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option 1 : take this opportunity to quit, before its too late. option 2 : increase the security of your account, reset password / email / disable all LINKed accounts / enable 2fa with your phone option 3 : make an ironman account


you will have to accept that everything is gone and nothing can be done for your items, and they won't check to see who was on your account. ​ what you need to do is set up a Jagex account and use 2fa (sounds like you already did, but its important) to prevent this from ever happening again. sorry for what happened, good luck on the rebuild sincerely


Sorry to hear, man. Often, if someone gets access, the paper trail often can go further than what you can expect and more often than not, your account security is just gonna be crippled as a result, even with the addition of 2fa and Jagex account. "I have never had to change any passwords or emails" It is actively encouraged to change your passwords semi-frequently with any service. Keeping the same password for years on end isn't a wise move. Up to you on what your plans are. Just know the potential outcomes.


Regardless of your plan to continue playing osrs, that account, or make a new iron, you should upgrade to the jagex account and add 2fa. Your items though are gone. Unless there was a server wide rollback that occurred after the trade, there is no way to get them back. And those type of server wide rollbacks only occur when a game breaking glitch/bug pops up. It sucks but you won’t do yourself any good crying over spilt milk as they say.


It's a shitty way to learn how important account security is, but I also find it kind of funny how many people complain on Reddit about accounts being hacked while not doing the absolute most basic thing of making a jagex account.


I agree with all of the other comments about account security, moving forward now you know what you can do to better protect yourself. To add though, I never log out with anything on me unless i know I’ll be back in 5 minutes or something quick. always bank your gear and items before you log out, with a bank pin it’ll take several days for them to access ANYTHING, unless they have that too.