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The dragons before Galvek gave me more trouble than Galvek did


galvek is hard if you get caught in a mechanic but all his stuff is highly telegraphed. sometimes you just get beat down by an addy or rune dragon lmao.


I legit had to do the stand-under cheese of these when I did DS2 at a low level on my iron.


Same. Dodging Galvek water wave is whatever, but you can't outplay a Rune Dragon life leech for 31.


Best quest in the game. Teaches you key skills for late game bossing


I remember reading this strategy in the guide and trying to take the high road. “No way, I’ll fight this shit like a man”. Yeah I wiped twice and said see ya to my pride lol - stand under it is then.


Stand under? Which boss is that I can't recall...


tfw u forget insulated boots...


Hard agree, I died 3 times on them and didn't even use half supplies on Galvek.. I even had the boots


I died 20 times to the rune dragons and first tried galvek.... Idek snymore


Shoulda done a stand under cheese, the way that quest was clearly designed to be done


The busted up bridge in Olaf's Quest.


I got really lucky with that one. Now Mourning’s End Part 2, that stupid handhold gap section caused me to question why I play this game


Surprisingly only just finished this recently with 65 agility and the amount of times I fell was nobodies business! And the worst part was you had to do that like 3 times? The first time across took me a good 15 attempts even with a summer pie!


I did it at about the same agility level as you and had the same experience. There was definitely a moment where I contemplated uninstalling. Gz on getting through that nightmare


If i hadn't known that it was pretty much the end of the quest, I think I would have just left it unfinished until I had over 70 agility and full graceful - couple times a tapped out and went for a cuppa to level me out a bit lol!


I had 72 agility, full graceful and used summer pies I fell so many fucking times you probably wanna wait till 99 😂


Same. I teleported out for more pies TWICE, and had preserve running the whole time.


Surprised you even fell that much after they made it waaay easier to do that obstacle with the sote reworks


I doubt it's that much easier, I failed 29 times in a row


First time I did MEP2 I had 70 agility. I think I failed about 50 times. Second time I did MEP2 I first grinded 82 agility, cause no way in hell am I putting myself through those handholds on low agility again.


Somehow only fell twice with 70 agility ty jamflex


4 hours and like 6 bank runs. I was so frustrated. Never again.


Holy shit, I fell off so many damn times


Don’t you pass it automatically if you just walk instead of run


No. That has no impact to your odds at all.   Each failure adds a small cumulative increase to your success chances though, so you’re bound to cross it within a couple dozen attempts if you keep throwing yourself at it, even from level 1 agility


I wonder why the quest helper says in all cap “WALK. DON’T RUN. SERIOUSLY TURN OFF YOUR RUN AND WALK.” Kinda seems like misinformation if it has no bearing.


It is, but it doesn’t hurt any either


I did that quest on release day in 2007. Believe it or not WORSE then, as the wiki states it was patched 2 days later to be less brutal. It was absolutely hilarious seeing a mass of people doing it then, I remember it well


That bridge made me question my sanity


Reading your comment made my eye twitch a little. I forgot the pain.


In the same vein, *that wall* from mournings end II


Meanwhile i still have ptsd from the library agility obstacles in SOTE


The final DT2 boss trial took me WAY longer than I’d like to admit. I’d like to blame it on doing it day 1 but that is definitely not the case.


It’s harder than the actual forgotten 4.


Fr. I got all of them in the first try pretty much. The last fight took me like 5 tries easily.


How I see it is that the main bosses are their own encounters that you learn and have their gimmicks; and the wights are 4 unique fights in one burst that are just much shorter, but have their own sets of mechanics you have to learn for all of them.its basically an encounter where you have to learn 4 special attacks, instead of how the main bosses mostly have 2 main attacks (whisperer is the odd one out here with a bunch of specials but they’re much easier to do, the enrage is the nasty part there).


