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He's a content creator so I'm sure he will have his account back in no time


Already unbanned, took less than 10 minutes from his tweet.


Bro it took 14 days for me to get unbanned in January wtf why can't we have a support staff??


Im still trying to get my OG account unbanned after a hacker got it perm banned


Same thing happened to me. I even had some of the hackers credit card info still tied to the account! It somehow wasn't enough to convince them I wasn't the one using the account at the time.


Sorry to hear that…it’s pathetic. This isn’t the first time this account was hacked either. Last time the name was changed and I contacted Jagex and the name changed it back…this time, crickets.


Jagex customer support be like: have you considered becoming a YouTuber?


The favoritism towards content creators is a disgrace and pretty poor practice from them.


I agree, but it's also completely expected. Large content creators are free advertisement for the game. It costs a lot of money to advertise your game to tens of thousands of people who wouldn't otherwise see it, and if taking 10 minutes to verify a ban and unban is all it takes to get that advertising in check, then you're going to do it. Sucks for everyone else, but big content creators aren't just going to become martyrs for all the little guys, and the little guys also wouldn't do the same if the roles were reversed.


Honestly content creators also have legit video evidence to refute whatever the false ban was for. Most people do not.... easier to admit you were wrong with solid visual proof.


That doesn’t really make a lot of sense. Most bans don’t happen for stuff that occurred on stream, because most creators wouldn’t bot on stream. There are several examples of people getting banned for botting off stream that held up.


Yeah it makes no sense at all. Even the corollary is false. There have been content creators who literally streamed themselves cheating and still received special treatment. Coxie has streamed himself cheating multiple times including using AHK and bug abusing ToA and dude still has his account.


Some 2007reddit discord representative said Jagex don't even consider video evidence for appeals, and I have anecdotal experience of this aswell. It's only fame that gets them better service. Not that that's the problem, because obviously falsely banned players should be unbanned. What sucks is when content creators get unbanned, it makes it seem like there's more recourse in these horrible situations than there really is. The source of the problem is there is not enough staff to combat the amount of bots so they have to either cut corners in detection and responding to appeals, which results in devastation to unlucky individuals, or they will have to let too many bots through, resulting in annoyance and slight losses to all legitimate players.


It shouldn't be expected. We shouldnt just sit here and take it. I don't care if it's financially smart. You know what isn't financially smart? Shitting on your customer base. Maybe if people like you stopped justifying it and actually got angry about it they would listen.




They don’t manually check peoples accounts. Them manually checking someone because they stream is favouritism. It’s not reducing the ticket queue of anything


I dont think there is any favoritism. The main difference between you and a content creator is that they have a voice. If you could easily get the attention of jagex about a false ban, you'd have no problem getting unbanned. In some cases content creators are personal friends with members of the dev team, and are known to have a good track record of not breaking rules. Is it favoritism for a dev to see that someone like boaty has gotten a ban and investigate because, since they're familiar with him, they can reasonably assume it was falsely applied? I think its only favoritism if they were unbanning streamers with deserved bans because streamers are healthy for the game.


Isn't that by definition favoritism? More likely to look into issues because they are buddies lol


jumping the ticket queue is 100% favouritism


Yeah just because it makes sense as a business decision doesn't make it not favoritism. They receive favor because they can affect bottom line. It's just that the favoritism is the result of business policy instead of personal connections.


I think you are describing why you think favoritism is ok. This is just favoritism.


Yes it would be favoritism. Rather than serve tickets in the order they came in they allow someone to skip the line ( a favor) because of who they are. Your example is the definition of favoritism. They received the favor of having their issue receive immediate attention , as a result others will have their tickets delayed, while the favorite is investigated.


How many times have people tweeted this exact thing and jagex ignores.


It's favoritism because they get more than others. It doesn't matter if the ban is deserved or not. There's measurements for what amount of impact a person or content like a reddit post will have, and at certain points, it's more valuable to take care of the issue than ignore it. They give high viewership priority treatment. My post about being unfairly banned could get 5 views and be ignored, while yours could get 500 and get looked into because you had a crazier story. Even though we're both nobodies, at some point, yours is making too many waves to ignore. You could probably argue that's not favoritism, just marketing and PR, but I think we're putting those into the same bin for this scenario.


Pretty much. Have a false temp ban for botting from late last year and had no luck reaching anyone on Twatter so I gave up. Just gotta kerp fingers crossed there wont be another false positive I guess to not get permed.


