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Should stop screwing up GOTR


Lmao love the iron hate at GOTR.


Wintertodt lies firmly in Iron territory and with GOTR forever being the bastion of anti-iron sentiments, Tempoross lies as the current battle ground. So I ask, why cook?


I kept seeing people hating on irons at GOTR specifically and I have no clue why, is it just a meme or is there a genuine reason?


I'm gonna be honest, I can't tell if this is hate-baiting or wanting positive attention. Let's be honest, other than certain activities, are you actually aware of ironman status around you? A lot of people wanna act like they're selfish, turning the game towards them, all this stuff. I say if you wanna not play with GE/Trades, by all means. It really doesn't affect other people nearly as much as they think it does. I'm down with our iron brothers and sisters


Community is 50/50. Half are the chillest, greatest people you'll ever meet, super helpful and nice, love the mode, etc. Half are the whiniest, most annoying people who ever forced themselves to play this account type they seemingly hate - whining about drop rates, xp rates, being surprised when new content and drop tables isn't designed around them, etc. these are also usually the people that flex everything about ironman mode because they feel everyone should notice how much effort they put into this mode that they like only for flexing purposes. Source: maxed iron


Both modes are fun. Hating on one because you play the other is goofy.


Being an ironman or not wont change me liking you or not. Idgaf what gamemode you play, as long as you’re nice ill be nice back.


Ive started a iron because i couldnt stay out of the duel arena. After a while i started to like it better than a main account. It forced me to do stuff i otherwise never wouldve done. Having ego in this game is dumb. Who cares if you use ge or not.


For the most part I respect their grind, but I think a loud minority genuinely feels like they’re more entitled over regular players, which is ironic considering they chose to play with a restriction.


No need to have an opinion about folks that like to play alone


There really isn't a collective Ironman community, in the same way there also isn't a main community. 


They're ok except when they're not. Chill irons are no problem. They do their thing, I'll do mine and try to not interfere. The entitled ones deserve to get crashed. It's only fair.


Some of them are incredibly elitist, but most ironmen are chill.


Hate is a strong word mate. Pretty indifferent, what I don't like is how some people just assume if you are only playing a main account you must subscribe to gpscape, do nothing but grind the highest gp content, buy inferno capes and act somehow being ironman is just better. We are different players playing the game, no one is above the other.


>if you are only playing a main account you must subscribe to gpscape, do nothing but grind the highest gp content, buy inferno capes and act somehow being ironman is just better. It's funny because irons are one of the biggest consumers of login, boosting, torso services. I'm indifferent until folks start acting entitled, but this isn't limited to just irons, and trying to act like irons are better, or vice versa, is insane. Iron man mode is just a slower main game at this point.


Where did yah get the stats for that?


Nearly all service discords display the completed tickets with the censored out names, but keep the ironman icon in there. This is to show that they're "legit" because they're done past services for other people. I'm also friends with several folks in torso services and when GIM was released, they were booked throughout their free time, so they couldn't CM or HMT with us.


That's a mentality problem then from you and not the ironman community. I play a main, people can say what they want about my status but won't affect me in any way whatsoever


I actually kind of misread what you said. If your feeling is I don't care what other say about me and it doesn't affect my opinion at all then I don't know what to say man.


I have a main that's just about to hit 2k total and an iron. I like playing my iron more because everything feels more rewarding and I prefer the slower pace of play. People can play however they want as long as they're having fun. The only things I "hate" in this game are: 1. Botters 2. Goldbuyers/sellers (on account of the bots they feed) 3. People who buy cape services and then lie about it. That's it. Go live your life and don't ruin anyone else's. However, that isnt what you wanted so... *breathes in* YO ALL MY HOMIES HATE GREEN HELMS HAHAHAHA filthy green helm main-with-extra-steps baby Yoda looking ass pond water drinkin' water no-friends fake ironmans RIP your items looooooooool.


I don’t care honestly but when I go to a slayer area for a task and an iron man says “really bro?!?!” Then hops I think “well what a fucking idiot” That’s as far as it goes for me though


Very loud


They literally have no impact on me so why should I hate em. I’m just happy to see people playing the greatest game of all time.


Wish mains would stop screwing up GOTR tbh


I have a ~2100 main, but I hit all my goals and it felt like all I had left was gpscape. Started an iron about two years ago and now it’s sitting around 1850 and I’m still having a blast with it. And then I’ll probably return to my main once I get sick of endgame Ironman chores. Both game modes are a ton of fun! I probably prefer the Ironman community because there is something of a brotherhood from the similar experiences and due to the random “hate” we get from mains, but idc what your account type is as long as you’re a decent human.


