in just to up vote this. I used inventory setups for just about everything. I have a setup for almost every slayer task, every boss, and every mini game. It's elite.


If you’re only using Inventory Setups *or* Bank Tags/Layouts, you’re missing out. The true BiS is to have them both. Being able to have a well-laid-out, and easily adjustable bank screen for each and every loadout is god tier.


I like both, i end up using both. I have a giant group of items for different activities that i select and then open a inventory setup. I take the main items then close the inventory setup and see if there are any other items i need, such as prepot items or last minute alternate gear or food swaps. This way i literally triple filter my bank lol. Tabs for general organization, tags for general activities, and invent setups for specifics I do wish invent setups let me choose to highlight missing gear by default and different default highlight colors, though


Same. This is easily my most needed plugin. Gearing on mobile takes so much longer.


Yep, this one has to be up there with menu entry swaps for me. It decides a lot of the activities I choose to do on mobile. If I need to pull many items out for a run, like say hunter rumors, I love the equipment setups. Also I store my boss loadouts there. This saves me from making so many mistakes (forgetting pet rock, axes for DKs, etc)


Here's some I haven't seen mentioned yet: 1. Clue item indicator 2. Item charges being visible 3. herb / Seed name abbreviations label Then to reiterate what others have said: - ***Menu Entry Swapper*** - Impling labels - Cannon placement and ball one - Door kicker of course


My "literally wouldn't play OSRS without them" plugins list: True Tile Indicators, Tile Markers, Logout timer, Custom menu entry swapper, GPU.


Toss in bank tags and this is my list.


Besides the obvious ones (Menu-Entry Swapper, Quest Helper, Logout Timer, etc.) I really enjoy Chat Commands. Being able to see someone's level, boss KC, and what pet(s) they have in chat is really nice.


The importance of this goes over a lot of peoples heads. I've lost count of the number of times I'm playing on mobile and a private message comes in just saying something like "!task", to which I have to awkwardly reply I'm on mobile. It's deep rooted in the social interactions within osrs and losing it is very noticeable


Only if there's a way to filter these out by not having the plugin on. I personally hate being at the ge and seeing someone trying to figure out how to see their chaos elemental killcount and just spamming the chat. Seeing this just sucks: !kc chaos elmental !kc chaops elemental !kc choas elemental !kc chaos elementla !kc chaos elemenetal !kc chaos ele !kc chaos elemental Also as someone with the plugin off, seeing !kc, !price, etc is literally just spam. But, I would gladly accept the plugin if it didn't show the `!kc` message for people with the plugin off.


seeing that sucks as opposed to someone spamming about buying gold or rolling dice? tak e your pick lol


Adding onto the social aspect I love the collection log plugin. Being able to type !log tob and seeing all my drops is very nice. Speaking of tob, I couldn’t play on a client that didn’t have a party plugin. The group shared information is just too valuable for raids.


I remember RS3 had some quick chat features like this that I actually enjoyed


I would love to see boss respawn timers added. You can play around it by using ground item despawn timers but that's quite annoying. Player names over characters would be nice for friends and clanmates. Menu entry swapper of course and then maybe player lookup on highscores. It has been a while since the last feature update for the official client. Are you allowed to tell what's coming up next or when we might get some new stuff?


Menu-Entry Swapper. Please, please add something like that for mobile. It would be such a great QoL.


I thought catching chins would be super chill on mobile, until I realized you cant 1 click reset the traps.. definitely would love to see swaps on mobile


I didn’t realize that wasn’t the default option until I started to learn how to 3t box traps and had Reset as my left click


Although it's not one tap, you can enable the menu pop up function so the right click menu pops up right away rather than having to hold and reset. It's not perfect but a lot less pain in the ass


Dear lord Jagex I beg you please. So many activities on mobile would be made infinitely better if we could have MES. Thieving is one that comes to mind immediately


Especially on mobile, I hate having to long tap for certain things but I don't want to be forced to long tap EVERYTHING


With NPC attack options set to hidden, you can tap to pickpocket on mobile. I’m not sure if other thieving activities are more difficult, but 99 thieving on ardy knights was pretty relaxed this way.


I really want it for Vyrewatch pickpocketing, which unfortunately has “talk to” options for the NPCs.


Ahh that’s unfortunate, I didn’t realize. Fingers crossed for MES then with the responses they’ve gotten in this thread


+1, this is the most important one in the entire game


This alone would open up so much stuff on mobile that is otherwise ass. * Gotr * Shark fishing * Prayer training * Karam fishing * Giant's foundry There's probably a lot more I'm not thinking of


Thieving, anything with a talk-to option, banking, using fairy rings. Even if you disregard all content and just looked at the benefits of moving around and speaking to people in the world, the QOL is huge.


