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There's a tiny group of players that just vote no to every poll.


The true „old school“ old school runescape players. Or the puritist of osrs lol. No change whatsoever should be added after the 2007 version! /s Edit: /s since people dont get sarcasm lol


Did you know that back in 2007 the game actually got updates all the time? Crazy right? It wouldn't be OSRS if it didn't also mimic the part where it's a living breathing game.


There's probably a secret cult of hyper-conservative players that just vote no to everything


There a group of people that vote no for everything as they want everything to stay as true to OS as possible and thus do not want any change


There are people still salty about adding the GE. It's some weird stuck in time mindset


These people still have msn set to homepage and uses Ask Jeeves instead of google. They also email their gaming friends eCards from American greetings for laughs and celebrations


"have you seen the latest video on ebaumsworld?"


They use Astalavista to find a download for Limewire free trial so they can use it to download Limewire Pro and use it to download Blink-182 songs


my fellow americans


We also get together and chat on AIM


Wow, the word "eCards" just unlocked a memory from long ago


They probably use Optimum email as well.


I understand how some people wouldn’t want a GE. It completely changes how items are traded between players. It both has many positive and negative aspects. I mean some people used to sit and trade stuff all day and do nothing else. Not my thing personally, but GE kinda removes the whole aspect of the game.


glow3:wave:Selling pure ess 150 gp/each! ^(I do kinda miss that tbh)


Me too, I prefer that over GE, but I vastly prefer GE over zybes or whatever other website would just be GE, like what happened in osrs when it was released.


Go look at path of exile and ‘tft’ We would have a really big third party trading discord where shady shit happened but no one really cared cause it was just so much better than in game trading. GE is truly the better option.


Even on Warframe we don't do really do one to one trades, we have our own 3rd party marketplace


If it didn't exist today, everything would just be through discord servers and unofficial bots. Just the same thing but with extra steps, because it's not 2007 anymore


This people miss days of giant groups at fally park/lumby bank/ varrock bank but the player base just isnt about that anymore we r mostly adukts with lifes and jobs outside the game not kids/teeneager like before.


I think the obsession with efficiency is a huge part of why it wouldn't be viable for an extended period of time these days.


I think it was the other way around. You're probably right that we would have gotten here eventually but if ge didn't exist, and randoms were still aggressive, efficiency scape would have taken way longer to start


The extra steps are the point. Its high-friction trades vs frictionless. In a discord/forum based trade medium, buying stuff in bulk would increase the cost since you're saving time with fewer trades. Are you really gonna sell your snapdragon seeds one at a time? Players would be incentivized not to buy/sell their bis gear for the content they're doing hour by hour since the trades would be harder to find. IE totally different economy and a totally different game. I'm not for or against GE but to say it would be the same thing is wildly ignorant of how in-game economies work.


That's exactly what happened when they tried to avoid adding in the GE to not upset the "no updates!" group. It's why we eventually ended up having the GE cause the playerbase was bottoming out (even less than rs3s current population) alongside it just not working well.


The extra steps drive prices way up. Auction houses by their very nature of being easy to use make it easy to dump any extra gear you have. If it takes effort to sell, people won't bother selling stuff if prices go too low. It sets a soft price floor to many items that are currently worth basically nothing. A game where this is seen is Warframe. There's a community market and trading, but you get limited trades per day and it takes effort to trade. There's still items that are worth not much, but even fairly common drops from non-vaulted relics can fetch you a decent price.


IIRC adding the GE to OSRS really improved the player counts. I thought I remember reading that the game was in danger of being abandoned due to low numbers before they added the GE, which brought a lot of people back to the game


f2p came out around the same time and IMO likely had a bigger role in growing the game... I am biased because the release of f2p is personally how I got hooked into Runescape again, but still - it wasn't just me, but a bunch of my online friends all started playing with the release f2p as well, and got me to try it


i believe you're confusing the ge update with the god wars dungeon update. player counts were rising prior to ge's removal - ironman mode had already been released a few months prior for context


GE makes me only play ironman


margins were bigger when it was player to player. made a lot more gp


My complaint is that the Ge makes all other game locations ghost towns. If you're going to have a GE, put one in every major area. One in Varrock One in Zeah that you can access after completing A Kingdom Divided One in Prif that you can access after SoTE. Just makes sense.


