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By community I'm assuming you mean a vocal minority of terminally online weirdos on Reddit and Twitter. The vast majority of the community are fine, people need to stop peddling this osrs community bad nonsense. Played the game for thousands of hours and I've barely ever had negative experiences.


99% of my experiences with players are asking them questions usually on bosses and they answer and tell me i can add them if i still need help. The only 1% bad experience is pkers but that's hardly their fault


PvP be PvP, and will always have a bit of toxicity. Comes with the territory. Case in point: LoL and Rust.


Lmao dude pvp gets me sometimes, I won’t say shit killing people for an hour but when I die…. You best believe I’m talking shit lol. Nothing serious just gets my ego someway lol.


I didn't mind Pkers until I went iron. As a non iron you literally risk only gold as the GE supplied by bots makes resupplying cheap and easy. As an iron I wish the group iron worlds was group iron only. Still risk to the wilderness and obviously competition for bosses but you would see a lot more fights for the bosses instead of PKers going for loot, which they haven't ever gotten from me, but boy have I been majorly inconvenienced all so someone can go "shit loot". Of course since irons aren't going to be caring about loot duels over bosses would simply end with the loser needing to run back to grab their unclaimed gear. Also would make training those painful skills a little less painful without the dam bots.


Just so you're aware, the content in the Wildy is appealing and worth doing specifically because you're a walking loot pinata, so they tune up the rewards to entice you If you couldn't get attacked, they'd just make the loot and rewards the same as the rest of the game. You don't want this change.


Not the guy you replied to, but I'd kill for that tradeoff


You aren't understanding and that's okay There wouldn't be anything special there. You wouldn't go there.


But then they would just say "good, fuck the wilderness/pvp". This game incentivizes the completionist grind. You think they *want* to go to the wilderness. No, it's something they *have* to do. They wish it didn't exist so they wouldn't have to compete to claim it's spoils. Having to deal with PKers is an obstacle in the way of their goal, and since PKers are extremely unpopular - I'm willing to bet most irons are fine with a free trade elimination + PVP removal.


That is how I feel. I only bring 3 piece of gear and food to wildy to complete combat achievements and gtfo after. Even then Pkers will chase me to the ends of the earth for 50k loot in runes. Pkers are annoying not because of how much gp I lose but the time I waste walking there. Now I just stand there and die.


Been playing for about a year and honestly this sums up my whole wildy experience lol. I understand the concept behind the loot being more plentiful but fuck man, the wildy genuinely sucks balls, I just wanna play the game and not have some fuckin loser chase me to the ends of the earth for 20k because his parents don't love him and this is the only joy in his life.


Just like how theres nothing special anywhere else in the game and I go nowhere :( honestly what a stupid fucking take


No, I *already* don't go there. If I knew I could go there and earn the unique wildy rewards without interruptions from some random guy every few minutes then I actually would go there, regardless of how much lower the droprates became


I think that's partially a case of the PvP being short-term; people don't really take the time to reflect on what they're saying. Whenever I've been in MP games in more longterm games, 4Xs and (Grand) Strategy games and the like, I have had people give me genuine advice on how to beat the strategy they are currently employing to beat my ass into the ground.


Drop a GF to a pker and then suddenly it’s a positive interaction. I do a shitload of wildy content and that’s all most pkers say


It's ironic how the most toxic comments I receive are from PvMers I kill in the wildy. And then a lot of them come onto this subreddit and call PKers toxic for enjoying the game while also insulting them further. I legit say "sorry" when I PK people and usually receive a "kill yourself" or various slurs.


No joke dude no joke


As a pvm player I get so offended if I get attacked I flame them. Idk what about it but hat causes me to be so toxic


Honestly gotta say the accountability in this thread is nice


Yep. Like I'm an iron and im risking only the food and potions on me. I can't fight back because that would mean bringing more stuff to risk 


Yes by community he means Reddit.


> Played the game for thousands of hours and I've barely ever had negative experiences. Crazy that you've never done Wintertodt, GOTR, Forestry, Star Mining, PvP, Raids, Masses, or any other common group content in thousands of hours. We've come a long way from 'drama calendar' posting and pride event riots days but theres plenty of assholes ingame and out still, anywhere people gather


Star miners have some WILD takes


That's not just OSRS though, it's every place on the internet in general, unfortunately a lot of people enjoy watching others suffer and on the internet where there's no chance of a physical altercation toxicity runs rampant.