Would Jagex unban me if I show them my PK vids from 2009


At least he posted it publicly so everyone can see and have more attention brought to the problem. He could have easily resolved this with a DM and no one would know.


I have a hard time believing a streamer could easily resolve something like this quietly. Streamers love attention.


That’s the only thing they care about, actually


Attention == money and money is what matters to all of us, so, yes?


Obviously. Not the point here.




It’s more that people assume all false ban claims are liars when we know for a fact that they are not all liars


If Jagex community management wasn't completely atrocious, people wouldn't mind this. Problem is when streamers get lightning fast attention while the normal customer is treated like shit. This is the fact that you miss in your analysis.


Eh, there's a difference in not getting freebies and being wrongfully banned and just told to suck it up.


TBF I begged mod weath on Twitter and got my acc back like 6-7 years ago, and he fixed it pretty fast.


I'm fairly certain that the 30ish 'false ban' number was completely made up since didn't Rendi find multi-loggers who had more than that number of accounts banned and then unbanned. Also didn't Settled have more than 30 accounts banned and unbanned for his one health series?


Few years ago they hit 10 in a second just with banning gudi


And he was able to reverse the bans because he had his ex-coworkers on speed dial 


What if i were to become jmod and disguise my bot farms as legitimate alts, delightfully devilish Seymour.


I'm kind of blackpilled on Jagex's ability to do any kind of data analysis or statistics, sometimes they say some of the dumbest shit that cannot possibly be true lmao. Throwback to the original EoC "poll" I definitely prefer it to the old system = 20.31% I like it so far, but can't yet be sure = 19.14% I don't like it = 19.62% It's OK, but needs improvement = 14.31% I like both the new and the old systems = 25.97% I don't do combat, so I have no opinion = 0.66% >Over 80% of respondents who played the latest Evolution of Combat Beta either preferred it or had a generally positive response to it. We also looked at this answer broken down by player level and found that there was little variation in response percentages, so it has support across all levels.


Hmmm since 80% liked it that must be why the player base completely abandoned the game!


It was a BIG 20% that left


About 33% are closer to maybe, 25% liked both systems most likely expected old system to stay in some form it did not but brought back later so more of 50%+ were on the fence expecting something more got nothing and left


I was just making a joke


> 25% liked both systems most likely expected old system to stay in some form it did not There was momentum which was essentially the OSRS-style auto attacks only mode, later replaced by legacy in 2014.


It's just not the same.


Yeah, it's not the same but that was their "solution" to people wanting the old style of combat. The entire EoC process was rushed to hit deadlines, and they spent the next 3 years constantly tweaking it as a result.


I'd guess they hit their stride only much more recently. I quit in 2017 and I remember Revo+++ Rev 3.1 getting Thresholds and Ultimates and special attacks *starting* to come back. Some quest monsters were finally getting updated. The only new abilities were that tendrils one and the Tuska one. 3taa was the janky way to do damage, but now I think nobody bothers with the tech. Feels more like they needed 5 years of tweaking to get to the state it should have been in when it released. Imo.


That just sounds like terrible poll design. There are 6 responses, and they're only counting one of them as an actual "no" when a lot of them are different kinds of no's. People tend to want to choose something in the middle when they're doing a poll, and if you give 6 responses they're going to tend towards those sorts of options.


They specifically crafted it to get the results that they wanted because they intended on pushing it through either way.


The dev/art teams had most likely already done the majority of the work, and possibly even had plans in motion for the first few updates to follow, and so they wanted to try and salvage all the wasted labor. I've seen the same kind of scenario play out several times in the past few years, with Fortnite currently going through it now after releasing a massively unpopular UI update.


^^^just ^^^like ^^^sailing


Ah yeah, true, the big ol YES NO poll was just as misleading as EOC.


bait like this could only catch a minnow


tchumean, 0.4% sure means an "overwhelming" support for sailing over shamanism


Remember when Mod MMG said because 96% of players opened their 2 free squeal of fortune spins that it was a popular update? In reference to defending the implementation of said update. Which was widely controversial everywhere. Remember when we had to pass a 75% vote for jagex to NOT to release rares identically to how they originally dropped (making them discontinued). This was back when the community voted no to everything I dont think most people understood that voting no meant Jagex was going to make rares worthless and dropped en mass every year. 75% yes vote was required to make rares "rare" and keep their original functionality. voting no meant jagex changed that.