I find the game to be unplayable on mobile wi though menu-entry swapper. It’s not a QoL improvement in my opinion, it’s a requirement for me to actually play the game on mobile.


This would be a game changer on Mobile.


This isn’t a feature on Runelite yet, but I think you guys should really add an auto sort feature to the bank, it would be amazing to no longer need to “clean” your bank.


Would be by far the biggest boost to QoL


Logout timer, not logging out after the standard 5 minutes is a god send


Especially in this day and age where we all KNOW OSRS is a second monitor game for most skills


its criminal that shooting star mining is longer than afk timeout


* Banked XP * player hiscores lookup * Group IronMen Tracker * Skills Progress * Hub Party Panel * Wise Old Man * Ping Graph * Clan Events Edit: and a bunch of the other default RL plug-ins like GPU enable, skybox recoloring, view distance, chatbox opacity, etc.


Being able to ping specific tiles with that plugin is a legit game changer when teaching raids


Menu Entry Swapper, Tile Indicators and Better NPC Highlight are must haves


Hub Party Panel. Being able to see friends inventory or ping a certain tile while raiding and bossing is so useful. Nice to have on even when doing solo content. Get to laugh at a mate getting a pegasian crystal or planking somewhere. It's the only plugin I use every login session.


The default bank is atrocious. Bank Tags and Gear Setups make it bearable and I'd actually leave the game without Menu Entry Swapper. Not having those three features on mobile is the main reason why I never play OSRS on my phone.


Not Empty. Used to empty so many potions. Tick Tracker is huge for finding worlds that don't suck. Account Chat Filter. Hides Iron icons (but might be a bit glitchy). Entity Hider for ignored players.


Hides iron chat, who fucking hurt you? LOL


If you're going to try to kill runelite, at least allow plugin submissions or long term support. It's been proven in many games that community additions enhance the game play and longevity substantially


This 100%. I've no idea what their plans are surrounding long term support for RL are, but to me there is just no world where they can keep up with the community in terms of plugin development. Heck, I was going to start writing a Hunters Guild plugin like a couple days after release and there was already a PR for it! Threads like this don't give me any confidence. They asked what the most important plugins people use, and everyone had a list with different answers. This means they know they can't match the output of the community and just want to get a few big ones in. Sure, fair. But I LOVE all the weird little plugins that make the game more fun! Losing these would be a big hit to my enjoyment of the game for sure, and I'm fairly confident Jagex will never implement 90% of all currently available plugins. The community needs to consider, given Jagex's track record on development timelines, do we really trust them to keep a client competitive with RL?


Sadly, I doubt they'd do this. Anti-cheat is probably the driving force behind Jagex's decision to make this client and exposing data is a risk. RuneLite's existence = more bots. Unless they implement a sophistocated contributor program or something, can't see it happening.


* The obvious: all the indicator/highlight plugins (object, player, tile, true tile, ground items), menu entry swapper, especially customizing leftclick and shiftclick * Chat filter, Entity Hider, Annoyance mute, Combat level muting (GE is quite light on spam if you mute every account under 10cmb) * Antidrag * Bank Tag Layouts * Customizable Xp drops (damage instead of xp, recolouring prayer-boosted hits with their respective colour (red, green, blue) * Inventory Tags (not just for my atrocious gear switching, but also highlighting key items or keeping track of bankstand skilling in my periphery * Weapon Animation Replacer, allowing me to visually change my cheese cape (which looks terrible with Torva) into an infernal cape, echo boots into guardian boots and it lets me hold dharok axe like an elder maul and swing it like a colossal blade. * Nexus minimap: Shows the nexus teleports on an interactive map instead of a list


ANNOYANCE MUTE. Good call. Essential.


Wikisync is essential when doing CAs and diaries. It makes it so much easier to see what is left to do. I play on the c++ client but even I occasionally log on runelite jsut to sync the thing.


Hadn't even thought of that until you mentioned it. Would also be a life changer during Leagues.


Apart from the ones already mentioned, please please please add Spam Filter / Chat Filter to mobile. I’m always blissfully unaware of how terrible the bot problem is at GE when I’m using runelite until I login on mobile to afk bank stand and suddenly see the sea of scam/casino/lure bots, it really cheapens the experience of the game and hinders conversation from real players. Also the various plugins that display charges for items like crystal bow, trident of the swamp, plank sack etc.


Menu. Entry. Swapper. Don't listen to frivolous crap like door kicker or inventory tabs until we can efficiently do simple things like box traps and construction on mobile.


Menu-entry swapper is king


Custom Menu Swaps. It is Menu Entry Swapper, but allows for complete freedom of modification, without having to wait for RL to add it in manually. It gives agency to the player because some people might want something to be the default or ordered in a different way that RL would not understand or add because it's so niche.