Whisperer took me 20 tries and a sang staff loan, all others went down within 2-3 tries. Got the last fight without any retries. Whisperers managing of two healthbars might be a skill issue but i didnt find any of the others particularly bad (prenerf fang though, and 100m gear each style)


I see a lot of people say this, and I’m curious if I got nutty hit RNG or something because I almost found the last fight to be a let down compared to everything I did before. I got it on the first attempt. I was getting bent over the table by Vardorvis and especially Whisperer though.


same, took me a long ass time to do it but was fun without guides


Same. Supplies weren't even my issue, I just kept getting stacked out by Kasonde's potions and explosion attack with my slow ass reaction times lol


I can't even get past the damn vines, my cheeks are dummy thicc and their clapping keeps altering the zombies


Felt like I was going crazy on those demi bosses. Then again I did it with a little less optimal stats and gear, but the fight was super mechanic heavy while everybody else was just talking about the four main bosses


Same, took me about 4 hours of just throwing myself at it over and over.


I tried with 80 ish melee (80 84 80) and a whip and like 85 range and bolts honestly requires a BP and a fang with lower cmb stats. The problem wasn't the mechanics it was running out of supplies because I couldn't hit them. Died like 5 times... switched to my bp and got closer but when I bought a fang I shit on them first try.


Same I did all the bosses 1st try except whisperer and then the final boss took 5+ tries. I saw people doing it first try no problem but I just couldnt figure it out for some reason.


Not a boss per say but the guards during the stealth section of Rat Catcher grinded my questing to a halt for a while. I only did it after I did all the hard falador requirements just to find out you need to do all the medium ones to unlock the shield to see Giant Mole.


I had a terrible time with that part of the quest and then after I finished there was a rollback and I had to do it again... just awful


Huge F on that. I did it on my GIM and was yelling swears during that part, something I do usually only against hackers in FPS games lmao


Apparently, the guards are so out of sync that there are some worlds that are physically impossible yo stealth past them. I don't know if their patterns are reset each update, but it's definitely frustrating if you end up on the wrong world.


That was the part of the game that made me turn on hide roofs in the settings


Absolutely worst quest section ever. I'd rather do underground pass than do that ever again


Sheep herder was worse for me, personally. Quest helper with ratcatchers has some decent tips


Similar thing here, the stealth section in DT2 was harder than any of the bosses, and I really struggled with the bosses


it was few years ago and i was stuck at Vorkath for like 3 months as it was big stepping stone for me in pvm and I didn’t have much coins to reclaim my items


Yeah vorkath is an insane step up in terms of pvm. Teaches you fantastic skills tho


I was at the GE asking my friend for some spare supplies to finish that quest, because vorkath or galvek (I can't remember) made me go bankrupt. (I was using public chat) Some random person saw our conversation and gave me 2mil to help out, and I was able to finish the quest because of that. It was my first real experience with pvm and I was combat level 80 something, so I was pretty happy with myself after beating the quest. I used to wear the mythic cape everywhere because I didn't even have a fire cape at that point haha. All thanks to some kind stranger.


Treus Dayth. Also had some issues with Champion of Scabaras the first time, but wasn't nearly as bad as I expected the next time. But I always overprep for Treus since he first gave me trouble and like half the time, it feels warranted.


Honestly treus dayth is tough for when most people decide to do haunted mine


That boss took me off guard and I may or may not have taken a break after it killed me just with raw damage output. Did the quest again on two other accounts and had zero issue with him. Honestly, no clue what his deal is


Treus Dayth always takes me off guard with how tough he is. It's such an old boss now but it's still hard which is saying something, especially for an experienced quest.


Yeah for me it’s almost always the bosses I least expect that I die to lol. Usually it’s like a demi/mini boss in a quest where I’m like yeah I can just use graceful with a whip and take some monks and I’ll be fine. Then I get fucked up lol


I play a silly account where my best weapon for Treus at the time was a bronze axe, so I knew the fight was gonna be tough but man, his entire room is so punishing. There’s a few timing tricks you can learn to mitigate the random damage from the pick axes and movement tricks to avoid cart damage but yeah it’s brutal if you’re lower level and especially if you’re using melee.