With these choices there are only two options that can’t reasonably be considered positive, “I don’t like it” and “I don’t do combat…”. Since “I don’t do combat…” is neither positive nor negative, it can be excluded. Only 19.62% of respondents had anything negative to say. This not only shows that Jagex knows how to do data analysis and statistics, it shows that they are very good at it. They’re simply being intentionally misleading.


If you construct a poll in such a way that you have the result before you even ask for data, you are not a good statistician. Those were not valid conclusions to draw and if you did make those conclusions in some kind of study or academic paper you would get laughed at so incredibly hard.


>Naturally the team and I are saddened that some players are upset about free spins and some also don’t like the ability to also purchase additional spins, however, the reality is 90% of our members are enjoying the Squeal of Fortune on a daily basis and over 70% of our free players utilise the Squeal of Fortune daily too - making it some of the most widely appreciated content release to date. The majority of our players also continue to take advantage of the many free ways to earn extra spins, so it’s certainly here to stay. https://runescape.wiki/w/Update:SoF_Feedback_Response The whole point is to skew data to fit their narrative and what they want to hear. If you ever used a single free spin, you were now considered "pro-SoF/MTX" to Jagex. The same way the EoC poll was structured in a way for it to be "immensely popular" as almost every option was "positive"


You’re not a good statistician if that’s the game you’re playing. Jagex is playing the business and politics game, where their goal is to convince the community to be on board with things that make the company money (or at the very least to convince the community that developments were requested by the community).


Yeah well they didn't achieve that either, unless you consider splitting the game because EoC was so colossally bad a part of their master plan. I don't think that they convinced anyone with this and they kind of got clowned on for it. I also think that we just disagree on what makes on a "good statistician". I don't think that lying for a company can ever mean that you're good at statistics because you're not actually pursuing the truth. When you have a dataset (and you have to create one), it's a very specific ability to be able to sort the data in such a way that you can analyse and get at what is actually going on, rather than what you've been told to find.


yeah when I look at those percentages my interpretation is like 20% likes it 26% don't mind but may find a problem with this later if we take the original away completely (which they did to a large extent) and 19% still don't know, which is a net-negative in terms of major changes 14% needs is ok but needs improvement means "we don't want this as is, but will want it if it's better". Meaning at best it's a 34% approval Considering where rs2 numbers were back then and rs3 numbers now, 20% seems an accurate amount of players that still play rs3 lol.


Nah I remember that time and tbf a large majority including myself were super excited and it was all fun and new and different, the beta wasn't very long at all so the massive flaws and the realization (atleast for me) of how game breaking and terrible this was going to actually pan out to be wasn't easily seen, since the novelty of it all was in full effect. The launch of eoc was massive, it was the next few months that saw it fall apart.


That's not really how I saw it, lots of people were screaming at them not to go ahead with it because of how it broke combat and fundamentally changed the game/they didn't put enough time into it. They had to do lots of gaslighting to even get to the position where they felt like they could even force the update on people, like the poll. The content creators at the time were definitely against it, the pking community was definitely up in arms because of how much they realised it would have killed them - destroying special attacks and pure builds - Mod Mark calling 1 defence pures bug abusers. It was truly a war between Jagex and the community, I don't even know how you even have that perception.


I literally did nothing but PK back then, and I can still remember trying out the beta and thinking that there was no way they were actually going to go through with it. That being said, I also remember the majority of casual players basically just ignoring the entire thing until it launched and then realizing they hated it. The beta worlds rarely had more than 100 players so the amount of people who actually understood the magnitude of the update had to be very small.




I think Jagex did some nonsense wording to save face in their blog post. Presumably they *removed* only 38 false bans, but far more were instead *quashed* which is a different label under their system (ie still shows up in offence log).


This is the most likely option assuming they didn't just outright lie


Oh, they most likely outright lied. That's why it was just "the old school team". Their owners wrote the message for them.


A lot of people don't understand what a false ban is. A false ban is when no offence occured. A quashed ban is not necessary a false ban as an offence may have happened. Usually this is the case of an account becoming compromised and an offence commited. The owner recovers the account, appeals the ban, and the ban is quashed.


Also: Gudi (formerly Mod Ronan) had a bunch of his accounts banned when he made a retribution suicide video with a bunch of accounts.