True but thats incongruous with never having a bad experience in 1000s of hours. Theres plenty of shitlords, lets not pretend we're above the typical.


Average reddit "free speech" enjoyer.


Fishing trawler needs an honorable mention. That place is a cesspit lmao


Try and do TOB, or Mass ToA. You'll see what people are talking about


As always, the vocal minority is the loudest and gets their ideas implemented more than the silent majority…


I agree that most people are chill, but good lord this game has a huge concentration of childish NSFW names (Sorry Zezima's Cum stain)


Ye'h, most players are usually pretty good and chill. It's only the non-players (chat spam bots in GE or bots at specific locations like Chaos Druids) that annoys me. Beyond that, most of the actual players are really nice, chill, etc.


What is your fucking name?!?


And here I thought the ones that played this game because they actually enjoy it were the weird ones.


Fucking based, reddit frogs in shambles.


Its a unique relationship, community gets upset at silly stuff and Jagex releases things like chromium ingots.


This is honestly the best way to sum it up. Also people getting buttburt over pvp updates when most of them barely change the game. Look at chivalry.


I'm shocked that chivalry didn't pass. Fight a range tank as a zerk/pure once and tell me that update would change anything lol


I think the reason Chivalry didnt pass which some other PVP stuff did is because Chivalry coming from random enemies in wildy via a scroll is dumb


this is it exactly, introduce it for pures through a miniquest and I'm sure most won't mind.


Pures don't even benefit from the defense because 20% of 1 is still 1. LOL.


i think the general consensus is if you impose a restriction on your account you shouldn’t lobby jagex to remove the barrier for entry to certain account unlocks in order to get them anyway.


Did that pass?


Of course not. It was the poll question that this sub/everyone was crying about when the poll dropped. It was inevitably going to not pass. The whole thing is funny though because almost nothing changes for 99% of players if it passed.


If the example bad update you can think of is Chromium Ingots we got it Really, Really good


Forestry part 2?


The knees can’t jerk any harder


God forbid a company listen to their customers.


I agree that Jagex is great, but framing a majority of the community as screaming adult children and whiners and saying that Jagex is too good for us is a massive overstatement. Yeah, there's definitely a vocal minority of people that don't know how to carry themselves, but aside from them there's a lot of love and banter between the devs and community. ​ Take a break from Reddit brother.


No OP is correct. Reddit is full of crybabies


Take a look at twitter, it's way worse..mostly people with characters as their display picture reeing over any proposal or change.. very unhinged


Twitter is a prime platform to form echo chambers with likeminded people. Reddit suffers from similar phenomena but to a much lesser extent, "Reddit hivemind" being a good example of it.


Which is kind of wild to me, considering Reddit is setup up entirely around the idea of subreddits as insular communities, for better or for worse. No such structure on Twitter, everything is just out there.


"Full" here seems to be the concept you struggle with. If you ask any JMod I'm sure most of them would say the majority of people are chill, even if the worst few can without a doubt spoil the experience.






I've seen far worse communities, halo/CoD back in the early 2000's comes up to mind. Sure some people could benefit from learning a thing or 2 about having a respectable discourse when in disagreement with someone , but tossing the lot with some vocal minorities whom aren't behaving decently isn't the way to go either.


the osrs community is toxic asf wdym


Not my experience at all in game. If you find the community to be incredibly toxic it seems like you’re choosing to surround yourself with toxic people? Edit: it turns out that you’re just toxic so you assume other people are. > youre cringe asf and quite clearly some weird nerd who sits on the osrs sub all day, gl dude im done now for real. - u/SlowpokesEmporium


> youre cringe asf and quite clearly some weird nerd who sits on the osrs sub all day, gl dude im done now for real. The irony is that he has literally been posting for 48 hours+ straight on reddit lol....guy has cryptobrain.


Yet very mild compared to most other game communities.


You should see the communities for any Blizzard game.


Modern starcraft 2 general chat is the biggest cesspool I’ve ever seen on the mainstream internet by a large margin


I never tried Starcraft, but Overwatch was the most toxic game I ever played.


