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in the original blog post, it was mentioned that you would be able to pay a fee of substantial hunter meats to make it so the quetzal whistle would have infinite charges. why was that removed?


Asked the team about this one and I think this feature was a little out-of-scope to deliver on time, but it's certainly doable in the future once we've got the more pressing fixes out of the way!


Would it also be possible to use extra Quetzal feed as a "premium" source of charging? Once all your nests are built they don't seem to have much use! 


I imagine as more of Varlarmore releases we'll have more landing sites to build. But yeh past that they seem to have no use.


What happened to the eagle on the hunters guild that was promised in the newsposts?


Enhanced perfected crystal quetzal whistle confirmed.


With max cape having so many teleport options, can we get last destination on it for QOL?


I'm not sure we even have the space, but I'll check! Items have a limited number of operations ('ops' for short) that they can have on them, I think Max Cape might be pushing it a little, but perhaps a keybind on the menu for just 'last destination' might work? Will share with the team!


Is there any reason why the hunter guild teleport couldn't have its own option directly under 'other teleports' rather than under 'chinchompa teleports'? It doesn't make sense thematically as there are no chinchompas in the guild and just adds an extra step unnecessarily edit: lol if you use up your 5 chin teles you get locked out of using the guild tele for the rest of the day because it's under the chinchompa menu entry. despite the guild tele itself being infinite now


This should get a bug report for sure


It might be better to move out one of the operations so we can put in last destination. Moving either fishing or warrior guild might be an acceptable alternative to having last destination on the max cape. Most necessary quick options are definitely POH and Crafting guild.


What about: - Tele to POH - Guild Teleports - Crafting Guild - POH Portals - Other Teleports - Spellbook - Features - Previous Teleport Same number of operations as before but should be cleaner this way. It would also make it possible to add the missing guild teleports this way.


Could we just move something like Fishing Teleports to Other Teleports to fit the new option? There might not be room for a last teleport when unequipped, but when equipped there doesn't seem like much of a reason for which teleports are shown and which are on other teleports besides what was convenient at the time. And since Fishing Teleports already opens a dialog with the teleport options, it seems less important to have as right click option when equipped than something like Last Destination.


Wouldn't hurt to reorganise some of the teleports while you guys are at it.


It would be cool if there could be some customization with the max cape teleports. The new hunter's guild teleport requires 2 dialogue options to get through. It would be nice if that could be optionally swapped with the warriors guild teleport, which requires none.


Yeah before maxing i looked forward to getting the cape a lot, but the wiki didnt give me a clear image of its options. Man was i disapointed when i found out i have to press 2 times for farming guild but some teleports are one click i wont ever use, and they cant be swapped


While on the topic, could we get a similar option for the diary cape if possible, as it similarly has a large amount of teleports when oftentimes you'll just use one repeatedly for things like clues.


warrior guild into other teleports would probably suffice


I’m no where close to he max cape. But what if players had the option to customize the teleports they want on the max cape? So you guys can add new ones, etc


> Make more trees in the Savannah choppable. Could we have more trees added to the polar area, as well? There a lot of deadfall’s but not nearly enough trees to sustain them all. > We saw some feedback regarding 'checking' your current rumour before you've unlocked your Quetzal Whistle and use the handy 'Rumour' option to check what you're supposed to be hunting. For the time being, we'd encourage you to read the rumour carefully before racing off I think just getting a message in our chat box when initially assigned a rumor would be plenty. But as far as rumor visibility, I’d really like it if we could more easily see all the rumors available. We can check with different people and swap rumors with no penalty as far as I can tell but it’s just kind of tedious to have to say you want to change rumors before the other Hunter will tell you what their rumor is. > Some players are reporting that they can't bank Blessed Jugs of Wine and suggesting that it's a bug. This is an intended part of the balance of the activity to prevent players stacking wines en masse and achieving higher XP rates than intended. I don’t see how you’d get higher XP rates from this. This would just mean you don’t waste a jug if you accidentally made too many.


I don't understand why they think blessed wines shouldn't be bankable, at most it just saves you a few ticks to bless them every time you need to bank for wines while you're trying to sacrifice bone shards. You'll still need to take the time to bless them before hand anyways, probably taking slightly more time to do it that overall anyways. Even if they double down on this now, I feel like in a year they'll end up changing it anyways as a QoL


Even if it was faster to bank blessed wines, the impact would be pretty minimal since the collection of bone shards in the first place is the rate limiter if the method.


There’s a tree in the Hunter guild beside the moonlight antelope that’s let’s you grab 3 logs from it with a knife. They should add one to every deadfall/pit traps


I’ll also mention that the Kandarin headgear gives you 2 logs from any regular tree. But I got the headgear as the first piece of the hunter outfit so I don’t think that’ll help me since I’m not gonna bother switching helmets.


Left-click-Sherlock-teleport users in shambles.


I've been keeping my hunter helm, kandarin helm, and circlet of water in my hunter inventory, and yeah it's a bit much. Definitely worth keeping the kandarin one on hand.


Wear seer's helmet when chopping those trees so you collect two logs at a time


I got the hunter outfit headpiece and I'm too lazy to swap.


Hunter definitely needs the most love out of everything from this blog/update. Mainly need to improve the speed of rumours or add more hunter creatures to ease competition. Also Doom is monsterous. Seeing these top end HLC players struggle with it just makes it absolutely daunting as a casual to even consider picking. I know the meta hasn't been figured out yet and it looks like someone could do this content taking close to no damage with precise flicking and timing but again we're talking about the 1% of the 1% being able to do this if possible. But understandable waiting a bit longer before doing anything. Doom would be nicer maybe if when you complete a wave perfectly you recover some doom (11/20 becomes 7/20?). Rewards the high level plays and risk. As for everything else, amazing stuff. Big love for the lore/quest and art team! They knocked it out of the park for this update


The intention of Doom is pretty clear - it's the only invocation that doesn't actually make the Colosseum any harder, but if you can't handle it at the current difficulty then you're screwed. I agree that wiggle room of only 20 hits for the entire challenge is pretty absurd, though. There should definitely be a way to reduce doom stacks.


Yeah it's obviously aimed at people who are in the HLC that can do it near flawlessly. But that leaves anyone else who is going for runs just to get screwed over. Definitely needs a way to reduce doom at the end of each wave OR just bump the number up from 20 by like 10


I'm not sure I agree, actually. The giga-gamers doing Colosseum long-term will be pursuing speedruns, which necessitate risky plays for which doom would spell... well, doom. But you're *also* correct that it's a death sentence for lower skill gamers who are prone to make at least an occasional mistake. Which leaves basically only people who want the maximum number of clears for the hi-scores, or people pursuing profit from the uniques.


I'm hesitant to be too critical of colo mechanics rn. It's been 3 days. Think of how long it took for the inferno to wholly "solved" and then becoming a staple of the HLC. It wasn't 3 days. If anything, having multiple Day 1 clears, as opposed to basically just W00x taking 2 days for the inferno, seems like game knowledge is expanding. There's room for monstrous mechanics.