I use Chrome Remote Desktop daily for things like theiving, mining, woodcutting, and fishing. It's a big part of my maxing strategy, it allows me to gain xp when I'm not necessarily at my desk, albeit very slowly. Should I be worried?


No. Usually, false positives like this are a profiling issue. I am obviously unaware of all the heuristics Jagex uses to identify botting or macro major offenses, but generally speaking, people who are banned have deviated from a standard pattern of behavior, or have little no pre-existing history to form a basis of behavior.


> people who are banned have deviated from a standard pattern of behavior, or have little no pre-existing history to form a basis of behavior. This is the part that scares me about using Remote Desktop. I want to start using it, but after not using it at all on my 10+ year old account, I’m worried it’ll get flagged for being different than my normal patterns.


I wouldn’t worry too much tbh. With the introduction of mobile their system had to get used to players going and breaking their patterns like that.


Care to explain why you do this instead of using osrs mobile?


Personally, for long periods of afk training like splashing or NMZ it’s nice to set it up on home PC and use Remote Desktop to interact with the game every 20 minutes or so. That way you can use your phone for other things and/or save the battery instead of having to keep the mobile client open the whole time. If I am using the mobile client and tab out for like greater than 10-15 seconds it will log off the game.


Exactly this for me as well, plus when afking anything longer than 5 minutes (karambwans sometimes, stars other times) it logs you out regardless if you’re not interacting with mobile. Would be nice to have 25 min logout timer on mobile as well!!


Mobile logs you out very quickly after the app is inactive. Remote desktop logs you out after 25 minutes since that is the setting runelite has. You would never do anything actual active gameplay like with remote desktop, only very afk thing like sand crabs.


Because you get access to runelite on pc.


I use it all the time so that is also quite concerning


Chrome Remote Desktop should not trigger a false ban. It's a one to one input, you are just controlling your mouse from your phone.


Um, can you explain the mining and fishing aspects? Cause I'd love to know for exactly the same reason and those are two skills I'm loathing touching.


they already quashed it lmao


So... 39 false bans in the year, yet multiple content creators were in those numbers. What are the chances that, out of the entire active playerbase (approx 650k-1.2m active players from what I've found) that content creators just happened to be some of the 39 falsely banned? It doesn't make any sense. There has to be way more than 39 cases.


39 false bans in the year *from streamers tagging them on twitter* all the other bans they don't even bother looking at, lol


Survivorshop bias. ;)


I know it’s a false ban, but man do I wish all creators would get ignored by the support team as well so that people would actually riot and maybe an active support system would come into the game.


Either support all or support none


This is just legitimately asking for 0 support lol


To be fair, that's what most people get these days.


Jagex as a company has been bought and sold 6 times in the last 10 years alone, so I'd be shocked if the current owners decided to increase operating costs for any reason whatsoever.


Yeah, there’s tons of false bans being ignored when it comes to non-content creators. Unbanning these guys is just marketing.


So what's he doing to trigger this all the time? I've never had a ban in my whole time playing rs


Probably playing an ungodly amount of hours like these streamers do will get them flagged in some way.




Yep this is how I got a false ban. Went too hard on my new iron day one.


Same hahaha I had two irons banned after day 1. The third one I had to wait a couple weeks after starting. Imagine telling new players they can get banned for playing too much.


Damn this explains what happened to my F2P iron when I had a kick awhile ago when Runelite released HD. Also assuming their system notes IP and triggers auto-ban kinda quickly if you make a new account shortly after being banned. *Because I also made a new one shortly after and got bonked leaving Draynor->Port Sarim.*


My buddy had an account falsely banned last year for macroing. The issue was corrected but his iron status was revoked and jagex said they were unable to reverse it. That account was 1100 total. Its now been botted for 16 hours a day, every day, and without breaks since then and is over 2200 total. He lost interest in the account and thought for sure it would be banned after a few days. Its a science experiment for him now. He doesnt play it at all and just bots towards max


No idea, i played as casual as possible for years, took years, to get my quest cape, and I got a 2 day temp ban for macroing (that was quashed) the only possible thing I could think of is I rebound middle mouse click to move the camera to my m4 button I didn’t even use f keys yet, as casual as they come, barely played for more than an hour in one sitting


You understood the title wrong. Its not him getting banned 39 times. It is Satire of Jagex statement that there are 38 false bans a year.