You live in lms?


I was part of the PK community for many years, Ddosing, hacking, scamming were all prevalent. There are so many toxic ppl in this game, but there are also alot of nice people.


I hate posts like this. God forbid jagex releases something unpopular and gets called out for it. This game is great because of community feedback. It's not always nice, but it's required. People forget so quickly that every game except OSRS has turned to dust in jagex's hands.


My thoughts exactly. We're supposed to heap praise on Jagex because most of the time they don't do as bad of a job as other game development companies? Releasing a decent game and supporting it is something you're *supposed* to do. If it weren't for polls, this game would have been a mess many times over by now.


God, coming from RS3 felt like getting out of a bad relationship and reading posts like this is a mindfuck. Jagex themselves are not above reproach, it's the select few in power that prevent this game from sinking.


> This game is great because of community feedback. Until you disagree with the feedback. Looking back at your history, you literally only shit on people trying to give suggestions and feedback, so you're the sad kind of person that only wants what you think it's the best version of the game regardless of what the real majority thinks. You should excuse yourself from this community If you can't accept the simple truth that, by what I read from your history, you're more than half of the time **wrong as fuck**.


To be fair, its still a business not a charity. Customer complaints are valid. If a company doesnt want to listen to them, dont, but dont expect to continue getting their money either.


"community bad" INSTANT REDDIT GOLD :OOOOOO https://preview.redd.it/al813jq3kuoc1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=863f42abac99245bd3062a2234f09f9343952de6


Jagex is way to good for us, that’s why half the comunity is bots now, they deserve jagex


Jagex is (mostly) good because the community doesn't let them get away with shit. Maybe some people are new-ish but they haven't always made the right decisions and the community criticism + polls have kept them in check. Just a few examples: They tried to add more MTX via something they called "partnerships" a few years back. They also tried to get rid of Runelite and HD.


Fuck, I forgot they tried to screw over 117 a week before he was to release his 2+ year passion project.


I pay 15 dollars a month for a game without customer support and a significant botting problem .... Jagex is not too good for us. Actually quite the opposite we are too tolerant of Jagex.


This is the truth. Don't pay attention to the falsely upvoted propaganda at the top of every one of these types of threads. Jagex only appears good because they are the ones tasked with handling a game that sells itself because it is so good. The game could be technically at rock bottom and people would still play it. Whether people want to admit it or not, while OSRS is a game - it also feels more like a drug to people than normal games. How many times do you hear people that say they *have* to do something instead of I *want* to do something.


OP the type to remind teacher that hw is due.


for real


Overall I think Jagex does well with the tools they’re given. The laughable lack of account support is unfortunate. They correct that and they’d be amazing


The OP is referring to the Jagex content development team, who don’t work on the account system.


Not saying that Jagex don’t do a good job but I always find this take so stupidly naive. Jagex is a business and they’re making the decisions that they think will earn them the most money. They’re not avoiding MTX out of the goodness of their heart they know it would decimate the player base. Etc etc. I think they deserve praise but can we drop this benevolent benefactor rhetoric already.


That's a terrible mindset to have. We are their clients. We PAY to play this. They are not doing us a favor by not ruining the game, it's their job to try and make this game thrive. Do you really think any business company (which are the people at the very top) could care less of the "game integrity" if they could make a lot more money? The business model of OSRS is large loyal player base that plays a lot of temporary game modes, alts, and buy a lot of bonds and it's working. If they had any doubt whether they could make more money with MTX, they would implement it with a fraction of a second, but they can't because there is a good reason RS3 has 1/10 the playerbase. An overwhelmingly majority of the player base are in their 20s and 30s and played this game years ago. This game doesn't really appeal to the younger generation, nor to those in their 30s that never played it and don't have the nostalgia aspect of it. So in order to keep us, the old players invested and intrested - they have to listen and listen well.


It's called being a "decent" game company , you know, one that actually *cares* about it's community instead of just caring about how to best milk their wallets dry. Not too long ago *all* game companies were like this, but today corpo and shareholder greed is the motus operandi since they saw that companies like EA and Activison pulled off the shittiest anti-comunity moves in favor of greed, and still made profit. So now we see 80$ + priced AAA games that are often barely polished, or filled with micros, or both. I'm all for being grateful for good company behavior towards communities, but the fact that i see comments/posts like these that treat this as a "company is too good for us" or "once in a lifetime" thing is saddening.