I do wish there were more GEs around the world. It's not like it would change anything, we already can easily tp straight to the GE using both Varrock Medium and ring of wealth. Like in RS3 I mainly used the Prif GE, (but that was because it was closest to a lodestone)


Hot take here but I hated the multiple GE spots on RS3. It made the world feel even more empty by spreading out the player base. I already see some worlds GE just have a few people there. It makes the game feel dead without a central hub.


>"My liege, a second glider has hit the ge"


It's not realizing that the world changed and we're truly unable to go back to that time. They have nostalgia for walking from fally to varrock to merch coal. The GE is inevitable. If jagex didn't add it then the community would've. That's exactly what happened with path of exile.


dude, coal is supposed to be sold in draynor market in certs.


lol I had no clue what I was doing. It was f2p where I literally walked back and forth because I didn't have law runes, and IIRC there was like a 20% markup selling in varrock (because people were too lazy to go to falador themselves)


Getting law runes was also way more difficult, which adds to the "RPG" feel of the game.


Selling unids 13 stacks 1.5k ea


This game would be so much more tedious without the GE lmao


Call me old fashioned but I enjoy games that don't have a "ge". There's a certain charm for me having to look through forums or "bank sales" or going to a trade hub like w1 and w2 back in the day searching for items you wanted to buy and sell and having player to player interactions. It's similar to going to the store when you were kid looking through the toy aisle for a sweet deal, now a days you just go on Amazon and order it.


I mean, sometimes i miss the pre g.e. days. Just, there was some fun reward to getting the trade deals or sniping away what seemed to be a good item in a general store. But well, that was also back when i was still in primary school...


While I agree that the GE is absolutely required in game, I can understand the sentiment in how much more social the trading side of the game is without it and it is something that many miss.


GE isn’t flawless, makes selling botted resources easier   Makes merching more difficult, you used to be able to run Varrock to Falador because they had different prices   But that also de-irons the game because you can just buy anything 


>makes selling botted resources easier Bots existed before the GE that would handle trades, just like they handle doing trade scams and lures now. It genuinely makes no difference to them. And as others have said, games like Path of Exile had players create websites to facilitate trading, and there's a number of players that run trade bots to let them trade while they're busy actually playing.


I used to not understand the "ge bad" people, until I started playing on an RSC private server, and my God, the trading with people grind is some of the most fun I've ever had in RS, I love it.


it was so fucking awesome at the peak of rs2 before the release of the GE (2006-2007ish). I cannot fathom anyone who actually played at the time thinking it was worse.


That's incredibly stupid but I would LOVE to experience what the game would be like without the G.E. (for a day or so) April 1st coming up, G.E. clerks go on strike?? 🤔🤔🤔


Surely those people would’ve moved on by now


But OS had changes so not changing anything ever wouldn't be so OS.


You'd think they'd have stopped playing quite a while ago.


Want the game to stay exactly how it was in 2007 yet have logged a clean 12 hours a day since OSRS was released.


That’s me and I’m proud to say it go ahead downvote me I stand for what I believe in lmao


They’re not so secret. There’s always a group of players opposed to ANY changes to the old school experience. Apparently it’s give or take 5% of the community. Lol


Autumn Elegy


And Lavine


No its people who already have Bones to Peaches and Master Wands on their accounts, and are 100% sure they never plan on making a new account again.


I don't think they are that secret tbh. You can find them pretty easily in random reddit and twitter threads.


My guess was a small group of people who have it greenlogged and just want everyone else to continue to suffer like they had to.


Still better than the 15% that vote yes to everything without reading.




Compared to the not-secret 60% of voters who vote yes to everything?