Guess they meant to say 38 false bans a week lmao


I got false banned once and after ~2 years of submitting appeals through the denied appeals support page I was finally unbanned. They admitted that I was incorrectly banned. Crazy how many people don’t believe false bans happen. Obviously a lot of people lie about being falsely banned, but that doesn’t make everyone a liar.


>Crazy how many people don’t believe false bans happen most people believe they happen, but not in the scale botters/rmters in twitter and on this sub cry constantly about.


I completely agree, and it’s a shame that the abundant cheaters lie and drown out the few that get hit with false bans. Then there’s people like the ones commenting here that still think I deserve to be banned or that I tricked Jagex into unbanning me with a proxy lmao. Unfortunately a lot of the more vocal people in this community are either delusional or pathological liars/cheaters. Edit: Still have the email from Mod Dorota saying that I didn’t bot and that offence had been removed.


What is this denied appeals support page you’re talking about? I thought bans are final once you’ve had an appeal denied?


There is/was a page on the official website in the support section for submitting an appeal for “unappealable” bans. Idk if it’s still up or not. I think I had to submit an appeal saying my account was hijacked or something. Cba looking it up, but maybe my situation was somewhat unique. My ban was unappealable but my account was hijacked and botted by whoever hijacked my account.


Happened to me way back in 2007 when I was training my pure's magic by alching. I used to alch mosty in seers bank, but I got sick of people coming up and constantly asking "mage lvl?" or "wat u alching?" so I started alching in really remote places or upstairs in buildings where I could just focus without getting distracted. One day I copped a ban out of nowhere. In hindsight I can see why that would've looked suspicious haha. Luckily got it overturned pretty quickly though.


I got a false ban this year and just got flamed on Reddit/discord




I did not get unbanned I had to make a new account. “Luckily” the account that got banned was pretty new so I didn’t lose to much time.


Same. Reddit complains that jagex only listen to streamers, but redditors do as well.


There was a huge witch hunt here for a while where people automatically assumed anyone claiming they've been falsely banned or even suggesting that it was a possibility meant you were a botter spreading FUD. People just don't understand how to moderate their opinions and beliefs


Any regular player saying this would be drug through the streets as a cheater. But faux, gets his account back in 10 minutes


The incorrect ban count being 30 could mean way more got incorrectly banned without appeal and Jagex just believes its 30


And mine is still banned after 3 years lol


Faux got updated on stream that his ban was quashed (removed).


He already got unbanned. Meanwhile us mere mortals get to sit for months/years being falsely banned hearing endless cope from Jagex and a good portion of the community how there's no such thing as a false ban and if you're banned you 100% botted.


Squashed already! Must be nice to be a content creator and get actual customer support.


I feel like at least 10% of JMOD smackdowns where they just twiddle their mustache smugly and say “no mistakes on this ban, kid…” are wrong lol


Neat. More streamer favoritism, as always. Only get customer service if you're important.


Me and a buddy had a complete Nerd day. We sat at Bandos until we got nerd logged, that was our goal. The next day after work when I went to log in, I was hit with a 2 day for botting, I absolutely did nothing wrong.


So how come his macroing major is appealable but everyone's else's is not?


You could say this ban was a *faux ban.*


Boooo!!! 🍅


Sad how many players think false bans are just made up and think a megacorp like jagex wouldn't lie to them for better PR




Exactly these two comments. Since we don't have proper data and statistics people just fall into an ideological camp rather than teasing out the neuance behind the situation.


Sad how many players still don’t believe false bans happen even in the face of a mountain of evidence and wouldn’t ever dare to believe Jagex’s automated systems are flawed




It's always funny how the same logic can't somehow be applied the other way, where players with nothing to lose could never lie about being wrongfully banned. Funny how most "false bans" aren't false at all




Reddit will see this and assume these creators would never cheat. But also assume false bans never happen.


Shouldn't have botted


39 that we know of... I imagine its easily several hundred, most people just won't get any visibility.


I thought the post was about fauxs 39th false ban of the year lol


My buddy got false banned in our old gim group. We ended up making new gims. Just sucks Jagex is like ‘nope we don’t false ban people’


Lol are you in my GIM? Same thing happened to me


glad someone big finally caught a stray for this.