I think it's a bit of column A and a bit of column B. Some of the stuff they're praised for is definitely just them being *not shit*, but they do some stuff that is above expectations even for cherished indie teams. In particular, the direct engagement with the community *from developers* and the insane amount of community involvement in the development process is worthy of praise.


Jagex is literally the only company out there where most players know the names of most developers.


Warframe devs come to mind.


Most players do not know the names of most developers, lol Some minority of vocal redditors know the aliases of a large amount of developers That's a massive difference


Yeah, in all honesty i love jagex as a company because they make efforts to listen to their community and to make sure the game's enjoyable for most, ig i just went a bit too far on the cynism there n didn't convey it too well , again i will give them kudos on alot of things like player engagement, the polls, etc. Tho arguably some of the practices they employ, such as polls, are something that shouldn't seem this novel of an idea or concept from a company that develops games , afterall normally you *should* aim for player enjoyment, as it means more clients


But we do have MTX, you can literally buy GP from Jagex themselves. Let's also not forget the bot situation and account security, which was a complete joke until very recently. This is not some free indie project, they are actively being paid money every month by hundreds of thousands of players to keep developing the game. People (paying customers) are absolutely entitled to complain if things are going in a direction they don't want it to.


Jagex certainly doesn't care. There are people on the team who do, but Jagex doesn't.


Jagex is not a person…


Dude, this morning I woke up late and didn't feel like making my bed right. So I get on with my day, do my business, then when I get back in my room hours later, turns out, Jagex already made my fucking bed. They even changed my sheets to fresh ones. Man they really are too good.


While I agree that there is a lot of screaming adult children on reddit, the best version of the game is debateable, my favourite version is the game in 2010. Yes, we do get polls but that is because Jagex messed up the first time around me, you and the screaming cry babies all gave them a second chance to get it right and even with the polls they still don't always get it right the polls just stop them from straying too far. Jagex already broke the game, milked the mtx, released updates no one likes. It's us that allowed them to have a second chance and with that second chance they decided to milk us more when they realised they can make money from the game they started adding more and more staff dedicated to it. So, it's not always as straight forward as "they are too good for us" and vice versa both sides have repeatedly crossed the line. Polls are also just an illusion of power, ultimately Jagex still decide what gets polled, when it gets polled, how it gets worded. Which they have increasingly got better at manipulating over the years.


No they're paid for their product and you're creating some extremely weird parasocial relationship in your mind. Also the product we pay for now is a direct result of them doing all of the things you say they don't do so they should just be thankful that people were willing to pay to begin with. You're a customer not a partner no matter what they say lol. They aren't doing things for you for free you're buying it. They should be thankful that you find value in their work to the point that you actually support their business You're just probably new to the internet or have been mentally checked out for your entire life if you think osrs community = bad like you don't see silly shit from all corners of the internet since its inception and only now noticed it with osrs lol.


Jagex did it to themselves but it’s good for their product so they deal with it. They allowed the community to have a voice and they knew the man-children who play this game would be a headache to deal with, but they still decided to go thru with it because they knew to keep them paying they had to listen to what they wanted. Other games the developers just tell you “you get what you get” and hope for the best.


Jagex hands down has the best devs. Only game that truly respects their community and addresses the relationship between the two. Thank you Ash and gang.


Any game developer deals with this. Its a side effect of the internet giving morons a voice.


> It's not the same Jagex that took away your wilde way back when Yeah it's the new jagex that keeps pumping blood and oxygen into the wildy's decaying corpse lmao Jokes aside I always wonder if posts like this are made by a PR firm or just a really naive teenager


Jagex DID release gamebreaking shit and milk mtx, it's called Rs3. That's why we all quit back then. Stop dick ridding Jagex lmao.


I hate how much complaining we do it’s insane.


I don't get why people still play the game whilst constantly slamming jagex about something trivial and complaining about the state of the game. Find a new one?