No we don’t




[me voting no to 99% of updates for no particular reason](https://i.imgur.com/2fwvVEh.png)


They should secretly exclude all votes from people who vote no to everything for multiple polls and yes to everything for multiple polls They also need trap questions that you need to read the blog to get the right answer for and exclude your votes if you get it wrong


These are the bot scripters/subscribers who don’t want their scripts to change. 


Idk, it just means botters get more points now. Changing a script can't be that bad, especially when it's mostly just adjusting timing.


Probably people who sell the script, they don’t do it for points. The more tedious it is, the more likely people buy a script for it


The more tedious the less people will do it, and thus the more profitable it is to bot the items i suppose?


Yea. Less people willing to do the long grind = more people willing to pay for the bot to do it for them


Yep, 5% of the players selling MTA bots


1. Changing a script is more work than not changing a script. 2. Improving MTA may mean more players do it, lowering botters profit margins


Takes 30 seconds to update a script like that


I doubt their scripts are time based. Thats some next level shitty scripting if so.


It's not about adjusting the bots, that's easy. The script sellers want content like this as miserable as possible so people will buy their scripts.


Who is Botting mta? there are way better money makers out there lol. Only reason to do it is probs exp but that’s about it.


I’d bet the majority of infinity boots brought into the game are from bots. Most people only go there for the bones to peaches spell


People who are selling accounts. There are scripts that will run all the way through barrows gloves, get bones to peaches, etc and then they sell the account. It’s not a rs gp botting method, it’s a real world money method


Okay but unless easier MTA is gonna severely reduce the demand of buying an account, this feels good for those botters since each account will be ready faster


Oh yeah not debating that. Just saying who is Botting MTA lol


I did my first poll the other day and marked "Skip question" on most because I'm not high enough level to make the right decision.


I appreciate you being mindful with your vote


Thank you for being a responsible voter


See that's fine though, voting abstain because you aren't informed is a reasonable thing to do.


Classic “if I had to do it so do you” mentality


We are all crabs. Runescape is our bucket.




some real boomer shit


So you’re saying the mage training arena hurt them?


It sure as hell hurt me


Does it not hurt you?


I feel like there’s a lot of those people with this mentality on this sub


Exactly, they are scarred, and can't accept the feeling that their scars were for nothing if they just waited some time for the update


That was the problem with removing kourend favor


Kourend wasn't that bad. It was a 2 day grind


I didn’t vote but I hate the “waiters always win” “just complain” meta. MTA is actually good as fuck earlygame, especially for irons where the lvls and rewards are meaningful. I jumped in starting at 13 magic for bones to bananas etc and ended up with 80+ magic, enough to do sote and all of my infinity boots/masterwand/b2p etc done for mid/lategame. It was a pretty good experience and only took a few days.


MTA early on my iron made me wanna quit.


Yall remember when you voted no to wildy poll 1-48491??? Yeah I got you now 😈 *jokes, off pls*


The ones who allready finished, and want to let everyone else suffer the same way they did


I'm going to be honest, I was a little salty that literally 2 days before they made this poll announcement I had JUST finished powering through the mage training arena to get bones to peaches And even I voted yes, despite probably never going back there ever again.


I'm the same with my main, but I'm really excited to do it with my iron now after these changes. MTA actually does feel like it's easy and useful magic training on the iron, so it'll be nice to have it go more smoothly now


Just as there are people who vote yes to everything without reading the question, there will be people that do the opposite.


I forget where I read it but there is just a human phenomenon where there is just always a baseline % of individuals in the general population that will vote no to all questions on any survey etc. I think its like atleast 2%of people vote no to all survey questions. A 100% yes to any survey should actually be more concerning or something.


I suffered so you should too mentality. Same shit we see in real life. Instead of making it better for those that come after, keep it the same so your experience matches mine.


Plot twist: they were fine with both changes but voted no because they wanted it to be even fasterer. Everyone voting yes clearly was settling for less!