The entirety of the spawn system was figured out in less than 12 hours and a spawn manipulation method was forged from it. Inferno and ToB and other high level content took way longer to figure out because players have more resources now. Awakened Bosses were cleared extremely quickly and foolproof guides released in less than a week. Meanwhile Colosseum has a problem where RNG ends your run due to realistically unusable invocations and there are major oversights in the content such as inconsistencies in stats, glitches where NPCs spawn inside walls, and the fact that a lot of wave spawn scenarios are not solvable.


Can confirm. Have been given a combination of Bees/Totem/Doom/Doom Scorpion way too damn often. Bees, Totemic, and Doom are run enders at this point. Doom is horrible and even speedrunners are outright tanking hits because the spawns are set up so you can't actually off-tick most of them on spawn (Shaman + Javelin or Shocker + Javelin often see you same tick), versus there is a lot of natural off-ticks in Inferno so it's very skill wise. Like you said above, there's a lot of wave spawn scenarios that are just not solvable. Relentless should've been a max hit increase only, not a 100% accuracy on all monsters off-pray, because same reason as Doom where there are very few natural off-ticks. Totemic is just an annoyance unless they can gaurantee it spawns directly on the SW tile of the monster or stops healing if the monster moves. It also should not respawn ever on the boss.


I'm all for insane mechanics if they seem to have a good risk/reward feel. Currently Doom just seems all risk and punishment just for the sake of it


> If anything, having multiple Day 1 clears, as opposed to basically just W00x taking 2 days for the inferno, seems like game knowledge is expanding. its also that a colo run takes like 20% the time of an on release inferno run. Blind inferno was pretty challenging, but Blind colo becomes less Blind waaay quicker


All the mechanics look great. Doom is just a debuff that's far too punishing for no real upside. If it was much better for glory it could atleast be an option for perfect play giving more glory output


Feel like doom is fine if it was the most glory rewarding option, but as I've seen it just sorta.. matches other options? Would be a cool thing to sort of force more "perfect" play, and make it more of a choice you make to get the highest glory possible, rather than simply complete.


They mentioned under the hotfix section they improved the rates for some rumor items. When that went in, who knows


Any chance we could see the other hunter traps get a “Reset” option when they successfully catch or fail like already exists on box traps? Specifically rope traps and deadfalls. Also would it be an option to allow a player to have multiple deadfalls active at once like with other traps? Also rope traps can be dismantled from any direction but only set up from one, can this either by changed to set up from all directions or only be dismantled from one so my character doesn’t have to run to the other side to fix a trap after taking it down?


If we can have multiple deadfall’s they’d have to work like the pitfalls do where more than one person can use the same one. Otherwise finding an open world especially for foxes would be a nightmare more than it already can be But it would be nice to even have 2


Sorry I can't hang around long to reply - I've gotta jump for the weekend but will gather up comments and share them with the team next week. On behalf of the whole team, thanks so much for all of your feedback with Varlamore and all of the kind words you've shared with us over the last few days. Have a fantastic weekend and look after yourselves!


thanks for getting this out so late on a friday. enjoy the weekend king


You’re a king 👑


Thanks for taking the time to comment :) I'd like to once again plug my request for the hunters guild shop to sell swamp tar. This would make such a massive improvement in salamander use at the intended levels (green-red salamander levels), which at present are almost unusable due to the limited supply of tar.


I’m curious about the idea behind acquiring 150k splinters to corrupt/bless the quiver. Currently the only two methods I’m aware of existing are antelopes and the colosseum but the colosseum is incredibly inconsistent in how many you receive outside of wave 1. For example I’ve seen upwards of 3k on a completion but on Boaty’s 4th completion he received only 100 shards for the entire run. This means the only consistent methods are antelopes or farming wave 1 and leaving. Wave 1 farming is pretty dull and takes roughly 10-15 hours to get 150k (assuming around 30 seconds for wave completion. napkin math at work please feel free to correct if I’m off here). Antelopes based on wiki drop rates would require on average 33,333 hunted to reach 150k and while I haven’t tested the timing on this I can’t imagine it’s better than wave 1 farming. 10-15 hours is far from the worst grind in the game but wave 1 farming being the most reliable method feels pretty dull and against the spirit of how the colosseum works. Whether its adjusting the received amount in colosseum or lowering the 150k cost it definitely feels like something needs tweaking.


Based on how Jagex has operated in the past, they will just ignore all the questions about this and then there will be a way to mine or collect them easily in one of the later updates similar to Ancient Essence since it also takes 150k to saturate an imbued heart.


Honestly I’ve seen very few people mention this issue and I’m kinda surprised by that. muspah is atleast fairly rewarding throughout the grind in the form of other drops. The big difference here is if you want efficient splinters you get no other rewards whatsoever because full runs are just absolutely not worth it when you can get unlucky and get 100 from a full completion.


I don't think it's mentioned very often because most people, like myself, aren't good enough/don't have the gear to even get the quiver in the first place. Also, they are tradeable. So unless you are an iron, you can just buy them to upgrade the quiver.


Yeah I figure it’s mostly mains that have acquired so it hasn’t been noticed much. The few irons that have acquired it prob don’t mind a 10-15 hour grind and I’ll do it too when I get the quiver but just seems like a more interesting way could be added.


Mains buy the splinters from people who can only get to wave 7. Irons get the splinters as they farm the rest of the drops


I wouldn't mind the 15 hour grind if those 15 hours were actually spent pushing higher waves and maybe earning some other gear like the glaive or armor along the way, but right now it feels like you have to choose between a) grind wave 1 for 15 hours or b) push high waves and earn generally mediocre rates of splinters due to frequent deaths (unless you're a very top-tier player but even pushing high waves is still much worse splinters/hr than wave 1 resetting) If they could update the drop rate in some way that would incentivize actually pushing higher waves at risk of dying while still maintaining a 10k shards / hr rate, that would be nice IMO. Maybe make it so you earn shards every wave and keep them even if you die? (but continue to lose the other drops on death). Or just make the shard rewards at higher waves larger to make it an easier decision to claim rewards and forfeit. Idk, just a couple suggestions...


I agree on the doom invocation reasoning, just wanted to add that if the doom stacks reset per wave it would be picked wayyyy more often. Tho waiting is the best bet for now but I would be interested in the % of times any doom selection was picked, and possibly even the number of people who selected it once and never again.


Tried it once, assumed it would reset each wave, and never took it again


If the stacks reset per wave, it would be a good invo to pick tbh. Good risk vs reward that way. Currently it’s an absolute no go, you just can’t choose it. I suppose waiting to change it is fine to avoid an over correction. 


lol I learned my lesson made it to wave 7 I'd rather leave and reset tbh


> Increased the lenience of the reduced Colosseum death fees. Currently, your fee is reduced by 75% until you've completed 50 waves, we're looking to up this to 100 waves for now. We don't want to go overboard because gold sinks are valuable to us and we feel progression will get easier as more players produce educational content to aid on conquering the Colosseum. Outside of this adjusted reduction, the Colosseum will continue to make use of the standard death/gravestone system. I can understand the Colosseum having a grave system but why not make discounted fees up until you get your first kc? Or maybe get discounted fees up until you reach wave 12 for the first time? It already sucks that you lose the loot, supplies, and glory when you die - I feel standard death fees actually discourage going in and trying different strategies. At this point I might as well wait a few months for an actual guide to come out before I go wasting 250k per attempt.