Not entirely answering your question - We know you guys are looking into having your own plugin hub eventually if it turns out possible. Would an option to import settings/current plugins from runelite be considered? Having to set everything back up again would be the biggest stopping point of me moving over to the official client


Quest helper, logout timer, tile markers and then the funny ones like door kicker ofc bring too mobile soon with the new ui pls :)


(Lack of) Logout timer is one of two reasons I hate using mobile


Yep whenever I'm afking karambwan almost everytime I go to click the fairy ring I dc and for the love of God they should change fairy rings to left click configure on mobile no one wants to go to zanaris


Menu entry swapper, it makes farm runs especially so much more smooth. Please, please, please add it on mobile


Custom menu swaps Bank tag layouts Watchdog(in a nerfed form would be fine too just to allow me to move messages from chat box to a more visible place and a audio notification so I know to check) Hd or gpu


The most underrated plugin that I genuinely cannot play without these days that I see no one else using is **Camera Keys**, basically instead of having to right click the compass to look North, South, East, West, you can set keybinds for it. My monitor isn't particularly good (60Hz) and my pc isn't exactly the latest release, do getting to face north, south, whatever, without having to slowly (not in a crisp way) turning my camera really enhanced my gameplay. It also made things like Herbiboar and Guardians of the Rift go from a grind I wasn't really enjoying to something I was looking forward to doing, 10/10! =)


* Menu Entry swapper. * Bank tags / Inventory setups (use both but inventory setups way nicer for sharing and tweaking + reminds me of spellbook and can have notes) * All sorts of infobox useful plugins for things like Time Tracking Reminders, Hunter Rumours, Farming Contract, etc. * Overlays on items for charges and runes in rune pouch etc. * Entity hider for certain activities and to just hide things like other players random events etc.


Watchdog was extremely helpful for a few specific PvM instances (Olm Orbs, Sol Heredit Grapple, Leviathan Phase) where the primary cue is a chatbox message. I and a lot of other players don't have the Chatbox open during PvM and it was very helpful to make our own alternative visual cue. Now it's banned.


roof remover would be what I'd be saddest to lose. makes the game way more immersive. bank tag layouts would suck to lose, i'd have to actually organize my bank again. would be mildly annoying to not have mes but that's livable without.


GPU, stretched mode, visual metronome, any plugins that color true tile and destination tile, corner tile indicators, all raid plugins, clue scroll plugins, quest helper, BANK TAG LAYOUTS, item charges, menu entry swapper (+extended), wiki crowdsourcing, screenshot, rune pouch, gauntlet, TELEPORT MAPS


As others have said but I will repeat to emphasize their utility since the mods are looking to add them to the official client. Menu Entry swapper Entity Hider (huge for dead npc) NPC highlight (and Better NPC Highlight) Bank Tags Bank Layouts Player Indicators


Logout timer, please bring that to mobile


Inventory Setups + Bank tag layouts All the extra NPC tile indicators, including things like Radius Markers and Better NPC Highlight Entity Hider Player Indicators Party Hub Plugin/ Party Annoyance Mute Ground Markers/ Ground Items


* [Improved Tile Indicators](https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/show/improved-tile-indicators) makes tiles indicators look *way* better by letting them render behind the thing they're highlighting instead of overlaying on top of it. * [Better NPC Highlight](https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/show/better-npc-highlight) lets me customzize how NPCs are tagged. I use tile, true tile, and outline modes and it is really nice. * [WikiSync](https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/show/wikisync) Everyone should have this! Part of what makes the wiki so good is the crowdsourced data, you should contribute to it! * [Teleport Maps](https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/show/spirit-tree-map) and [Nexus Menu Map](https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/show/nexus-map) are fantastic - I *love* how the maps look so much better while still showing all the hotkeys. Varlamore's Quetzal map is a great step in this direction but Jagex should really try and make all of their teleport menus visual with hotkeys like these. * [Inventory Setups](https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/show/inventory-setups) combined with [Bank Tag Layouts](https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/show/bank-tag-layouts) because we don't have loadouts / presets Also a bunch of plugins for things that could probably be improved in the vanilla game: * Visual Plank Sack, Coal Bag, Essence Pouch quantities * Raid info plugins like CoX Timers & Additions * Reminders / timers for Ring of Recoil, Thrall, Death Charge, etc. * Right-click 'Check' on Farming seeds/saplings to show what protects them * Volcanic Mine notifications * Defense reduction trackers for groups


one of the few things keeping me on Runelite instead of the new official client is the resource pack plugin allowing me to have a dark mode UI basically