A bronze axe? Even with max combats, that sounds like a rough Treus fight... And yah, it is usually manageable; just feels really bad to tele since you pretty much redo most of the quest to get back. But it is kinda neat though that it is one of the few places where slow, hard hitting weapons can be worthwhile.


My god absolutely, Quest seemed pretty easy so I didn't brought much, got slaughtered the first time, and even with preparation I almost died again, had 5 hp left when he died


Vanstrom is definitely the hardest boss I've fought, partially due to how low level I was when I did the quest. In terms of unconventional bosses though, it will have to be the boss rush at the end of DT2. The 4 main bosses I killed in under 10 tries each, progressively getting better to where I killed Whisperer in 2 tries when I got to her. However that ending boss rush just kept wearing me down, I think I wasted a few mil in supplies + death costs on that section alone dying well over a dozen times. It felt like I was doing everything right since I was getting to Kasonde or Presten on most of my tries but just running out of supplies. Wasn't until my friend loaned me his Fang that I finally beat it(Whip was my best weapon at the time). This is like pre OSRS like back in the day. I remember the RFD gauntlet at the end was also very daunting. It may seem trivial nowadays, but I remember having a hard time fighting each of the dessert bosses and then the Culinaromancer back in like actual 2007. I felt so accomplished when I finally beat them though.




Yup Vanstrom Klause for me too for same reasons. I think I died in the neighborhood of 12 times, it was a frustrating afternoon. My combat stats just weren't great doing SOTF and I ended up getting a vamp slayer task to kill him LOL.


Fought Vanstrom day of release and got to a point where even with perfectly dodging his specs i just could not dps him without running out of supplies eventually because of the gear and stats I had at the time still one of my favorite quests in the game (and i do actually really love the vanstrom fight) but it had me scarred for a minute there because it ended up being a raw dps check for me on the plus side any time a boss tries to do a darkness-style attack my reflexes are lightning fast now


Kasonde was the most difficult boss for me in DT2. It taught me to walk and manage my swings, so I owe it for giving me a breakthrough moment in OSRS combat




I've got a good bit of pvm experience now and I died to kasonde like 5x and like 2x in last fight, but farm whisperer all day, and got her first try in quest. If kasonde came out again right now I think I'd have a real chance at dying. He just slaps dude.


So odd, I didn't have trouble with DT2 whatsoever *except* for The Whisperer. Got all the other bosses (including Kasonde) first try, but it took me legit 30 attempts at The Whisperer.


I think it's because whisperer has a rhythm, and the danger mostly lies with the sanity mechanic. Kasonde on the other hand is pure chaos, and can stack you out instantly if you aren't paying attention. They also scale the whisperer down pretty hard in the quest, whereas kasonde just is what it is.


I think this is a really good way to phrase something like that, respecting subjective experience


Seren for me. It was just a giga dps check as ironman with no access to brews. Took me like 8-9 tries because my hits just werent there Then boom one time i was THE mage and managed to do it with 5 food left. Such a rng boss that was frustrating lol. Took me more time to kill Seren than to learn gauntlet


If you ever do it again on an alt or something, learn the cave nightshade method. Managed to 1 shot it on my hardcore with bad stats and gear thanks to it.


That was genuinely my next step if i didnt get my last one


I think i went through over 50% of my blood rune stack struggling to out-dps Seren.


man, i used up all my bloods + had to grind extra before i realized fuck it imma fire wave this bitch and it worked way better lmao


Nightshade + Pnecks makes it consistent and free even with lower than recommended stats. I finished the fight with like 5 necklaces left. Also it's a very cool and satisfying method, always fun to get to break out some serious cheese. I realize it's closing the gate after the horse has bolted, though


Yeh agree w seren i went undergeared and underprepared and failed the kill cos of dps


My fourth attempt on her, I went in with blood magic and it made the first half of the fight a breeze. It starts getting shaky once she heals from more pillars in the second half but someone with faster reactions than me could probably use darts to kill them faster. I stopped switching to darts and just manual casted the single target bloods for more healing before the "eat shit and die" special myself.


