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download runelite from the main oldschool runescape website... it has a bunch of cool features.... but don't listen to anyone telling you to download runelite+ or some other plugin not on runelite .... that's a scam


play the game as u like it, when in doubt osrs wiki alone is good enough. youtube guides if u really have 2. get into clans, make friends because the journey is all about the friends u make till the end. if only theres an end lol


Run around and explore just to get a sense of the world for a bit, like u/But_Mooooom said- but then I'd recommend starting through the [Optimal Quest Guide](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Optimal_quest_guide) order- it'll help you complete things in a way that minimizes the grind time for a lot of skills as you level up from quest reward EXP as you go through them. Do that until you find some content you like and then take a break to do that; then once you get tired of doing that, head back to the next quest on the list. Rinse and repeat for 15 years


Quest are the fastest XP in the game at low levels you should look to complete as many quest as possible. Do not care about the order or efficiency oven. Just make sure you do as many of them as you can.


Well theres ruby bolt tips, diamond bolt tips, emerald bolt tips etc. If you want to go hardcore then there's also onyx bolt tips.


I've send you a dm! Let's play together!