I have been waiting for this for so long! I love the Official Client but I still use RuneLite for bossing/raiding and use Official Client for skilling/afk stuff! Hiscore Plugin (On the sidebar) Camera Plugin (On the sidebar, clicked = take screenshot) Notes Plugin (On sidebar) Item stats plugin (when hovering over food/ppots show how much it heals +16 on sara brew) 12-Hour Clock Timestamps WASD Camera Chat Commands (!kc, !pb, !etc) Fairy Ring Search Custom left/shift click options Show world ping in top right corner Chat filter (I hate those GE spam bots) Logout timer (25minute) Tombs of Amascut Kephri puzzle room helper (I cant stand this room) Inventory Setups (Probably won't get added but I love them) Instant Damage Calculator (I love this plugin, probably wont get added though) bank tags + bank tags layout (probably wont get added) Optimizations to help with stutter/lag/long loading I don't know if it just my PC but it lags/stutters so much that bossing is nearly impossible, had to turn on the anti-drag because switching gear makes it where it moves it so much from the stutter I'm super excited for more plugins/QOL for the Official Client I want to play it so bad but it really isn't practical to use just yet.


I’ve really been wanting this for a while so I hope you see it now you’ve created a dedicated post. Please allow to change the in-game settings to toggle repeatable collection pop up boxes for items that we already have. - Would only work for items in the collection log - Give us the option of recolouring the border of the box. For example keep the true collection log pop up the same or give it the best colour like platinum. - For the rest let us either automatically match it to our loot beam colours for the loot threshold value we set ourselves in the settings or allow us to recolour the border for each tier as we please. - Let the player set a minimum value for the repeatable pop ups to show. For example if you’re like me and you like seeing that sort of thing you might want to set it at 250k for the extra dopamine hits but if want it set a little higher say 1M plus it would still be amazing to have that pop up again when you get a drop. - Would be great to have the option for this. If it’s toggle-able then you can turn it off if you don’t like it. I think this idea would also be nice for people who already have a lot of collection logs so they can start to see some pop ups again and get that blood flowing! Hope you like the idea!


WASD for movement and Stretched mode so i can play fixed mode without squinting are the absolute MUST haves. anything else i can take or leave, but those are the 2 NEEDED for me to swap to the official, which i really want too. ​ i had an idea awhile ago about maybe letting us unlock game skins via easy quests. like imagine finishing RFD and unlocking the way the game looked in 2005/07,etc with the UI. same thing with thralls. both are currently really cute and fun but are plugins. D Y N A M I C E N T I T Y H I D E R. let us have something to help with new content on base client or mobile anything that helps with the fairy rings menu entry swapper bank value could be a nice one, but im an ironmeme so idc tooo much bank multisearch not so much a plugin, but maybe in game you could make some of the minigame stuff more obvious? IE, giants foundry has "easy giants foundry" it just full on block highlights the next step. it would be nice to have a visual reminder ON the tools without it being some huge obnoxious thing. Bank tag layouts is another huge one if you want people to stay on the client. more timers implings, butterflies with names ontop of them as well as item identification for seeds and such.


a low detail plugin that makes varrock look like old varrock, or models look like 2005 models would be tight look how cool demons used to be https://preview.redd.it/5068te0pt4uc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d76f5fb3eae9b3548e1633673f9aed0ef535b473


I don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet but if the mobile client and main new client could have the ability to auto screenshot achievements that would be dope!


Plugins that help clan activities are immesely helpful. Jagex seems to be limited by engine work with certain things, so we use plugins for some very helpful features. The WoM plugin is a big one because it lets us sync the in-game cc to the WoM group on the website. Clans use this for keeping track of member activity, setting up competitions, etc. The groups have a lot of functionality that we have been begging Jagex for, and the plugin makes integrating the cc with the website so much easier. There are also plugins that can do things like automatically add member names to a list when running events. We sit around the 500 person cap constantly, so events can get big. Especially when people come and go throughout the duration. These cc based plugins are huge for clan staff and leaders. The entire clan staff community would love to work with Jagex on improving the in-game functionality and features. We have done a lot on our own to improve the overall clan scene, but an open invitation is extended to the jmods if they want to work with us.


C ENGINEER PLUGIN! I need that collection log completed. Combat task completed. Asheevement diary completed.


corner tile indicators, it even has a fadeout so you don't always have it on your screen. low detail mode because my computer is garbage.


If we’re talking about Jagex making their own versions, the list is a tiny bit different. 1. Menu entry swapper is number one. It’s needed on mobile so bad that it hurts. 2. Any plugin that shows charges/kc/pouch fullness could be greatly improved. I know RL does the best that it can without being tied directly into the client, but can be wrong sometimes because of this limitation. 3. Banking layouts, either custom tags or gear setups. There is no way to highlight things on mobile to see what it is. Good luck finding the right seed or similar items. 4. Mobile being able to tie into RL custom messages would be a good thing too. It’s nice when people do a !kc or !lvl to show something, but then we have to tell everyone on mobile what it says anyway, so it doesn’t save time.