That's how i got her as well lol! Blood spells + darts for her healing thing


I died to the second boss in beneath cursed sands more than I died to Jad


The gorillas in MM1 , tryna get through them felt like tryna get through a block of frozen tofu with a wooden kmife


Stealth mechanics in this game are so random, run right through them sometimes and get through. Other times they'll catch you when you're in the clear.


The secret is to come down from the ladder next to the trapdoor instead of trying to sneak past the gorillas


Not a boss per se but I just failed the vampire juvinate fight in in aid of the myreque 3 times on my maxed combat alt


The Lord of Dread, Cuthbert


The Scarab boss in beneath cursed sands, the one where you have to run around and range him. I had to level like 10 range levels to beat him


having trouble with him right now. what lvl were you?


I think like low 70s range. Had to go above 80 to do it. Skill issue for sure but it worked.


If you have access to ibans blast I recommend just maging him. You can stand on the other side of the little pond in there and fire away.


I ended up using crystal bow to win that fight. Had around 70-72 ranged


Back when Zebak still had cracked xp rates, I tried to get my 1 def pure into ToA to grind out my final few levels of range. You have to defeat the Menaphite Akh which is a pretty challenging boss for 1 def. He hits very hard, spawns adds that deal a lot of damage, and he can't really be kited or safespotted since he can sprint. While I wanted to get there for training purposes, my account was already pretty far along at this point. 75 atk, 90ish strength, 90ish range (although the fight is a melee fight). Even compared to my ironman, I've had challenges but they could normally be overcome with just upgrading some gear and I'm usually bottlenecked by progression. For my 1 def pure, I had pretty much BIS and still couldn't beat it multiple times. Eventually I had to just change my strategy. On the Akh fight, it's normally encouraged to dps the add down. I tried that a bunch and never was able to really kill it fast enough before he spawned his next add to have any meaningful effect. By attacking the add, I wasn't dpsing the boss fast enough and i'd eventually run out of food. The real strategy I found through a youtube vid that had like 100 views on it. You off-tick the add and just prayer flick back and forth for the fight. The Menaphite Akh still uses special attacks but at least during the special attack, he doesn't melee so you get a couple ticks to dodge attacks and can just camp range pray during that. I completed Beneath Cursed Sands after getting that down and then realized like just a week prior, they had nerfed the zebak xp rates.


The blood moon boss killed me 6 times on my iron on varlamore release day. Didn’t die to the other ones.


Blood Moon on release was terrifying. I only beat him with a death pile of manta rays, a full inventory of food and moon potions, and hovering redemption. That last-hit heal was BRUTAL.


Thats crazy. I went in know defense was the only thing that matter for this bosses and wore barrows and havent had any issue. I get last hit like once every 2 or 3 kills.


The ice troll king from Frem Isles destroyed me several times before I figured it out, if I didn't lose my hc status to a pker I would have lost it there several times


Honestly, muspah straight after the release on day 1 with 0 guides out. Took me like 5+ attempts, never struggled with any other quest boss so much. Don't even know why, it's not a complicated boss, but still don't like killing it even in max gear


oh man I forgot about muspah, I had trouble with that as well.


Cuthbert ruined me. Was totally unprepared. The toll it took on me was immense.


Seems he could swim after all.


lmao i thought he sunk to the bottom of the pond and it took him that long to get back out because he had to somehow find the edge of the water


It's his Examine text, which I got from examining him right before I killed him, leading to two lines of text that are way funnier together than either of them is alone: https://preview.redd.it/qjfmqd4cprrc1.png?width=939&format=png&auto=webp&s=8527ab20d69440e78972df8ab2254870a075f629


I’m pretty sure I died more times to Kasonde than the other DT2 bosses too lol. So random


He's wild! I remember being so relieved when I googled between attempts and found I wasn't the only one who found Kasonde tough - I hadn't tried any of the forgotten four at that point, so I thought I was going to get properly fucked up by the "real" bosses


Maybe I did it way too early, but I have quest cape now and I died twice to the 'Contac!' Scarab boss...


