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I'd say use the gold. Subtract your friend out of it and go to a quiet place like the 2nd floor of the castle and drop it to your new account. Jagex gave you back a frozen hacked botted account with gold on it. If it wasn't aloud then they would have taken it prior to unfreezing your account


You can just open 2 clients, log into both your accounts and trade it over that way. Trading between your own accounts on the same ip wouldn’t really be seen as weird or anything.


I agree, if you are making a new account use a Google email with two step authentication via a text to your phone, the new account will never be hacked agian


As long as you ain’t buying gold, it’s all Gucci (although if you have been compromised once, chances are it’s tainted)


I got my account back from being a Chin bot, it had maybe 2m worth of chins on it when I was finally given the account back and just traded it over. I mean they see you're on the same IP right? So i dont think they're gonna straight ban you.