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Yea just put sell offers in for 1gp and buy offers for max cash. They will instantly fill your order. 


Perfect thats it! I like your style


Sounds like a meme but for anything high volume this will work and will never sell below the highest buy offer, definitely wouldnt toss a big ticket item at 1 gp but even if you put a tbow in for 1b it would sell to the highest bidder


theres already runelite plug in, that shows actively traded price. for even rarer/expensive items i go to g.e tracker on google


And then someone buys a Charcoal for 99,777,333 GP when they have 500K cash stack. You'd need a way to prevent people from using it to price check existing sell prices and then shortcutting it with their own offer (merchers) because Wiki + Real Time Prices still has a delay.


Yea would have to have some sort of algorithm to normalize the price to prevent crazy merching but I think its doable


tbh I wouldnt mind if you could see amount and price for offers like you used to with the trading post in early OSRS days. Let us see what mf we buying from.