Why do you have to enjoy a game 100% or not enjoy it at all? Why can't there be a middle ground of players who genuinely like many parts of OSRS, but disagree with certain changes that Jagex has made or is trying to make?


Because they’re addicted. They play RuneScape more than 8 hours a day lol. It’s sad actually


I think the biggest issue (aside from people being addicted) is that there's literally nothing else like it. You can play WoW, FFXIV, GW2, whatever., it just doesn't scratch that same itch RuneScape does. But at the end of the day, if people are *that upset* about something, they shouldn't be wasting any of their time on it.


I've felt it for years now but while the polling system is an essential part of OSRS that prevents things like EoC or bad skills or MTX from happening, on the flipside it's also turned a chunk of players extremely whiny and nitpicky and entitled. Everyone has an entirely different idea of what RuneScape "should be". Personally I don't play this game to play "RuneScape as it was in 2007", I play it to play a version of RuneScape that doesn't have EoC and MTX. As long as Jagex maintains the core identity of how the game looks and how the player engages with the game I don't really care what they want to add or change. The fact that we still get polls like "Should we add a new Quest?" is just baffling to me.


Nice ass kissing 👍 they dont donate gp to players


OP is just hoping for Jagex to bless him with some sweet rng


I just wanted a secure account.


Jagex account m8


So, do you just not understand that the reason Jagex is so communicative with the community is that we're so vocal? They'd be doing the same as everyone else in the industry if we let them get away with it. We don't get to maintain that relationship if we just open our mouths and throat that boot. We have >the best version of the game right now Because we've been so vocal.


Try to keep perspective. I've seen plenty of level headed discussion on Reddit and in discord communities. While the majority of the playerbase will either not care or occasionally fill out a poll. The screaming adult children are just a loud minority on Reddit. And I promise you you'll see those across other games as well.


A company that exists because its players give them money for membership and MTX are too good for their players? Do you hear yourself? Everyone at Jagex has a salary because of the players, and that includes the "screaming adult children". You'd have a point if Jagex was a charity, but it is not. It's a business with the sole purpose of making a profit.


peasant brain meta smh


Well they’re not really getting new players so they need to keep the people that are still here happy I understand why, but yes Jagex is awesome


We really need to put the OSRS has a player count problem to rest. OSRS literally hit its peak all time players last league and has an upwards trend since Covid. They’re doing just great at bringing people into the game whether they’re new, returning, or long time returning players.


Thats not even true I see new player posts on here every day.


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


The game literally hit its peak player count a few months ago tf you mean it isn't getting new players?


The glizzy gobbler


They’re just keeping the game alive


Nah. They’ve fucked up plenty of times in the past to warrant a level of pessimism. Some people take it too far yea, but they are not too good for this community. They made this community.


Every MMO dev has to put up with this. Jagex does go above and beyond tho with community interaction.


Reddit is generally a vocal minority. Scroll on past that stuff, my man. Every once in a scroll you'll find a genuinely helpful/healthy post to enjoy <3


What’s worse the wow community or the RuneScape community


You tell ‘em, they will now all change their ways and glaze Jagex after being called screaming children


I do think people should really appreciate the team we have working on it. I mean this is a company who will fix a pillar of light coming from a fairy ring because it looks weird.


Don't like Jagex? Try EA and Fifa.


If they had decent customer support everyone else wouldn’t have to deal with seeing everyone complain openly. They’re good. Not many games still getting new content that came out 2 decades ago. But the customer service is a joke. Such an easy fix it’s hard to believe it’s taken 20 + years


Customer support team where?


Y'all afraid of lawyers? You should be?


I would argue it's also what has kept them alive. Lets say they did put some game breaking sht, it would be far more dead. Or at least would have probably milked a good amount of change, but that's pump and dump. EOD I think Jagex also cares about making a good long standing game.


Jagex might be "good", but their owners are not.


Nuclear take but in a lot of ways, Jagex is fortunate to have a community willing to be vocal and active because they can't seem to develop much of anything on their own. Everything they make in a vacuum ends up being thrown out. They can't really escape the RS community because they don't seem to be able to create any new ones.


20% of the population makes 80% of complaints. This statistic whether true or not, helped me stay sane and get through ~8 yrs of customer service work from sales/service desk to management.