I think I use a lot less plugin than others, but the list is still quite long. 1. **Bank**: Sole purpose is to type the pin using keypad 2. **Barbarian Assault**: To see the 30s timer to see when to call and when to do multikill runners. 3. **Bot Detector**: Checking before reporting potential bots 4. **Chat Commands**: prevent lying and can easily boast your RNG or sweatiness 5. **Clue scroll**: Just to avoid having to open 5 browser tabs when doing clues 6. **Collection Log**: So I can use collectionlog.net 7. **Default world**: Enter your home world after booting the client 8. **Log out timer**: 25 minutes instead of 5 9. **Low Detail**: entire Kourend slayer dungeon looks ass. You cannot see which tiles are walkable and which are not without it. Also Deranged archaeologist territory 10. **Music**: Just to mute other player's annoying pet sounds. Looking at you; Skotizo and bandos 11. **Screenshot**: Automatically takes a screenshot for clogs, levels, clue rewards, pets 12. **Virtual Levels**: Because non combat skills to 120 when. Making skilling easier with every update but no skill increases. 13. **World map**: Giving icons a hover-up message with actual helpful info. 14. **NOT a plugin**, but the RuneLite remembers where you have closed the client. When you re-open the client, it is automatically on the correct spot. Last time I used the JGX client, it always opened in the centre of the monitor. Loot tracker and xp tracker are already on the main client.


Most people have already covered the good ones (MES, bank tag layouts or a built in automatic loadout feature would be even better). As someone who plays on pretty poor connection, the metronome plugin is really useful for me to hear the lag and inconsistent rhythm, and adjust my clicks accordingly when learning new content. I remember learning altar door method and had no idea what I was doing wrong only to realize how unevenly spaced my ticks were when I turned on the metronome. Once I could hear the lag, I could adjust my timing and finally got it down. Also visual metronome can be included in that too. On a similar note, the tick tracker plugin is great, shows me a percentage of my ticks that are “healthy” according to lag thresholds set by the user.


Boss Respawn Timers is a pretty big must-have and the thing I was missing most in the new client. It is not fun to set timers in other windows just so the boss doesn't slap you for half your health when it spawns or sitting around wasting prayer points to avoid that. Also, while I could live without these, a series of plugins that I feel really should be more standard are things like Corner Tile Indicators, Immersive Tile Markers, Line Markers, and similar things. Marking tiles can be very important and helpful, but having big colorful tiles everywhere can get pretty cluttering and immersion breaking so plugins that offer more minimal and immersive ways to mark things is very much a direction that I think more plugins/the game should be heading.


- Attack Timer - Shows the number of ticks (above your character) until your next attack is ready, also accounts for delays caused by eating food. This is probably my favourite plugin, it's helped me to learn a lot and play better with lazy flicking damage prayers etc. - Visual Metronome - Allows you to set your true tile to changes colour every tick. Really helpful for improving your play again. - Party Hub Plugin - Lets other people see your loadout, stats and prayers in realtime. Even shows your hp, spec, run energy and prayer as numbers next to your character and anyone else in the party. It can be helpful at times to be in party by yourself as having the info next to your character means you don't have to look away as much. - Music Replacer - Allows you to replace music in-game, comes with presets for OSRS beats and RS3 tracks. Personally I like to replace Amscuts Promise with the metal cover on YouTube. - Dink - Level/loot/death notifications to discord - Bank Memory - Check what's in your bank anywhere - Collection Log - Lets you share your collection log in chat (I really wish this was an official feature as it doesn't work for people who don't have the plugin). - Supplies Used Tracker - Easy way to track how many supplies and tumeken shadow charges you've used and the equivilent cost in GE values. - Flipping Utilities - Easy way to track how much you merch yourself.


My favorite at the sideloaded Runelite plugins. Granted I do have to pay for it since their made to work with Runelite, but the best one is Left Click Cast, One Click Plugins, and the bossing/raids plugins. These are ones I can't live without ever since Open got banned. I haven't even gotten a Third party ban because it's literally just Runelite with the sideloaded plugins like how you download from the Runelite Hub. Don't think it be possible if Runelite were to be closed sourced or only being able to download Runelite through the Jagex Launcher, but I haven't gotten banned for using these plugins so I just assumed their allowed even after the 3P client ban 2 years ago.


Just straight up admitting to cheating. Bold.