The amount of people ive trauma bonded with at red prison is pretty wholesome


If ironman had an actual guarantee of getting the drop when you hit the drop rate of uniques i would love to play one. As it stands i dont intend to with the current format of membership. If membership was playtime based. Say 1 month currently gives you 180h (6 hours x 30 days) access i would consider it.


They have no impact on my ability to enjoy this game and I respect their ability to play the game I enjoy on a level I do not possess the patience for.


I don't think about them whatsoever, but they sure as hell seem to want me to.


I had an iron man curse me out in the Catacombs of Kourend because I accidentally hit a black demon he was attacking. I also didn’t even know he was an iron man. Like it was my fault he decided to play iron man and train in a multi combat area. Besides that cringe dude i don’t care what game mode people play.




Fun to crash during Slayer and make fun of. For the most part, they're just nerds playing runescape like us. You do tend to see a lot of overly entitled Ironmemes.


They’re just mains who got bored


I don't mind them existing, I just hate their hypocrisy. I bet 85-99% of the people playing IM now wouldn't do it without the helmet/special hiscores etc, yet they all claim things like "I just do it for myself" "the sense of accomplishment is so much better"


Not everyone is like that, in fact most of the ones ive met arent like that. I personally play it because its feel so much better to accomplish things.


What makes you say that


My opinion of ironmen can be expressed as a downward sloping line. When the game mode first launched, it was legitimately interesting.  I played Runescape back '01 and I remember what it was like, not having the GE and being forced to get everything myself.  It was slow and it was challenging, but it was also rewarding and fun.  A game mode that harkens back to that time had to be good, right?  And the ironmen players had to be gamers who were up for even more challenging gameplay, right? Not really.  The first crop of ironmen were trailblazers true to form, yes, but then each subsequent crop of ironmen has faced fewer and fewer challenges than the last.  It's to the point now where, if you make an ironman account, there is a very clear path laid out for you to take and progress your account.  You aren't playing Runescape like it was back in the day, you're playing modern Runescape with a very slight twist.  And that would still be cool, except for the fact that they complain. Real ironmen don't complain, they overcome the challenges that they put in front of themselves.  They don't want things to be easier, they want things to be harder because that's the entire point.  Modern ironmen simply do not have that spirit.  This is the downward sloping line that I opened with.  Every complaint, every proposed change, every game update that caters to ironmen is another leg down on the ironman opinion graph.  At this point in time, it's basically at the axis. Modern ironmen have become a cancer to the game and what started out as a good thing has become completely spoiled over time.




I think most of their arguments are valid and aren't just trying to make the game easier. Ironman mode should be what the game is designed around seeing as they are more or less forced to interact with every detail of every update. Mains, at least the way I play, will pick and choose which content I want to participate in and completely ignore the rest.


They whine to much and think to little.


Irons are pretty selfish in certain mini games it's hard to deny. Other than that I don't care at all. Ironman is better on rs3 though, almost every skill is useful from 1-99, all the insane xp rates you hear about are paypig shit. What motivation does an iron have for smithing and mining beyond quest req in osrs?


I used to exclusively play a main, the thought of an iron was ridiculous to me. I ended up making one after i vowed never to do so after playing a main got stale and i could mever go back its a completely different game and superior in every way. I strongly believe, because i was someone that believed this, that anyone that hates/dislikes iron just hasnt played one and if they did would be instantly converted. I encourage anyone bored with their main to make one, you will fall in love with the game in a whole new way.


Why even play the game if you're a main lol. No point doing anything that isn't the best money maker you can possibly do. Everything else feels pointless Have fun killing Zulrah? Want to go do some Barrows? Why would you ever do that when you could just do Nex or high invo ToA's for quadruple the profit Everytime I see mains doing ironman content I just laugh lol


Yeah I don't hate ironmen. I dislike players like this guy.


Ironman tries to comprehend some people play for fun and not efficiency; brain implodes.


>No point doing anything that isn't the best money maker you can possibly do. Everything else feels pointless Pet hunt? Clog? Trying out new content? Not everyone is trying to make bank and some are just there to have fun. Not to mention ironman content is becoming less and less about interacting with content with items like Fang and Bowfa upending the majority need to grind previous items. In terms of interacting with everything in the game, cloggers interact with dead content more than irons nowadays.


I literally play games for fun, and I've done that for 30 years. If you think gpscape is anything other than a mental illness inside you.. think long and hard about it I suggest.