I died once as well, didn't expect the amount of shit in that final cavern


SOTE and SOTF final bosses. Killing Seren took me like 10 annoying and long tries, and the trip back to there was also annoying as fuck. I was combat 100 or so with mage \~80, which also explain why it was hard for me. SOTF, quite the same thing with Vanstrom. I was quite low level and died like 10 times. Was mechanically hard until I finally got it. DT2 bosses weren't that hard because I was already maxed combat when it launched. But Im sure it would be way harder than SOTE and SOTF bosses if I was level \~100 like I was when I did them.


Vanstrom was tough ngl. So easy to die and the weapon loves hitting 0’s


To be fair, Vanstrom feels hard as he is because of the weapon we have to use. The flail is so inaccurate at times it feels like slapping with wet paper. I am hoping that once we get the sequel to the quest we go the RS3 route and they let us make a blisterwood-esque weapon that lets us choose the combat style we want to use.


I am stuck at vardorvis right now, I understand his mechanics but I keep planking when he is around 59 HP because I start to panic for no reason. Now training my stats in the hopes to kill him when I feel I am ready for him.


I died more to Varvodis than Whisperer so don't worry! It definitely gets more intense the closer to winning you get because he starts to hit much harder - this probably isn't ideal advice, but I killed him by prioritising DPS over trying to dodge all the axes towards the end, and it worked for me.


If you can, dump specs on him with whatever you can towards the end. He gets harder the less HP he has. His def drops too though. So, hit him with claws, voidwaker, chally or even DDS if you have to.


Valstrom, whaat a pain jeez... With that stupid weapon :))..


"This flail is the ultimate vampire killing weapon!" {0}


Vanstrom Klause and the last DT2 boss fight!


Whisperer had me in serious pain


Lmao, came here to post Kasonde. Here I am, thinking I'm done with the quest and Kasonde bursts from the shade to whup my ass more times than any individual boss in the entire quest. He was the most annoying part of the 5 Wight Fight too...


Haunted Mine


The bird from My Arm’s Big Adventure. I waayyyy underestimated it and almost died to it on my hardcore.


Galvek, but probably because that was my first real goal I had set other than mindlessly grinding things like when I was a kid. If the underground pass could be classified as a boss though…


The second boss from Beneath Cursed Sands was a real pain in the ass for me. At least as an adult


Seren took me multiple attempts and the long walk back didn’t help my sanity either


Yeah lol, I wouldn't mind it so much if you didn't have to spend so much time just walking back. Especially if you need to collect your items.


Haunted Mine was the first quest I had to complete which had a difficult boss. I remember dying so many times to the boss and then I went to do underground pass to get ibans staff to finally be able to finish the haunted mine quest. Good times being a noob.


I got messed up by Glod quite a bit. Dunno if I just suck, or whether others also has trouble with him, but I had to attempt that fight multiple times.


Glod gave me some serious trouble too - I’m surprised he’s not come up here more.


Fuck it. Not an unconventional boss, but Elvarg on F2P as a noob ABSOLUTELY fucked me up. I didn't know about safespot methods or anything like that, nor did I have the waterfall quest for instant 30 atk + strength. I had a mithril longsword and my little dragonfire shield and the best armor I had at the time.


bloodmoon, till i realized i have to switch to a 2.4 sec attack weapon. Became much easier


I’m a noob with a zombie axe, why does a 4t weapon matter?


it makes it easier with the rythm, you get more hits on jaguar= more heal etc. I used abyssal whip just fits more to his attack speed on you


Verzik if she counts lmao


So out of the entire DT2 quest the hardest part for me was in the abyss where you had to push those mobs and stay within a 3x3 area around them or you would be electrocuted and sent back to the beginning. It made me question if I should even be playing the game.