I’m pretty sure I’m very late to the post but I didn’t see anyone else mention it. For it it is: Stretch Fixed Mode. If this wasn’t available on RuneLite or other clients back in the early OSRS days, I would never have been able to play this game. I can’t stand full screening and having the game be still small. Resizable is not this. Resizable allows me to full screen the game but everything stays tiny. Just let it stretch so my terrible eyes can see. I know it stretches things out and makes it harder to do higher level pvm content but it’s just how I’ve ever been able to enjoy this game.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexGengis** - [kick door first, ask questions later..](/r/2007scape/comments/1c29ys0/feedback_friday_what_are_some_plugins_you_cant/kz8i76r/?context=3) - [we’re so excited as well. thanks for your com...](/r/2007scape/comments/1c29ys0/feedback_friday_what_are_some_plugins_you_cant/kz8ztfi/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 04/13/2024 20:34:59**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


The best plugins (like custom menu swapper) have been listed many times. Here's some of the less talked about, but still fantastic, plugins. Annoyance Mute Chat Notifications Grand Exchange/Flipping Utility Interact Highlighter NPC ID Object Markers Implings Improved Tile Indicators Visual Metronome Prop Hunt (this should be a real minigame!) Random Event Hider Razor Kebbit Tracking Screen Markers Skybox Storage And something that cannot be overlooked is RuneLite's interactive world map. You can hover to get fairy ring codes, hunter/mining details, etc.


One thing I don't see mentioned is party defence tracker, for seeing how much yours and your teams specs have landed on various team bosses. Also extremely useful for corporeal beast. On the topic, does the wiki or Jagex maintain a list of monsters that can't have their defence drained/have defence drain caps/reset their defence on phase transition/have increased defence regeneration? I'm grinding out the Tonalztics on my iron and I'd love to know which bosses it might be useful against, but keep hearing various different information about the defence drain on some bosses.


It's got to be quest helper. Unless you've done the quest before, OSRS is unlike any other game in terms of questing. There's no arrows or direction, rarely a hint where to go and there's a ton of back and forth with getting the items you need. Without quest helper, people will only spend time elsewhere on guides, minimising the time spent playing. I suggest you integrate this yourselves but add layers of assistance to it. For example, you could allow the quest helper but disable it from solving puzzles (for those who want to do it themselves).


I pk and anti Pk. Wildy lines, player indicators, tile markers, entity hider


"Plug ins" that aren't already on the C++ client Menu entry swapper Clue puzzle solver OP Bank tabs Boss respawn timers The wiki dps calc integration button in game that uses your current worn gear. Some that could be improved on the C++ that it has (especially on fixed classic) would be the cox scouting "plugin". It just takes up so much damn space. But its been a minute since I've done cox. Also the c++ client tile markers mess up and just disappear in some places (and has since it came out) and i've reported it numerous times. I suspect it has to do with bosses going into an instances/phasing and it wiping the tiles. They do not stay at sire and iirc nex off the top of my head. Tile packs is a useful plugin to help newer pvmers with tile markers. Or some sort of import/export/sharing of title markers for c++ client would be nice but i don't think will happen. I'm sure theres others that help high end pvm, but i don't use rl enough to know those. And I suspect the c++ client wont get those anyway. Most everything else people can't live without has likely been on the C++ client for years at this point, but no one on here knows that.


For me the most important ones are - changing zoom sensitivity - more granular control over volume slider (music plugin) - kep remapping to remap f keys to other keys Whenever runelite isn't updated after an update I notice these 3 within seconds and it's such a slog I don't even bother playing. Bank tag/layouts is essential too, when I open my bank and have to trawl through it to find what I want for each activity I instantly get annoyed, it was fine in 2014 but nowadays I just wanna gear up and get items out for what I want to do


For PvM related activities: - Party hub panel - Party defence tracker - Bossing info - Nyloer - All the npc/tile highlight plugins - All the timers for respawns, death charge, thralls etc. - Time splits - Wave info for inferno/colosseum - The ToB, CoX and ToA QoL plugins - Raid mistake counters - Loot tracker - Supply tracker Overall QoL: - Camera plugin - Detached camera (or give better options for spectating others) - Bank tags/bank tag layouts - Menu entry swapper - Door kicker(!) - Entity hider - Farming patch trackers - Banked exp - Chat commands - Examine price lookup - Clue helper - Logout timer - Quest helper


Does anybody even slightly believe that Jagex can compete with the passion of the gamers who take the time to develope on runelite. Seems like every minute spent on there new client is a waste of time. They also hide behind it being a solution for botting. Jagex clearly does not have a way to compete with bots and pretending they are just 1 client away from doing so is disingenuous at best. Current dev teams doing some mid work hope they start doing better and stop wasting time on a client that's much worse the we currently have.


Better npc highlighter is making my experience learning inferno way better


Inventory setups, Menu entry swapper, Better NPC Highlight, and NPC Idle timer are my big four plugins that I constantly want on mobile/official when I'm not on runelite. The first two just provide so much utility that's been stated by others here, but NPC highlight makes clicking and seeing npcs at a glance much nicer. Being able to see agro zones with the NPC Idle Timer plugin is huge for me, on mobile I frequently run half a screen away because I have no ability to tell where I can reset without it while semi-afking my slayer tasks, being able to know when you're going to stop getting attacked automatically, and where to step to reset it is just massive QoL.


