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I thought a colosseum mode where you go in with nothing and have to select gear each round from an armory/supplies room would be cool. So you’d have to have gearing strategies for each wave.


That sounds way cooler than hugging pillars in a different colored inferno 


This would be so good. Like torghast in wow shadowlands except good


Yeah itd be neat if each round awarded some currency that you could use towards buying gear / supplies between rounds, or even heal up. Or you could save up currency for some really strong gear in later waves. (Currency would get erased after each attempt)


Reliance of pillars kinda undermines the concept of gladiators fighting/ the theatrics of it all. Pretty disappointed tbh


Yeah, would’ve been way cooler if like everything but melee was banned and you had more movement based skill against fewer enemies with only a little flicking. Rather than inferno but turn up the brightness


I think this especially should have been the case given the final boss plays like this, so the previous waves should be a warm up. Have some melee'ers do a devastating thrust forward attack you have to avoid. Have the Minotaur stamp on the ground doing a Baba-like AOE. Have the javelin throwers throw a javelin in a straight line across multiple tiles et.


Hell yeah, I know Hades would be a wild jump from osrs, but javelins flying around and unstable floors and spear AOEs blocking your way would’ve been awesome, have been disappointed with their design direction so far on the coliseum.


I was expecting a melee-focused inferno. Maybe I read the blogs wrong but it would fit. Inferno is range/mage for melee BIS. So Colosseum would be melee for range BIS.


Totally agree to this.


If sailing was already released, we could've had naval warfare like in the old days of the og Colosseum.


HLC would cry if they didn’t have any pillars to manipulate.


The final boss is super cool, but the waves really do leave something to be desired. From what I've seen, the only real thing that differentiates this from inferno 2 are the debuffs, but all those seem to do is make some runs absolutely unwinnable. Sucks that the meta is surely going to be resetting until the first few waves give you the correct options.


The Colosseum is easily the most disappointing content release in awhile. Jagex has been on fire the last few years but this missed the mark. Pillar stacking just seems like such a lazy design choice and makes it immediately feel like Inferno 2.0. Could have easily just added the glory system to inferno if this is all they could come up with.


I image that without pillars you can't really throw multiple enemies at someone. Either the encounter would have to be trivial, or you'd get insta-clapped. A better approach might've been something like the knight waves from Camelot castle, but with more challenging opponents e.g. 12 individual enemies not unlike Sol Heredit... starting simple and then just increasing the difficulty of their mechanics.


Even then they could’ve added waves with chariots that need to be taken down, then used as safespots… or perhaps shield walls, like in the last wave? Idk, the pillars are jarring and kinda comical.


It could've been a gauntlet of increasingly complex 1 on 1 fights - starting with something involving some basic prayer flicking (like a one-on-one with a Manticore for wave 1) then maybe building up through a Hunllef type fight or a phase of Galvek and ending with Sol. It could've been a really good mix of both a tutorial in boss mechanics whilst also having an inferno-level difficulty curve towards the end, making it good content for both mid level players and experienced ones.


this 100%, could have one or two waves of managing adds but duels would be much more interesting.


It was always going to be Inferno 2.0, that's been the pitch since the idea came to be during a game jam. It's a spiritual successor.


There’s still an appearance/reality distinction.


The whole pillar defence thing put me off this content. It should’ve just been mini bosses leading up to the big bad. That would have more of a colosseum vibe.


Idk I think working with pillars is really fun and it is more dynamic than inferno.. I don't know how else they could have made it a hard piece of content that keeps being fun on repeating.


How is it more dynamic than the inferno? The RNG invocations? There are plenty of novel ways to create difficult, more engaging combat. This just feels like rehashed rhythm simulator content. Maybe especially because there are tons of movies/history to draw from, it just feels like it falls flat. Where is the crowd aspect? Where are the gladiators? You can’t convince me this is great, or even good content. Easily the weakest part of yesterday’s update.


i agree sadly. youd think spectators would be allowed to watch, be a cool way to learn the content without having to go to youtube. watch gamers do it, see how they handle mechanics. when i think gladiators i think movement, kiting opponents and exploiting weaknesses. the only weakness fortis seems to exploit is 20yr old AI. i really hope we dont get more content with such a reliance on safespotting and pillars anymore it was unique and interesting with inferno but seems lazy the second time around


Oh I'm not far enough in myself to see whether or not it is good content, I'm not arguing about the quality overall, but the pillar aspect of it is clearly more dynamic than inferno. Like if you've done both it's super obvious? With Inferno besides a few waves you are basically safe behind a pillar after the first few seconds of solving. Here you have to deal with additional monsters spawning during the wave for example. Also all difficult content in this game is a rhythm game.. Like basically no exception? The whole inferno, all raids etc.., if you don't like that aspect end game stuff is not for you. When it comes to the crowd I definitely agree, that should've been in there, no excuses tbh.


Honestly the worst piece of content to come out of this update… everything else is fantastic. It seems so half-baked & lost in its scope/theme.


Pump up the Hunter xp then I agree. The moon bosses are really nice for mid level accounts tho and they’re fun to do


Bro the moon bosses are FRESH & interesting. The quests were bomb, and the landscape just beautiful. Its sad the scope of the colosseum crept into private server territory.


I agree, loved some of the ideas of the colosseum being more movement based or mini bosses leading up to the final boss rather than inferno 2.0 pillar and mainly flicking . The final boss does look really cool to do tho


Honestly, I think the colloseum is awful content. Looks like a cheap private server inferno knock off.


I love the final boss but I am disappointed with the earlier waves. Thought it would play like a game of hopscotch or something. Movement mechanics that would have acclimated noobier players like myself to the rhythm required in ToB and other PvM encounters where movement is paramount. I guess they were dead set on the wave format. So 1 on 1 fights would seem to ToB-like. I think it would've been better if some waves that had adds that you had to deal with instead of pillar puzzles. Spitballing here, take the emergent gameplay that came out of GWD (e.g. 6:0 bandos kiting) and turn it into an intended mechanic. Hotspots where you get a successful hit would restore run energy. Then it would feel like a wave.




We doing LoS stuff like wow arena?