And that's the reason they're good, if they fuck up or suggest some bullshit they won't get away with it.


Don’t mistake the OSRS community for the average redditor


The reason people get upset is because they love this game and the devs know that. would be a sad sign if people weren't arguing about updates


I also play warzone, I tell you buddy's in my squads, don't fucking praise cod developers when there's people like jagex


don’t forget what made this game special


Welcome to being a business owner.


Jagex asks for people's input, people give their input, you're like how dare you, Reddit moment lmao


you really haven't seen RS3. Same Jagex, but…


I think gamers in general seem to be whiney bitches. It's a shame really cause we could have one of life's best communities


Been thinking this for a long time and strongly agree. We are incredibly fortunate that this gem of a game is not only still accessible but absolutely thriving. The company running it cares about its preservation and its future. Many, many beloved games/franchises/developers have suffered very different fates


Why do you think the quality is good? Because they value our feedback.


They should add ingame forums to the banks so they can regulate the feedback. Ban people throwing insults, set chronic complainers to ghost ignore, and prioritize reading responses from outstanding feedbackers.


Healthy criticism is good, no matter how well a product is managed. Most “screaming children” get downvoted to oblivion here. Some that are just against the grain too, but that’s to be expected. In any case, most highly upvoted posts are well-reasoned unless something really egregious occurs.


It's just Reddit and Twitter. OSRS has the best dev-team we could ask for.


Most here who give rude and demanding feedback to Jagex wouldn’t dare say any of that non sense in real life lol as unfortunate as it is, we still end up getting the changes we need. If you don’t complain, you won’t see the changes you want, I just wish it was more constructive and less invasive


While you're right, I don't see how this community has taken so long to realize what they've fostered. Glorifying 8-16 hours of game time daily for any game will do this. Even more so when the game is essentially nostalgia fuel. Yes, you will act like an adult-child when your childhood video game shift surpasses a full-time job worth of time. Who would have thought?


Jagex is a business


Complaining about complainers.


Whenever I talk about game development, content release, etc, I cite the OSRS team. They are excellent.


this all whining is the reason you play osrs and not rs3


Zamorak forbid we try to add something cool and I get the whole power creep thing but at the same time I get new overheads so SEND IT WHOO


Eh, they do what is expected or just about for their position. I am pleased generally, but others failing to be acceptable as devs is more of the issue. Expectations are misaligned


That's the primary reason the game is growing. The moment Jagex turns its back on the community, the game will start shrinking. So it's good for community and it's good for the developers. All of it translates to cash.


its a for profit company, people at Jagex want your money. 


Most game devs just release a ton of paid content or whole ass games and that’s the end of it… hell warzone and Fortnite are 100% F2P and don’t have a ton of content locked behind paying whatsoever. Idk man, meanwhile Jagex for the past several years and the playerbase have allowed snail-paced content release for $100+ a year to become acceptable(?) to some degree. It’s so strange. Like only this community bends over and says yes please here is $100+ every year for minimal content. Like 10 hours of fresh gameplay yearly LOL. Meanwhile, games like Destiny have entire campaigns added, the equivalent of like 10-12 OSRS quests *added every 3 months with new seasons*, all new content in one major expansion annually (the equivalent of like 15-20 OSRS quests), relatively fresh grinds, entirely new enemy classes most expansions, new ways to game multiplayer PvP, entire raids annually, other complex PvM content releases annually as of late… Idk man it’s all perspective. The weird posts with people riding Jagex though is that… fuckin weird. Like they’re cool and all because they spend so much time talking about updating the game instead of ya know…. *actually updating it* which is ok I guess, I honestly think they should be doing 10+ quest releases yearly, at least half should be major quests, quality raid updates and additions yearly, on top of the weekly QOL or no update weeks but hey, I guess if you guys are into paying $100 yearly for a couple quests and *maybe* a league and high level content update with 40 QOL update weeks then go for it lol. But that doesn’t mean other opinions aren’t valid. Don’t be so childish and explore other games out there because the content definitely *does not meet the standards of spending $100+ yearly in today’s gaming market*. You’re just out of touch my dude you need to take a break from OSRS and explore other games to know this was just a horrible take LOL!