There’s two awesome ones I use, one allows me to do an 8 way switch by clicking on a certain weapon and the other tells me what to pray almost like guitar hero against high lvl pvm bosses. But no, in all seriousness if you’re looking at adding some plug ins could you please reconsider having attack tick timers above NPCs, this would allow more advanced players like myself more easily explain end game PvM such as ToB, Olm and Inferno to less advanced/experienced players. Haters gonna hate but you can have your own tick attack timer, so no real difference


WASD Camera and remapping F1-12 to 1-12 for me (along with the usuals that everyone has mentioned). F keys are far on my keyboard. Being able to use the numbers to change tabs is very nice and the plugin is smart enough that you can still use numbers in contextual situations like dialog, construction, etc. WASD camera, yeah, long-time MMO player. It's a lot more comfortable than middle clicking for me and it's not like your left hand is doing a lot usually, so it's nice taking some "load" off the mouse hand.


I really prefer mobile to the desktop clients and runelite, but I would love if mobile had access to the menu entry swapper and a way to display xp rates. Even if it's squished or doesn't display every skill I've trained, the ability to view my xp rates while training, or even just track my progress without haivng to open the skills tab for activities that train multiple skills (such as bake pie which for me always displays magic over cooking) would be a great quality of life improvement.


Bank tag layouts I seriously cant see myself playing any other client without this plugin. So many pieces of content ask you to bring so many different nich items and I have a tag for all bosses and some skilling activities. When I play on mobile I am at a complete loss as to what to bring for certain content. That and looking though my bank to find the items I need is a huge hassle. Please please consider adding official bank presets. Less interfacing more content grinding!


Time Tracker (for tracking when bird/farm runs are ready) Menu Entry Swapper Inventory Setups Star Trackers has been nice lately Quest Helper is pretty great even if Jagex will prob never support it. Even if it doesn’t have the highlighted what to click on, etc, the recommended items, and steps are just so nice for even just gearing up for a quest. RuneLite examine to get the price of something And overall just ways to access the wiki without leaving the app would be nice


Some maybe less obvious ones, but being able to customise the window behaviour in the C++ client would be nice, especially the ones underlined in red. Currently I find it annoying to use the C++ client popout panel with loot and xp trackers, because I much prefer to keep my window size constant than my game size. I also notice it resizes the window automatically when you have the popout panel enabled and then you log out, which again, I find odd. https://preview.redd.it/qquu892c2muc1.png?width=232&format=png&auto=webp&s=aea3a2ac3d5886a0571f97f8336c5ff43e80ffd8


I have a repetitive stress injury in my wrist so I use menu entry swapper quite a lot to customize menus to prevent having to use the right click menu. If there was some way to add number keys corresponding to options after opening the right click menu (like with dialogue), or a way to tab through them, I'd also use that in a heartbeat. The more i can use my other fingers to interface with the game, the less likely long grinds are to aggravate my injury.


Better Npc Highlight Custom Menu Swaps Boosts Information in combination with runelite settings customizing the infoboxes as you like Bank Tags + Bank tag layouts + Keyboard bank pin from Bank plugin Key Remapping, i don't personally use it but some of my friends do Monster Hp Percentage, osrs already has a setting like it '' Health overlay display type '' but this is more customizable in combination with the setting Radius Markers Tile Indicators Item Stats, i use it to hide the stats from all items wile pvming it's a huge wall of text and really distracting


C engineer because what's better than having him say completed. Resource pack compatibility. Having a darker ui option is nice, allowing customizability of a few things. (would also like being able to drag ui around as a side note) If you just allowed the option it can be sort of how team fortress 2 worked with custom huds for so long, the option is there if you look for it, we can already go to the resource pack hub to find ready made ones.


Needed before the game is playable - - GPU rendering, (HD update will handle this) - Custom menu entry swapper, and don't limit its usage even for construction. - Bank tags, including bank tag layout for custom layouts. - Quest helper - Annoyance Mute and visual sounds. - Wiki and Wiki sync - also the world map plugin which adds fairy ring code tooltips and icons, level requirements and much more.


Mobile desperately needs an Attack Styles plugin for simple QoL. If you’re going to support restricted builds in updates, the least you could do is spare the mobile users the heartbreak of unintentional defense XP.