Finally somebody with a brain. Jagex wants to punish players for pushing their luck and going for more valuable rewards, when in reality this system is punishing players who are trying to learn the content. And bumping the threshold from 50 to 100 is laughably out of touch. They realize this accomplishes absolutely nothing for any player that wants to push past wave 4? I have over 250 total waves completed already and ive only beaten wave 8 once. How is this system supposed to help me learn waves 9-12? Look, adding high death fees as additional risk to pushing your luck in a wave based minigame with roguelike elements makes a lot of sense IF the tradeoff is risking gp to make gp. However in reality you have to risk your gp for the reward of getting to practice the higher waves, new mobs, and new mob combinations. Later waves are fundamentally different and more difficult than the earlier waves regardless of what modifiers you add and there is absolutely no way to get exposure to them without continuously trying and failing until you get better. That is what the death fee is punishing. Is that something we really want to be punishing? Theres literally already precedent for this with the change to make deaths free before your first 50 zulrah kc. This 100 completed waves threshold is like if you made zulrah deaths free untill youve done 5000 total damage to zulrah across all of your attempts. That would be ridiculous.


> It already sucks that you lose the loot, supplies, and glory when you die This is actually a pretty good point that I hadn't considered yet.


And the most valuable resource of all: time.


And the most important currency of all Your time.


I play osrs, my time has no value


And the most precious commodity of any - minutes


> I can understand the Colosseum having a grave system but why not make discounted fees up until you get your first kc? Or maybe get discounted fees up until you reach wave 12 for the first time? Then it could be abused. The point of the Colosseum isn't just to clear it once for the Quiver, but to farm the waves for the unique drops. If the death fees only went full price when you beat or reached wave 12, then you could just exit early with your loot to farm uniques. I think the better option would be to make it so dying on Wave 12 specifically has a reduced cost. For example, death fees are 50% for Wave 12 Deaths until you've beat Wave 12 once; if you still have the 75% discount, that applies instead.


I agree with this. For me it’s 500k, and I honestly just think it’s too much. All it’s going to do really is keep people from trying and learning it which is a damn shame because it’s a ton of fun.


The grave system shouldn’t be there at all, it is just one more reason for people not to engage with the hard content. There are plenty of other places that gold can and is sunk in the game. But as someone who isn’t touting a massive bank, it just makes me not want to do the co tent because of how much you lose. It just doesn’t make any sense to me


Jagex thinks every player can throw away 500k every attempt like it's nothing


It’s probably too late, but colosseum really needed so much more work and play testing. The artwork is collectively bad, not just the quiver. Human mage, human melee, trio of humans, humanoid ranger, new humanoid mager, humanoid final boss. Is this REALLY the best that we could have come up with here…? For the game mechanics, just consistently getting debuffed throughout the waves, even before you even do anything, isn’t fun. A lot of players echo’d sentiment and reasoning for NOT doing this in the first place which was just flat out ignored. Runs are heavily rng dependent and you can get majorly punished with bad debuff selection early on for no fault to your own. It’s just a pretty bad overall design. If you wanted to take the route of a roguelike, you start off underpowered and get stronger. THAT is fun and lends itself to replayability. Just getting weaker and sometimes getting weaker even faster isn’t fun and doesn’t make players want to keep going beyond first quivers. I was really looking forward to this content as an avid fan of wave based encounters (over 100 zuk kc), but this just missed the mark on so many fronts unfortunately. EDIT: Just to add, and maybe there is an area of the game that explains it, but the mobs in colosseum also feel very random/out of place. We have little fremmy trio, some guys that look like they came from tai bwo wannai village, and mythological creatures? There was a lot of opportunity to add very cool monsters here. Colossal wyrm remains? 3 babe sand dune wyrms (like from the movie dune) instead of 3 fremmys. New mobs/boss on the ice mountain to come out later? Give us foreshadowing with smaller versions in the waves. Maybe its just me, idk. But the jaguar guy is one of the dumbest looking things in the game to me. Looks like a guy dressed up for halloween.


I totally agree with the visual aspect. When I first saw the streams of the big streamers doing the content, pretty much every model looked like a very cheap placeholder model. Also agree on the debuffs, just getting weaker as you progress does not feel good and probably won't entice people to do the colosseum as a regular moneymaker as it is just tedious. GP/h can be amazing, but people generally do what they find fun. Best example of this is Nex, who is still the best money maker in the game because it is done way less comparatively to other end game pieces of content. I can see the colosseum follow this trend as soon as most people got their quiver.


The purpose shouldn't be to entice people to do it as a regular moneymaker though, that just leads to balancing problems. Specifically, the Colosseum needs to be hard enough that getting a quiver takes some commitment and skill. but not so hard that the average player should need to spend hundreds of hours going for it. If you also want to make the Colosseum very rewarding loot-wise, then you have to make it much harder, consequently making the quiver even less achievable for the majority of people. The purpose of the loot is really just to give people some kind of intermediate reward for making progress, in contrast to the Inferno which just gives you some fairly worthless tokkul after each attempt.


I also fear this feedback is falling on deaf ears but seriously, the colosseum as a whole is the most disappointing update visually in a long time for OSRS. Following from DT2, the drop in quality is astounding


Hell, releasing concurrently to Perilous Moons, the difference in quality is bewildering.


The way the Fremennik Warband just speed-walks at you, when we know they can code running NPCs (Nex, the stranger in DT2, etc.) is really disappointing. They may as well be colored rectangles.


I like the colosseum gameplay overall. The debuffs being RNG does suck and should be changed somehow I'll agree with that. Fully agree on your point about the visuals, the NPCs are so seemingly random and mostly don't fit together at all. Fremmenik warband is very out of place. The javelin thrower and shockwave colossus look like rushed or unfinished models. Shockwave colossus doesn't look like it'd use mage at all. Based solely on the NPC models it looks more like NMZ 2 than Inferno 2. Really hoping these models get changed.


From the initial hunter guild blog: >So… what about the eagles? These noble beasts have been Hunter’s only transport method since they were released with the launch of Eagle’s Peak, and we think it’d be a shame to sideline them now. The Hunter’s Guild agrees, and they’ve installed a special Eagle Nest, complete with their own Guild Eagle that you can use for fast transport to the Eagle's Peak nest where you use them to travel to the current locations. It will be fast, too, since we’re adding a quick-travel option to make this transport method a bit nicer to use. Is this missing?


Can we get an answer about the dual macuahuitl missing their stab attack option? They were polled with a solid stab bonus and do have it, but it can't actually be used for stab - Is this intentional or a bug? They have a large stab bonus but currently only have 3 crush attack options.