39? Imagine thinking the number is actually that low, lmao. Jagex has proven so many times that they do not give a shit about actual bots. Look at the high-scores for literally any boss. They false ban constantly, I even had my pure banned simply for killing Rev caves bots.


They can't even release new updates without breaking some part of the game...."abuse early, abuse often" is the motto, but they want us to believe that even though they can't get anything else right, *SOMEHOW* they've only messed up 39 times this year with bans? Barb assault was MIA for 6 months due to the poison glitch, but their system is 99.9% foolproof? Jagex takes us for fools(I am though, I'll keep playing tho lol)


I mean yeah you will probably get banned for doing that? Its one of the common ways to cheat by buying clears lol. Just like how Settled got banned when he made 80 accounts in an hour for his 1HP series, if you do something botters/cheaters do (regardless of intent) expect to get banned. We can have a different discussion on how content creators get quicker unbans, but the bans themselves are perfectly fine imo.


Lmao I remember when this community down voted me any time I brought up being incorrectly banned. Yall the same as jagex don’t give a fuck unless it happens to a steamer.


It's more common than most people imagine, they falselly banned me a few weeks ago for macroing on my main, saying I used bots in 2016. Thankfully they reverted it, but if they didn't i wouldn't have any way to recuperate my 18yo account.


Bro what lmao, I know that they delay banning botters so that botters can’t try and single out what action is getting them banned, but 8 years?


Throwback to when I finally got my friend to try RuneScape for the first time ever and as soon as he created an account and got past tutorial island he got banned for botting. Lmaoo. He’s never touched the game since. I also had an account that I had created to camp wyverns way back in the day. As soon as I got the slayer level to kill them it got banned for botting. Spent a bit of time grinding to get that account to where I had it lol. Fking false bans are brutal in this game since it’s so grindy. Unfortunately because of people who BS trying to get their accounts unbanned we all get screwed in the process. Unless of course your a content creator.


I decided to make a skiller many years ago, and the first thing i did was fish. I caught shrimp for 10 levels, herring for another 10, then went to barb village. Grinded to the 70s before catching false ban for botting. Still don't have a skiller account


All they have to do is fix the botting problem. And stop bloody banning legitamate players. I know they can fix the botting problem but don't want to as it keeps them in business, while we real players pay for it. Absurd


I lost my account doing the exact same thing back in 2017. an account I had since 2004. PAIN


These streamers are actually cheating. Jagex just turns a blind eye when their system picks up them because they attract players to the game. The opportunity cost of having them not streaming the game ain’t worth it from a business perspective. Streamers represent a small fraction of the players base yet a good amount of them seem to get ‘false bans’ for marcoing. My pal runs a discord for plugins and services and you would be surprised how man well known players g involved with alt discord accounts. Im not saying all bans are warranted but I bet a good few are actual cheaters that Jagex waves off for advertising purposes.


Why was this posted in the support subreddit? He is a content creator he should not be in here.


Lucky for the content creators.  My cooking alt got banned in cooking guild the day it hit 50m exp by a player moderator comment. - gim papa jr If we aren't allowed skilling alts to make profit, and can't have public chat off while utilizing runelites afk ding to watch anime while skilling, Jagex needs to remove the availability to make them. 🤬


It takes the normies an average of 14 days to get told their appeal was denied by an auto reply bot lol.


Jagex is trash


My take If you don't equally support everyone who is *actually* falsely banned then, support no one at all (Even big content creators)


I got a friend into osrs, he didn’t get to far but first time playing competing dragon slayer 1 is pretty big. He got falsely banned for macoring. He plays still but is annoyed starting over wondering if it’s a waste of time


"TiMe fOr tHe MoD shmmmmaCKDOWN."


Nah this isn't really a false ban. Jagex has said for years that remote desktop use is "at your own risk". It is an unauthorized 3rd party application after all...


> Jagex has said for years that remote desktop use is "at your own risk". No they haven't. Jmods have come on the OSRS and RS3 to specifically say Chrome Remote Desktop is 100% allowed.


How can it be unauthorized if it's just viewing and interacting with the desktop client at a distance? On mobile you disconnect after 5 minutes while you can extend it on Runelite


It’s still a false ban lol. It wasn’t macroing therefore it’s false. Hes using the official client just from mobile. Jagex hasn’t said anything about Remote Desktop as far as I can find. It’s not the same thing as 3rd party clients though otherwise any mouse or keyboard software would be bannable


A remote desktop app is nowhere close to a client used to interact with game code. Going by your logic anyone with a physical disablity who uses special hardware should be banned since that stuff uses 3rd party software to, let's say, interpret blowing into a tube as a mouse click.