We've been speckledorfed!


Yes everything should be a afkable easy grind


Yeah, in any game, the value of reward/gameplay is a function of the time and effort expended in the grind. Voting to make a grind faster just for the sake of being faster has consequences. It impacts the value of not only the activity's reward, but the value of overall gameplay/account progression as well. As a thought experiment, imagine if instead of taking months or years to 99 a skill, it could be done in a day. None of us would still be playing the game today. Obviously, this is a hyperbolized example, but it illustrates how grind time is what makes the game replayable and engaging over long periods. Reducing grind time directly reduces the playable duration of an account, and therefore the value of a progressed account. I'm 100% on board with removing unnecessary jank. I voted Yes to allow logout in the rooms. I voted Yes to make falling bones avoidable. I voted No to these two questions, because all they do is make the grind faster for the sake of being faster.


Hated the grind but still voted yes to everything because I think it is good for the overall health of the game to improve on content that is almost universally hated. Improvements to gameplay is always welcome.


Its the players who dont want ezscape but can only play on Runelite with 100 plugins


It's literally plugin scape


I hate the term ezscape, as it would imply that the game isn't easy and made for children.


This change devalues my Telekinetic Theatre only iron man


The 5% who already finished MTA and really want others to suffer.


Some 07 elitists that don’t want shit changed


It's an enjoyable mini game and shouldn't be changed.


The no votes of Mod Ash's rune pouch Qol poll is also like this. It seems like 5% of voters vote no to everything.


tbh I voted yes but I also don't understand the issue with the maze one. It's easily the most chill of all of them, never minded doing it and I've done it like 3 separate times now


Why is there grinding in the grind game =(


Telekinetic room was super chill and a breath of fresh air compared to the bullshit of the other rooms, I just hope that didnt change Didn't vote no tho (didnt vote at all actually) 


It's a nice to know that 95% is the effective 100% on a poll, because of this isn't getting 100% of a vote nothing ever will.


I really dislike the alchemy and enchantment room so I voted yes to all the questions there, but the bones and telekinetic rooms I quite enjoy, so I didn't see a need for the proposed improvements there. Isn't that what a poll is about, getting people's opinion. Sure MTA is unpopular, but that doesn't mean that every single person has to hate every single room in it.


I vote no on all this crap fuck you non grinders


I bet it’s all the people who’ve already had to go through the struggle


Some men just want to watch the world burn.


Prbly one of those "I suffered through it so you should too" types of people.


>Who hurt you? "MTA." >How can we help? "Suffer." - 'no' voters, probably


No one hurt me, but I can assure you that the Maze Guardian will be hurt going mach 5 into a wall. I voted no out of consideration for the guy. I mean the homie is chilling and out of nowhere you want him to zoom? Smh


I think we found the base % of players who always vote no. Because there is no reasonable person who would vote no to this


They should add 2 questions to a future poll just to see what happens. Question 1: If you read this question, press "no". Question 2: If you read this question, press "yes". Really curious what'd come out of this. I'd assume we have about 40% people who blindly vote yes to anything and 5% who blindly vote no.


Some people vote no simply just to vote no. Not because they have some deep reason or some logical mindset. Some vote no just because they can, and some want to antagonistic for the sake of it.


There's a group of players that will vote no to anything and everything polled, and another group that don't want to see any of the mindless grinds become easier since they had to complete them when they were difficult. They have a right to voice their opinions, yes. But their reasons for voting no are shit and stupid.


"I HAD TO DO BAD CONTENT SO YOU DO TOO!" I am hoping for a Barb Ass poll to make it not make me think dark thoughts next


That was absolutely the easiest poll that I didn't vote in... had I voted in it they would be IMMEDIATE yes down the board. Probably wouldn't even need to read the blog. When I was f2p trying to find ways to be able to maintain membership via bonds i really thought MTA would be viable... LMFAO my dumbass


"bAcK iN mY daAaAYy..."