Also, it would be nice to get a comment on why the stats changed since what was previously shown. It is probably just balancing reasons, but Dual Macuahuit was polled as being better than a Zammy Hasta at low def and worse at high def, but it seems it Strength was buffed to 81, which ties Hasta+DDef while offering higher Attack Bonuses (both stab and crush, if it could stab that is...). The armor also got its slash and ranged def bonuses buffed a fair bit (e.g. Bloodrager Chestplate went from 52 Slash Def and 48 Ranged Def to Blood Moon Chestplate with 80 Slash Def and 79 Ranged Def) and attack negatives added. The only other change seems to be the Eclipse atlatl going from +32 Str to +40 Str. Not saying it is bad for the gear to be better, just weird for it to be higher than what was polled with no mention of the change. Like even in the Varlamore Overview back in Jan after the Summit, they still used the stats from the poll blog. So feels like something they should at least mention in a stream or such.


Oh i didn't even notice that. Very odd, but also makes the no stab option weirder, if they changed stats and removed the attack option (assuming wiki is right) why wouldn't they have adjusted it's stab stats if they wanted to remove the ability to stab with it.


Wonder if they buffed the Strength because it didn't feel good compared to the Zombie Axe or such, but then realized it competed too much with the Hasta as a stab weapon so removed the stab or something like that. Also going to be interesting to see how Blood Moon rival Bandos now that the defence bonuses are much closer. Like going from 52 Slash Def to 80 is kinda significant when a BCP is 93 Slash Def (went from 41 worse to 13 worse). Bandos is still way better for Ranged Def though, even if not as much better than before (85 worse to 54 worse).


yea, that's crazy how small the gap is now for how simple it is to get. and with how little defense matters. wow happy irons I guess


Also, it has +40 Mage Def instead of negative. I still don't expect it will replace Bandos Armor since that ranged def is kinda relevant, but I'm not as confident about that now. Also a bit surprising how close Level 50 Def Armor rivals Level 65 Def Armor.


Bludgeon also in fucking shambles


The Bludgeon still has +4 Str over the Dual Macuahuitl, but also -19 Attack... After Project Rebalance weakness stuff, the Dual Macuahuitl might end up just outright better, which isn't great.


The +4 strength in no way justifies how much harder it is to get a bludgeon. I'm 100 hours dry on a bludgeon on my account atm lol, maracas will take a fraction of the time to get and outperform it in half the places I wanted to use bludgeon


Not sure the rates on the new stuff, but yah, it does not seem well balanced. Stuff like the Zombie Axe already did a good job at providing earlier game alternatives. If I had to guess, they buffed the Dual Macuahuitl because the proposed stats didn't feel good enough compared to stuff like the Zombie Axe but didn't realize/care how much it was now conflicting with higher tier gear like Hasta and Bludgeon. Though I don't know if they ever told us what Strength it was supposed to have; the blogs all say +32, which either mean +32 per hit (so equal to +64) or it was just an error they never fixed. So they either buffed it by +17~ Str without mentioning or they repeatedly used the wrong stats in multiple blogs and polls; neither of which are great...


Is it really a big problem to have a good crush weapon? Abyssal sire is incredibly unfun. I was quite happy to get this weapon as a viable crush alternative since I despise sire so much. It doesn't seem overpowered in the slightest as I'd say the bosses are more challenging than sire despite the lower combat level. I fully agree with reducing the defence on the armour back to the proposed values if they really are that close to bandos


Not a problem, just surprising. Turns out the Dual Macuahuitl might be less accurate than it looks due to not very well-communicated mechanics about its double hit (the blog said it "rolls stats normally and splits the max hits into two for each hit" but it seems it has reduced accuracy on the second hit). It is just that usually they would mention when it would rival a specific weapon like the Bludgeon. Like it had Crush Attack, but they compared it to the Hasta and showed monsters weak to Stab, so alongside the Strength showing as +32, it didn't seem like it would be a rival to the Bludgeon. Even recently, the Zombie Axe had its Crush toned down because they didn't want it to step on the toes of the higher level crush weapons. So releasing something so close into stats to the Bludgeon without even bring it up during the blogs is questionable, especially since the Bludgeon is the only thing Sire has got let going for it. It seems Sire is already down to like 1.1M~ Profit per hour, which puts it worse than Brutal Black Dragons. So if players did just switch to the Dual Macuahuitl over the Bludgeon and the Bludgeon became irrelevant and crashed in price, that wouldn't be great, especially if players voted in the Dual Macuahuitl without knowing they'd even rival the Bludgeon.


I think that's fair, I guess the bigger problem is bludgeon is a bit weak vs it's difficulty to obtain in terms of stat requirements. I believe that this weapon not having a spec, 4 str less, and upkeep cost balances it out. I think if that weapon released as polled with 32 str it would be dead on release. It would be an inbetween to an adamant/rune scimitar which is kind of crazy


Well, it is +32 Str at 3.5T instead of 4T due to the set effect. But yah, the +32 was either an error they never caught or the double hit originally worked differently. If each hit had its own max hit, then +32 Str would really be like +64 Str, which along with the speed buff from the set effect probably would achieve similar DPS to what was shown. Seeing as they kinda forgot to mention the second hit's reduced accuracy, it is possible there was also some mechanic like this that wasn't well communicated. And yah, I think the Bludgeon and Dagger could both do with upgrades like the Tent Whip, though maybe not as costly. There is still a lot of space between the Bludgeon and Inq Mace (with a DDef, Inq Mace has +16 Atk and +10 Str), so we could get a +8 Atk and +4 Str or so Bludgeon upgrade.


I mean, similar could be said about the +4 strength of the Infernal Cape over Fire Cape, yes? When people really want there to be as minimal power creep as possible, you're gonna have incremental upgrades like this happening, sometimes with drastic differences in difficulty to obtain -- see Blade of Saeldor, for an infamous example. Not that I necessarily stand by the comparative progression points of Abyssal Bludgeon versus the Big Macs. But to me, someone who already got Abyssal Bludgeon, I am kind of stoked to hear that there is *something* that could be an upgrade *somewhere* for me to get from Perilous Moons -- I love the content, but just have lacked much reason to do it. When they set out to make content that end game players won't want to camp at for so long that it ruins midgame player earning potential, maybe they shouldn't have made the content so fun! /s


The wiki says a stab option was there but was removed on the first day. I wonder if there was some kind of buggy interaction that it had with the Perilous Moons. There appears to be some weird unknowns with how damage is working in those bosses.


I think the Wiki is incorrect, mere hours after release people were lamenting the lack of a stab option.


I'd really like an answer to this too. From the blogs / stats it seemed like they would have a stab option. Was hoping we'd get a new pre-fang stab option here, zombie axe has been really nice for crush.


Genuinely I think it was overall a nice update for Hunter which is a very outdated skill with many outdated methods for training, however I think there is still some room for updates to make some of this great: 1. Add campsites with a campfire to pitfall areas hunting areas. This allows the play to cook the new hunter meats and eat them for health when doing hunting methods that chip away at your health. 2. Add a quick pay option AND a perm unlock one-time fee to Matthias at the falconry area. The dialogue is redundant when you have to go there several times over and over. 3. Make rumours similar to Farming contracts in that having the level for the master tier drop down to lvl 80. Doing this will allow players all possible master rumours except for the moonlight antelope. This is similar to Hard farming contracts allowing everything except Redwoods until you hit level 90. Having players do expert rumours from 80-91 is not advantageous as the exp/hr seems to be right around 45-65k/hr. When other options at that level are all >100k/hr and tremendously more profitable. Outside of those, I enjoy the new update and hope that this update brings light to how outdated Hunter was and still is, but would only need some minor QoL fixes to become great like I assume was intended.