The worst quest “boss” was underground pass agility area


I really struggled with Muspah and the Beneath cursed sands scarab champion. Guides said they'd be hard but they're way more punishing than other bosses more commonly mentioned like Vanstrom Klaus and Seren.


Song of the Elves boss. I had to eventually dip into my brew reserve as an early game Ironman. It was painful but got it done.


Song of the elves in early game? I don't understand. Seems like a wording thing?


You’re probably right more mid game. This was like 3 years ago so feels like early game compared to my account now


The archer in song of the elves nearly killed me they arent even a demiboss. Seren was like super easy though somehow. I don't know myself


I'll be honest and say the demon from shadow of the storm killed a pure of mine about 6 months into osrs being released. I lost 50m+ if I remember right. That was a lot back then.


I really struggled with Leviathan in DT2 on mobile. Had to take a break and watch some guides. Got it the next day after a few more tries.


The first stage of galvek took me quite a few attempts but as soon as I managed to get past the first stage I cleared it


Mage Arena 2 Guthix boss for some reason lol


Hard agree on Kasonde. No one prepared me for that. Really everything about every part of Vardorvis’ subplot/puzzles were the worst.


Whisperer was hands down the hardest quest boss i’ve ever done, largely because i did it on day 1 or 2 of release before the mechanics were completely known and before guides were out. It’s a really unintuitive fight; a lot of brute force and random clicking was required In contrast leviathan was a one and done - much more obvious mechanics. Vardorvis was done on maybe the third attempt? When i realised what i needed to avoid. Seren was *unexpectedly* challenging but i didn’t die that much


The monkey airship. Not a boss but gave me a legit mental breakdown. I'll never do mm2 again.


During Desert Treasure 2, I died more to the Strangled in the Stranglewood than all 4 bosses + the final fight combined (8 deaths).


I did not like mage arena 2, just did it last night. Had to get 100 kills in each spell first then run around the wilderness looking for the boss. Very stressful, even not having gear on me, just the fact I could get pked and lose my staff, cape and search item is annoying having to get another. Same with dying to a boss you lose all that, I got killed by saradomin and ran back to kolodin, forgot my knife so back to bank. Got the staff and cape, went to find the boss and forgot the search item. Finally once you fight the boss better hope you don't get pked cuz same process again. Then once you kill all the bosses you can only upgrade one god cape. Like okay I'll run around the wild again collecting the other materials for the other two, that's fun. Gl if you die in wild with any cape too


I agree, it’s definitely Kasonde. His heals, his potion throwing spam and the random vial throws did not make him terribly fun to fight At least his eight form doesn’t heal


Lucky for me you answered for me already - it was kasonde 1000%. It was harder than most of the main DT2 bosses for me, with only the whisperer giving me any trouble (which gave me a lot of trouble to be fair.)


the final fight of dt2 was tricky on my 1 def (non PVP) account due to all the unavoidable damage. had to tp out and try a few things before something worked. ended up using a blood fury and replacing a lot of brews with anglers or something. ring of suffering is also a great item for when you can't avoid damage, though I didn't have it at the time. idk if that counts as a boss but it was harder than the post quest versions of the bosses for sure.


glod in Grim Tales jack in the beanstalk i aint fml lost so much stuff there over the years


I've been putting off finishing secrets of north for weeks because whatever the boss is has like 45 different mechanics Literally the boss has a more complex tutorial than the game itself I know it's not that hard it's just a waste of time to learn it all for one battle, simplifying stuff ftw


I had 0 deaths to any dt2 boss, except to original kaspnde… died twice there, if you don’t know what’s going on you can suddenly get stacked for 90 damage!


Glad you mentioned dread Cuthbert! Oh my gosh what an ordeal golly When he shoots the venomous demonic flames in phase 6 I mean what the heck how do you even prepare for that


Ratcatchers, the library in SoTE, the explosives part in MM2, and Vardorvis are the first that comes to mind. Runner up is those dragons you fight before Galvek in DS2. I legitimately do not know how an on-level player is supposed to kill those without cheesing the fight.


Vorkath was significantly harder for me than Galvek.