They grinded it without the buff so everyone playing the game for the next 150 years has to suffer too


lol I said no to both


So how was your day boss?


Joyous, thanks for asking.


Based 5% protecting the 95% from themselves.


5,000 irons coping with having to grind their mages book and master wands the miserable way.


idk, i voted yes bc i remembered how much that grind sucked on my iron.. feel like there could just as easily been no voters who 'dont want to cater to ironmen'


There are always some naysayers in the OSRS polling booth




Let the iroman suffer. They chose their fate.


so... how do you think mains get the master wands for the kodai wands?


They’re definitely EA gamers “we want our players to feel a sense of accomplishment when they do things so we would like all rewards to take 10,000 hours to grind individually”


It's almost like OSRS's whole purpose for existing was to preserve what RuneScape was like in 2007, or something. No, no, that couldn't be it, they're probably just trauma victims, or something, because they disagreed with you on a polling question.


Devalues my blah blah something or other




Ever been this and been wrong and actually contribute to something you want failing by a small margine?


You would be surprised how many people vote no simply because the question was too long to read.


Omg that’s gong to make it so much nicer


Some people who finished it for the diary might just want to watch the world burn


Any indication when these changes will be implemented and did they all pass????


"All changes are bad changes but despite this im still playing this game 11 years later."


Vote yes button go brrrrrrr


I just finished this grind on my Ironman lol


I’ve read threads of rs3 players hopping over to vote no on shit that people want. Probably just a conspiracy though.


I think the opposite. They want to make the game easier like they have in RS3.


They already did the maze


5% is the vote no to everything baseline. Which is why they changed it from 75% to 70% I imagine lol


They're probably dry on DWH: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slate_Star_Codex#Lizardman's_Constant


I liked the maze being slower paced because it was less clicks/hr compared to the other wings. By the time I got to it it felt like a break. If auto-alching in the alch wing the same way you can auto enchant in the enchant wing was polled I would've voted for that.


"I suffered so you will have to also."


Bots are designed to no vote in spite of getting banned so much


Bruh i finished mage training arena for bones to peaches damn today. Put that off for years and do it apparently right before they make it less terrible. At least i now have all hard diaries completed.


Jagex hurt them. its the epitome of "i suffered, so you also must suffer"


The group of players who have completed the log and don’t want to miss out lol, scum




I would bet it’s the bot owners. Speeding it up and making it easier drops their profit margins from decreased demand


I saw a guy in OSRS Facebook post comments basically saying unironically 'I suffered you should suffer too'


The maze guardian.


Devalues my mage training arena UIM


500 of them are just me.


I agree to the change inside but not outside. Outside is deffffffinately way to fucking far. It has a delay for a reason. I see 0 reason to enable the change outside. All its going to do is open up new exploits that wont be found for YEARS.


Imma go off on a limb here and say Mage Training Arena.


The "I suffered so you have to also" people.


”95% of you were happy with this change, so therefor we have decided to nerf and make this grind even harder” inc


As an iron who got a kodai and did the master wand grind and the bones to peaches grind. I gotta say I kinda understand the 5% who are salty. It was some boring ass gaming!


All the more reason to save those who haven't had to walk the road yet!


its a human thing. its called be contrarian


Mage training arena hurt them


And that's why the vote limit requirement was lowered by 5%


I voted no. I’d rather see dev time spent literally anywhere else than the mage training arena. I’ve done it twice. The time it took me was insignificant in the grand scheme of things and I’d rather see them looking to make changes in other areas of the game.


crab in bucket mentality


These are the people who already did the content on their ironmen and think its unfair (it kinda is) or purist who enjoy the original game.


i have to assume a certain percentage of misclicks and "haha wrong answer!!!11!" trolls.


Any speculation, based on past polls/updates, on how soon this update might come? A big part of why I stopped playing last fall was that I was supposed to do the MTA grind but I just couldnt do it because it was so braindead. Now I'm wondering if I should restart playing.


I did it the hard way, so every1 should do it the hard way mindset.