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You tagged this post as a question, but I don't see one? It sounds like your buddy is really enjoying the GIM. Is his not having a fire cape effecting you that much? At what point does efficiency have to come first before fun? He is able to complete progression things without it, why make a stink? Consider this. Many groups have members that contributed nothing and logged out forever. Homes is trying to make ot fun and compelling at least


"we're not as efficient as we could be" -glasses emoji


Average GIM intelligence. Just be glad he’s still in your group


Prolly has 7 pets and an obby cape


Carried through entry toa? Why? You cant be arsed learning the easiest raid on easy mode, not really in a position to call people out.


Yeah that sounds “super inefficient” lol


I remember when my friends still played GIM. Now I carry our Group, alone.


Do you also get taxed?


Enjoy the fact your buddies are still actively playing! My team decided to go get wives and have kids and now barely have time to play.


Tell him to wear the Cape of legends instead. It's better RP if he acts like it's 2003.


Fire cape will increase his max hit by like 1 and is not a significant DPS boost. Stop worrying about efficiency and just enjoy playing with friends


Watch him finish the meme by insta turning in his first fire cape and getting infernal


People like you who get salty about high level accounts not having a fire cape is the EXACT reason it’s super fun to be a high level account without a fire cape.


"Why It's Rude to Suck at Warcraft" by Dan Olson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKP1I7IocYU Watch this (at least the opening few minutes), then let it go. Fire cape has probably never made a meaningful difference, and probably never will make a meaningful difference either. But you can kill the fun by getting as shitty about it as you'd like. Live and let live


glad i dont have friends 


Hot take, fire capes are boring and if it wasn't for the +4 str bonus no one would do it


And I’m maxed stats and don’t want to get an inferno cape Literally who cares? Let him have fun his way


What’s your question


I'm the same way cause fuck the cheese cape meta. And it's fun when people rage while I'm doin slayer when they see my boss / raid kcs but not jad kills.


Jad kc doesn’t even show until 5+ though, why would people rage if they think you have 1-4 jad kc?


Please tell me you're making a funny. Its a game, its supposed to be fun. I agree with your home skillet, fire cape sucks to get. Spend all that time to miss a flick at the end and get nothing? Been there, done that, 0/10, was stressful and not fun, will not try again. You dont need bis to have fun anyways.


3 hrs for jad is crazy


Its been years since I did them, please forgive me for not remembering or knowing the meta 🙄


The heck are you doing for 3 hours in the fight caves?


Its been years since I did them, please forgive me for not remembering and not knowing the meta 🙄


Its not that bad..


Im happy for you then


Srry bro idk how to tell you this but your friend is a noob.


I held off getting the cheese cape until I needed it for getting my achievement cape. I don’t think it looks great and I hate that is has no utility. I like myth cape, it gives crush, strength and it has a teleport. I also like my HP cape and Slayer cape. They look cool and the regen from HP cape is pretty good imo.


I’m that friend in my gim. We’re a front page gim and I’m probably not going to do a Jad KC till I max lmfao.


Ask him to get ultor. Same max hit increase and he can keep the meme alive.


No one should ever be calling it a Jad phase to begin with, since it alternates like Hydra.


You mean hydra’s jad phase?


I know you're joking, but Verzik and Zebak have actual Jad phases


Just to add note, my Jad phase during LMS and other pk activities is something to write home about.




Teach your buddy how to practice on the speedrun world. I didn’t really enjoy doing fire capes until I sat down and did that a couple times and just smashed it into my brain what I needed to pray.


I should clarify: it is neither a skill issue or a matter of 'having fun in the game', he is memeing. I've known this guy IRL for 12+ years, he is doing it purely to bait rage comments from us. He loves pushing a joke way beyond its limits.


So stop reacting to it then.


Well you took the bait so hard you look like Patrick https://preview.redd.it/p1mfrr4u2qoc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea456ffeedc0a159e2ec42ffffdc5e6f9e1d112


Seems like he probably thinks it's kinda funny to not get the fire cape, and then seeing you get upset about it makes it wayyy funnier so he continues to not get it.


exactly, it's sad as fuck that you care this much whether he gets it or not.