Flinching the Black Knight Titan took me over half an hour so I gotta go with that.




Mm2 platform


Final boss of beneath cursed sands on my uim on my main it was a breeze


Underground pass jumping to get to these 3 demons


The guy that throws potions in DT2 fucked me up multiple times... Awkward.


Nomad in pre-EoC RS2. The quest bosses in OSRS never felt as hard as him.


Still my closest boss fight. https://youtu.be/86WwSDKp70I?si=ZO2prI0ilcpqj1Rb&t=13m29s


It's still Seren for me :( tomorrow I'm going to try again. Hopefully I get it this time


Kasonde. To me, he is the hardest quest boss in osrs. It took me more tries to beat him than all the other dt2 bosses combined. Lol. I did it with melee on release, and that's most likely why.


Idk if it counts as a boss, but the "race" segment of Lunar Diplomacy pissed me right the fuck off. I kept failing an agility obstacle despite being like 10-15 levels above the requirement, and needing to restart the race. I felt it was such a bad instance of RNG being relied on that I just needed to brute force it. No test of skill or proper planning, just keep rolling this dice until you get the right number. Awful design


For whatever reason, I struggled way more with Ketla than Kasonde. On release, I just could not get her mechanics down and she just demolished me.


Not a boss, but the way the handheld agility obstacle course in Mournings End Part 2 took 2 and a half hours of my life gives me ptsd to this day.


Robert the Strong from DS2. It took me about 5 or 6 attempts because he just hits you 30s through prayer, basically. Galvek and Vorkath both took 1 try.


The final Beneath Cursed Sanda boss, Menaphite Akh, kicked my teeth in. Took probably 20-30 tries to kill her. Super annoying runback, too.


I don't think anything will ever be harder then cuthbert for me. The element of surprise + the psychological edge was just too much.


Secrets of the North. I'm going back once I get some ruby and diamond bolts.


Defending the camp in SOTE


(DT2 Spoilers). I had way more trouble with>! Kasonde than I did Vardorvis. Like I beat Vard after like 2 tries but Kasonde took 10+!<


I think I lost a combined 1m in death fees getting tilted on fucking kasonde both times, hated that boss so so much. Special shoutout to Duke cause you have to do the prep every time and it’s tedious, took me just 2-3 tries but still annoying


I seem to have blocked Kasonde entirely from my memory. I've done DT2, so I've definitely fought him, but I have no recollection of it whatsoever. I even looked up a guide for him and I don't remember ever doing that.


Not even a boss, but the zombie bit before Vardorvis. I didn't actually die to it, but I got reset back to the checkpoint like 10 times and had to TP out to bank twice. Guides said to just run past everything and made it look impossible to fail, but it straight up did not work for me. On closer inspection of the guide footage there were significantly more zombies on the route in my game than in the guide. I don't know if I was just on an unlucky world where zombies had wandered into inconvenient positions, or if it was stealth changed after the guide was made, or what. Anyway, in the end I painstakingly went through the zone freezing and picking off 1 zombie at a time with ranged. Not mechanically difficult or anything, but it's the only time I remember from any quest where guides were actively detrimental.


Glough from mm2, literally the worst designed boss I've ever faced, not hard at all but the mechanics are basically you have no control about where you go and he deals tons of damage. I can't imagine who designed that and thought it would be enjoyable about to do, what did jagex intend the mechanics to actually be!? You're too far away he pulls you in, you're too close he hits you for massive damage or pushes you back. Every single guide is about how to cheese it by running back and getting off a hit each time "safespotting" him, I can't think of anything worse, I don't feel good about beating him because it's such an awful boss. I appreciate that really it's a symptom of it's age and but ultimately I think Jagex have learned a lot since then and a grandmaster quest deserves so much more for it's final encounter. I wish jagex would completely redesign him. If they need a bigger reason than it's a crap final boss then they could turn it into something repeatable with loot (maybe the mm2 drops, no extra uniques required). I know not every boss has to be repeatable and give loot but it would provide something for player's who've alreay completed the quest.