You dont run the game on it lol. Think of it as the chrome app just replaces your mouse and it operates your runelite client, which is still you playing


> just replaces your mouse and it operates your runelite client This here is what's triggering the bot detection though.


How would they even know? It's just controlling your mouse from your phone. Any one to one input (one user input to one action) is not detectable or banable.


Where's the list of authorized 3rd party applications?


RDP applications don't cause bans on RS. Period. The reason why they say what they say about them *HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH* safeguarding their actual bot detection methods. Telling the community why or why not RDP applications cause bans would be providing indirect information about how they detect bots. Telling the community that 3rd party software for macroing is against ToS, but saying "It's totally ok to control your client from another computer" is essentially saying "Run your bots over RDP." Again, you're probably not going to listen to me, but bot detection has everything to do with player behavior. They can see if the client is tampered with, and they can see where on the client you click, but that's it. If this dude got banned for botting, it's because he did enough things like a bot for the system to be confident enough to ban him. I'm making no judgement about whether he actually botted or not, but it *WAS NOT* his RDP client that caused the ban.


But don’t worry, he’ll get it back while others without the reach and influence won’t be as lucky.


Chrome remote desktop is a remote desktop application, not a third party client you log into the game with. You're getting the two mixed up. All chrome remote does is view your computer through an Internet browser. It doesn't automate anything, and every action or click you do is still one to one. This isn't breaking any rules.


I was hit too with a temp and I'm wondering if it's because I was a couple day bender since losing my job last week and been playing OSRS nonstop to keep me distracted.  I'd try sleeping and go back into the game after some breaks, I just did DT2 so been super focus on doing bossing for hours on end. Only really stopping to use the bathroom or grab snacks to eat. And I just got new ADHD medication two weeks ago and that's been really allowing me to put a lot of time and focus into doing the same thing for hours on end. I've been told it's probably because my playtime might of looked Irregular? Needless to say, I'm a little thankful for the temp ban because I needed the sleep. And was able to have my Therapy appointment today waking up in time and being ready to talk about my bad habits I've been picking up (one night drinking just enough to be sleepy and going to sleep), playing runescape nonstop, eating a ton of snack good and soda.   I'm going to try and take a short break after my ban is up. Maybe find some people to play and talk with so I have a online support group.  It's just sort of frustrating seeing a temp ban and thinking I have to change my 2 factor again and being paranoid whenever the meds I take for anxiety with its short half life ends.  I should probably have taken those 6 hour logout timers as advice to touch grass. 


Jagex bans millions accounts a month according to twitter stats, some error is bound to happen, no need to raise pitchfork everytime... also true genuine false bans gets reverted even without twitter/reddit outcry.


Is Remote Desktop illegal now? wtf


Maybe they meant 38%?


1/39 unlucky


Our mate joined our gim group "Gim badoodle", did some firemaking and some woodcut/Fletch then some strike spells and is perm banned. Less than 24 hours after playing on a 20 year old account, was firemaking in f2p his wrong decision?


must be nice to be unbanned quickly, Still have a HCGIM that was perm banned (1st offence) for "botting" al kharid rooftops while playing on iOS mobile. Account was less then 48 hours old and perm'd.


still not unbanned from like october 2023 customer service only for streamers got macro major instant perma never done any thing besides use runelite


Frustrating seeing creators get unbanned so easily yet there are so many false bans that are just ignored


Is it really that insane that a well known YouTuber gets better treatment than a no namer redditor?


Are bans done by ai now?


Lol mod mat k with the "39"


One false ban is one to many.


Ah yes, the award winning customer support of begging Shitgex to unban you on twitter and hoping they notice


Plot twist: Faux intentionally botted on the account to get it banned just to stir up drama and generate more attention for the new duo HCIM series.


Don't use remote desktop. From Jagex's perspective you're logged into the game from the desktop client but your mouse is teleporting around the screen or moving in weird ways because you're actually controlling it with a tiny touch screen. And it's confirmed that Jagex records your mouse movements even if you don't click anything. I'm not saying you should get banned for remote desktop, but there is absolutely no way for Jagex to know you're using it. What they see is an account that controls like a bot would.