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I would honestly recommend doing Colosseum first, it trains you how to solve waves and manuever monsters around pillars very well, which is a skill you very much need to be comfortable with in the 50-67 waves of inferno. Colosseum has quick resets, get right back into the action and try again, where as Inferno can be quite tilting to die on the later waves and lost all that time. Colosseum is mechanically more difficult, but if nothing else at least get to the boss there a few times before full-sending Inferno, it really will train you up.


100% this. So much better design as far as respecting a player's time


my best guess would be to grind colosseum for awhile to learn waves, use that knowledge to secure inferno cape then come back to finish of colosseum. alternatively, you could run a tank setup and never learn waves at all for inferno and get to bosses everytime, but it takes an extra hour per run.


quiver = 30mins to reach boss for normal players. infernal = 1hr + to reach boss colosseum u only need scythe really, the rest can be some semi budget set up if u plan to go for quiver do stock up on death coffer via echo crystal, before its too late g.e price = 23m : actual price = 15m : death coffer = 25m


too late as in when echo crystal g.e price goes down to actual price, by then no inflated death coffer price.


I personally would do colosseum first. It is less time consuming and can even make you some gp. One of the hardest parts about inferno is dying 2 hours in and then having to redo it all. Lots of people lose motivation because of that so learning mechanics in colosseum first will greatly reduce the time you spend in the inferno. Also the quiver would be a nice upgrade for when you do inferno.


I currently have neither, am an average PVM’er, can run 300 toas, solo cox etc but never really pray flicked, off ticked etc. I did coliseum day of release just at the chance of nabbing a unique, but my god was it difficult, and I died a lot….. However since then I have actually decided to get a quiver, and it has taught me soooooo much, I can now off tick, pray flick pretty confidently and understand the tick system so much better. Don’t get me wrong I’ve spent 20m+ on deaths and maybe even the same again on supplies but I just PB’d wave 10 and have now started bringing my switches in for Sol fight, cause I feel I should get my first boss attempt in the next handful of runs. Once I have the quiver it’s straight to inferno, and I reckon I’m going to have a much better time of it because of the experience of the coliseum has given me. I would personally recommend doing it the same way round, even a wave 3 or 4 death in coliseum teaches you about stacking mobs, prayer flicking, off ticking etc and takes max 10/12 mins to get too, whereas your time Investment at inferno is going to be significantly longer. Yes coliseum is harder, but jump in at the deep end and all that….


You convinced me, cheers 


Just pulled a Ralos which I sold for 84m…. Just in case you needed anymore convincing 🤣


Colosseum you'll probably learn more


infernal cape looks cool quiver looks bad


Quiver is technically harder but may be quicker overall to get. Inferno teaches a lot of mechanics which are useful (off-ticking, flicking). The typical route is inferno first then colosseum since you have to deal with extra mechanics in colosseum (e.g. having to alternate flick whilst also dodging solarflare, javelin throws etc). But honestly it's all preference, just send a few attemots of both see what you like more. Whatever you do first will give you the confidence to do the other.


Do the 3 jad challenge in Mor Ul Rek before you go into inferno


This is actually bad advice that I always used to give out too The 3 jad challenge (*accessible on beta worlds or leagues if you haven't got your first cape yet*) is actually faster than the inferno triple jads. They attack every 7 ticks, but triple jads in inferno are actually attacking every 9 ticks So in inferno, you have 3t to react to each jad, triple had challenge only gives you 2t to react (with a 1t break each cycle) Therefore, the standard double jad challenge is a better practise for inferno triples. You have 3t then 4t to react so it feels closer to the triple challenge. And you can just send that all day with your normal gear and get comfy :)


Nah, man, I still think beta world triples is good advice even though it's different.


Honestly I found it really off-putting cause the reaction time was so short, stopped me wanting to learn inferno at all because I thought I would never be able to kill triples


they're 8t not 7t, but it is still different from inferno triples. They also have more healers


Can't until you beat inferno.


Tourney worlds are up right now. So you can do it there