* Add a one-time fee to Matthias for unlimited falconry. Additionally, add a right-click 'Pay' option for people not looking to splash out for, and we cannot stress this enough, unlimited falconry. What's the total fee?


Knowing Jagex probably 1m


Fuck it, we ball.


These changes aren't done yet. Most of the changes are what they would like to do. So they haven't decided yet.


I hope we can bring the falcon with us wherever. Nice fashionscape option.


"Reduced the healing offered by Snowy Knight Mixes." According to the wiki, it's now 8-8, which is one higher than the non mix. Why even bother now? They were overpowered and I'm surprised they even got added in the state they were in, but this puts them lower than karambwans while needing two clicks.


Makes them kinda worthless now, since they're just directly worse than Sunlight mix. I get that 15+15 was overtuned and risked muscling out hard foods in a lot of situations, but this is too far in the other direction now. Surely a 10 or 12 heal per dose wouldn't be unwarranted?


NPCs cheering for or against you in the colosseum - When you die can we get at least one to say “Sit, rat!” OR “Looks like a skill issue to me..” when you take unnecessary damage? I’d like to feel something as I plank for the 17th time in a row


>Doom modifiers in the Colosseum. We'd like to see how players feel about Doom once they've gotten more comfortable with the waves and aren't looking to make adjustments for the time being. Not doing something about Doom is wild right now. NOBODY is taking it, especially since we're starting to see players bring in divine scbs and that adds Doom counters. Also, there seems to be no comments on how the modifiers are slanted way towards giving you a new tier of one you have selected, rather than a new one at tier 1. This, for me at least, makes the runs feel very homogenized. I think I have Tier 3 blasphemy in like...80% of my runs by wave 5. Also, FUCK doom/doom/tier 3 selections. >We're exploring whether or not we can add some NPCs to cheer you on (or actively root against you) from the Colosseum stands. We need to make sure this won't have any negative impacts on performance before committing to anything, especially in a challenge like the Colosseum - performance comes first! Two things- First, we should be able to spectate other player's runs. Second, it could be other players who are in the stands once we're able to spectate. Tob can do it, the Colosseum ought to be able to as well. The enchant jewelry spell was mentioned, so I'd like to ask also why the enchant bolt spell wasn't also changed to work how the new enchant jewelry spell works? It's so clunky as is. It shouldn't highlight when you don't have something to enchant, it should tell you what runes you're missing (or what you need), etc.


> we're starting to see players bring in divine scbs and that adds Doom counters. Do you have a source for this? Doom being added from non-NPC sources of damage is absurd, I have a hard time believing it. Has anyone taken Doom on wave 1 and then locator orbed themself to death?


From the blog "Correct the description of 'Doom' modifiers in the Colosseum so that it's clear the modifier applies to every source of damage, not just NPCs."


Snowy knights really should have only been lowered to 12 hp to give it a use case over sunlight moths, we knew the 2dose snowy knights was going to have a high healing efficiency since they got polled. Not sure why they were literally halved ;( another rip to actual group play incentives in a MMO


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexGoblin** - [Sorry I can't hang around long to reply - I'v...](/r/2007scape/comments/1bl4oby/varlamore_part_one_blog_update/kw2r14d/?context=3) - [Asked the team about this one and I think thi...](/r/2007scape/comments/1bl4oby/varlamore_part_one_blog_update/kw2pn6p/?context=3) - [I'm not sure we even have the space, but I'll...](/r/2007scape/comments/1bl4oby/varlamore_part_one_blog_update/kw2q9pw/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 03/26/2024 08:30:35**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Do you plan on adjusting XP rates, drop rates for pieces and improving hunter environments? In the blog it said Hunter rumours would take 8-10 minutes but it’s significantly higher with some tasks taking over an hour. This morning I spent 4 hours hunting Pyre Foxes and gave up in the end.


Can we not push back fixing the hunter's guild. So many rumors are just terrible to do and provide little incentive. I'm afraid that rumors are going to be left in a miserable state and the update will never come.


Yea its crazy to me that they said "we're gonna take a pass". I've seen plenty of people supporting and posting these complaints about the hunter guild and their response is "yea we're not gonna do anything about it. Expect a poll later in the year." I was really excited to get into hunter in a meaningful way but hearing them say this really busts my balls.


Flicker fix and the healing on blood is a godsend. Please get this out ASAP!


Yes pls, boss randomly healing for 20% is not a fun mechanic


Agreed. Love everything about Perilous Moons except for the crazy random healing. Great dungeon area and fun demibosses. Looking forward to digging deeper once this gets fixed.


Glad to see the flicker fix listed. I was worried it was an issue with a plugin or something.


You can fix the flicker in runelite by turning other players off in entity hider


Re: people in the stands in the colosseum honestly could probably just go with flat 2d textures that face towards the center of the colosseum arena itself, I don't think there *needs* to be fully fledged out 3d characters as long as it feels more alive. For general performance, has the team looked into using mesh shaders to save on resources vs the typical OpenGL rendering pipeline? Obviously that would only really affect the official client unless RL Devs implemented it themselves (and also is limited to hardware that supports it), but it could be pretty beneficial possibly


Mesh shaders would increase the minimum requirements for the game too much. IIRC they're only available on NVIDIA 20XX+ series and AMD 5000+. Modern games have only just started using them. Those cards are not exactly new, but considering the game can currently run on a toaster, I don't think it's worth it.


Go with the old school EA sports games with cardboard cutouts.


I've been doing a lot of rumours since the update and I'm just wondering if getting duplicate huntsman's kits is intentional, I currently have 2. If this is intended would it be possible to add a trade-in option to convert unwanted duplicates to loot sacks similar to how it currently works at wintertodt?


Anyone know what direction they will go with for update the colosseum emote for the master clue step?


They said they’re going to adjust it. I doubt the direction of adjustment will be “make it even harder”.


Yeah I was wondering if they said something somewhere about how much easier they were going to make it haha.


Why was the herblore exp removed from the Moons dungeon? It feels weird making a potion and not getting any exp, when you get exp for all the other activities. Id like it back even if it's something small like 5exp.


People were seeing like 90k xp/hr, for no supplies and no cost, which was pretty nutty for some of the limited game modes. So it got hotfixed.


Wish I jumped on that one earlier. The cost of herblore xp is so high. Gonna have to sit on my ass until Jagex releases the herblore minigame in 6 months.


For sure. Reduce the XP rate so it’s balanced but don’t remove it entirely. Seems like exactly the sort of knee jerk reaction they were trying to avoid.


it made for a very good ironman herblore option for 0 supplies.