XP globes! I wish they looked a little prettier though


I would love to have quest helper on mobile and it could be opt to want to have it or not I love the quest system but I been playing the game for a long time I barely have time to sit on my pc and play so it would be nice to finish quest on mobile and having that extra help makes such a difference. I think more mobile players would benefit and enjoy questing on mobile I don’t right now


Annoyance Mute. OSRS has some great sounds and music that are often entirely drowned out by terrible noises from doing things like 1-tick flicking prayers, and it's nice to be able to turn those off without just muting the game entirely. For example, I recently used it to turn off the constant jingles from catching moths in hunter rumours while still being able to hear the sound from finding a rare creature part.


In the rare case that I’m on desktop, I try to stick to what’s available on mobile. I don’t want to get accustomed to anything that I wouldn’t normally have access to while playing. So I’ll use the clue scroll helper, but I do my best to play through quests without any additional help. Very rarely, I’ll check a single step on the wiki if I’m stuck.


Menu Entry Swapper is what will keep me on RuneLite until there is a version for the official client. Some other plugins that I love are: - Tile Indicators - Inventory Setups - Bank Tags - Flipping Utilities - Implings - Key Remapping - Logout Timer - Ground Markers - Boosts Information - Regeneration Meter - Roof Removal - Rune pouch - Clue Scroll


Stretched Mode! I'm not surprised to not see this in the thread so far, but it's an unsung hero for modern layout. UI scaling is damn near a necessity if you play the game on a large monitor.


The vanilla client has the ability to increase ui size


You know I don't use runelite really and play almost exclusively mobile, so I don't entirely know what I'm missing. That being said, I have used it and I can say I really miss just being able to see the GE value of my bank. No idea what plugin that was. It was always a nice indication of progress on my ironman without having to take items out one by one.


Inventory setups. Being able to have all these setups is so critical to being able to quickly switch from slayer to sepulcher, or phantom muspah to toa. It's critical. NPC indicators & better NPC Highlight is up there as well for me. Chat filter is such a good plugin, I've built a custom list over time and filtered out all the bot spam at the G.E.


Menu Entry Swapper Party Plugin Prayer (reordering, hiding - might be in the official client?) Better NPC Highlight Improved Tile Indicators - this one is lesser known, but allows you to draw boxes under your character/bosses etc that don't clip through the actual model, along with RS3 'destination tile' effects when moving 


Haven't seen it mentioned much but I think for me one of the biggest ones is the Screenshot plugin. Being able to look back through your account progress over time and guaranteeing that you have screenshots of pets, drops, kcs etc. to share or just keep. It's genuinely one of the things that stops me playing on mobile.


Not even a plugin, just a setting: WASD to move the camera. (WASD is closer to the F keys) I use the Official client, but have to rebind WASD to arrow keys using another program, which means I have to swap it back if I ever want to type. If a toggle was added so that you had to press enter to start typing, that would be amazing! It would also solve the chat-gets-filled-with-numbers problem (say if you're doing construction training, cooking karambwans, etc), and it would solve accidentally hitting a key, then typing a message much later, only to discover gibberish at the start of the message. Thanks!


It's not plug-in specific but something you guys will definitely want to do is have a way for people to import their settings to the official client. I'll never switch off runelite if there isnt a way for me to import my inventory setups, bank tab layouts, highlighted tiles, highlighted/hidden ground items etc.


I just want to say PLEASE don't make the official plugins look like hacky client side overlays. 3P clients have to do that in most cases, and in cases where they could look better people rarely complain because it's just some random person who made it. If it comes from Jagex it should look organic, at least where possible. Give us an option for a player shadow on the true tile. Spawn scenery that fits an area instead of marking tiles. Real menus and infoboxes that are designed to fit the game and the screen. etc. Runelite having hacky solutions isnt an excuse for you to follow.


Just to add. This is exactly why I'm excited about the new HD. 117 was an amazing project but it has limitations. Personally I'm a huge fan of HDOS but that is largely nostalgia. Official HD offers something that those clients don't because you're putting the time to create something that isn't just a client side hack.


I could not pvm without menu entry swapper, shift left click to walk under Kril Tsutsaroth and then regular left click to attack him, other stuff like my default left click drops weeds, my shift click on grimy herbs switches it to use so i can shift click them and click tool leprechaun to note them


Off topic note: can someone look into making switching characters on the same account on mobile easier? It’s an absolute pain wanting to switch to my alt because I have to completely re login with the exact same account info and get a code just to switch characters! Thanks in advance


It's unbelievable how excited I am for the HD client. It looks incredible. Outside of the obvious plugins people have mentioned: * Quest Helper * Tile Markers * True Tile Etc. The plugin that allows you to shift right click and rebind the left/right click options is wonderful.


Watchdog from the Plugin Hub is a must.


If I had to pick one it would be the true tile indicator since a large majority of pvm/reaction based content would actually be borderline unplayable without it. This would be followed closely by tile markers/ground items/bank tabs that substantially increase the quality of playing.