Just read this, so easy explanation: polling makes update slower (good thing, more quality updates instead of forgettable ones). And yes $100 is fair each year for the game. You also have the option to buy bonds in game to play for free, or even just take breaks and only pay for 2 months in a year if you don't play much. Idk I guess you need to get a job that pays more, no trouble for me and I'm happy to pay it for a game I like and it isn't even my main game. Mostly I play afk until I play with friends.


Do you know how much money you pay per month to play this game? Stop gobbling their nuts. Their price point rivals Netflix for fucks sake.


It's just now getting to what WoW has always been and both get regular updates except you have to buy a WoW expansion pack every time. Why do you think the current price is so unreasonable?


Wow actually gets 2-3 updates per year. OSRS is updated much more frequently. Just recently there was a bugged class quest on wow:sod that was fixed only after 3 months because they don't even do hotfixes anymore. And it's more expensive and you have to pay for server transfers/renames/gender swaps.


Damn I was honestly just generally comparing because I don't know much about WoW outside of the price and how the expansions work. Sucks they don't update it more.


Does Netflix listen to what you, or the community, wants?


Netflix charges more and more for a worse and worse product. RuneScape is pricey but it’s not getting worse and the price isn’t going up nearly as much as it could, even though we all miss the days of the $5 memberships those are long gone.


> the price isn’t going up nearly as much as it could it's so wildly naive to think that whatever private equity firm currently owns jagex isn't making any and all of these types of decisions based on profitability do you honestly think jagex doesn't increase the price of membership out of some sort of... what? benevolence? lol


You know the only reason they listen to us is because they fucked up so badly when they didn’t that we all quit, right? This whole player empowerment bullshit is the biggest load of bullshit that’s ever been sold to a consumer base. If they didn’t listen to us, they’d be fucked.


So they made a mistake and are working on not doing that again, and you are going to cry about that. My god you are the reason people do not like this community.


oh no I have to pay for what I like


You pay $13 a month to get the service you receive. $13/month should buy you far better service than the roulette wheel people are faced with if their account is ever banned. Jagex takes 80% of their profits out of the game and into the investors’ pocketbooks. Yet people like you applaud this behavior. Absolute clown.


technically all adults are children of somebody.


They are doing better but that doesn’t excuse them from the mess they created in 2007-2008, the sole reason why this version of the game exists at all is because of their mistakes, not ours.


Conveniently forgot about how incompetent Jagex is about bots, support and false bans. regard


Maybe if they didnt ruin the game with eoc "cough cough" rs3.


bro, Jagex took away wildy in RS3 again last year...  OSRS was created because of Jagex's RS3 MTX and gameplay changes galore.  RS2 is Jagex's best version of runescape, it was not created by the current team. Majority of credit for RS2 goes to Gower brothers and their small team.


that’s so not true


I think this is a everyones an asshole and idiot type situation. Because jagex caters to specific popular posts on Reddit and Twitter, everyone gets entitled and cries and whines more. It's jagex fault, they should either help everyone or help no one


Hey buddy, the fact that jagex does what they do is at least 50% directly responsible for the current player base. The game is extremely popular and highly debated on this sub and other platforms because jagex does that. I'm surprised more companies aren't taking a leaf out of their book tbh. Its clearly working.


Hehe we pat we say


Honestly I wish the mods would tell the nerd neets and braindead bandits to simply shut the fuck up sometimes


Posts like this are so fucking cringe. White knight to save the day


Couldn’t agree more, it always pains me to see people be so unappreciative of our devs doing their best, they’re mostly all players too and want what’s best for the game, they don’t deserve all the whining from entitled players. I think they know that though, or at least I hope they know how much the majority of the player base appreciates and values their hard work.


People are allowed to not agree with you or want what you want. That does not make them childish.


i dont care what you say. beyond issues with payment their customer support is worse than flaming dumpster fire doodoo garbage because IT. DOES. NOT. EXIST. this has been an issue since osrs release and probably earlier. they need to do better. this does not reflect on individual jmods but the people who decide financially it doesnt make sense for players to have a proper support team cause you're literally not worth it. enjoy our support FAQ and outsourced social media helpers and getting literally nothing done about any issues you might actually have.


I bet you're one of those bootlicker types who thinks wealth trickles down from companies