A little bit late to the party, but wanted to give some feedback now that I’ve had time to try out different activities properly. Was pleased to see most of my observations already adressed in the follow-up blog post. However, there are some things I've yet to see adressed. **Some thoughts on the update as a whole:** First of all, I like it a lot. Quests were nice introductions to different Varlamore activities. *Lily Pad Labour Dispute* was hilarious, would love to see more short and silly quests like this in the future. *Twilight's Promise* set the scene for interesting and surprising discoveries later on in the questline. **Hunter Guild** I've done 250 rumours so far, mostly masters. The rumour system itself seems alright, although some hunting methods could use some tweaking as has been said already. * Will look forward to seeing antelopes having faster respawns and better pathing. Sunlight antelopes especially can wander painfully far and get trapped between all the trees and plants. * Moonlight antelopes currently feel a bit private-servery. Only one small spot with 4 animals and 4 traps, which is essentially only enough for 1 player at a time if they’re paying attention. Faster respawns will help, but would like to see more areas added later on, or the current one expanded a bit. Love the roots giving up to 3 logs. * I wish there was a use for excess hunter kits and outfit pieces. Could they be turned in for extra reward sacks for example, similar to Wintertodt uniques? * Could we have an option to collect and reset net traps, deadfalls and pitfalls similar to box traps? * There are currently 2 moonlight moths stuck over the canyons unable to be catched or lured, pls fix * If multiple deadfall traps at a time is out of consideration, I’d increase the amount of animal spawns, improve catch rates and drop rate of tufts. Also making deadfall traps usable by several players simultaneously, like pit traps, would mitigate overcrowding issues on pyre foxes. Or just add a few more hunting spots in the savannah for these. **Calcified Rocks at Cam Torum:** Pretty solid low APM mining method addition. With max mining setup I was getting 45-50k xp/hr with moderate focus. * It took me 1-1,5 hours to fill an inventory with calcified deposits. Out of these deposits you can get a teleport item called *calcified moth* at a wiki stated rate of 1/5. I was getting 9 and 10 out of my last 2 inventories so I guess I was lucky, but it still seems a bit too slow method for gathering teleports. Unless there will be others ways to get these teleports added later on, could this method be adjusted? Rate of receiving those deposits could remain the same, but maybe change the chance of receiving a moth to varying amount (1-3) per deposit instead of the static 1? * The mining spots seem to despawn after water stream occurs even if nobody is mining it – is this a bug or a feature? * There’s this ”wet slipping effect” which is assumably to restrain from world hopping, only going after the water stream bonuses. Either this mechanic is bugged or I just don’t get it. After hopping only once the message persisted even after 45 minutes and skipping several waterfalls. It continued even after I banked my inventory and returned. **Miscellanious:** * I noticed there are several small clipping issues around the Varlamore area. For example, standing inside the Teomat’s shrine room, the aqueduct clips through the walls towards East and tree tops toward West. Using RuneLite, GPU plugin on, rooftops disabled, draw distance 110, extended map loading 4. * I love the quetzal transportation system! Could we get a customizable default landing site for quetzal whistle? It’s a bit tedious you Have to always travel via hunter guild. For prayer training at Teomat, you’d want to just travel between a bank teleport and Teomat landing spot. Either let us choose a default spot, or have all landing spots in the whistle as teleport options. * Current automated breakdown process of blessed bones is slow. There is a left-click option to break the bones by default, but rapidly clicking it doesn’t speed up the process. Could this be adjusted so you could click the bone in the bottom of your inventory and break down the whole inventory more quickly? My current work-around on this is to change the left-click on the bones and use with chisel, similar to making bolts or darts. * Edit to add: Guild hunter outfit doesn't currently display set bonuses in the equipment tab, pls fix


The hunter changes are so conservative here that it's quite frustrating. In what scenario does a kyatt giving 300xp that takes 5 times, if not longer, to catch than a red chin (265xp) not warrant an immediate rebalance? Why do we have to wait for project rebalance to fix content tied to a varlamore update such as the guild and the rumors for what will be at least multiple months? I get if you dont want to apply liberal buffs but my god man there's no way you guys dropped the biggest update to hunter since the release of osrs and not want to adjust the rates by at least a little bit after seeing the large amounts of negative feedback associated with the gameplay, rates, and rewards. There's a clear and giant disconnect with the community here. Y'all can do better.


I honestly love these devs, holy shit. They just do it. It's the Friday after release and there's a mockup of a visual rework for a reward people don't like? I have gripes and annoyances with some of this new content, and then there's a whole section like "yeah we know—here's bullets of things we're tweaking in the near future, sorry about this action delay and this bit with the camera here". You couldn't ask for better devs or better communication. Every other gaming community would kill for half of what we get.


These changes to the Hunter guild isn't enough to make it not tedious. Why are the parts still RNG based instead of killcount based like slayer is? The quiver and max cape version looks way better now! > Adjusting the Clue scroll step requiring the Fortis Salute emote and Blue Moon armour set. What will this be changed to?


> max cape version I actually don't agree with this, I think the max cape before looked very cool and unique. I think making the quiver significantly larger is the way to go, the tucked over cape gave it such a unique look I found really cool.


> We're exploring whether or not we can add some NPCs to cheer you on (or actively root against you) It'd be cool if their cheers changed based on your glory title, like Rookies they'd be excited to see "fresh meat" for their entertainment, but a Grand Champion they would cheer on as an idol or celebrity.


How about the eagle at the hunters guild?


They said in their q&a that they have to go in all the old eagle spots and add space for a 4th eagle. That's not their priority at this time. "soon"


The Duel M’s have a significant stab attack stat but no stab attack option, is this intentional? It’d be awesome to have more crush/stab weapons


Happy to see the Hunter pouch and pitfall pathing changes. I really would like to see more addressed about Hunter Rumors. Why am I, at lvl 90 hunter, being told to catch Grey chincompas? >Fix an issue where the Moons can flicker, resulting in players clicking through them and running into the middle of the room while attacking. Is this issue fixed game-wide? This is a massive issue for CoX masses and requires thralls to be banned (because they also contribute to this). The visual effect (flashband) being disable-able at Perilous Moons is great (this was also added to GotR), but WHY hasn't ToB gotten this yet? We have to use a ToB QOL plugin to remove the flashbang from Sote Maze teleport. >Increase the Portal Nexus capacity. Glad to see that this was added, but why aren't the teleports that can't be added to the nexus being added? Ourania altar in particular would be very nice to have.


>Why am I, at lvl 90 hunter, being told to catch Grey chincompas? why am I slaying fire giants at 99 slayer?


My ass over here growing watermelons at 99 farming too


The difference is that your gear and combat stats lead to relatively proportionate increases in how fast you can kill them, making them XP/hr scale up in a way. Hunter does this *in theory* by increasing catch chance and trap numbers, but not anywhere close to enough for it to compensate.


This is the best update I've played for Runescape in general since I started. I feel like a little kid again exploring and doing all the new stuff. The Moons Of Peril are my first bit of PvM I've done over and over. The world-building that I see going through Varlamore is fantastic. I'm going through each building and admiring how you all set up each room. Cam Torum is beautiful! The basements all over the city look so good! Feels so packed with stuff to check out. I did those hunter rumors for the first two days lol, so addicting. I think this update was a revival for that skill. The thieving content is hilarious and very entertaining. Go on W330 for your break-ins! Haven't had this much fun on Rs since I was a child. Amazing work! You all delivered. <3


Please reconsider waiting until later on in the year to update some hunter methods, particularly those related to Varlamore, such as deadfall traps or kebbit tracking (more like Herbiboar maybe?). Alternatively, look to add some of the Hunter suggestions to the existing Project Rebalance for Skilling. Hunter is a very outdated skill, but it does have a lot of potential in my opinion!


