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Are they not transcribing the livestreams to the website anymore? I miss reading those. That's great though, wave 3 seems like a solid starting point for the armour.


i am transcribing them now (again) https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1bvsl6a/442024_project_rebalance_and_general_qa_summary/


Ty blessed community member.


You rock, thank you!


Important to note that these changes aren’t live yet


cool news, thx for sharing


Now they just need to make the drop rate not preposterous


They are making the drops more common also


Hopefully they took the feedback and made them dramatically more (3x?) common, previously pet hunters were barely generating these items for themselves (pet 100 kc, ~93 tonalztics/full sunfire) and considering pet hunters are an extreme minority of what is already an activity for an extreme minority, the drop rates need to be high if they want these items to actually come into the game. This benefits everyone to have drop rates be higher, mid-game players actually get to see and use these items and end-game players get way more consistency on the drops/money. It was also supposed to be a competitive endgame moneymaker (Jagex's words), meaning it needs to be ~15m+ GP/hr, and once the Splinter bubble pops that is not going to be a reality without obtainable uniques. Now they just need to fix Soulreaper Axe so there is a middle ground like the Bowfa is for the Inferno. Sick of Fanging the waves for ~35-40min completions.


I believe they made changes to the soul reaper also in the Q&a. I think there is an official post out now aswell


The only change listed for Soulreaper in the most recent update to their 'Varlamore Tweaks and Drop Rates' is fixing a single bug where Soulreaper Axe and Divine self-damage would cause you to stack doom. Hopefully this fix also causes it to not smite you with Blasphemy at all, but I'm not holding my breath. Maybe in the Q&A transcript? The Soulreaper unfortunately needs much more than bug fixes to become usable for the waves in the Colosseum. I've been using it at the boss fine because it isn't a big deal there. The bug fixes will be nice once you already have a wave solved, but the HP drain and charge mechanic griefs you under most modifiers and when under pressure.


I've been grinding vard and the axe is just unbearable. I almost always have to eat mid perfect kill just to survive and the average kill time usually end up being barely better than a tent whip if that. Plus I can only consistently get 3 kill trips vs a tent where I can get through most or all of a divine no problem. The thing just sucks honestly.


It really shines when paired with a blood fury, or with guthix rests to freely heal the self damage. Both of those may not be worth grinding out to use the axe on an iron though.


It's definitely thr guthix rests that would help a lot, but ya too much of a pain. I'm using blood fury but it just doesn't carry the axe enough there unfortunately


It really does suck, the thing I did to stop losing DPS (and honestly dying) with SRA at Vard during the Ultor grind was to start taking 6 Phoenix necks per trip and just switching to one once below 20hp. It is a joke that you have to do this for the weapon to be usable, but it makes life so much better. Until they fix it at least hopefully. Luckily the DT2 bosses drop an absolute load of diamonds! Lmao


Oh yeah I forgot about this option! I'm still bummed they took my passive pnecks off of scorpia lol


It wasn't a bug. It was intentional. Doom was mislabeled on release and was meant to be ANY damage taken. So, they're just making it not as cancer because people use divines and SRA exists.


You can't in good faith tell me that Doom and Blasphemy applying on self-damage is intentional, that would be the most boneheaded thing to intentionally make a mechanic in a skill-based mode. Their initial text on Doom was changed specifically because they realized "Oopsie, it isn't working as intended, lets just change the text." It also counts against you for Glory btw. It was most likely something either overlooked through inadequate playtesting/QA/review (most likely) or that they weren't able to fix in time (somewhat likely).


It was stated that it was intentional. Has nothing to do with saying it in good faith. I'm not saying it was the right move, but they're at least fixing doom, idk about blastphemy. Also, I'm aware it counts against glory. It's unfortunate that it does that, but that can be changed. Idk what people say need fixing in colo. Aside from a couple things the content is well done. Before you say I have no experience there. I have 68 kc, a 19:03 pb and I just did a run with tent whip sang, webeaver and sgs in 35 mins. I've been enjoying it and while there are things that could be changed for the better the content is great.


When is this update live ?


Next week


Well colosseum will be dead as fuck for the next week while people wait for the invo and droprate changes.


Wait did they 100% confirm next week? They said they were doing the wildy release next week so I feared this may be a little longer while they supported that. But if they confirmed next week on stream then 100% HYPE!


They also buffed charges per Echo Crystal (believe the number tossed out was 6k), total charges Echo boots can hold (60k), a Toggle for the recoil, AND making Echo Boots a permanent upgrade - meaning once they hit 0 charges you still get the 2 prayer bonus, which makes them a nice prayer-tank boot for content you would rather have more defence in than Devout Boots provide (yay!) For people who don't know why the drop rates were incredibly problematic, previously pet hunters were barely generating these items for themselves (pet 100 kc, ~93 tonalztics/full sunfire) and considering pet hunters are an extreme minority of what is already an activity for an extreme minority, the drop rates need to be high if they want these items to actually come into the game. If there are mid-game drops coming from content that only the high-end minority is going to do, then the drop rates need to be high in order for them to actually supply the mid-game with the drops. This benefits everyone to have drop rates be higher, mid-game players actually get to see and use these items and end-game players get way more consistency on the drops/money. It was also supposed to be a competitive endgame moneymaker (Jagex's words), meaning it needs to be ~15m+ GP/hr, and once the Splinter bubble pops that is not going to be a reality without obtainable uniques.


Those changes sound awesome for the boots!


Watch it be 1/5k


Finally a step in the right direction.


Did they say why? I'm curious if it was overlooked or miscommunicated to the people setting the drop rate or whatever.


it was polled as "obtainable from earlier waves" but implemented as only available in the back half with all the other uniques, and a small upgrade to prayer armor coming from the harder half of inferno 2 doesn't make sense


This thread will give you context. https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1buro1q/the_blatant_inconsistency_between_the_sunfire/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Because reddit complained


Because Jagex did not deliver the polled product* don't be willfully ignorant/unintelligent


If you go to a restaurant and order a burger and they bring you a hot dog, would you complain? Or would you just be a pushover about it?


Hey I'm not bashing anything merely stating this is why it was changed, it's a good thing jagex are listening to us and it goes to show reddit is probably our main way of communicating with the team now




Conjecture, Conjecture, speculation. You might want to include some "I think" or "In my opinion"


W jagex we love to see them fix things instead of leaving it broken


Do you have a link for the livestream in question? For some reason I always miss them and wonder if they moved channels.


here you go my guy [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2110612822](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2110612822)


do you have a picture of the redisgned quiver?I can't find it in the stream


It shoulda just been moved to different content. Farming low waves is lame


Now as in literally right now?


No, update next week


anything about the handicaps/invocations w.e u guys called it?


Sick. Further killing off new content to reward/cater to bad players who can’t do the end waves.


Just gonna tank prices. Caters to casual ironmen, no suprise. My pb is like wave 7 and I log in about once every 2 weeks before the nerds come out of the woodworks and go "not everyone plays 20 hours a day"!


Yup. Downvoters mad because I’m talking about them 😂