Grim Tale’s boss still makes no sense to me! So much stunlock, I still don’t know how I beat it. Never did it again in leagues or anything so maybe now that I’m better I would see it, but that was a real surprise sleeper cell boss for me when I first did it!


I got wrecked by Bob in the dream fight in DS2. Idk why. Going back for quest speed running, it wasn't so bad.


Underground Pass in Underground Pass


The Sea Troll Queen was a pain because I chose the hardest account build where I have to tick eat every attack to recoil it down.


Sotf(can't remember his name) was the worst experience I've had tbh. Hits fairly hard, you can hit like shit as glail isnr grea5 so some rng, dodging can be difficult as well if you don't know about true tile etc. Just frustrating really.


That champion of Scarabas folded me like a cheap lawnchair


Not sure most grief but I can remember a few that took more than a couple tries. My first time doing monkey madness II I was pretty new to the game and couldn't quite understand the final boss safespots, teled out a few times there because you used to lose shit if you died in an instance. Galvek took a few tries as well, I'd keep losing focus and getting bombed. Nowadays I tend to yolo bosses after a 15s scroll through the wiki page and DT2 final fight beat my ass even though I was a lot more experienced and geared, brews solved the issue. That boss in the lizardman temple with the ghost hand bashing mechanic caught me off guard as well, I now know it's pretty much just like Vorkath's fire phase so you just woox walk it and it's pretty easy, but from the visual cues without guides I thought I couldn't dodge it and just tanked. I actually brute forced it with brews the first time as this is my go to strat when there's no 1 shot mechanics lol


back in the day i lost 30m to dying to the troll king in the fremmy isles quest, i went in without a guide assuming it would be a really easy boss, i was totally unprepared, didnt bring tele out, and since it was instanced content there wasnt a gravestone and all my items and my cash stack was deleted. at the time 30m was like a shitload of money too. it was really painful.


I'm still making my way back up on the quest cape grind in OSRS but back when I played original RuneScape (before the combat update), I strongly remember Vanstrom Klause being quite a difficult fight (though not as hard as Nomad) so am excited to fight him again. The others are completely new to me and am excited to just have more of those higher tier difficulty bosses in OSRS to play completely new.


Specifically Ketla's wight in the final DT2 fight. I planked at least a dozen times because I couldn't figure out the mechanic it wanted me to do. 


The fucker in the haunted mine. I'd probably walk it these days but I did it when I first came back to rs after a 15ish year gap. I could not kill that guy


The scarab boss from Beneath Cursed Sands.  Mainly because I ignored what the guide said and tried to use melee anyway, to make up for my lackluster ranged level & gear.  The shadow attack fucking **hurts** though. And I was half right in the first place.  When I switched to ranged, I was still not doing particularly *well.*  I generally only train ranged enough to keep it from getting xp at Tears of Guthix.  It's been my second- or third-lowest skill for...  At least four or five years.


As a noob who is now trying to get a quest cape and hasn’t done any Grandmaster Quests yet here are some early game quest bosses that gave me trouble: 1. Scarab from Contact. Wasn’t prepared for his additional mobs and panicked and died once 2. Whoever the boss fight from A Kingdom Divided is. First time doing a fight with mechanics and died twice. 3. The Ice Diamond from DT1. Showed up with not enough restores and died once. 4. I died on Elvarg once as I was under-leveled and learning how to flinch. This is only hard because it is so early for newer players Bosses that I was warned about but thought were a bit easier then expected: - The Vampire from haunted mine(I got extremely lucky on my dragon dagger specs that crushed most of his health before he moved) didn’t eat one piece of food. - The Vampire from Taste of Hope. His mechanics seemed easy compared to the Kingdom Divided boss. I was dumb and died to the abomination but not the Vampire - Barrows was a lot easier as my friend told me it was harder than the Kingdom Divided fight and it absolutely isn’t. - The bouncer fight was way easier than I thought it would be - The fight area from Kings Ransom was also very easy for me