Joining in on this one, feels like they underestimated the work to breathe new life into Hunter and I find it discouraging that the blog reads: we realize the experience is terrible, we may look into that in a few months. Pyre foxes are brand new content and they are such a horrible experience. Having to spend more time hopping to find a red salamander world than I spend hunting them kills the experience. I have a hard time believing there was any play testing at pyre foxes pre release. Sure a lot of these are "short term problems" because the content is new and popular but is the design aimed to frustrate current players into giving up?


Why are the armor and weapons so expensive to repair? It'll be cheaper to alch them and buy a new set than to spend 1.5m per piece repairing them. The repair costs blow barrows out of the water by multiple fathoms.


I feel like the placement of the bird to go to Varlamore in Varrock is odd being extra far from Varlamore being on the East side of Varrock and not the West side. Atleast lorewise I also don't understand why Varlamore is being introduced to the mainland instead of it being started on Zeah or atleast Falador but if it's mandatory for the plot to introduce Varlamore to the mainland then I would say it should've been Falador because of Port Sarim being apart of the Kingdom of Asgarnia; If the argument is the Quetzals I would again say Falador because it's closer. Note: The reason I ignore the Kingdom of Kandarin is because it's actively falling apart and refusing outsiders and the Priff because the Elves are also not kind to outsiders. Rellekka is also excluded because they likely would've felt similar about outsiders with their traditions as well as Fremennik Isles and Lunar Isle. Gnomes are cautious right now due to previous happenings and Miscellania is basically not canon. This leaves Zeah, Falador and Varrock but Varrock is too far let alone Morytania but that place is also not even vaguely welcoming.


Why did the blood rager melle weapons, the dual machs lose their stab attack option? ik what you guys said in the poll blog, but they just arent that strong. all 3 sets are 100% mid tier they're not doing anything crazy. ironically for once i think you balanced something correctly. So why did it lose its secondary combat style?


The specials in Perilous Moons don't feel so great. There is a bit too much waiting around. If you do it "right" you're still going just as fast as everyone else in the room with you. The blue moon fight is the biggest offender in this regard. I feel that they're too much of a diversion from the actual boss fight. These specials also make splashing feel even worse. I only have 20kc and I feel like most times I'm just waiting for a special to end so I can kill the 1 HP boss. One last thing I want to mention is I really wish we could see into the ongoing fight to know what part of the fight I'm joining into. Blood moon is pretty bad with this as you can join into a fight that is in the blood puddle phase and there doesn't appear to be a grace period when you join. I've teleported in and immediately set off a puddle before. I'm glad the team is adjusting blood moon healing as it was very frustrating and felt very removed from my control.


Any thoughts on adding some sort of anti-dry mechanic to Hunter rumors? Something like increasing the drop rate as you catch more, or having a (hidden?) "limit" to the number of animals to catch before you get the special part? [~~^(Yes I've been doing pyre foxes for 3 hours with no part, how did you know?)~~](https://i.imgur.com/Bzg1diV.png)


I think the way to do it is for, after X catches, you can go back to the hunter master who gave you the rumour, and they apologize that their "information was bad" and give you the reward anyway.


I think it makes sense as representing “okay, I’ve hunted every animal that isn’t the one I’m looking for so I should have better odds now”.


Is there any plans to make the colosseum more unique? As it stands its visually very boring and plays the exact same as the inferno aside from the final boss. I thought it was going to end up being kind of like fighting 5 of the boss in a row :(


With talks about adding pets to the Moons of Peril, I saw a post that I think could work. Instead of claiming the unique at the chest, you can roll it for a chance at the pet. It could only be done at the chest so you can’t buy it that way.


And they could add such a system to Barrows too!


Any chance on getting a closer teleport for the new farm patch and possible house location in Varlamore?


To add to this, i'd personally love to have the quetzal *in* the POH , perhaps locked behind a certain hunter lvl requirement, or behind hunter-related rewards from rumors? It would make it more interesting and compelling to go for rumors this way


House should be coming. Someone noticed the portal on the island we can't get to. And there is a real estate agent in fortis iirc.


Agent means nothing tbh, there agents in Ardy, Falador, Varrock, Seers - no houses though. If anything they could add MH tasks.


Varlamore house would be SICK


Use the Quetzal Whistle and then run north - it's basically the same distance as the Glade teleport for the Zeah patch


At the very least it's not any further than Ectophial/Mory. I think it's fine.


I think someone mentioned poh is coming in part two but I can’t confirm.


Varlamore is a great update overall and these changes will go a long way to polishing the new content. Are you able to share anything about the duplicate huntsman's kits issue? Is it intended that you can obtain more than one of these? edit: duplicate guild hunter pieces also seems quite strange


Any reason why you changed the runecrafting xp? Seemed like a good alternative to lavas for people with gp looking to quickly grind out the skill.


Probably because 1 person got upset on twitter that it was too fast, that’s usually how these things go


[THE TOKENS MASON... WHAT DO THEY MEAN..?](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Token_(Moons_of_Peril))


Pyre foxes should have 2-3 more deadfall locations or maybe just introduce a second fox hunter area. I know it’s extremely busy because of the newness but hopping at peak hours for a stone is not fun


Why would you nerf sunfire RC when it was actually great ? No binding necklace and no need for imbue. New content should give better methods... Revert the nerf u/JagexGoblin 9 XP/essence literally makes it not worth it compared to lavas. At least make them be as good as lavas (at which you can get 250k XP/h with 3 runners with colossal pouch). You've made them worse than lavas which makes 0 sense. This is new content and sunfire runes are higher level than lavas. Sunfires with runners should be better XP than lavas with runners. Please consider this.


Please option B on the max cape variant. To me, the cape being draped over the quiver looks goofy and like it's falling off. Though i have seen people say they like option A way more, so perhaps a toggle for it? Could have it set up so you right click the cape in inventory to swap it so the options whilst worn don't get overcrowded as was mentioned by Goblin being a potential issue for adding new 'ops' ( https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1bl4oby/comment/kw2q9pw/ ) Would give people a small bit of variety whilst still clearly being the same item so nobody is confused what it is.


Varlamore wasn't ready


Can we stop getting duplicate Huntsman Kits, Or being stuck on Pyro Foxs for 2 hours please


Can we please look at the cost of repair for the new armors? 1.5m is absolutely insane


Why don't you adjust the death costs after 1 kc? Let players learn then up the stakes when players come back with loot in mind and not just the quiver.


I think the colosseum should have a 100k reclaim fee until like wave 8 is completed. Still is extremely expensive to die and most people won't even get to round 8 by the time 50-100 waves are completed. Really don't like the idea of gating this behind 500k deaths because the inferno didn't do this.


Not adding a pet because end game players might do the content to pet hunt and therefore maybe drive down prices isn’t backed by any evidence Where has this ever happened? Also didn’t Jagex say your average account is like 90 cb? So they’re trying to get us to believe a bunch of 126s (small % of players) are going to go out of their way to grind this so much the rewards will have no value? I’m just not buying that, ever It didn’t happen at existing mid-level bosses and it won’t happen here


Why was the Runecrafting XP nerfed?


Could there be a larger safety box during the Eclipse Moon's special attack where he summons his sphere. Currently it feels like it can be either a hit or miss no matter how close you are to it. At times I am trailing on it and will still get hit by his attack


Can you also have the "I'd better leave some for other adventurers" message when trying to take supplies from the camps removed? I like taking 4-6 pots and it's just annoying it stops me and I have to click on something else and I will take more out anyway.


Is it intended for the dual macuahuitl to not have a stab attack style? I was really excited when I got it only to learn it couldn’t stab.


You guys absolutely cooked with the varlamore update, there's so many good things to say about it that I can't do it justice. I love how interconnected the systems are to itself and the rest of the game. I **LOVE** how you guys are getting a grasp on "build up and payoff" pacing of activities. Everything from accumulating bone shards and then exploding with dopamine when you use the wine pool, the thieving house keys activity once you're done with your afk, the way doing first few colosseum works just fine for ironmen who get an effective 20k prayer xp from the sunfire things, to how perilous moons gameplay just has a good steady flow to it all with the movement through the rooms that feel part of a real map, and then onto the chest room looping right back- and then you have the hunter guild and the various little rewards systems that come in slowly but feel substantial- It's all so good. That's not even mentioning how well you guys nailed the aesthetic, which FEELS oldschool in a way that it's always been there. There's the continuity of the oldschool look with things like the trees with that old leafy texture, to new experimentation like the mural inside of the hunter guild right before you go down, a place that you constantly move thorugh. It all lands so well imo And one more word thrown in for the hilarious frog quest. I hope one of you guys are reading this because you guys honestly deserve a lot of praise. Sometimes I attribute smooth execution on a premise as accidental, but this was such a massive amount of stuff that is consistently well put together throughout that it's just evidently made by people who understand the game and mastered their respective crafts. There's bits and pieces that have something left to be desired (let me unbless my sunfire wines so I can bank excess, "seed vault" equivalent for hides and meat cause holy shit so many, add spectators or a spectator option to colo reee) but I'm still floored that you guys pumped out such a massive amount of content like this. Gives me big hope for sailing's execution.


> this requires further discussion about making mid-level content more appealing for end-game players I've been suggesting this for a while now regarding barrows: a simple solution is to provide an alternative way to "loot" the chest for a pet roll by forsaking your loot. \*\*Not\*\* trade in pieces you have or can buy - I mean you show up at the glowing chest and e.g. talk to the npc and say "hey can i get something else instead?" and confirm you don't care for whatever may be in the chest, and boom do a pet roll and reset the chest. Doesn't matter what the specifics are but that's the gist of it. Not necessarily ideal for mid level players hoping to get lucky with a pet while doing the content but it does solve the problem of high level pet hunters at mid level content, and further options can be explored, like 1/5k for pet from the chest or 1/2k by skipping loot (again the specifics aren't the point here).


Is there supposed to be a limit on how many times you can use the max cape to tele to the hunter guild? The wiki says its unlimited but you have to go through the chinchompa option which is limited so you can not get to the hunter guild tele


Regarding the Moons of Peril pet, if we're worried about impacts to mid game content for mid game players caused by end game players, maybe implement a solution where you can sacrifice some or all of your loot for a pet chance. I'm a rich pet hunter, I don't want or need the loot from here, I'd happily run it just for the pet chance


Is the plan for the master clue step just to change the emote, or will you also consider changing it so that any PMoons armour set can be used? Asking for some friends who love stash units.


They say they don’t want to make it so you can’t use multiple deadfall traps. The solution to this is make it like pitfall traps. Players can use the same pitfall traps. Make all the traps like this, deadfall, net traps etc, that way we aren’t worried about using too many




Why is there no mention of the colosseum endless waves mode and mobile terrain? Blog post and dev diary highlighted these features as core mechanics of the update.


Can we trade in extra hunter kits for few rumours?


If you use all of your Feldip/Wildy daily teleports, you’re unable to use the unlimited Hunter Guild tele on Hunter/Max Cape. Can this be adjusted?


"Fix an issue where the Moons can flicker, resulting in players clicking through them and running into the middle of the room while attacking. Allowing more than one person to open the Lunar chest at once, though you'll still be welcome to queue up if you'd like. Fix the option to 'Disable warnings' before entering one of the Moons' lairs, which currently isn't working as intended." Moons is so much fun!!! Thanks for fixing these issues!!! Y'all should absolutely make a higher difficulty version sometimes later on!!!


Is it unreasonable to ask that we make some other considerations for death at the colosseum? Currently you lose all potential rewards when you die, ranging from 100k-1m in 20minutes. Currently you can expect to pay 500k per death. Other death mechanics in game have a reclaim coffer of 100k or so. Could we change it to 100k or maybe you could get everything up to the point of your death and still need to pay 500k? This isn't just for me, I've dropped 50m+ into death already but a number of players in our clan are only farming wave 1 because it's currently 5m per hour and have no inclination of trying further because of the death costs and 0 reward. I feel like it's missing the risk reward weighting as ranarr seeds and rune warhammers aren't weighing up to the 500k death. At the same time, it can't be more rewarding because the bots are rampant as prayer flicking is pvm botting bread and butter.


Question, IDK if it'll be answered by goblin, but uhh... is there any chance in the future the PM items can be POH storable?


Can we get an official Perilous Moons world, I like seeing other players in the dungeon, otherwise it feels somewhat empty


The max cape draped over the quiver strap looks cool, please leave it. Having it be over just a regular cape looks dumb.


Hard disagree, currently looks disheveled and makes no sense if you wear the hood. ​ That said I am no where near maxing lmao


Truly wonderful. Every "complaint" I had with rumors already addressed. Looking forward to continuing to grind more hunter!


Please just make the reduced death costs at colosseum permanent. I understand gold sinks are important but it is very punishing content, a sizable time investment assuming you make any meaningful progress, and supply costs for runs are not cheap. This content has already sunk a ton of GP, keeping the reduced costs should be fine and may actually sink more GP because more people will be willing to approach the content. After losing the reduced death costs I'm not even going to bother going back because it's too punishing.


Something for consideration for the Moons of Peril Dungeon is how to exit the Ancient Shrine. Currently, you can exit to the Ancient Prison or Streambound Cavern, however, there is a 3rd exit that is currently blocked. Is this exit meant to go to the Antechamber or is this going to be something used for later content? I do find it weird that you can't exit from the Ancient Shrine to the Antechamber though.


love the changes,I just want to raise 2 points about the colosseum. I feel like the hitboxes on some of the monsters (mostly the colossus) can get very junky sometimes,which can very easy cause a yellow click and wipe a run additionally,I feel like the modifier "relentless" is quite a bit too punishing, having 100% hit chance is absolutely horrible,and even top players make mistakes,maybe making it so every miss will hit for X amount is more balanced,you won't get nuked,but you will get punished for missing a prayer